Name: Shellac Cabal-Version: >= 1.2 Build-Type: Simple Version: 0.9.1 License: BSD3 License-File: LICENSE Author: Robert Dockins Maintainer: robdockins AT fastmail DOT fm Category: User Interfaces Stability: Beta Synopsis: A framework for creating shell envinronments Homepage: Description: Shellac is a framework for building read-eval-print style shells. Shells are created by declaratively defining a set of shell commands and an evaluation function. Shellac supports multiple shell backends, including a 'basic' backend which uses only Haskell IO primitives and a full featured 'readline' backend based on the the Haskell readline bindings found in the standard libraries. This library attempts to allow users to write shells at a high level and still enjoy the advanced features that may be available from a powerful line editing package like readline. Library Hs-Source-Dirs: src Build-Depends: base, haskell98, mtl Extensions: MultiParamTypeClasses FunctionalDependencies ExistentialQuantification CPP UndecidableInstances GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving FlexibleInstances ScopedTypeVariables if os(windows) GHC-Options: -DBUILD_WINDOWS else if impl( ghc >= 6.8 ) Build-Depends: unix if impl( ghc >= 6.8 ) Build-Depends: directory GHC-Options: -XPatternSignatures Exposed-modules: System.Console.Shell System.Console.Shell.Backend System.Console.Shell.Backend.Basic System.Console.Shell.ShellMonad Other-modules: System.Console.Shell.Regex System.Console.Shell.PPrint System.Console.Shell.Types System.Console.Shell.RunShell System.Console.Shell.Commands System.Console.Shell.ConsoleHandler