{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-} {-# Language ScopedTypeVariables #-} -- | This module manages the widget which lets the user click signals and stuff module GraphWidget ( newGraph ) where import Data.Maybe (fromJust, isJust) import qualified Control.Concurrent as CC import Control.Monad ( when, unless ) import qualified Data.Sequence as S import qualified Data.Tree as Tree import Graphics.UI.Gtk ( AttrOp( (:=) ) ) import qualified Graphics.UI.Gtk as Gtk import Data.Time ( NominalDiffTime ) import System.Glib.Signals ( on ) import PlotChart ( GraphInfo(..), AxisScaling(..), XAxisType(..), newChartCanvas ) import PlotTypes ( SignalTree, ListViewInfo(..), Getter ) import ReadMaybe ( readMaybe ) -- make a new graph window newGraph :: String -> Gtk.ListStore (SignalTree a) -> CC.MVar (S.Seq (a, Int, NominalDiffTime)) -> IO Gtk.Window newGraph channame signalTreeStore chanseq = do win <- Gtk.windowNew _ <- Gtk.set win [ Gtk.containerBorderWidth := 8 , Gtk.windowTitle := channame ] -- mvar with everything the graphs need to plot graphInfoMVar <- CC.newMVar GraphInfo { giData = chanseq , giXScaling = LinearScaling , giYScaling = LinearScaling , giXRange = Nothing , giYRange = Nothing , giXAxisType = XAxisCounter , giGetters = [] } -- the options widget optionsWidget <- makeOptionsWidget graphInfoMVar options <- Gtk.expanderNew "options" Gtk.set options [ Gtk.containerChild := optionsWidget , Gtk.expanderExpanded := False ] -- the signal selector treeview' <- newSignalSelectorArea graphInfoMVar signalTreeStore treeview <- Gtk.expanderNew "signals" Gtk.set treeview [ Gtk.containerChild := treeview' , Gtk.expanderExpanded := True ] -- options and signal selector packed in vbox vboxOptionsAndSignals <- Gtk.vBoxNew False 4 Gtk.set vboxOptionsAndSignals [ Gtk.containerChild := options , Gtk.boxChildPacking options := Gtk.PackNatural , Gtk.containerChild := treeview , Gtk.boxChildPacking treeview := Gtk.PackGrow ] -- chart drawing area chartCanvas <- newChartCanvas graphInfoMVar -- hbox to hold eveything hboxEverything <- Gtk.hBoxNew False 4 Gtk.set hboxEverything [ Gtk.containerChild := vboxOptionsAndSignals , Gtk.boxChildPacking vboxOptionsAndSignals := Gtk.PackNatural , Gtk.containerChild := chartCanvas ] _ <- Gtk.set win [ Gtk.containerChild := hboxEverything ] Gtk.widgetShowAll win return win newSignalSelectorArea :: forall a . CC.MVar (GraphInfo a) -> Gtk.ListStore (SignalTree a) -> IO Gtk.ScrolledWindow newSignalSelectorArea graphInfoMVar signalTreeStore = do treeStore <- Gtk.treeStoreNew [] treeview <- Gtk.treeViewNewWithModel treeStore Gtk.treeViewSetHeadersVisible treeview True -- add some columns col1 <- Gtk.treeViewColumnNew col2 <- Gtk.treeViewColumnNew Gtk.treeViewColumnSetTitle col1 "signal" Gtk.treeViewColumnSetTitle col2 "visible?" renderer1 <- Gtk.cellRendererTextNew renderer2 <- Gtk.cellRendererToggleNew Gtk.cellLayoutPackStart col1 renderer1 True Gtk.cellLayoutPackStart col2 renderer2 True let showName (Just _) name _ = name showName Nothing name "" = name showName Nothing name typeName = name ++ " (" ++ typeName ++ ")" Gtk.cellLayoutSetAttributes col1 renderer1 treeStore $ \(ListViewInfo {lviName = name, lviType = typeName, lviGetter = getter}) -> [ Gtk.cellText := showName getter name typeName] Gtk.cellLayoutSetAttributes col2 renderer2 treeStore $ \lvi -> [ Gtk.cellToggleActive := lviMarked lvi] _ <- Gtk.treeViewAppendColumn treeview col1 _ <- Gtk.treeViewAppendColumn treeview col2 let -- update the graph information updateGraphInfo = do -- first get all trees let getTrees k = do tree' <- Gtk.treeStoreLookup treeStore [k] case tree' of Nothing -> return [] Just tree -> fmap (tree:) (getTrees (k+1)) theTrees <- getTrees 0 let newGetters :: [(String, Getter a)] newGetters = [ (lviName lvi, fromJust $ lviGetter lvi) | lvi <- concatMap Tree.flatten theTrees , lviMarked lvi , isJust (lviGetter lvi) ] _ <- CC.modifyMVar_ graphInfoMVar (\gi0 -> return $ gi0 { giGetters = newGetters }) return () -- update which y axes are visible _ <- on renderer2 Gtk.cellToggled $ \pathStr -> do let treePath = Gtk.stringToTreePath pathStr -- toggle the check mark let g lvi@(ListViewInfo _ _ Nothing _) = lvi g lvi = lvi {lviMarked = not (lviMarked lvi)} ret <- Gtk.treeStoreChange treeStore treePath g unless ret $ putStrLn "treeStoreChange fail" updateGraphInfo -- rebuild the signal tree let rebuildSignalTree :: SignalTree a -> IO () rebuildSignalTree signalTree = do let mkTreeNode :: (String, String, Maybe (Getter a)) -> ListViewInfo a mkTreeNode (name,typeName,maybeget) = ListViewInfo name typeName maybeget False newTrees :: [Tree.Tree (ListViewInfo a)] newTrees = map (fmap mkTreeNode) signalTree Gtk.treeStoreClear treeStore Gtk.treeStoreInsertForest treeStore [] 0 newTrees updateGraphInfo -- on insert or change, rebuild the signal tree _ <- on signalTreeStore Gtk.rowChanged $ \_ changedPath -> do newMeta <- Gtk.listStoreGetValue signalTreeStore (Gtk.listStoreIterToIndex changedPath) rebuildSignalTree newMeta _ <- on signalTreeStore Gtk.rowInserted $ \_ changedPath -> do newMeta <- Gtk.listStoreGetValue signalTreeStore (Gtk.listStoreIterToIndex changedPath) rebuildSignalTree newMeta -- rebuild the signal tree right now if it exists size <- Gtk.listStoreGetSize signalTreeStore when (size > 0) $ do newMeta <- Gtk.listStoreGetValue signalTreeStore 0 rebuildSignalTree newMeta scroll <- Gtk.scrolledWindowNew Nothing Nothing Gtk.containerAdd scroll treeview Gtk.set scroll [ Gtk.scrolledWindowHscrollbarPolicy := Gtk.PolicyNever , Gtk.scrolledWindowVscrollbarPolicy := Gtk.PolicyAutomatic ] return scroll makeOptionsWidget :: CC.MVar (GraphInfo a) -> IO Gtk.VBox makeOptionsWidget graphInfoMVar = do -- user selectable range xRange <- Gtk.entryNew yRange <- Gtk.entryNew Gtk.set xRange [ Gtk.entryEditable := False , Gtk.widgetSensitive := False ] Gtk.set yRange [ Gtk.entryEditable := False , Gtk.widgetSensitive := False ] xRangeBox <- labeledWidget "x range:" xRange yRangeBox <- labeledWidget "y range:" yRange Gtk.set xRange [Gtk.entryText := "(-10,10)"] Gtk.set yRange [Gtk.entryText := "(-10,10)"] let updateXRange = do Gtk.set xRange [ Gtk.entryEditable := True , Gtk.widgetSensitive := True ] txt <- Gtk.get xRange Gtk.entryText gi <- CC.readMVar graphInfoMVar case readMaybe txt of Nothing -> do putStrLn $ "invalid x range entry: " ++ txt Gtk.set xRange [Gtk.entryText := "(min,max)"] Just (z0,z1) -> if z0 >= z1 then do putStrLn $ "invalid x range entry (min >= max): " ++ txt Gtk.set xRange [Gtk.entryText := "(min,max)"] return () else do _ <- CC.swapMVar graphInfoMVar (gi {giXRange = Just (z0,z1)}) return () let updateYRange = do Gtk.set yRange [ Gtk.entryEditable := True , Gtk.widgetSensitive := True ] txt <- Gtk.get yRange Gtk.entryText gi <- CC.readMVar graphInfoMVar case readMaybe txt of Nothing -> do putStrLn $ "invalid y range entry: " ++ txt Gtk.set yRange [Gtk.entryText := "(min,max)"] Just (z0,z1) -> if z0 >= z1 then do putStrLn $ "invalid y range entry (min >= max): " ++ txt Gtk.set yRange [Gtk.entryText := "(min,max)"] return () else do _ <- CC.swapMVar graphInfoMVar (gi {giYRange = Just (z0,z1)}) return () _ <- on xRange Gtk.entryActivate updateXRange _ <- on yRange Gtk.entryActivate updateYRange -- linear or log scaling on the x and y axis? xScalingSelector <- Gtk.comboBoxNewText yScalingSelector <- Gtk.comboBoxNewText mapM_ (Gtk.comboBoxAppendText xScalingSelector) ["linear (auto)","linear (manual)","logarithmic (auto)"] mapM_ (Gtk.comboBoxAppendText yScalingSelector) ["linear (auto)","linear (manual)","logarithmic (auto)"] Gtk.comboBoxSetActive xScalingSelector 0 Gtk.comboBoxSetActive yScalingSelector 0 xScalingBox <- labeledWidget "x scaling:" xScalingSelector yScalingBox <- labeledWidget "y scaling:" yScalingSelector let updateXScaling = do k <- Gtk.comboBoxGetActive xScalingSelector _ <- case k of 0 -> do Gtk.set xRange [ Gtk.entryEditable := False , Gtk.widgetSensitive := False ] CC.modifyMVar_ graphInfoMVar $ \gi -> return $ gi {giXScaling = LinearScaling, giXRange = Nothing} 1 -> do CC.modifyMVar_ graphInfoMVar $ \gi -> return $ gi {giXScaling = LinearScaling, giXRange = Nothing} updateXRange 2 -> do Gtk.set xRange [ Gtk.entryEditable := False , Gtk.widgetSensitive := False ] CC.modifyMVar_ graphInfoMVar $ \gi -> return $ gi {giXScaling = LogScaling, giXRange = Nothing} _ -> error "the \"impossible\" happened: x scaling comboBox index should be < 3" return () let updateYScaling = do k <- Gtk.comboBoxGetActive yScalingSelector _ <- case k of 0 -> do Gtk.set yRange [ Gtk.entryEditable := False , Gtk.widgetSensitive := False ] CC.modifyMVar_ graphInfoMVar $ \gi -> return $ gi {giYScaling = LinearScaling, giYRange = Nothing} 1 -> do CC.modifyMVar_ graphInfoMVar $ \gi -> return $ gi {giYScaling = LinearScaling, giYRange = Nothing} updateYRange 2 -> do Gtk.set yRange [ Gtk.entryEditable := False , Gtk.widgetSensitive := False ] CC.modifyMVar_ graphInfoMVar $ \gi -> return $ gi {giYScaling = LogScaling, giYRange = Nothing} _ -> error "the \"impossible\" happened: y scaling comboBox index should be < 3" return () updateXScaling updateYScaling _ <- on xScalingSelector Gtk.changed updateXScaling _ <- on yScalingSelector Gtk.changed updateYScaling -- x axis type xAxisTypeSelector <- Gtk.comboBoxNewText mapM_ (Gtk.comboBoxAppendText xAxisTypeSelector) ["counter","shifted counter","time","shifted time"] Gtk.comboBoxSetActive xAxisTypeSelector 0 xAxisTypeSelectorBox <- labeledWidget "x axis:" xAxisTypeSelector let updateXAxisTypeSelector = do k <- Gtk.comboBoxGetActive xAxisTypeSelector _ <- case k of 0 -> CC.modifyMVar_ graphInfoMVar $ \gi -> return $ gi {giXAxisType = XAxisShiftedCounter} 1 -> CC.modifyMVar_ graphInfoMVar $ \gi -> return $ gi {giXAxisType = XAxisCounter} 2 -> CC.modifyMVar_ graphInfoMVar $ \gi -> return $ gi {giXAxisType = XAxisShiftedTime} 3 -> CC.modifyMVar_ graphInfoMVar $ \gi -> return $ gi {giXAxisType = XAxisTime} _ -> error "the \"impossible\" happened: x scaling comboBox index should be < 4" return () updateXAxisTypeSelector _ <- on xAxisTypeSelector Gtk.changed updateXAxisTypeSelector -- vbox to hold the little window on the left vbox <- Gtk.vBoxNew False 4 Gtk.set vbox [ Gtk.containerChild := xAxisTypeSelectorBox , Gtk.boxChildPacking xAxisTypeSelectorBox := Gtk.PackNatural , Gtk.containerChild := xScalingBox , Gtk.boxChildPacking xScalingBox := Gtk.PackNatural , Gtk.containerChild := xRangeBox , Gtk.boxChildPacking xRangeBox := Gtk.PackNatural , Gtk.containerChild := yScalingBox , Gtk.boxChildPacking yScalingBox := Gtk.PackNatural , Gtk.containerChild := yRangeBox , Gtk.boxChildPacking yRangeBox := Gtk.PackNatural ] return vbox -- helper to make an hbox with a label labeledWidget :: Gtk.WidgetClass a => String -> a -> IO Gtk.HBox labeledWidget name widget = do label <- Gtk.labelNew (Just name) hbox <- Gtk.hBoxNew False 4 Gtk.set hbox [ Gtk.containerChild := label , Gtk.containerChild := widget , Gtk.boxChildPacking label := Gtk.PackNatural -- , Gtk.boxChildPacking widget := Gtk.PackNatural ] return hbox