# QuickPlot ![QuickPlot Demo](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tepf/QuickPlot/master/QuickPlotDemo.gif) How does it work? ---------------- Haskell creates a simple server that runs in the background and sends data to a browser that visualizes it. In the demo above the browser and ghci runs inside [Atom](https://atom.io), but you can use any editor (even [butterflies](https://xkcd.com/378/)) with a fairly modern browser. Once the data arrives at the browser any JavaScript visualization library could take care of it like for example [plot.ly](https://plot.ly/javascript/) How do I use it? ---------------- QuickPlot was designed to make interactive data exploration easier. So the following won't make much sense outside of ghci **0. Install QuickPlot** At the moment just manually. **1. Import QuickPlot** ````haskell import QuickPlot import QuickPlot.Plotly -- if you want to use the plotly library ```` **2. Start QuickPlot** ````haskell runQuickPlot ```` **3. Connect to QuickPlot** Go to the address `runQuickPlot` printed **4. Plot** Here is the less verbose version of the [full example](https://github.com/tepf/QuickPlot/blob/master/examples/BasicPlotting.lhs): ````haskell -- As box aficionados we just measured the weight of all our boxes at home -- and gathered the following data blueBoxSizes = [1.1, 1.8, 2.9, 3.3] :: [Double] orangeBoxSizes = [3.1, 3.8, 5.9, 2.3] :: [Double] -- We create traces from our data blueBoxTrace = [plotly|{ y : #{ blueBoxSizes }, type : "box" }|] orangeBoxTrace = [plotly|{ y : #{ orangeBoxSizes }, type : "box" }|] -- And finally gain great insight from the data visualization plot [blueBoxTrace, orangeBoxTrace] ```` FAQ --- #### Does it work on X? Probably yes. If your browser supports WebSockets, HTML5, CSS3 you'll be fine. If not please update your browser. Find out more about [here](http://caniuse.com/) #### Can you implement library X? If the library takes JSON as an input, submit an issue. Libraries like [D3.js](https://d3js.org) are problematic however. Graphs in D3 are created programatically and therefore you can't just pick a graph type and say plot it. You have to create them from scratch. If there are examples that give you goosebumps it is possible to integrate them separately. Or you just include it as a user script yourself (once this is implemented) #### How can I help? There are many ways to do so: - If you know JavaScript/HTML/CSS you could make the UI prettier, more user friendly or easier extensible - Implement a visualization library in JavaScript #### Can this library only use JavaScript libraries? Technically any library that Haskell can convice to create graphics is compatible.