{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK show-extensions #-}

{-# LANGUAGE Safe #-}

{-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}

Module      : Data.QuadTree.Internal
Description : Internals for the Data.QuadTree library.
Copyright   : (c) Ashley Moni, 2015
License     : BSD3
Maintainer  : Ashley Moni <ashley.moni1@gmail.com>
Stability   : Stable

The QuadTree.Internals library is a separately encapsulated subset of
the QuadTree library, strictly for the purpose of exposing inner
structure and functions to the testing suites.

module Data.QuadTree.Internal where

import Control.Lens.Type (Lens')
import Control.Lens.Setter (over, set)
import Control.Lens.Getter (view)

import Data.List (find, sortBy)
import Data.Function (on)
import Data.Composition ((.:))

---- Structures:

-- |Tuple corresponds to (X, Y) co-ordinates.

type Location = (Int, Int)

-- |The eponymous data type.
-- 'QuadTree' is itself a wrapper around an internal tree structure
-- along with spatial metadata about the boundaries and depth of the
-- 2D area it maps to.

data QuadTree a = Wrapper { wrappedTree :: Quadrant a
                          , treeLength :: Int
                          , treeWidth  :: Int
                          , treeDepth :: Int }
  deriving (Show, Read, Eq)

-- |'QuadTree's are 'Functor's, and their elements can be fmapped over.
instance Functor QuadTree where
  fmap fn = onQuads $ fmap fn

-- |'QuadTree's are 'Foldable', though the traversal path is a complex
-- recursive enumeration of internal 'Quadrant's. Don't use folds that aren't
-- ordering agnostic.
instance Foldable QuadTree where
  foldr = foldTree

-- Quadrants:

-- |The internal data structure of a 'QuadTree'.
-- Each 'Quadrant' consists of either a terminating Leaf node, or
-- four further 'Quadrant's.

data Quadrant a = Leaf a
                | Node (Quadrant a)
                       (Quadrant a)
                       (Quadrant a)
                       (Quadrant a)
  deriving (Show, Read, Eq)

-- |'Quadrant's are 'Functor's. -- You can fmap all their recursive leaf node.
instance Functor Quadrant where
  fmap fn (Leaf x)       = Leaf (fn x)
  fmap fn (Node a b c d) = Node (fmap fn a)
                                (fmap fn b)
                                (fmap fn c)
                                (fmap fn d)

---- Quadrant lenses:

-- |Lens for the top left 'Quadrant' of a node.
_a :: forall a. Eq a => Lens' (Quadrant a) (Quadrant a)
_a f (Node a b c d) = fmap (\x -> fuse $ Node x b c d) (f a)
_a f leaf           = fmap embed (f leaf)
  where embed :: Quadrant a -> Quadrant a
        embed x | x == leaf = leaf
                | otherwise = Node x leaf leaf leaf

-- |Lens for the top right 'Quadrant' of a node.
_b :: forall a. Eq a => Lens' (Quadrant a) (Quadrant a)
_b f (Node a b c d) = fmap (\x -> fuse $ Node a x c d) (f b)
_b f leaf           = fmap embed (f leaf)
  where embed :: Quadrant a -> Quadrant a
        embed x | x == leaf = leaf
                | otherwise = Node leaf x leaf leaf

-- |Lens for the bottom left 'Quadrant' of a node.
_c :: forall a. Eq a => Lens' (Quadrant a) (Quadrant a)
_c f (Node a b c d) = fmap (\x -> fuse $ Node a b x d) (f c)
_c f leaf           = fmap embed (f leaf)
  where embed :: Quadrant a -> Quadrant a
        embed x | x == leaf = leaf
                | otherwise = Node leaf leaf x leaf

-- |Lens for the bottom right 'Quadrant' of a node.
_d :: forall a. Eq a => Lens' (Quadrant a) (Quadrant a)
_d f (Node a b c d) = fmap (fuse . Node a b c) (f d)
_d f leaf           = fmap embed (f leaf)
  where embed :: Quadrant a -> Quadrant a
        embed x | x == leaf = leaf
                | otherwise = Node leaf leaf leaf x

-- |Lens for a terminate leaf value of a node.
_leaf :: Lens' (Quadrant a) a
_leaf f (Leaf leaf) = Leaf <$> f leaf
_leaf _ _           = error "Wrapped tree is deeper than cached tree depth."

-- |Lens to zoom into the internal data structure of a 'QuadTree',
-- lensing past the metadata to reveal the 'Quadrant' inside.
_wrappedTree :: Lens' (QuadTree a) (Quadrant a)
_wrappedTree f qt = (\x -> qt {wrappedTree = x}) <$> f (wrappedTree qt)

-- |Unsafe sanity test lens that makes sure a given location index exists
-- within the relevant 'QuadTree'.
verifyLocation :: Location -> Lens' (QuadTree a) (QuadTree a)
verifyLocation index f qt
  | index `outOfBounds` qt = error "Location index out of QuadTree bounds."
  | otherwise              = f qt

---- Index access:

-- |Lens for accessing and manipulating data at a specific
-- location.
atLocation :: forall a. Eq a => Location -> Lens' (QuadTree a) a
atLocation index fn qt = (verifyLocation index . _wrappedTree .
                          go (offsetIndex qt index) (treeDepth qt)) fn qt
    go :: Eq a => Location -> Int -> Lens' (Quadrant a) a
    go _     0 = _leaf
    go (x,y) n | y < mid   = if x < mid then _a . recurse
                                        else _b . recurse
               | otherwise = if x < mid then _c . recurse
                                        else _d . recurse
      where recurse = go (x `mod` mid, y `mod` mid) (n - 1)
            mid = 2 ^ (n - 1)

-- |Getter for the value at a given location for a 'QuadTree'.
getLocation :: Eq a => Location -> QuadTree a -> a
getLocation = view . atLocation

-- |Setter for the value at a given location for a 'QuadTree'.
-- This automatically compresses the 'QuadTree' nodes if possible with
-- the new value.
setLocation :: Eq a => Location -> a -> QuadTree a -> QuadTree a
setLocation = set . atLocation

-- |Modifies value at a given location for a 'QuadTree'.
-- This automatically compresses the 'QuadTree' nodes if possible with
-- the new value.
mapLocation :: Eq a => Location -> (a -> a) -> QuadTree a -> QuadTree a
mapLocation = over . atLocation

---- Helpers:

-- |Checks if a 'Location' is outside the boundaries of a 'QuadTree'.
outOfBounds :: Location -> QuadTree a -> Bool
outOfBounds (x,y) tree = x < 0 || y < 0
                         || x >= treeLength tree
                         || y >= treeWidth  tree

-- |Dimensions of a 'QuadTree', as an Int pair.
treeDimensions :: QuadTree a
               -> (Int, Int) -- ^ (Length, Width)
treeDimensions tree = (treeLength tree, treeWidth tree)

-- |Add offsets to a location index for the purpose of querying
-- the 'QuadTree' 's true reference frame.
offsetIndex :: QuadTree a -> Location -> Location
offsetIndex tree (x,y) = (x + xOffset, y + yOffset)
  where (xOffset, yOffset) = offsets tree

-- |Offsets added to a 'QuadTree' 's true reference frame
-- to reference elements in the centralized width and height.
offsets :: QuadTree a -> (Int, Int)
offsets tree = (xOffset, yOffset)
  where xOffset = (dimension - treeLength tree) `div` 2
        yOffset = (dimension - treeWidth  tree) `div` 2
        dimension = 2 ^ treeDepth tree

-- |Merge 'Quadrant' into a leaf node if possible.
fuse :: Eq a => Quadrant a -> Quadrant a
fuse (Node (Leaf a) (Leaf b) (Leaf c) (Leaf d))
  | allEqual [a,b,c,d] = Leaf a
fuse oldNode            = oldNode

-- |Test if all elements in a list are equal.
allEqual :: Eq a => [a] -> Bool
allEqual = and . (zipWith (==) <*> tail)

---- Functor:

-- |Apply a function to a 'QuadTree's internal 'Quadrant'.
onQuads :: (Quadrant a -> Quadrant b) -> QuadTree a -> QuadTree b
onQuads fn tree = tree {wrappedTree = fn (wrappedTree tree)}

-- |Cleanup function for use after any 'Control.Monad.fmap'.
-- When elements of a 'QuadTree' are modified by 'setLocation' (or 
-- the 'atLocation' lens), it automatically compresses identical
-- adjacent nodes into larger ones. This keeps the 'QuadTree' from
-- bloating over constant use.
-- 'Control.Monad.fmap' does not do this. If you wish to treat the
-- 'QuadTree' as a 'Control.Monad.Functor', you should compose this
-- function after to collapse it down to its minimum size.
-- Example:
-- @
-- 'fuseTree' $ 'Control.Monad.fmap' fn tree
-- @
-- This particular example is reified in the function below.

fuseTree :: Eq a => QuadTree a -> QuadTree a
fuseTree = onQuads fuseQuads
  where fuseQuads :: Eq a => Quadrant a -> Quadrant a
        fuseQuads (Node a b c d) = fuse $ Node (fuseQuads a)
                                        (fuseQuads b)
                                        (fuseQuads c)
                                        (fuseQuads d)
        fuseQuads leaf           = leaf

-- |tmap is simply 'Control.Monad.fmap' with 'fuseTree' applied after.
-- prop> tmap fn tree == fuseTree $ fmap fn tree
tmap :: Eq b => (a -> b) -> QuadTree a -> QuadTree b
tmap = fuseTree .: fmap

---- Foldable:

-- |Rectangular area, represented by a tuple of four Ints.
-- They correspond to (X floor, Y floor, X ceiling, Y ceiling).
-- The co-ordinates are inclusive of all the rows and columns in all
-- four Ints.
-- prop> regionArea (x, y, x, y) == 1

type Region = (Int, Int, Int, Int)

-- |Each 'Tile' is a tuple of an element from a 'QuadTree' and the
-- 'Region' it subtends.

type Tile a = (a, Region)

-- |Foldr elements within a 'QuadTree', by first decomposing it into
-- 'Tile's and then decomposing those into lists of identical data values.

foldTree :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> QuadTree a -> b
foldTree fn z = foldr fn z . expand . tile

-- |Takes a list of 'Tile's and then decomposes them into a list of
-- all their elements, properly weighted by 'Tile' size.

expand :: [Tile a] -> [a]
expand = concatMap decompose
  where decompose :: Tile a -> [a]
        decompose (a, r) = replicate (regionArea r) a

-- |Returns a list of 'Tile's. The block equivalent of
-- 'Data.Foldable.toList'.

tile :: QuadTree a -> [Tile a]
tile = foldTiles (:) []

-- |Decomposes a 'QuadTree' into its constituent 'Tile's, before
-- folding a 'Tile' consuming function over all of them.

foldTiles :: forall a b. (Tile a -> b -> b) -> b -> QuadTree a -> b
foldTiles fn z tree = go (treeRegion tree) (wrappedTree tree) z
  where go :: Region -> Quadrant a -> b -> b
        go r (Leaf a) = fn (a, normalizedIntersection)
          where normalizedIntersection =
                  (interXl - xOffset, interYt - yOffset,
                   interXr - xOffset, interYb - yOffset)
                (interXl, interYt, interXr, interYb) = 
                  treeIntersection r
        go (xl, yt, xr, yb) (Node a b c d) =
          go (xl,       yt,       midx, midy) a .
          go (midx + 1, yt,       xr,   midy) b .
          go (xl,       midy + 1, midx, yb)   c .
          go (midx + 1, midy + 1, xr,   yb)   d
          where midx = (xr + xl) `div` 2
                midy = (yt + yb) `div` 2

        (xOffset, yOffset) = offsets tree
        treeIntersection   = regionIntersection $ boundaries tree

-- |The region denoting an entire 'QuadTree'.
treeRegion :: QuadTree a -> Region
treeRegion tree = (0, 0, limit, limit)
  where limit = (2 ^ treeDepth tree) - 1

-- |The boundary 'Region' of the internal 'QuadTree' 's true reference frame.
boundaries :: QuadTree a -> Region
boundaries tree = (left, top, right, bottom)
  where (left,  top)    = offsetIndex tree (0,0)
        (right, bottom) = offsetIndex tree (treeLength tree - 1,
                                            treeWidth  tree - 1)

-- |'Region' that's an intersection between two othe 'Region's.
regionIntersection :: Region -> Region -> Region
regionIntersection (xl , yt , xr , yb )
                   (xl', yt', xr', yb') =
  (max xl xl', max yt yt',
   min xr xr', min yb yb')

-- |Simple helper function that lets you calculate the area of a
-- 'Region', usually for 'Data.List.replicate' purposes.

regionArea :: Region -> Int
regionArea (xl,yt,xr,yb) = (xr + 1 - xl) * (yb + 1 - yt)

-- |Does the region contain this location?

inRegion :: Location -> Region -> Bool
inRegion (x,y) (xl,yt,xr,yb) = xl <= x && x <= xr &&
                               yt <= y && y <= yb

---- Foldable extras:

-- |'Data.List.filter's a list of the 'QuadTree' 's elements.

filterTree :: (a -> Bool) -> QuadTree a -> [a]
filterTree fn = expand . filterTiles fn . tile

-- |'Data.List.sortBy's a list of the 'QuadTree' 's elements.

sortTreeBy :: (a -> a -> Ordering) -> QuadTree a -> [a]
sortTreeBy fn = expand . sortTilesBy fn . tile

-- |'Data.List.filter's a list of the 'Tile's of a 'QuadTree'.

filterTiles :: (a -> Bool) -> [Tile a] -> [Tile a]
filterTiles _  [] = []
filterTiles fn ((a,r) : rs)
  | fn a      = (a,r) : filterTiles fn rs
  | otherwise =         filterTiles fn rs

-- |'Data.List.sortBy's a list of the 'Tile's of a 'QuadTree'.

sortTilesBy :: (a -> a -> Ordering) -> [Tile a] -> [Tile a]
sortTilesBy fn = sortBy (fn `on` fst)

---- Constructor:

-- |Constructor that generates a 'QuadTree' of the given dimensions,
-- with all cells filled with a default value.

makeTree :: (Int, Int) -- ^ (Length, Width)
         -> a          -- ^ Initial element to fill
         -> QuadTree a
makeTree (x,y) a
  | x <= 0 || y <= 0 = error "Invalid dimensions for tree."
  | otherwise = Wrapper { wrappedTree = Leaf a
                        , treeLength = x
                        , treeWidth  = y
                        , treeDepth = smallestDepth (x,y) }

-- |Find the smallest tree depth that would encompass a given width and height.
smallestDepth :: (Int, Int) -> Int
smallestDepth (x,y) = depth
  where (depth, _)         = smallestPower
        Just smallestPower = find bigEnough powersZip
        bigEnough (_, e)   = e >= max x y
        powersZip          = zip [0..] $ iterate (* 2) 1

---- Sample Printers:

-- |Generates a newline delimited string representing a 'QuadTree' as
-- a 2D block of characters.
-- Note that despite the word 'show' in the function name, this does
-- not 'Text.show' the 'QuadTree'. It pretty prints it. The name
-- is simply a mnemonic for its @'QuadTree' -> String@ behaviour.

showTree :: Eq a => (a -> Char) -- ^ Function to generate characters for each
                                -- 'QuadTree' element.
                 -> QuadTree a -> String
showTree printer tree = breakString (treeLength tree) string
  where string   = map printer grid
        grid = [getLocation (x,y) tree |
                y <- [0 .. treeWidth  tree - 1],
                x <- [0 .. treeLength tree - 1]]
        breakString :: Int -> String -> String
        breakString _ [] = []
        breakString n xs = a ++ "\n" ++ breakString n b
          where (a,b) = splitAt n xs

-- |As 'showTree' above, but also prints it.

printTree :: Eq a => (a -> Char) -- ^ Function to generate characters for each
                                 -- 'QuadTree' element.
                  -> QuadTree a -> IO ()
printTree = putStr .: showTree