module Proper.Sentence(
  Sentence, checkTheorem,
  neg, con, dis, val, bic, imp,
  toCNF, theorem,
  bddCheckTaut) where

import Data.Foldable
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Map as M
import Proper.BDD
import Proper.Clause
import Proper.CNF
import Proper.Utils

data Sentence s =
  Val s                         |
  Neg (Sentence s)              |
  Con (Sentence s) (Sentence s) |
  Dis (Sentence s) (Sentence s) |
  Bic (Sentence s) (Sentence s) |
  Imp (Sentence s) (Sentence s)
  deriving (Eq, Ord)

instance Functor Sentence where
  fmap f (Val v) = Val (f v)
  fmap f (Neg s) = Neg (fmap f s)
  fmap f (Con s1 s2) = Con (fmap f s1) (fmap f s2)
  fmap f (Dis s1 s2) = Dis (fmap f s1) (fmap f s2)
  fmap f (Bic s1 s2) = Bic (fmap f s1) (fmap f s2)
  fmap f (Imp s1 s2) = Imp (fmap f s1) (fmap f s2)

instance Foldable Sentence where
  foldMap f (Val v) = f v
  foldMap f (Neg s) = foldMap f s
  foldMap f (Con s1 s2) = mappend (foldMap f s1) (foldMap f s2)
  foldMap f (Dis s1 s2) = mappend (foldMap f s1) (foldMap f s2)
  foldMap f (Imp s1 s2) = mappend (foldMap f s1) (foldMap f s2)
  foldMap f (Bic s1 s2) = mappend (foldMap f s1) (foldMap f s2)
instance Show s => Show (Sentence s) where
  show = showSent
showSent :: (Show s) => (Sentence s) -> String
showSent (Val name) = show name
showSent (Neg s) = "~(" ++ show s ++ ")"
showSent (Con s1 s2) = "(" ++ show s1 ++ " & " ++ show s2 ++ ")"
showSent (Dis s1 s2) = "(" ++ show s1 ++ " | " ++ show s2 ++ ")"
showSent (Bic s1 s2) = "(" ++ show s1 ++ " <-> " ++ show s2 ++ ")"
showSent (Imp s1 s2) = "(" ++ show s1 ++ " -> " ++ show s2 ++ ")"
neg sent = Neg sent
con s1 s2 = Con s1 s2
dis s1 s2 = Dis s1 s2
bic s1 s2 = Bic s1 s2
imp s1 s2 = Imp s1 s2
val name = Val name

constantsF :: Sentence s -> [Sentence s]
constantsF s = foldMap (\n -> [Val n]) s

constants :: Sentence s -> [Sentence s]
constants s = foldMap (\n -> [Val n]) s

type TruthAssignment s = Map (Sentence s) Bool

truthVal :: (Ord s, Show s) => Sentence s -> TruthAssignment s -> Bool
truthVal s tt = case M.lookup s tt of
  Just val -> val
  Nothing -> error $ "Sentence not in truth table " ++ show s

truthAssignment :: (Ord s) => [s] -> [Bool] -> TruthAssignment s
truthAssignment constNames constVals = M.fromList $ zip consts constVals
    consts = val constNames

evalSentence :: (Ord s, Show s) => TruthAssignment s -> Sentence s -> Bool
evalSentence a (Neg s) = not $ evalSentence a s
evalSentence a (Con s1 s2) = (evalSentence a s1) && (evalSentence a s2)
evalSentence a (Dis s1 s2) = (evalSentence a s1) || (evalSentence a s2)
evalSentence a (Imp s1 s2) = (not s1Eval) || s2Eval
    s1Eval = evalSentence a s1
    s2Eval = evalSentence a s2
evalSentence a (Bic s1 s2) = (s1Eval && s2Eval) || ((not s1Eval) && (not s2Eval))
    s1Eval = evalSentence a s1
    s2Eval = evalSentence a s2
evalSentence a constant = truthVal constant a
type TruthTable s = [TruthAssignment s]

containsSentence :: (Ord s) => Sentence s -> TruthTable s -> Bool
containsSentence s [] = False
containsSentence s tt = M.member s (head tt)

truthTable :: (Ord s, Show s) => [Sentence s] -> TruthTable s
truthTable sents = Prelude.foldl addSentence [] sents

addSentence :: (Ord s, Show s) => TruthTable s -> Sentence s -> TruthTable s
addSentence tt s = if (containsSentence s tt)
  then tt
  else addNewSentence tt s

addNewSentence :: (Ord s, Show s) => TruthTable s -> Sentence s -> TruthTable s
addNewSentence [] c@(Val n) = [truthAssignment [n] [True], truthAssignment [n] [False]]
addNewSentence tt c@(Val n) = ttFalse ++ ttTrue
   ttFalse = (\ta -> M.insert c False ta) tt
   ttTrue = (\ta -> M.insert c True ta) tt
addNewSentence tt s = (addCompoundSentence s) tt

addCompoundSentence ::(Ord s, Show s) => Sentence s -> TruthAssignment s -> TruthAssignment s
addCompoundSentence s ta = insert s sval ta
    sval = evalSentence ta s

truthTableForSentence :: (Ord s, Show s) => Sentence s -> TruthTable s
truthTableForSentence s = truthTable $ (constants s) ++ [s]
isValidByTruthTable :: (Ord s, Show s) => Sentence s -> Bool
isValidByTruthTable s = Prelude.and sTruthVals
    sTruthTable = truthTableForSentence s
    sTruthVals = (truthVal s) sTruthTable
-- Format conversion functions
toCNF :: (Ord s, Show s) => Sentence s -> CNF s
toCNF = cnf .
        cnfClauses .
        distributeDisjunction .
        pushNegation .
        removeImplication .

cnfClauses :: (Ord s, Show s) => Sentence s -> [Clause s]
cnfClauses (Con s1 s2) = cnfClauses s1 ++ cnfClauses s2
cnfClauses s = [disjunctiveClause s]

disjunctiveClause :: (Ord s, Show s) => Sentence s -> Clause s
disjunctiveClause (Dis s1 s2) = concatClause (disjunctiveClause s1) (disjunctiveClause s2)
disjunctiveClause (Val name) = clause [lit name]
disjunctiveClause (Neg (Val name)) = clause [nLit name]
disjunctiveClause s = error $ "Disjunctive clause contains " ++ show s

removeImplication :: Sentence s -> Sentence s
removeImplication (Neg s) = Neg $ removeImplication s
removeImplication (Con s1 s2) = Con (removeImplication s1) (removeImplication s2)
removeImplication (Dis s1 s2) = Dis (removeImplication s1) (removeImplication s2)
removeImplication (Imp s1 s2) = Dis (Neg p) q
    p = removeImplication s1
    q = removeImplication s2
removeImplication s = s

removeBiconditional :: Sentence s -> Sentence s
removeBiconditional (Neg s) = Neg $ removeBiconditional s
removeBiconditional (Con s1 s2) = Con (removeBiconditional s1) (removeBiconditional s2)
removeBiconditional (Dis s1 s2) = Dis (removeBiconditional s1) (removeBiconditional s2)
removeBiconditional (Imp s1 s2) = Imp (removeBiconditional s1) (removeBiconditional s2)
removeBiconditional (Bic s1 s2) = Con noBic1 noBic2
    noBic1 = Imp p q
    noBic2 = Imp q p
    p = removeBiconditional s1
    q = removeBiconditional s2
removeBiconditional (Val name) = (Val name)

pushNegation :: Sentence s -> Sentence s
pushNegation (Neg (Neg s)) = pushNegation s
pushNegation (Neg (Con s1 s2)) = Dis (pushNegation (Neg s1)) (pushNegation (Neg s2))
pushNegation (Neg (Dis s1 s2)) = Con (pushNegation (Neg s1)) (pushNegation (Neg s2))
pushNegation (Con s1 s2) = Con (pushNegation s1) (pushNegation s2)
pushNegation (Dis s1 s2) = Dis (pushNegation s1) (pushNegation s2)
pushNegation s = s

distributeDisjunction :: Sentence s -> Sentence s
distributeDisjunction (Con p q) = Con (distributeDisjunction p) (distributeDisjunction q)
distributeDisjunction (Dis p (Con q r)) = Con pdq pdr
   pdq = distributeDisjunction $ Dis p q
   pdr = distributeDisjunction $ Dis p r
distributeDisjunction (Dis (Con p q) r) = Con pdr qdr
   pdr = distributeDisjunction $ Dis p r
   qdr = distributeDisjunction $ Dis q r
distributeDisjunction (Dis p q) = case pd of
  (Con r s) -> distributeDisjunction (Dis pd qd)
  other -> case qd of
    (Con r s) -> distributeDisjunction (Dis pd qd)
    other -> Dis pd qd
    pd = distributeDisjunction p
    qd = distributeDisjunction q
distributeDisjunction s = s

-- Theorem code
data Theorem s = Thm [Sentence s] (Sentence s)
               deriving (Eq)
instance Show s => Show (Theorem s) where
  show = showThm
showThm :: (Show s) => Theorem s -> String
showThm (Thm axioms hyp) = "THEOREM\n" ++ axiomStr ++ "\n|=\n\n" ++ hypString
    axiomStr = Prelude.concat $ (\a -> (show a) ++ "\n") axioms
    hypString = show hyp

theorem :: [Sentence s] -> Sentence s -> Theorem s
theorem axioms hypothesis = Thm axioms hypothesis

checkTheorem :: (Ord s, Show s) => Theorem s -> Bool
checkTheorem (Thm axioms hypothesis) = not $ naiveSAT cnfFormNegThm
    cnfAxioms = toCNF axioms
    cnfNotHypothesis = toCNF (neg hypothesis)
    cnfFormNegThm = mergeCNFFormulas (cnfNotHypothesis:cnfAxioms)
-- BDD conversion code
bddCheckTaut :: (Ord s) => Sentence s -> Bool
bddCheckTaut sent = isTaut (toBDD sent)

toBDD :: (Ord s) => Sentence s -> BDD s
toBDD (Val n) = singletonBDD n
toBDD (Neg sent) = negBDD (toBDD sent)
toBDD (Dis f1 f2) = disBDD (toBDD f1) (toBDD f2)
toBDD (Con f1 f2) = conBDD (toBDD f1) (toBDD f2)
toBDD (Imp f1 f2) = impBDD (toBDD f1) (toBDD f2)
toBDD (Bic f1 f2) = bicBDD (toBDD f1) (toBDD f2)