{- Copyright (C) 2009 Andrejs Sisojevs All rights reserved. For license and copyright information, see the file COPYRIGHT -} -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances, FlexibleContexts #-} -- File with HelloWorld data structures. Had to separate this, since we separated PCLT templates in HelloWorld__.hs and we want to avoid recursive module imports. -- Main file is HelloWorld.hs module HelloWorld_Data where ----------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------- -- Application specific modules import Control.Exception ----------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------- -- Application specific data structures -- \/ data data HelloWorld = HelloWorld -- \/ errors type WorldName = String type WorldIndex = Int data HelloWorldError = NoWorld_HWE | AmbiguousChoiceOfWorlds_HWE (WorldName, WorldIndex) (WorldName, WorldIndex) [(WorldName, WorldIndex)] | SomeVeryStrangeError_HWE Int String Bool (Maybe Bool) (Maybe Bool) SomeException | FailedDueToErrorInSubsystem_HWE ErrorInSubsystem data ErrorInSubsystem = ErrorType1_EIS | ErrorType2_EIS | FailedDueToErrorInSub_sub_system_EIS ErrorInSub_sub_system data ErrorInSub_sub_system = ErrorType1_EISS | ErrorType2_EISS