{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
module BaseSpec.TorusSpecBase (torusSpec, Matrix) where

import Test.Hspec
import Test.Hspec.QuickCheck

import Parrows.Skeletons.Topology as P

import Parrows.Definition
import Parrows.Future

import Data.List
import Data.List.Split

torusSpec :: (Future fut [Matrix] (),
  ArrowLoopParallel (->) [Matrix] [Matrix] (),
  ArrowLoopParallel (->) ((Matrix, Matrix), fut [Matrix], fut [Matrix]) (Matrix, fut [Matrix], fut [Matrix]) ())
  => Spec
torusSpec = describe "torus Test" $ do
    prop "Basic Torus Test" $ torusTest
    prop "Identity Torus Test" $ torusTestIdentity
            vals = [1..256]
            matrixA = toMatrix 256 (cycle vals)
            matrixB = toMatrix 256 (cycle (tail vals))

            torusTest :: Bool
            torusTest = (prMM_torus noPe 256 matrixA matrixB) == (prMM matrixA matrixB)

            torusTestIdentity :: Bool
            torusTestIdentity = (prMM_torus noPe 256 matrixA (identity 256)) == matrixA

noPe :: Int
noPe = 4

type Vector = [Int]
type Matrix = [Vector]

dimX :: Matrix -> Int
dimX = length

dimY :: Matrix -> Int
dimY = length . head

matAdd :: Matrix -> Matrix -> Matrix
matAdd x y
    | dimX x /= dimX y = error "dimX x not equal to dimX y"
    | dimY x /= dimY y = error "dimY x not equal to dimY y"
    | otherwise = chunksOf (dimX x) $ zipWith (+) (concat x) (concat y)

toMatrix :: Int -> [Int] -> Matrix
toMatrix cnt randoms = chunksOf n $ take (matrixIntSize n) randoms
        where n = cnt

identity :: Int -> Matrix
identity size = [((replicate (shift) 0) ++ [1] ++ (replicate (size-1-shift) 0)) | shift <- [0..size-1]]

matrixIntSize :: Int -> Int
matrixIntSize n = n * n

splitMatrix :: Int -> Matrix -> [[Matrix]]
splitMatrix size matrix = (map (transpose . map (chunksOf size)) $ chunksOf size $ matrix)

prMM :: Matrix -> Matrix -> Matrix
prMM m1 m2 = prMMTr m1 (transpose m2)
    prMMTr m1' m2' = [[sum (zipWith (*) row col) | col <- m2' ] | row <- m1']

--  1  2  3  4
--  5  6  7  8
--  9 10 11 12
-- 13 14 15 16

--let x = [[[[1,2],[5,6]],[[3,4],[7,8]]],[[[9,10],[13,14]],[[11,12],[15,16]]]]

numCoreCalc :: Int -> Int
numCoreCalc num
        | num <= 4 = 4
        | num <= 16 = 16
        | num <= 64 = 64
        | num <= 256 = 256
        | num <= 512 = 512
        | otherwise = error "too many cores!"

prMM_torus :: (Future fut [Matrix] (),
  ArrowLoopParallel (->) [Matrix] [Matrix] (),
  ArrowLoopParallel (->) ((Matrix, Matrix), fut [Matrix], fut [Matrix]) (Matrix, fut [Matrix], fut [Matrix]) ())
  => Int -> Int -> Matrix -> Matrix -> Matrix
prMM_torus numCores problemSizeVal m1 m2 = combine $ torus () (mult torusSize) $ zipWith zip (split1 m1) (split2 m2)
    where   torusSize = (floor . sqrt) $ fromIntegral $ numCoreCalc numCores
            combine x = concat (map ((map (concat)) . transpose) x)
            split1 x = staggerHorizontally (splitMatrix (problemSizeVal `div` torusSize) x)
            split2 x = staggerVertically (splitMatrix (problemSizeVal `div` torusSize) x)


staggerHorizontally :: [[a]] -> [[a]]
staggerHorizontally matrix = zipWith leftRotate [0..] matrix

staggerVertically :: [[a]] -> [[a]]
staggerVertically matrix = transpose $ zipWith leftRotate [0..] (transpose matrix)

leftRotate :: Int -> [a] -> [a]
leftRotate i xs = xs2 ++ xs1 where
    (xs1,xs2) = splitAt i xs

mult :: Int -> ((Matrix,Matrix),[Matrix],[Matrix]) -> (Matrix,[Matrix],[Matrix])
mult size ((sm1,sm2),sm1s,sm2s) = (result,toRight,toBottom)
    where toRight = take (size-1) (sm1:sm1s)
          toBottom = take (size-1) (sm2:sm2s)
          sms = zipWith prMM (sm1:sm1s) (sm2:sm2s)
          result = foldl1' matAdd sms