{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell, UndecidableInstances, GADTs, ScopedTypeVariables,
    MultiParamTypeClasses, FlexibleInstances, TypeSynonymInstances

-- |
-- Module      :  RepLib.R1
-- Copyright   :  (c) The University of Pennsylvania, 2006
-- License     :  BSD
-- Maintainer  :  sweirich@cis.upenn.edu
-- Stability   :  experimental
-- Portability :  non-portable

module Data.RepLib.R1 where

import Data.RepLib.R
import Data.List

---------- Basic infrastructure

data R1 ctx a where
    Int1      :: R1 ctx Int
    Char1     :: R1 ctx Char
    Integer1  :: R1 ctx Integer
    Float1    :: R1 ctx Float
    Double1   :: R1 ctx Double
    Rational1 :: R1 ctx Rational
    IOError1  :: R1 ctx IOError
    IO1       :: (Rep a) => ctx a -> R1 ctx (IO a)
    Arrow1    :: (Rep a, Rep b) => ctx a -> ctx b -> R1 ctx (a -> b)
    Data1     :: DT -> [Con ctx a] -> R1 ctx a

class Sat a where dict :: a 

class Rep a => Rep1 ctx a where rep1 :: R1 ctx a

instance Show (R1 c a) where
    show Int1           = "Int1"
    show Char1          = "Char1"
    show Integer1       = "Integer1"
    show Float1         = "Float1"
    show Double1        = "Double1"
    show Rational1      = "Rational1"
    show IOError1       = "IOError1"
    show (IO1 cb)       = "(IO1 " ++ show (getRep cb) ++ ")"
    show (Arrow1 cb cc) = "(Arrow1 " ++ show (getRep cb) ++ " " ++ show (getRep cc) ++ ")" 
    show (Data1 dt _)   = "(Data1 " ++ show dt ++ ")"

-- | Access a representation, given a proxy
getRep :: Rep b => c b -> R b
getRep cb = rep 

-- | Transform a parameterized rep to a vanilla rep
toR :: R1 c a -> R a
toR Int1            = Int
toR Char1           = Char
toR Integer1        = Integer
toR Float1          = Float
toR Double1         = Double
toR Rational1       = Rational
toR IOError1        = IOError
toR (Arrow1 t1 t2)  = Arrow (getRep t1) (getRep t2)
toR (IO1 t1)        = IO (getRep t1)
toR (Data1 dt cons) = (Data dt (map toCon cons))
  where toCon (Con emb rec) = Con emb (toRs rec)
        toRs           :: MTup c a -> MTup R a 
        toRs MNil      = MNil
        toRs (c :+: l) = (getRep c :+: toRs l)

---------------  Representations of Prelude types

instance Rep1 ctx Int      where rep1 = Int1
instance Rep1 ctx Char     where rep1 = Char1
instance Rep1 ctx Integer  where rep1 = Integer1
instance Rep1 ctx Float    where rep1 = Float1
instance Rep1 ctx Double   where rep1 = Double1
instance Rep1 ctx IOError  where rep1 = IOError1
instance Rep1 ctx Rational where rep1 = Rational1
instance (Rep a, Sat (ctx a)) => 
         Rep1 ctx (IO a)   where rep1 = IO1 dict
instance (Rep a, Rep b, Sat (ctx a), Sat (ctx b)) => 
         Rep1 ctx (a -> b) where rep1 = Arrow1 dict dict

-- Data structures

-- unit
instance Rep1 ctx ()   where 
 rep1 = Data1 (DT "()" MNil)
        [Con rUnitEmb MNil]

-- pairs
rTup2_1 :: forall a b ctx. (Rep a, Rep b) => ctx a -> ctx b -> R1 ctx (a,b)
rTup2_1 ca cb = 
  case (rep :: R (a,b)) of 
     Data rdt _ -> Data1 rdt 
       [Con rPairEmb (ca :+: cb :+: MNil)]
instance (Rep a, Sat (ctx a), Rep b, Sat (ctx b)) => Rep1 ctx (a,b) where
  rep1 = rTup2_1 dict dict

-- Lists
rList1 :: forall a ctx. 
  Rep a => ctx a -> ctx [a] -> R1 ctx [a]
rList1 ca cl = Data1 (DT "[]" ((rep :: R a) :+: MNil))
                  [ rCons1 ca cl, rNil1 ]

rNil1  :: Con ctx [a]
rNil1  = Con rNilEmb MNil

rCons1 :: Rep a => ctx a -> ctx [a] -> Con ctx [a]
rCons1 ca cl = Con rConsEmb (ca :+: cl :+: MNil)

instance (Rep a, Sat (ctx a), Sat (ctx [a])) => Rep1 ctx [a] where
  rep1 = rList1 dict dict