{-# LANGUAGE BinaryLiterals #-} {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-} {-# LANGUAGE DerivingStrategies #-} {-# LANGUAGE ExtendedDefaultRules #-} {-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-} {-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} import Data.Text import PyF import SpecCustomDelimiters import SpecUtils import Test.Hspec {- - Normal tests are done using the recommanded API: [fmt|.....|] - Test with $(checkExample formatString result) are checked against the python reference implementation. Result is provided as documentation. - Test with $(checkExampleDiff formatString result) are not checked against the python reference implementation. This is known (and documented) differences. - Test with $(check formatString) are only tested against the python reference implementation. -} main :: IO () main = hspec spec newtype FooFloating = FooFloating Float deriving newtype (Show, RealFloat, RealFrac, Floating, Fractional, Real, Enum, Num, Ord, Eq) newtype FooIntegral = FooIntegral Integer deriving newtype (Show, Integral, Real, Enum, Num, Ord, Eq) data Foo = Foo data FooDefault = FooDefault deriving (Show) instance PyFToString FooDefault instance PyFToString Foo where pyfToString Foo = "I'm a Foo" type instance PyFClassify Foo = 'PyFString type instance PyFClassify FooFloating = 'PyFFractional type instance PyFClassify FooIntegral = 'PyFIntegral type instance PyFClassify FooDefault = 'PyFString spec :: Spec spec = do describe "simple with external variable" $ do let anInt = 123 aFloat = 0.234 aString = "hello" it "int" $ [fmt|{anInt}|] `shouldBe` "123" it "float" $ [fmt|{aFloat}|] `shouldBe` "0.234" it "string" $ [fmt|{aString}|] `shouldBe` "hello" describe "only expression" $ do describe "default" $ do it "int" $(checkExample "{123}" "123") it "float" $(checkExample "{0.234}" "0.234") it "string" $(checkExample "{\"hello\"}" "hello") it "float precision" $(checkExample "{0.234:.1}" "0.2") it "string precision" $(checkExample "{\"hello\":.1}" "h") it "sign +" $(checkExample "{0.234:+}" "+0.234") it "sign space" $(checkExample "{0.234: }" " 0.234") it "sign neg" $(checkExample "{-123:+}" "-123") describe "binary" $ do it "simple" $(checkExample "{123:b}" "1111011") it "alt" $(checkExample "{123:#b}" "0b1111011") it "sign" $(checkExample "{123:+#b}" "+0b1111011") describe "character" $ it "simple" $(checkExample "{123:c}" "{") describe "decimal" $ do it "simple" $(checkExample "{123:d}" "123") it "sign" $(checkExample "{123:+d}" "+123") describe "exponentiel" $ do it "simple > 1" $(checkExample "{234.0:e}" "2.340000e+02") it "precision > 1" $(checkExample "{234.0:.1e}" "2.3e+02") it "simple < 1" $(checkExample "{0.234:e}" "2.340000e-01") it "precision < 1 " $(checkExample "{0.234:.1e}" "2.3e-01") describe "exponentiel caps" $ do it "simple > 1" $(checkExample "{234.0:E}" "2.340000E+02") it "precision > 1" $(checkExample "{234.0:.1E}" "2.3E+02") it "simple < 1" $(checkExample "{0.234:E}" "2.340000E-01") it "precision < 1 " $(checkExample "{0.234:.1E}" "2.3E-01") describe "general" $ do it "simple small" $(checkExampleDiff "{123.02:g}" "123.020000") it "precision small" $(checkExampleDiff "{123.02:.1g}" "123.0") it "simple big" $(checkExampleDiff "{1234567890.23:g}" "1.234568e+09") it "precision big" $(checkExampleDiff "{1234567890.23:.1g}" "1.2e+09") describe "general caps" $ do it "simple small" $(checkExampleDiff "{123.02:G}" "123.020000") it "precision small" $(checkExampleDiff "{123.02:.1G}" "123.0") it "simple big" $(checkExampleDiff "{1234567890.23:G}" "1.234568E+09") it "precision big" $(checkExampleDiff "{1234567890.23:.1G}" "1.2E+09") describe "fixed" $ do it "simple" $(checkExample "{0.234:f}" "0.234000") it "precision" $(checkExample "{0.234:.1f}" "0.2") describe "fixed caps" $ do it "simple" $(checkExample "{0.234:F}" "0.234000") it "precision" $(checkExample "{0.234:.1F}" "0.2") describe "octal" $ do it "simple" $(checkExample "{123:o}" "173") it "alt" $(checkExample "{123:#o}" "0o173") describe "string" $ do it "string" $(checkExample "{\"hello\":s}" "hello") it "precision" $(checkExample "{\"hello\":.2s}" "he") describe "hex" $ do it "simple" $(checkExample "{123:x}" "7b") it "alt" $(checkExample "{123:#x}" "0x7b") describe "hex caps" $ do it "simple" $(checkExample "{123:X}" "7B") it "alt" $(checkExample "{123:#X}" "0X7B") describe "percent" $ do it "simple" $(checkExample "{0.234:%}" "23.400000%") it "precision" $(checkExample "{0.234:.2%}" "23.40%") describe "string truncating" $ it "works" $(checkExample "{\"hello\":.3}" "hel") describe "padding" $ do describe "default char" $ do it "left" $(checkExample "{\"hello\":<10}" "hello ") it "right" $(checkExample "{\"hello\":>10}" " hello") it "center" $(checkExample "{\"hello\":^10}" " hello ") describe "a char" $ do it "left" $(checkExample "{\"hello\":-<10}" "hello-----") it "right" $(checkExample "{\"hello\":->10}" "-----hello") it "center" $(checkExample "{\"hello\":-^10}" "--hello---") describe "inside" $ do it "inside" $(checkExample "{123:=+10}" "+ 123") it "inside" $(checkExample "{123:=10}" " 123") it "inside" $(checkExample "{- 123:=10}" "- 123") it "inside" $(checkExample "{- 123:|= 10}" "-||||||123") it "inside" $(checkExample "{123:|= 10}" " ||||||123") describe "default padding" $ do it "floating" $(checkExample "{1:10f}" " 1.000000") it "integral" $(checkExample "{1:10d}" " 1") it "string" $(checkExample "{\"h\":10s}" "h ") it "default" $(checkExample "{1:10}" " 1") it "default" $(checkExample "{1.0:10}" " 1.0") it "default" $(checkExample "{\"h\":10}" "h ") describe "NaN" $ do let nan = 0.0 / 0 it "nan" $(checkExample "{nan}" "nan") it "nan f" $(checkExample "{nan:f}" "nan") it "nan e" $(checkExample "{nan:e}" "nan") it "nan g" $(checkExample "{nan:g}" "nan") it "nan F" $(checkExample "{nan:F}" "NAN") it "nan G" $(checkExample "{nan:G}" "NAN") it "nan E" $(checkExample "{nan:E}" "NAN") describe "Infinite" $ do let inf = 1.0 / 0 it "infinite" $(checkExample "{inf}" "inf") it "infinite f" $(checkExample "{inf:f}" "inf") it "infinite e" $(checkExample "{inf:e}" "inf") it "infinite g" $(checkExample "{inf:g}" "inf") it "infinite F" $(checkExample "{inf:F}" "INF") it "infinite G" $(checkExample "{inf:G}" "INF") it "infinite E" $(checkExample "{inf:E}" "INF") describe "Grouping" $ do it "groups int" $(checkExample "{123456789:,d}" "123,456,789") it "groups int with _" $(checkExample "{123456789:_d}" "123_456_789") it "groups float" $(checkExample "{123456789.234:,f}" "123,456,789.234000") it "groups bin" $(checkExample "{123456789:_b}" "111_0101_1011_1100_1101_0001_0101") it "groups hex" $(checkExample "{123456789:_x}" "75b_cd15") it "groups oct" $(checkExample "{123456789:_o}" "7_2674_6425") describe "negative zero" $ do it "f" $(checkExample "{-0.0:f}" "-0.000000") it "e" $(checkExample "{-0.0:e}" "-0.000000e+00") it "g" $(checkExampleDiff "{-0.0:g}" "-0.000000") it "F" $(checkExample "{-0.0:F}" "-0.000000") it "G" $(checkExampleDiff "{-0.0:G}" "-0.000000") it "E" $(checkExample "{-0.0:E}" "-0.000000E+00") describe "0" $ do it "works" $(checkExample "{123:010}" "0000000123") it "works with sign" $(checkExample "{-123:010}" "-000000123") it "accept mode override" $(checkExample "{-123:<010}" "-123000000") it "accept mode and char override" $(checkExample "{-123:.<010}" "-123......") describe "no digit no dot" $ do it "f" $(checkExample "{1.0:.0f}" "1") it "e" $(checkExample "{1.0:.0e}" "1e+00") it "g" $(checkExample "{1.0:.0g}" "1") it "E" $(checkExample "{1.0:.0E}" "1E+00") it "G" $(checkExample "{1.0:.0G}" "1") it "percent" $(checkExample "{1.0:.0%}" "100%") describe "no digit alt -> dot" $ do it "f" $(checkExample "{1.0:#.0f}" "1.") it "e" $(checkExample "{1.0:#.0e}" "1.e+00") it "g" $(checkExample "{1.0:#.0g}" "1.") it "E" $(checkExample "{1.0:#.0E}" "1.E+00") it "G" $(checkExample "{1.0:#.0G}" "1.") it "percent" $(checkExample "{1.0:#.0%}" "100.%") describe "complex" $ it "works with many things at once" $ let name = "Guillaume" age = 31 euroToFrancs = 6.55957 in [fmt|hello {name} you are {age} years old and the conversion rate of euro is {euroToFrancs:.2}|] `shouldBe` "hello Guillaume you are 31 years old and the conversion rate of euro is 6.56" describe "error reporting" $ pure () -- TODO: find a way to test error reporting describe "sub expressions" $ it "works" $ [fmt|2pi = {2 * pi:.2}|] `shouldBe` "2pi = 6.28" describe "escape strings" $ it "works" $ [fmt|hello \n\b|] `shouldBe` "hello \n\b" describe "variable precision" $ it "works" $ do let n = 3 :: Int [fmt|{pi:.{n}}|] `shouldBe` "3.142" it "escape chars" $ [fmt|}}{{}}{{|] `shouldBe` "}{}{" describe "custom delimiters" $ do it "works" $ [myCustomFormatter|2 * pi = @2*pi:.2f!|] `shouldBe` "2 * pi = 6.28" it "escape chars" $ [myCustomFormatter|@@!!@@!!|] `shouldBe` "@!@!" it "works for custom precision" $ [myCustomFormatter|@pi:.@2!!|] `shouldBe` "3.14" describe "empty line" $ it "works" $ [fmt||] `shouldBe` "" describe "multi line escape" $ do it "works" $ [fmt|\ - a - b \ |] `shouldBe` "- a\n- b\n" it "escapes in middle of line" $ [fmt|Example goes \ here!|] `shouldBe` "Example goes here!" it "escapes a lot of things" $ [fmt|\ I'm a line with \n and \\ and a correct line ending, but that one is escaped\ And I'm escaping before and after: \\{pi:.3f}\\ yeah\ |] `shouldBe` "I'm a line with \n and \\ and a correct line\nending, but that one is escapedAnd I'm escaping before and after: \\3.142\\\nyeah" it "escapes" $ [fmt|\\ - a - b \ |] `shouldBe` "\\\n- a\n- b\n" describe "empty trailing value" $ it "String" $ ( [fmt|\ {pi:.0} |] :: String ) `shouldBe` "3\n" describe "language extensions" $ do it "parses @Int" $ [fmt|hello {show @Int 10}|] `shouldBe` "hello 10" it "parses BinaryLiterals" $ [fmt|hello {0b1111}|] `shouldBe` "hello 15" describe "custom types" $ do it "works with integral" $ [fmt|{FooIntegral 10:d}|] `shouldBe` "10" it "works with floating" $ [fmt|{FooFloating 25.123:f}|] `shouldBe` "25.123000" it "works with string" $ do [fmt|{Foo:s}|] `shouldBe` "I'm a Foo" [fmt|{FooDefault:s}|] `shouldBe` "FooDefault" it "works with classify" $ do [fmt|{Foo}|] `shouldBe` "I'm a Foo" [fmt|{FooIntegral 100}|] `shouldBe` "100" [fmt|{FooFloating 100.123}|] `shouldBe` "100.123" [fmt|{FooDefault}|] `shouldBe` "FooDefault"