import Network.SMTP.ClientSession import Network.SMTP.Client import Network.Socket import System.Time import System.IO import Data.IORef myDomain = "" smtpHost = "" -- <-- Your SMTP server here main = do now <- getClockTime nowCT <- toCalendarTime now let message = Message [ From [NameAddr (Just "Mr. Nobody") ""], To [NameAddr (Just "Mr. Somebody") ""], Subject "I'm using SMTPClient!", Date nowCT ] ("Dear Sir,\n"++ "It has come to my attention that this is an email.\n"++ "Yours sincerely,\n"++ "Mr. Nobody\n") addrs <- getAddrInfo Nothing (Just smtpHost) (Just "25") putStrLn $ "connecting to "++show (map addrAddress addrs) sentRef <- newIORef [] sendSMTP' (hPutStrLn stderr) (Just sentRef) myDomain addrs [message] statuses <- readIORef sentRef -- If no exception was caught, statuses is guaranteed to be -- the same length as the list of input messages, therefore head won't fail here. case head statuses of Nothing -> putStrLn "Message successfully sent" Just status -> putStrLn $ "Message send failed with status "++show status