{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

module Scientific.Workflow.Builder
    ( node
    , link
    , (~>)
    , path
    , Builder
    , buildWorkflow
    , buildWorkflowPart
    , getWorkflowState
    , mkDAG
    ) where

import Control.Lens ((^.), (%~), _1, _2, _3, at, (.=))
import Control.Exception (try, displayException)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Except (throwE)
import           Control.Monad.State
import qualified Data.Text           as T
import Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph
    ( mkGraph
    , lab
    , labNodes
    , outdeg
    , lpre
    , labnfilter
    , gmap
    , suc
    , subgraph )
import Data.Graph.Inductive.PatriciaTree (Gr)
import Data.List (sortBy)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import Data.Ord (comparing)
import qualified Data.Map                    as M

import           Language.Haskell.TH
import qualified Language.Haskell.TH.Lift as T

import Scientific.Workflow.Types
import Scientific.Workflow.DB

import Debug.Trace (traceM)

instance T.Lift T.Text where
  lift t = [| T.pack $(T.lift $ T.unpack t) |]

-- | The order of edges
type EdgeOrd = Int

-- | A computation node
type Node = (PID, (ExpQ, Attribute))

-- | Links between computational nodes
type Edge = (PID, PID, EdgeOrd)

type Builder = State ([Node], [Edge])

-- | Declare a computational node
node :: ToExpQ q
     => PID                  -- ^ node id
     -> q                    -- ^ function
     -> State Attribute ()   -- ^ Attribues
     -> Builder ()
node p fn setAttr = modify $ _1 %~ (newNode:)
    attr = execState setAttr defaultAttribute
    newNode = (p, (toExpQ fn, attr))
{-# INLINE node #-}

-- | many-to-one generalized link function
link :: [PID] -> PID -> Builder ()
link xs t = modify $ _2 %~ (zip3 xs (repeat t) [0..] ++)
{-# INLINE link #-}

-- | (~>) = link.
(~>) :: [PID] -> PID -> Builder ()
(~>) = link
{-# INLINE (~>) #-}

-- | singleton
path :: [PID] -> Builder ()
path ns = foldM_ f (head ns) $ tail ns
    f a t = link [a] t >> return t
{-# INLINE path #-}

-- | Build the workflow.
buildWorkflow :: String
              -> Builder ()
              -> Q [Dec]
buildWorkflow wfName b = mkWorkflow wfName $ mkDAG b

-- | Build only a part of the workflow that has not been executed. This is used
-- during development for fast compliation.
buildWorkflowPart :: State RunOpt ()
                  -> String
                  -> Builder ()
                  -> Q [Dec]
buildWorkflowPart setOpt wfName b = do
    st <- runIO $ getWorkflowState $ opt^.dbPath
    mkWorkflow wfName $ trimDAG st $ mkDAG b
    opt = execState setOpt defaultRunOpt

getWorkflowState :: FilePath -> IO WorkflowState
getWorkflowState dir = do
    db <- openDB dir
    ks <- getKeys db
    pSt <- mapM (flip isFinished db) ks
    let pSts = M.fromList $ zipWith (\k s ->
                 if s then (k, Success) else (k, Scheduled)) ks pSt
    return $ WorkflowState db pSts
{-# INLINE getWorkflowState #-}

-- | Objects that can be converted to ExpQ
class ToExpQ a where
    toExpQ :: a -> ExpQ

instance ToExpQ Name where
    toExpQ = varE

instance ToExpQ ExpQ where
    toExpQ = id

type DAG = Gr Node EdgeOrd

-- | Contruct a DAG representing the workflow
mkDAG :: Builder () -> DAG
mkDAG b = mkGraph ns' es'
    ns' = map (\x -> (pid2nid $ fst x, x)) ns
    es' = map (\(fr, t, o) -> (pid2nid fr, pid2nid t, o)) es
    (ns, es) = execState b ([], [])
    pid2nid p = M.findWithDefault errMsg p m
        m = M.fromListWithKey err $ zip (map fst ns) [0..]
        err k _ _ = error $ "multiple instances for: " ++ T.unpack k
        errMsg = error $ "mkDAG: cannot identify node: " ++ T.unpack p
{-# INLINE mkDAG #-}

-- | Remove nodes that are executed before from a DAG.
trimDAG :: WorkflowState -> DAG -> DAG
trimDAG st dag = gmap revise gr
    revise context@(linkTo, nd, lab, linkFrom)
        | done (fst lab) && null linkTo = _3._2._1 %~ e $ context
        | otherwise = context
        e x = [| const undefined >=> $(x) |]
    gr = labnfilter f dag
        f (i, (x,_)) = (not . done) x || any (not . done) children
          where children = map (fst . fromJust . lab dag) $ suc dag i
    done x = case M.lookup x (st^.procStatus) of
        Just Success -> True
        _ -> False
{-# INLINE trimDAG #-}

-- | Generate codes from a DAG
mkWorkflow :: String -> DAG -> Q [Dec]
mkWorkflow wfName dag = do
    decNode <- concat <$> mapM (f . snd) ns
    decWf <- [d| $(varP $ mkName wfName) = $(fmap ListE $ mapM linking leafNodes)
    return $ decNode ++ decWf
    f (p, (fn, _)) = [d| $(varP $ mkName $ T.unpack p) = mkProc p $(fn) |]
    ns = labNodes dag
    leafNodes = filter ((==0) . outdeg dag . fst) ns
    linking nd = [| Workflow $(go nd) |]
        go n = connect inNodes n
            inNodes = map (\(x,_) -> (x, fromJust $ lab dag x)) $
                      sortBy (comparing snd) $ lpre dag $ fst n
        define n = varE $ mkName (T.unpack $ (snd n) ^. _1)
        connect [] t = define t
        connect [s1] t = [| $(go s1) >=> $(define t) |]
        connect xs t = [| $(foldl g e0 $ tail xs) >=> $(define t) |]
            e0 = [| (fmap.fmap) $(conE (tupleDataName $ length xs)) $(go $ head xs) |]
            g acc x = [| ((<*>) . fmap (<*>)) $(acc) $(go x) |]
{-# INLINE mkWorkflow #-}

mkProc :: Serializable b => PID -> (a -> IO b) -> (Processor a b)
mkProc pid f = \input -> do
    st <- get
    case M.findWithDefault Scheduled pid (st^.procStatus) of
        Fail ex -> lift $ throwE ex
        Success -> do
            r <- liftIO $ readData pid $ st^.db
            return r
        Scheduled -> do
#ifdef DEBUG
            traceM $ "Running node: " ++ T.unpack pid

            result <- liftIO $ try $ f input
            case result of
                Left ex -> do
                    (procStatus . at pid) .= Just (Fail ex)
                    lift $ throwE ex
                Right r -> do
                    liftIO $ saveData pid r $ st^.db
                    (procStatus . at pid) .= Just Success
                    return r
{-# INLINE mkProc #-}