 -  Copyright 2005-2007, Robert Dockins.

-- | This module implements a framework for creating read-eval-print style
--   command shells.  Shells are created by declaratively defining evaluation
--   functions and \"shell commands\".  Input is read using a pluggable backend.
--   The shell framework handles command history and word completion if the
--   backend supports it.
--   The basic idea is for creating a shell is:
--    (1) Create a list of shell commands and an evaluation function
--    (2) Create a shell description (using 'mkShellDescription')
--    (3) Set up the initial shell state
--    (4) Run the shell (using 'runShell')
--   Shell commands and the evaluation function are written in a custom
--   monad.  See "System.Console.Shell.ShellMonad" for details on using this monad.

module System.Console.Shell (

-- * Shell Descriptions
  ShellDescription (..)
, initialShellDescription
, mkShellDescription
, defaultExceptionHandler

-- * Executing Shells
, runShell

-- * Creating Shell Commands
, exitCommand
, helpCommand
, toggle
, cmd
, CommandFunction
, File (..)
, Username (..)
, Completable (..)
, Completion (..)
, ShellCommand

-- * Subshells
, Subshell
, simpleSubshell

-- * Printing Help Messages
, showShellHelp
, showCmdHelp

-- * Auxiliary Types
, CommandStyle (..)
, ShellSpecial (..)
, OutputCommand
, CommandResult
) where

import System.Console.Shell.Types
import System.Console.Shell.ShellMonad
import System.Console.Shell.Commands
import System.Console.Shell.RunShell
import System.Console.Shell.Backend

-- | A basic shell description with sane initial values
initialShellDescription :: ShellDescription st
initialShellDescription =
       { shellCommands      = []
       , commandStyle       = CharPrefixCommands ':'
       , evaluateFunc       = \_ -> return ()
       , greetingText       = Nothing
       , wordBreakChars     = defaultWordBreakChars
       , beforePrompt       = return ()
       , prompt             = \_ -> return "> "
       , secondaryPrompt    = Nothing
       , exceptionHandler   = defaultExceptionHandler
       , defaultCompletions = Just (\_ _ -> return [])
       , historyFile        = Nothing
       , maxHistoryEntries  = 100
       , historyEnabled     = True

-- | Creates a simple shell description from a list of shell commmands and
--   an evalation function.
mkShellDescription :: [ShellCommand st]
                   -> (String -> Sh st ())
                   -> ShellDescription st

mkShellDescription cmds func =
      { shellCommands = cmds
      , evaluateFunc  = func