-- | Given a sequence and a structure, evaluate the energy.
-- TODO switch to 'SSTree [Energy]' type!

module BioInf.RNAEval where

import Text.Printf
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as VU

import Biobase.RNA
import Biobase.Structure
import Biobase.Structure.DotBracket
import Biobase.Types.Ring
import Biobase.Vienna
import Data.PrimitiveArray

import BioInf.RNAFold.EnergyInt
import BioInf.RNAFold.Functions

-- | Sum up a complete (sub-) tree.

rnaEval :: ViennaTables -> String -> String -> Int
rnaEval vna pri' sec' = treeSum $ annotateWithEnergy vna pri sst where
  sec = dotbracketToPairlist sec'
  sst = toSSTree sec
  pri = mkPrimary pri'

-- | Evaluate the energy of a secondary structure tree with sequence. We abuse
-- the normal folding functions with a dummy table full of (one :: Energy).
-- This is probably slower than another method but quickly written.
-- TODO this is basically crapfuck ;-) Should use the FoldFunctions directly
-- instead of that strange table. Should not xxxOpt either.

annotateWithEnergy :: ViennaTables -> Primary -> SSTree () -> SSTree [Int]
annotateWithEnergy trnr pri t = f t where
  -- extern part
  f (SSExt l _ []) = SSExt l [one] []
  f (SSExt l _ xs) =
      es = map ((\(i,j) -> externalLoopOpt trnr pri dummy i j) . treeIJ) xs
      SSExt l es (map f xs)
  -- hairpin
  f (SSTree i j _ []) = SSTree i j [hairpinOpt trnr pri i j] []
  -- 1-loop
  f (SSTree i j _ [x])
      -- stack
      | i+1==k&&j-1==l
      = SSTree i j [stackOpt trnr pri dummy i j] [f x]
      | (di,dj) `VU.elem` tabbedInteriorLoopDistances i j
      = SSTree i j [tabbedInteriorLoopOpt trnr pri dummy i j] [f x]
      | di==0&&dj>1
      = SSTree i j [bulgeLOpt trnr pri dummy i j] [f x]
      | di>1&&dj==0
      = SSTree i j [bulgeROpt trnr pri dummy i j] [f x]
      | di==1&&dj>1
      = SSTree i j [interior1xnLOpt trnr pri dummy i j] [f x]
      | di>1&&dj==1
      = SSTree i j [interior1xnROpt trnr pri dummy i j] [f x]
      | ds+dl>30
      = error "not handling loops with size >30"
      -- large interiorr loop
      | otherwise       = SSTree i j [largeInteriorLoopOpt trnr pri dummy i j] [f x]
      (k,l) = treeIJ x
      di = k-i-1
      dj = j-l-1
      ds = min di dj
      dl = max di dj
  -- multiple loop
  f (SSTree i j _ xs) =
      cl = multibranchCloseOpt trnr pri dummy dummy i j
      ls = map ((\(k,l) -> multibranchIJLoopOpt trnr pri dummy k l) . treeIJ) xs
      SSTree i j (cl:ls) (map f xs)

  dummy = fromAssocs (0,0) (n,n) one []
  n = snd $ bounds pri

-- | convert an annotated tree into strings that explain each score.
-- TODO this is a stupid name

explainTree :: Primary -> SSTree [Int] -> [String]
explainTree inp sst = f sst where
  -- | exterior loop
  f (SSExt _ _ []) = [""]
  f (SSExt _ _ xs) = this : concatMap f xs where
    eners = map (\(SSTree _ _ [e] _) -> e) xs
    ener = sum eners
    this = printf "%-20s                                     %6d   %s" "External loop" ener (show eners)
  -- | hairpin
  f (SSTree i j [e] []) = [this] where
    this = printf "%-20s (%4d,%4d) %4s                    %6d" "Hairpin loop" (i+1) (j+1) (show $ pair inp i j) e
  f (SSTree i j [e] [x@(SSTree k l _ _)]) = this : f x where
      this = printf "%-20s (%4d,%4d) %4s   (%4d,%4d) %4s %6d" "Interior" (i+1) (j+1) (show $ pair inp i j) (k+1) (l+1) (show $ pair inp k l) e
  f (SSTree i j es xs) = concatMap f xs ++ [this] where
    this = printf "%-20s (%4d,%4d) %4s                    %6d %6d, %s" "Multi loop" (i+1) (j+1) (show $ pair inp i j) (sum es) (head es) (show $ tail es)

-- | input sequence indices

treeIJ (SSTree i j _ _) = (i,j)

-- | Run a sum over the tree. (foldl (+), the tree annotations)
-- TODO that should go into Biobase.Structure as a generic walk over the tree

treeSum t = f t where
  f (SSExt _ es xs) = ringProductL $ es ++ map f xs
  f (SSTree _ _ es xs) = ringProductL $ es ++ map f xs