// // Salsa Binding Generator // // Licence: BSD3 (see LICENSE) // using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using System.IO; using System.Reflection; using System.Linq; namespace Generator { class Generator { static void Main(string[] args) { if (args.Length == 0) { Console.WriteLine("Usage: {0} [input-files]", Path.GetFileName(Environment.GetCommandLineArgs()[0])); } else new Generator().Run(args); } private TextWriter w; private Set _labels = new Set(); private Set _invokers = new Set(); /// /// Instead of using long strings for identifiers inside the binding, we generate /// shorter, unique ids using this dictionary. /// private Dictionary _uniqueIds = new Dictionary(); /// /// Set of types that are required by the types generated so far. /// private Set _requiredTypes = new Set(); /// /// Set of types that have been generated so far. /// private Set _generatedTypes = new Set(); /// /// Set of types that were originally requested to be generated. /// private Set _requestedTypes = new Set(); private Dictionary> _requestedMembers = new Dictionary>(); private long GetUnique(params string[] keys) { string key = Util.Join("\0", keys); // Combine the keys long id; if (_uniqueIds.TryGetValue(key, out id)) return id; else { id = _uniqueIds.Count + 1; _uniqueIds.Add(key, id); return id; } } private void RequestAll(Type t) { _requestedTypes.Add(t); List ms;// = new List(); if (!_requestedMembers.TryGetValue(t, out ms)) ms = new List(); foreach (MemberInfo mi in t.GetMembers(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly)) ms.Add(mi.Name); _requestedMembers[t] = ms; } private void Request(Type t, params string[] members) { _requestedTypes.Add(t); List ms;// = new List(); if (!_requestedMembers.TryGetValue(t, out ms)) ms = new List(); ms.AddRange(members); _requestedMembers[t] = ms; } /// /// Returns true iff the given member 'm' in type 't' has been requested, /// either directly or indirectly (i.e. if 'm' is inherited from a /// requested member). /// private bool IsMemberRequested(Type targetType, string m) { List ms; foreach (Type t in EnumerateAncestors(targetType)) { // Was the member requested in a supertype? if (_requestedMembers.TryGetValue(t, out ms)) { if (ms.Contains(m)) return true; } } return false; } private void ReadImports(string path) { List references = new List(); references.Add(Assembly.GetAssembly(typeof(object))); using (StreamReader r = File.OpenText(path)) { string line; while ((line = r.ReadLine()) != null) { if (line.Trim() == string.Empty) continue; if (line.StartsWith("--") || line.StartsWith("#")) continue; string[] sides = line.Split(new char[] { ':', ' ', '\t' }, 2, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); if (sides[0] == "reference") { if (sides.Length != 2) throw new Exception("Must specify assembly name after 'reference'"); references.Add(Assembly.LoadFile(Path.GetFullPath(sides[1]))); } else { string[] members; if (sides.Length > 1) members = sides[1].Split(new char[] { ',', ' ', '\t' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); else members = new string[0]; bool foundType = false; foreach (Assembly a in references) { Type t = a.GetType(sides[0]); if (t != null) { if (members.Length > 0 && members[0] == "*") RequestAll(t); else Request(t, members); foundType = true; break; } } if (!foundType) throw new Exception(string.Format( "The type '{0}' does not exist (are you missing an assembly reference?)", sides[0])); } } } } private void Run(string[] args) { string outputPath = @"."; foreach (string arg in args) ReadImports(arg); // Require System.Array (the base class of all arrays), and its // CreateInstance method, because the Salsa library uses it to // instantiate arrays. // Request(typeof(System.Array), "CreateInstance"); using (w = File.CreateText(Path.Combine(outputPath, "Bindings.hs"))) { // Explicitly request all supertypes too (since their members are inherited // by the requested types) foreach (Type requestedType in Enumerable.ToList(_requestedTypes)) { foreach (Type superRequestedType in EnumerateAncestors(requestedType)) { _requestedTypes.Add(superRequestedType); if (_requestedMembers.ContainsKey(requestedType)) Request(superRequestedType, _requestedMembers[requestedType].ToArray()); } } foreach (Type requestedType in _requestedTypes) { RequireType(requestedType); if (!_requestedMembers.ContainsKey(requestedType)) _requestedMembers.Add(requestedType, new List()); } w.WriteLine("{-# LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface, MultiParamTypeClasses, FlexibleInstances, TypeFamilies, TypeOperators, TypeSynonymInstances, UndecidableInstances #-}"); w.WriteLine("module {0} (", "Bindings"); w.WriteLine(" module Labels"); w.WriteLine(" ) where"); w.WriteLine(); w.WriteLine("import Labels"); w.WriteLine("import Foreign.Salsa.Binding"); while (_requiredTypes.Count > 0) { Type t = _requiredTypes.Pop(); if (_generatedTypes.Contains(t)) continue; // Already generated if (IsUnsupportedType(t)) continue; if (IsPrim(t)) continue; // TODO: Support boxed primitive types later. Console.WriteLine("Binding " + t.ToString()); WriteClass(t); _generatedTypes.Add(t); } Console.WriteLine("Generated bindings for {0} classes", _generatedTypes.Count); } using (w = File.CreateText(Path.Combine(outputPath, "Labels.hs"))) { w.WriteLine("{-# LANGUAGE EmptyDataDecls #-}"); w.WriteLine("module Labels where"); w.WriteLine("import Foreign.Salsa (invoke)"); w.WriteLine(); WriteLabels(); WriteInvokers(); } } /// /// Indicates that a particular type should be generated (if it hasn't /// already been generated). /// private void RequireType(Type t) { if (!_generatedTypes.Contains(t)) _requiredTypes.Add(t); } private void WriteClass(Type targetType) { // if (targetType.IsArray) // { // // Explicit bindings for array types are not generated by the code generator. // // We only need to generate bindings for the element type, the base type // // (System.Array) (which is always generated) and the parameterised 'Arr t' // // type (see end of this method). // // // Require the element type of the array // RequireType(targetType.GetElementType()); // // return; // } string classLabel = TypeToLabel(targetType); w.WriteLine(); w.WriteLine("--"); w.WriteLine("-- Class: {0}", targetType.FullName); w.WriteLine("--"); w.WriteLine(); // // Write a Salsa.SalsaForeignType instance for this class // // Note: Type.GetType always returns the same instance for a given type, so it is // safe to use 'unsafePerformIO' below. // w.WriteLine("instance SalsaForeignType {0} where", classLabel); w.WriteLine(" foreignTypeOf _ = unsafePerformIO $ type_GetType \"{0}\"", targetType.AssemblyQualifiedName); w.WriteLine(); // TODO: Cache result of 'foreignTypeOf' in an IORef? { // // Instance and static methods // { // Build a list of relevant instance methods for the target class. // Filter out 'override' methods and 'get/set/add/remove' methods. // Also filter out methods with the same name and signature in a base // class (i.e. hide by signature). List relevantMethods = new List(); // Go down the inheritance tree from object to the target type foreach (Type implementedType in Enumerable.Reverse(EnumerateAncestors(targetType))) { foreach (MethodInfo mi in implementedType.GetMethods( BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Static)) { if (mi.IsSpecialName) continue; // Skip get/set/add/remove methods // Skip overridden (virtual but not a new slot) methods if (mi.IsVirtual && (mi.Attributes & MethodAttributes.NewSlot) == 0) continue; // Ignore methods containing parameters of unsupported types, or an // unsupported result type if (IsUnsupportedType(mi.ReturnType) || Enumerable.Any(mi.GetParameters(), delegate(ParameterInfo pi) { return IsUnsupportedType(pi.ParameterType); })) continue; // Remove any methods (from base classes) with this name and signature // (i.e. implement hide-by-signature semantics, like C#) relevantMethods.RemoveAll(delegate(MemberInfo mi2) { return HasSameSignature((MethodInfo)mi, (MethodInfo)mi2); }); relevantMethods.Add(mi); } } // Enumerate over the method groups in the relevant instance methods, // generating bindings for each group foreach (IGrouping mg in Enumerable.GroupBy( relevantMethods, delegate(MemberInfo mi) { return (((MethodInfo)mi).IsStatic ? "static " : "") + mi.Name; })) { if (!IsMemberRequested(targetType, Enumerable.First(mg).Name)) continue; w.WriteLine("-- " + mg.Key); WriteMethodGroup(mg, targetType); } } // // Constructors // if (typeof(Delegate).IsAssignableFrom(targetType)) { // Delegate constructors are special, since they accept a normal // Haskell function as an argument WriteDelegateConstructor(targetType); } else { // Build a list of relevant constructors for the target class (if any) List relevantConstructors = new List(); foreach (ConstructorInfo ci in targetType.GetConstructors()) { // Ignore methods containing parameters of unsupported types if (Enumerable.Any(ci.GetParameters(), delegate(ParameterInfo pi) { return IsUnsupportedType(pi.ParameterType); })) continue; relevantConstructors.Add(ci); } if (relevantConstructors.Count > 0) { // Generate bindings for the constructors (treated as a single method group) w.WriteLine("-- Constructors"); WriteConstructorGroup(relevantConstructors, targetType); w.WriteLine(); } } // // Instance and static properties // { // Build a list accessors for accessable, non-indexed, properties in the target class List> relevantPropertyAccessors = new List>(); // Go down the inheritance tree from object to the target type foreach (Type implementedType in Enumerable.Reverse(EnumerateAncestors(targetType))) { foreach (PropertyInfo pi in implementedType.GetProperties( BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Static)) { // Ignore indexed properties (since they're currently out of scope, FIXME) if (pi.GetIndexParameters().Length > 0) continue; // Ignore properties of unsupported types if (IsUnsupportedType(pi.PropertyType)) continue; foreach (MethodInfo mi in pi.GetAccessors()) { // Skip static properties declared outside of the target type AccessorInfo ai = new AccessorInfo( mi == pi.GetGetMethod() ? AccessorType.Get : AccessorType.Set, pi, mi); // Remove any shadowed properties (from base classes) relevantPropertyAccessors.RemoveAll( delegate(AccessorInfo ai2) { return HasSameSignature(ai.Accessor, ai2.Accessor); }); relevantPropertyAccessors.Add(ai); } } } // Enumerate over the properties and generate attribute bindings for each // pair of get/set accessors foreach (IGrouping> mg in Enumerable.GroupBy, string>( relevantPropertyAccessors, delegate(AccessorInfo ai) { return (ai.Accessor.IsStatic ? "static " : "") + ai.Owner.Name; })) { if (!IsMemberRequested(targetType, Enumerable.First(mg).Owner.Name)) continue; WriteProperty(mg, targetType); } } // // Static and instance events // { // Build a list accessors for events in the target class List> relevantEventAccessors = new List>(); // Go down the inheritance tree from object to the target type foreach (Type implementedType in Enumerable.Reverse(EnumerateAncestors(targetType))) { foreach (EventInfo ei in implementedType.GetEvents( BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Static)) { // Ignore events of unsupported types if (IsUnsupportedType(ei.EventHandlerType)) continue; foreach (MethodInfo mi in new MethodInfo[] { ei.GetAddMethod(), ei.GetRemoveMethod() }) { // Skip static events declared outside of the target type AccessorInfo ai = new AccessorInfo( mi == ei.GetAddMethod() ? AccessorType.Add : AccessorType.Remove, ei, mi); // Remove any shadowed events (from base classes) relevantEventAccessors.RemoveAll( delegate(AccessorInfo ai2) { return HasSameSignature(ai.Accessor, ai2.Accessor); }); relevantEventAccessors.Add(ai); } } } // Enumerate over the events and generate attribute bindings for each // pair of add/remove accessors foreach (IGrouping> mg in Enumerable.GroupBy, string>( relevantEventAccessors, delegate(AccessorInfo ai) { return (ai.Accessor.IsStatic ? "static " : "") + ai.Owner.Name; })) { if (!IsMemberRequested(targetType, Enumerable.First(mg).Owner.Name)) continue; WriteEvent(mg, targetType); } } // // Instance and static fields // { // Build a list accessible fields in the target class List relevantFields = new List(); // Go down the inheritance tree from object to the target type foreach (Type implementedType in Enumerable.Reverse(EnumerateAncestors(targetType))) { foreach (FieldInfo fi in implementedType.GetFields( BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Static)) { // Ignore fields of unsupported types if (IsUnsupportedType(fi.FieldType)) continue; // Remove any shadowed fields (from base classes) relevantFields.RemoveAll( delegate(FieldInfo fi2) { return fi.Name == fi2.Name; }); relevantFields.Add(fi); } } // Enumerate over the fields and generate bindings for each foreach (FieldInfo fi in relevantFields) { if (!IsMemberRequested(targetType, fi.Name)) continue; WriteField(fi, targetType); } } } // // Ancestors // List supertypes = new List(); foreach (Type t in EnumerateAncestors(targetType)) supertypes.Add(t); supertypes.AddRange(targetType.GetInterfaces()); // Remove any unsupported types from 'supertypes' foreach (Type t in Enumerable.ToList(supertypes)) { if (IsUnsupportedType(t)) supertypes.Remove(t); } w.WriteLine("type instance SupertypesOf {0} = {1}", ToHaskellType(targetType), Util.JoinSuffix(" ::: ", Enumerable.Select(supertypes, delegate(Type t) { return ToHaskellType(t); }), "TNil")); foreach (Type supertype in supertypes) RequireType(supertype); // if (targetType == typeof(System.Array)) // { // // // // Delegate the members of any array type (i.e. any 'Arr t') to System.Array // // // w.WriteLine(); // w.WriteLine("--"); // w.WriteLine("-- 'Arr t' to 'System.Array' delegation code"); // w.WriteLine("--"); // w.WriteLine(); // Console.WriteLine(string.Join(", ", Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetManifestResourceNames())); // using (StreamReader r = new StreamReader( // Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetManifestResourceStream(typeof(Generator), "Array.hs"))) // { // string line; // while ((line = r.ReadLine()) != null) // w.WriteLine(line); // } // } } /// /// Generates bindings for a delegate constructor for the given delegate type. /// private void WriteDelegateConstructor(Type delegateType) { string classLabel = TypeToLabel(delegateType); w.WriteLine(); w.WriteLine("--"); w.WriteLine("-- Delegate: {0}", delegateType.Name); w.WriteLine("--"); w.WriteLine(); if (delegateType != typeof(Delegate) && delegateType != typeof(MulticastDelegate)) { ConstructorInfo constructorCi = delegateType.GetConstructors()[0]; MethodInfo invokerMi = delegateType.GetMethod("Invoke"); string target = TypeToLabel(delegateType); string stubFunction = ToStubName(constructorCi); string wrapperFunction = "wrap_" + stubFunction; string wrapperType = "Type_" + wrapperFunction; ParameterInfo[] parameters = GetParameters(invokerMi); // Generate the base type signature for Haskell implementation of the delegate w.WriteLine("type {0} = {1}", wrapperType, Util.JoinSuffix(" -> ", Enumerable.Select(parameters, delegate(ParameterInfo pi) { return ToBaseType(pi.ParameterType); }), ToBaseReturnType(GetMemberReturnType(invokerMi)))); w.WriteLine("foreign import ccall \"wrapper\" {0} :: {1} -> (IO (FunPtr {1}))", wrapperFunction, wrapperType); w.WriteLine(); // Generate the delegate-object-generating stub function w.WriteLine("{{-# NOINLINE {0} #-}}", stubFunction); w.WriteLine("{0} :: {1} -> IO ObjectId", stubFunction, wrapperType); w.WriteLine("{0} = unsafePerformIO $ getDelegateConstructorStub", stubFunction); w.WriteLine(" \"{0}\"", delegateType.AssemblyQualifiedName); w.WriteLine(" {0}", wrapperFunction); w.WriteLine(); // Generate the 'delegate' instance for calling the delegate constructor w.WriteLine("instance Delegate {0} where", target); w.WriteLine(" type DelegateT {0} = {1}", target, Util.JoinSuffix(" -> ", Enumerable.Select(parameters, delegate(ParameterInfo pi) { return ToHaskellType(pi.ParameterType); }), ToReturnType(GetMemberReturnType(invokerMi)))); w.WriteLine(" delegate _ handler = {0} (marshalFn{1} handler) >>= unmarshal", stubFunction, parameters.Length); w.WriteLine(); } w.WriteLine(); } /// /// Generates bindings for a method group containing: all instance methods, /// all static methods, or all instance constructors. /// private void WriteMethodGroup(IEnumerable members, Type forType) { MemberInfo firstMi = Enumerable.First(members); Console.WriteLine(" {0}", firstMi.Name); ParameterInfo[] parameters = GetParameters(firstMi); Type returnType = GetMemberReturnType(firstMi); bool isStatic = IsMemberStatic(firstMi); string label = GetMemberLabel(firstMi); string target = isStatic ? TypeToLabel(forType) : ToHaskellType(forType); // Output the parameter lists for the members of the method group w.WriteLine("type instance Candidates {0} {1} = {2}", target, label, Util.JoinSuffix(" ::: ", Enumerable.Select(members, delegate(MemberInfo mi) { return ToListType(GetParameters(mi)); }), "TNil")); // Output instances for invoking each method group member foreach (MemberInfo mi in members) WriteMethod(mi, forType); w.WriteLine(); // Require the return type of this method RequireType(returnType); } /// /// Generates bindings for a group of instance constructors. /// private void WriteConstructorGroup(IEnumerable members, Type forType) { ConstructorInfo firstCi = Enumerable.First(members); string target = TypeToLabel(forType); string label = "Ctor"; // Output the parameter lists for the constructors w.WriteLine("type instance Candidates {0} {1} = {2}", target, label, Util.JoinSuffix(" ::: ", Enumerable.Select(members, delegate(ConstructorInfo ci) { return ToListType(ci.GetParameters()); }), "TNil")); // Output instances for invoking each constructor foreach (ConstructorInfo ci in members) WriteMethod(ci, forType); } /// /// Generate bindings for a static method, instance method, or instance constructor, /// for use in a particular class (which, in the case of an instance method, may be a /// descendant of the class in which the method was declared). /// private void WriteMethod(MemberInfo mi, Type forType) { // If the method was declared on the target type (forType), then produce // the FFI stub function (which is called by Invoker instances down the // hierarchy) if (mi.DeclaringType == forType) WriteMethodStub(mi); // Invoker instance: w.WriteLine("instance Invoker {0} {1} {2} where", IsMemberStatic(mi) ? TypeToLabel(forType) : ToHaskellType(forType), GetMemberLabel(mi), ToTupleType(GetParameters(mi))); w.WriteLine(" type Result {0} {1} {2} = {3}", IsMemberStatic(mi) ? TypeToLabel(forType) : ToHaskellType(forType), GetMemberLabel(mi), ToTupleType(GetParameters(mi)), ToReturnType(GetMemberReturnType(mi))); w.WriteLine(" rawInvoke = {0}", ToMethodMarshaler(mi)); // Require any parameter types for this method/constructor foreach (ParameterInfo pi in GetParameters(mi)) RequireType(pi.ParameterType); } /// /// Returns true iff the given member should be treated as a static member. /// Static methods, static properties, and instance constructors are all /// treated as static members. /// private bool IsMemberStatic(MemberInfo mi) { if (mi is ConstructorInfo) return true; if (mi is MethodInfo) return ((MethodInfo)mi).IsStatic; if (mi is FieldInfo) return ((FieldInfo)mi).IsStatic; throw new ArgumentException("Expected a ConstructorInfo, MethodInfo or FieldInfo."); } /// /// Returns the Haskell code for a function that calls the given method, /// constructor, or property accessor, marshaling the arguments and result /// value as necessary. /// private string ToMethodMarshaler(MemberInfo mi) { return string.Format("marshalMethod{0}{1} {2}", GetParameters(mi).Length, IsMemberStatic(mi) ? "s" : "i", ToStubName(mi)); } /// /// Generates an FFI stub function for calling a particular .NET method /// or property accessor. /// private void WriteMethodStub(MemberInfo mi) { // TODO: Perhaps use unboxed string literals? string stubFunction = ToStubName(mi); string stubType = "Type_" + stubFunction; string makeFunction = "make_" + stubFunction; w.WriteLine(); w.WriteLine("-- Foreign Interface Stub for {0}.{1}:", mi.DeclaringType.Name, mi.Name); w.WriteLine("type {0} = {1}{2}", stubType, IsMemberStatic(mi) ? "" : (ToBaseType(mi.DeclaringType) + " -> "), Util.JoinSuffix(" -> ", Enumerable.Select(GetParameters(mi), delegate(ParameterInfo pi) { return ToBaseType(pi.ParameterType); }), ToBaseReturnType(GetMemberReturnType(mi)))); w.WriteLine("foreign import ccall \"dynamic\" {0} :: FunPtr {1} -> {1}", makeFunction, stubType); w.WriteLine(); w.WriteLine("{{-# NOINLINE {0} #-}}", stubFunction); w.WriteLine("{0} :: {1}", stubFunction, stubType); w.WriteLine("{0} = {1} $ unsafePerformIO $ getMethodStub", stubFunction, makeFunction); w.WriteLine(" \"{0}\" \"{1}\"", mi.DeclaringType.AssemblyQualifiedName, mi.Name); w.WriteLine(" \"{0}\"", Util.Join(";", Enumerable.Select(GetParameters(mi), delegate(ParameterInfo pi) { return ToQualifiedType(pi.ParameterType); }))); w.WriteLine(); } /// /// Generates FFI stub functions for retrieving or setting a particular .NET field. /// private void WriteFieldStub(FieldInfo fi, AccessorType accessorType) { bool isGet = (accessorType == AccessorType.Get); string stubFunction = ToStubName(fi) + "_" + (isGet ? "get" : "set"); string stubType = "Type_" + stubFunction; string makeFunction = "make_" + stubFunction; w.WriteLine(); w.WriteLine("-- Field accessor stub for {0}.{1}:", fi.DeclaringType.Name, fi.Name); w.WriteLine("type {0} = {1}{2}{3}", stubType, fi.IsStatic ? "" : (ToBaseType(fi.DeclaringType) + " -> "), isGet ? "" : (ToBaseType(fi.FieldType) + " -> "), isGet ? ToBaseReturnType(fi.FieldType) : "IO ()"); w.WriteLine("foreign import ccall \"dynamic\" {0} :: FunPtr {1} -> {1}", makeFunction, stubType); w.WriteLine(); w.WriteLine("{{-# NOINLINE {0} #-}}", stubFunction); w.WriteLine("{0} :: {1}", stubFunction, stubType); w.WriteLine("{0} = {1} $ unsafePerformIO $ {2}", stubFunction, makeFunction, isGet ? "getFieldGetStub" : "getFieldSetStub"); w.WriteLine(" \"{0}\" \"{1}\"", fi.DeclaringType.AssemblyQualifiedName, fi.Name); w.WriteLine(); } private void WriteProperty(IEnumerable> accessors, Type forType) { AccessorInfo firstAccessor = Enumerable.First(accessors); bool isStatic = IsMemberStatic(firstAccessor.Accessor); string target = isStatic ? TypeToLabel(forType) : ToHaskellType(forType); string label = ToLabelType(firstAccessor.Owner.Name); w.WriteLine("instance Prop {0} {1} where", target, label); AccessorInfo getAccessor = Enumerable.FirstOrDefault(accessors, delegate(AccessorInfo ai) { return ai.Type == AccessorType.Get; }); AccessorInfo setAccessor = Enumerable.FirstOrDefault(accessors, delegate(AccessorInfo ai) { return ai.Type == AccessorType.Set; }); if (getAccessor != null) { w.WriteLine(" type PropGT {0} {1} = {2}", target, label, ToHaskellType(getAccessor.Owner.PropertyType)); w.WriteLine(" getProp t pn = {0} t pn ()", ToMethodMarshaler(getAccessor.Accessor)); } else { w.WriteLine(" type PropGT {0} {1} = ()", target, label); w.WriteLine(" getProp _ _ = return ()"); // Return nothing } if (setAccessor != null) { w.WriteLine(" type PropST {0} {1} = {2}", target, label, ToHaskellType(setAccessor.Owner.PropertyType)); w.WriteLine(" setProp = {0}", ToMethodMarshaler(setAccessor.Accessor)); } else { w.WriteLine(" type PropST {0} {1} = ()", target, label); w.WriteLine(" setProp _ _ _ = return ()"); // Do nothing } foreach (AccessorInfo accessor in accessors) { // Generate the get/set stub caller (in declared type only) if (accessor.Accessor.DeclaringType == forType) WriteMethodStub(accessor.Accessor); } w.WriteLine(); } private void WriteEvent(IEnumerable> accessors, Type forType) { AccessorInfo firstAccessor = Enumerable.First(accessors); bool isStatic = IsMemberStatic(firstAccessor.Accessor); string target = isStatic ? TypeToLabel(forType) : ToHaskellType(forType); string label = ToLabelType(firstAccessor.Owner.Name); w.WriteLine("instance Event {0} {1} where", target, label); w.WriteLine(" type EventT {0} {1} = {2}", target, label, ToHaskellType(firstAccessor.Owner.EventHandlerType)); foreach (AccessorInfo accessor in accessors) { if (accessor.Type == AccessorType.Add) w.WriteLine(" addEvent = {0}", ToMethodMarshaler(accessor.Accessor)); else // AccessorType.Remove w.WriteLine(" removeEvent = {0}", ToMethodMarshaler(accessor.Accessor)); } foreach (AccessorInfo accessor in accessors) { // Generate the add/remove stub caller (in declared type only) if (accessor.Accessor.DeclaringType == forType) WriteMethodStub(accessor.Accessor); } w.WriteLine(); // Require the event type of this event RequireType(firstAccessor.Owner.EventHandlerType); } private void WriteField(FieldInfo field, Type forType) { bool isStatic = field.IsStatic; bool isReadOnly = field.IsLiteral || field.IsInitOnly; // TODO: Add support for literal fields. The constant value from // the metadata should be included in the generated code. string target = isStatic ? TypeToLabel(forType) : ToHaskellType(forType); string label = ToLabelType(field.Name); w.WriteLine("instance Prop {0} {1} where", target, label); w.WriteLine(" type PropGT {0} {1} = {2}", target, label, ToHaskellType(field.FieldType)); w.WriteLine(" getProp t pn = marshalMethod0{0} {1}_get t pn ()", isStatic ? "s" : "i", ToStubName(field)); if (!isReadOnly) { w.WriteLine(" type PropST {0} {1} = {2}", target, label, ToHaskellType(field.FieldType)); w.WriteLine(" setProp = marshalMethod1{0} {1}_set", isStatic ? "s" : "i", ToStubName(field)); } else { w.WriteLine(" type PropST {0} {1} = ()", target, label); w.WriteLine(" setProp _ _ _ = return ()"); // Do nothing } // Generate the get/set stub caller (in declared type only) if (field.DeclaringType == forType) { if (!isReadOnly) WriteFieldStub(field, AccessorType.Set); WriteFieldStub(field, AccessorType.Get); } // For readonly fields, generate an IO-less method getting the value if (isReadOnly) { // Ensure that an invoker is generated for invoking the label with '#' ToInvoker(field.Name); w.WriteLine("type instance Candidates {0} {1} = TNil ::: TNil", target, label); w.WriteLine("instance Invoker {0} {1} () where", target, label); w.WriteLine(" type Result {0} {1} () = {2}", target, label, ToHaskellType(field.FieldType)); w.WriteLine(" rawInvoke t m () = unsafePerformIO $ get t m "); } w.WriteLine(); } private string ToHaskellType(Type t) { if (t == typeof(void)) return "()"; if (t == typeof(int)) return "Int32"; if (t == typeof(string)) return "String"; if (t == typeof(bool)) return "Bool"; if (t == typeof(Double)) return "Double"; if (t == typeof(bool?)) return "(Maybe Bool)"; // if (t.IsArray) // return string.Format("(Obj (Arr {0}))", ToHaskellType(t.GetElementType())); return "(Obj " + TypeToLabel(t) + ")"; } private string ToReturnType(Type t) { return "IO " + ToHaskellType(t); } /// /// Gives the low-level Haskell type for the given .NET type 't'. This is the /// base type used in FFI declarations. /// private string ToBaseType(Type t) { if (t == typeof(void)) return "()"; if (t == typeof(Int32)) return "Int32"; if (t == typeof(String)) return "SalsaString"; if (t == typeof(Boolean)) return "Bool"; if (t == typeof(Double)) return "Double"; return "ObjectId"; } private string ToBaseReturnType(Type t) { return "IO " + ToBaseType(t); } private bool IsPrim(Type t) { return t == typeof(void) || t == typeof(Int32) || t == typeof(String) || t == typeof(Boolean) || t == typeof(Double); } private bool IsUnsupportedType(Type t) { return t.Name.StartsWith("_") || t.IsByRef || // FIXME: Support this? t.IsPointer || // Salsa doesn't support generic types yet, but there's a special case for Nullable (t.IsGenericType && t != typeof(Nullable)) || t.IsGenericParameter || t.IsArray; // Temporarily removed array support // // Salsa only supports arrays of non-generic types at present // (t.IsArray && IsUnsupportedType(t.GetElementType())); } /// /// Returns a tuple of high-level Haskell types corresponding to the given /// list of method parameters. /// private string ToTupleType(ParameterInfo[] ts) { return "(" + Util.Join(", ", Enumerable.Select(ts, delegate(ParameterInfo pi) { return ToHaskellType(pi.ParameterType); } )) + ")"; } /// /// Returns a type-level list of high-level Haskell types corresponding to /// the given list of method parameters. /// private string ToListType(ParameterInfo[] ts) { return "(" + Util.JoinSuffix(" ::: ", Enumerable.Select(ts, delegate(ParameterInfo pi) { return ToHaskellType(pi.ParameterType); } ), "TNil") + ")"; } /// /// Returns the name of the raw FFI stub method associated with the given .NET method /// or constructor. There is a unique stub name for every declared method overload, /// and constructor. /// private string ToStubName(MemberInfo mi) { string parameterDetails = ""; if (mi is ConstructorInfo || mi is MethodInfo) parameterDetails = Util.Join(" ", Enumerable.Select(GetParameters(mi), delegate(ParameterInfo pi) { return pi.ParameterType.AssemblyQualifiedName; })); return string.Format("stub_{0}", GetUnique("stub", mi.DeclaringType.AssemblyQualifiedName, mi.Name, parameterDetails)); } /// /// Returns the name of the FFI wrapper function that is used to wrap Haskell /// functions that implement the given .NET delegate type. /// private string ToWrapperName(Type dt) { return string.Format("wrap_{0}", GetUnique("wrap", dt.AssemblyQualifiedName)); } /// /// Returns a string that uniquely identifies the given type. It is /// used to retrieve stub functions for the particular type at runtime. /// private string ToQualifiedType(Type t) { // Unless the type is in mscorlib, use the (long) assembly qualified name if (t.Assembly == typeof(object).Assembly) return t.FullName; else return t.AssemblyQualifiedName; } private ParameterInfo[] GetParameters(MemberInfo mi) { if (mi is MethodInfo) return ((MethodInfo)mi).GetParameters(); if (mi is ConstructorInfo) return ((ConstructorInfo)mi).GetParameters(); throw new ArgumentException("Must be a MethodInfo or ConstructorInfo.", "mi"); } private Type GetMemberReturnType(MemberInfo mi) { if (mi is MethodInfo) return ((MethodInfo)mi).ReturnType; if (mi is ConstructorInfo) return ((ConstructorInfo)mi).DeclaringType; throw new ArgumentException("Must be a MethodInfo or ConstructorInfo.", "mi"); } private string GetMemberLabel(MemberInfo mi) { if (mi is MethodInfo) return MethodToLabel((MethodInfo)mi); if (mi is ConstructorInfo) return "Ctor"; throw new ArgumentException("Must be a MethodInfo or ConstructorInfo.", "mi"); } /// /// Returns true iff the given methods have the same name, number and type of /// parameters. /// private bool HasSameSignature(MethodInfo mi1, MethodInfo mi2) { if (mi1.Name != mi2.Name) return false; ParameterInfo[] pi1 = mi1.GetParameters(); ParameterInfo[] pi2 = mi2.GetParameters(); if (pi1.Length != pi2.Length) return false; for (int i = 0; i < pi1.Length; i++) { if (pi1[i].ParameterType != pi2[i].ParameterType) return false; } return true; } /// /// Returns an irrefutable Haskell pattern for matching a value of the given type. /// 'index' is included in the identified used (if any). /// private string ToPattern(Type t, int index) { if (t == typeof(void)) return "()"; if (t == typeof(int) || t == typeof(bool) || t == typeof(string)) return string.Format("a{0}", index); return string.Format("(Obj a{0})", index); } /// /// Enumerate ancestors of 't', starting with 't' and finishing with object. /// private IEnumerable EnumerateAncestors(Type t) { while (t != null) { yield return t; t = t.BaseType; } } private string MethodToLabel(MethodInfo mi) { ToInvoker(mi.Name); return ToLabelType(mi.Name); } private string TypeToLabel(Type t) { if (IsUnsupportedType(t)) return ToLabelType("NotSupported"); if (t.IsNested && t.DeclaringType != null) { // FIXME: This only handles one level of nested classes // (and it doesn't handle nested generic types) return ToLabelType(t.DeclaringType.Name + "_" + t.Name); } else if (t.IsGenericType && t.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(Nullable<>)) { return string.Format("(Maybe {0})", TypeToLabel(t.GetGenericArguments()[0])); } else return ToLabelType(t.Name); } private string ToLabelHelper(string s) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(s)) throw new ArgumentException("Expected non-empty string."); s = char.ToUpper(s[0]) + s.Substring(1); if (!_labels.Contains(s) && s != "Object" && s != "Type" && s != "Array") // These labels are defined in the Salsa library _labels.Add(s); return s; } private string ToLabelValue(string s) { return "_" + ToLabelHelper(s); } private string ToLabelType(string s) { return ToLabelHelper(s) + "_"; } private void WriteLabels() { w.WriteLine("-- Labels for .NET types, methods, properties, fields and events"); foreach (string label in _labels) w.WriteLine("data {0,-25}", ToLabelType(label)); w.WriteLine(); foreach (string label in _labels) w.WriteLine("{0,-30} = undefined :: {1}", ToLabelValue(label), ToLabelType(label)); w.WriteLine(); } private string ToInvoker(string s) { s = Util.ToLowerFirst(s); if (!_invokers.Contains(s)) _invokers.Add(s); return "_" + s; } private void WriteInvokers() { w.WriteLine("-- Functions for invoking methods with '#'"); foreach (string invoker in _invokers) { // Output an invoker (and a unit invoker, for convenience and consistency) w.WriteLine("{0} args target = invoke target {1} args", ToInvoker(invoker), ToLabelValue(invoker)); w.WriteLine("{0}_ target = invoke target {1} ()", ToInvoker(invoker), ToLabelValue(invoker)); } w.WriteLine(); } } public static class Util { public static string Join(string separator, IEnumerable xs) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); foreach (string x in xs) { sb.Append(x); sb.Append(separator); } if (sb.Length > 0) sb.Length -= separator.Length; return sb.ToString(); } public static string JoinSuffix(string separator, IEnumerable xs, string end) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); foreach (string x in xs) { sb.Append(x); sb.Append(separator); } sb.Append(end); return sb.ToString(); } public static string ToLowerFirst(string s) { if (s == "") return ""; return s.Substring(0, 1).ToLower() + s.Substring(1); } public static string ToUpperFirst(string s) { if (s == "") return ""; return s.Substring(0, 1).ToUpper() + s.Substring(1); } } public class AccessorInfo where T : MemberInfo { private AccessorType _type; private T _owner; private MethodInfo _accessor; public AccessorInfo(AccessorType type, T owner, MethodInfo accessor) { _type = type; _owner = owner; _accessor = accessor; } public AccessorType Type { get { return _type; } } public MethodInfo Accessor { get { return _accessor; } } public T Owner { get { return _owner; } } } public enum AccessorType { Get, Set, Add, Remove }; }