{-# OPTIONS -fglasgow-exts #-} {- *** NOTE *** DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE. This module is automatically generated by src/gen_prelude.hs. -} {-| Perl 6 Prelude. > The world was fair, the mountains tall, > In Eldar Days before the fall > Of mighty kings in Nargothrond > And Gondolin, who now beyond > The Western Seas have passed away: > The world was fair in Durin's day. -} module Pugs.CodeGen.PIR.Prelude ( preludeStr ) where preludeStr :: String preludeStr = unlines [ "" , "" , "sub prefix: ($var) returns Bool is builtin is primitive { true $var }" , "" , "sub chomp (Str $str) returns Str is builtin is primitive {" , " if substr($str, -1, 1) eq \"\\n\" {" , " substr $str, 0, chars($str) - 1;" , " } else {" , " $str;" , " }" , "}" , "" , "sub chop (Str $str is rw) returns Str is builtin is primitive {" , " if chars($str) == 0 {" , " undef;" , " } else {" , " my $removed = substr $str, -1, 1;" , " $str = substr $str, 0, chars($str) - 1;" , " $removed;" , " }" , "}" , "" , "sub sleep (Num $seconds) returns Num is builtin is primitive {" , " my $time = time;" , " Perl6::Internals::sleep $seconds;" , " my $seconds_slept = time() - $time;" , " $seconds_slept;" , "}" , "" , "sub exit (Int $status = 0) is builtin is primitive {" , " Perl6::Internals::exit $status;" , "}" , "" , "sub Perl6::Internals::eval_parrot (Str $code) is builtin is primitive {" , " my $sub = substr($code, 0, 1) eq \".\"" , " ?? Perl6::Internals::compile_pir($code)" , " !! Perl6::Internals::compile_pir(\".sub pugs_eval_parrot\\n$code\\n.end\\n\");" , " $sub();" , "}" , "" , "sub pi () returns Num is builtin is primitive {" , " 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510;" , "}" , "" , "sub lcfirst (Str $str) returns Str is builtin is primitive {" , " lc(substr $str, 0, 1) ~ substr $str, 1, chars($str) - 1;" , "}" , "" , "sub tc (Str $str) returns Str is builtin is primitive {" , " uc(substr $str, 0, 1) ~ substr $str, 1, chars($str) - 1;" , "}" , "" , "sub shift (@a) is builtin is primitive {" , " my $top = +@a -1;" , " return undef if $top < 0;" , " my $e = @a[0];" , " my $i = 0;" , " while $i < $top {" , " @a[$i++] = @a[$i];" , " }" , " pop(@a);" , " return $e;" , "}" , "" , "sub splice (@a is rw, $offset=0, $length?, *@list) is builtin is primitive {" , " my $off = +$offset;" , " my $len = $length;" , " my $size = +@a;" , "" , " $off += $size if $off < 0;" , " if $off > $size {" , " warn \"splice() offset past end of array\\n\";" , " $off = $size;" , " }" , "" , " $len = +$len if defined($len);" , " $len = $size - $off if !defined($len);" , " $len = $size + $len - $off if $len < 0;" , " $len = 0 if $len < 0;" , "" , " my $listlen = +@list;" , " my $size_change = $listlen - $len;" , " my @result;" , "" , " if 1 {" , " my $i = $off;" , " my $stop = $off + $len;" , " while $i < $stop {" , " push(@result,@a[$i]);" , " $i++;" , " }" , " }" , "" , " if $size_change > 0 {" , " my $i = $size + $size_change -1;" , " my $final = $off + $size_change;" , " while $i >= $final {" , " @a[$i] = @a[$i-$size_change];" , " $i--;" , " }" , " } elsif $size_change < 0 {" , " my $i = $off;" , " my $final = $size + $size_change -1;" , " while $i <= $final {" , " @a[$i] = @a[$i-$size_change];" , " $i++;" , " }" , " my $n = 0;" , " while $n-- > $size_change {" , " pop(@a);" , " }" , " }" , "" , " if $listlen > 0 {" , " my $i = 0;" , " while $i < $listlen {" , " @a[$off+$i] = @list[$i];" , " $i++;" , " }" , " }" , "" , " @result;" , "}" ]