{-# Options_GHC -O0 #-}

-- | Check a number of properties for popcount-ordered elements.
-- $setup
-- >>> :set -XScopedTypeVariables

module Data.Bits.Ordered.QuickCheck where

import           Test.QuickCheck hiding ((.&.))
import           Data.Int (Int16(..))
import           Data.Bits
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as VU
import           Data.List (groupBy,sort,permutations,nub)
import           Data.Function (on)
import           Data.Maybe (isJust)
import           Control.Monad (join)
import           Debug.Trace
import           Data.Word (Word)

import           Data.Bits.Ordered

-- | Check if both the memoized version and the population enumeration
-- produce the same multisets, but maybe in different order.
-- prop> \(n :: Int16) -> let b = popCount n in memoSorted b == enumSorted b

prop_PopCountSet (NonZero (n :: Int16)) = memo == enum
  where b    = popCount n
        memo = memoSorted b
        enum = enumSorted b

memoSorted, enumSorted :: Int -> [[Int]]

memoSorted b = map sort . groupBy ((==) `on` popCount) $ VU.toList $ popCntMemoInt b
enumSorted b = map sort                                $ [0] : [ roll (popPermutation b) (Just $ 2^k-1) | k <- [1..b] ]
  where roll f (Just k) = k : roll f (f k)
        roll _ Nothing  = []

prop_lsb_Int (x :: Int) = lsbZ x == maybe (-1) id (maybeLsb x)

prop_lsb_Word (x :: Word) = lsbZ x == maybe (-1) id (maybeLsb x)

prop_OneBits_Int (x :: Int) = popCount x == length abl && and [ testBit x k | k <- abl ]
  where abl = activeBitsL x

-- Tests if we actually generate all permutations.

prop_allPermutations (a :: Int , b :: Int) = and $ zipWith cmp (sort qs) (sort $ nub ps)
  where nbs = min a' b' -- number of 1 bits in set
        sts = max a' b' -- set size
        a' = a `mod` 8 -- finiteBitSize a
        b' = b `mod` 8 -- finiteBitSize b
        ps = permutations $ replicate (sts - nbs) False ++ replicate nbs True
        qs = go (Just $ 2 ^ nbs - 1)
        go :: Maybe Int -> [Int]
        go Nothing  = []
        go (Just k) = k : go (popPermutation sts k)
        cmp k as = and [ if a then testBit k c else (not $ testBit k c) | (a,c) <- zip (reverse as) [0 .. ] ]

-- TODO popComplement

prop_popShiftL_popShiftR (a::Word,b::Word) = s == l
  where m = a .|. b
        s = a .&. b
        l = popShiftL m r
        r = popShiftR m s