{-# LANGUAGE UnicodeSyntax, MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
module SoccerFun.Geometry where

import Prelude.Unicode
import SoccerFun.Prelude
import Data.List (sort)

type Metre = Float
type Length = Metre
type XPos = Metre
type YPos = Metre
type ZPos = Metre

data Position = Position
	{px  XPos, -- ^ x-coordinate in plane (0.0<=px)
	 py  YPos  -- ^ y-coordinate in plane (0.0<=py)
	} deriving (Show,Eq)

data Position3D = Position3D {pxy  Position, pz  ZPos} deriving (Show,Eq)

coordinates  Position3D  (Metre,Metre,Metre)
coordinates pos = (px $ pxy pos, py $ pxy pos, pz pos)

-- position3D is within the cube around #param5 with measures of #param2t/m4
inRadiusOfPosition  Position3D  XRadius  YRadius  ZRadius  Position  Bool
inRadiusOfPosition pos1 xr yr zr pos2 = let
		(x1,y1,z1) = coordinates pos1
		Position x2 y2 = pos2
	in x2+xr >= x1 && x1 >= x2-xr && y2+yr >= y1 && y1 >= y2-yr && z1 <= zr

type XRadius = Metre
type YRadius = Metre
type ZRadius = Metre

type Angle = Radian -- ^ angle in radians, clockwise
type Radian = Float

angleHowFarFromPi  Angle  Angle
angleHowFarFromPi a = toRadian (if (a' > 180) then (360 - a') else a')
	a' = fromRadian (abs a)

angleHowFarFromAngle  Angle  Angle  Angle
angleHowFarFromAngle a b
	| a' > b' = if a' - b' > 180 then toRadian (b' - a' + 360) else toRadian (a' - b')
	| otherwise =  if b' - a' > 180 then toRadian (a' - b' + 360) else toRadian (b' - a')
	a' = fromRadian (abs a)
	b' = fromRadian (abs b)

-- | @movePoint v p@ moves point p over vector v.
movePoint  RVector  Position  Position
movePoint (RVector dx dy) (Position px py) = Position (px+dx) (py+dy)

movePoint3D  RVector3D  Position3D  Position3D
movePoint3D (RVector3D dxy dz) (Position3D pxy pz) = Position3D (movePoint dxy pxy) (pz+dz)

-- | @pointToRectangle (a,b) c@ returns c if (pointInRectangle (a,b) c) and the
-- | projected point c' of c that is exactly on the closest edge of rectangle
-- | (a,b).
pointToRectangle  (Position,Position)  Position  Position
pointToRectangle (a,b) c
	| pointInRectangle (a,b) c = c
	| otherwise = let (x,y) = c' in Position x y
	(minX,maxX) = minmax ((px a),(px b))
	(minY,maxY) = minmax ((py a),(py b))
	left = (px c) <= minX
	right = (px c) >= maxX
	above = (py c) <= minY
	below = (py c) >= maxY

	c' | left && above = (minX,minY)
	   | right && above = (maxX,minY)
	   | left && below = (minX,maxY)
	   | right && below = (maxX,maxY)
	   | above = ((px c), minY)
	   | below = ((px c), maxY)
	   | left = (minX,(py c) )
	   | right = (maxX,(py c) )
	   | otherwise = error ("unsuspected error; please rotate with angles between pi and -pi\n")

-- | @pointInRectangle (a,b) c@
-- | returns True iff point c is inside the rectangle determined by
-- | the diagonal corner points a and b.
pointInRectangle  (Position,Position)  Position  Bool
pointInRectangle (a,b) c = minX  px c  px c  maxX  minY  py c  py c  maxY where
	(minX,maxX) = minmax ((px a),(px b))
	(minY,maxY) = minmax ((py a),(py b))

inCircleRadiusOfPosition  Position3D  XRadius  ZRadius  Position  Bool
inCircleRadiusOfPosition (Position3D pxy pz) r zr pos
	= dist pxy pos <= r && pz <= zr

data RVector = RVector
	{dx  Metre, -- ^difference in x-coordinate (|dx| <= 1.0)
	 dy  Metre -- ^difference in y-coordinate (|dy| <= 1.0)
	} deriving (Show,Eq)

data RVector3D = RVector3D {dxy  RVector, dz  Metre} deriving (Show,Eq)

-- | speed of an object
data Speed = Speed
	{direction  Angle, -- ^ direction of object
	 velocity  Velocity -- ^ velocity of object
	} deriving (Show,Eq)
-- | speed of an object in space
data Speed3D = Speed3D
	{vxy  Speed, -- ^ surface speed of object
	 vz  Velocity -- ^ velocity in z-axis (positive: goes up; negative: goes down; zero: horizontally)
	} deriving (Show,Eq)

type Velocity = Float -- ^ velocity in metre/second

class ToSpeed a where toSpeed  a  Speed
class FromSpeed a where fromSpeed  Speed  a
class ToSpeed3D a where toSpeed3D  a  Speed3D
class FromSpeed3D a where fromSpeed3D  Speed3D  a

instance ToSpeed3D Speed where toSpeed3D s = Speed3D {vxy = s, vz = zero}

instance Num RVector3D where
	p1 + p2 = RVector3D {dxy = dxy p1 + dxy p2, dz = dz p1 + dz p2}
	p1 * p2 = RVector3D {dxy = dxy p1 * dxy p2, dz = dz p1 * dz p2}
	p1 - p2 = RVector3D {dxy = dxy p1 - dxy p2, dz = dz p1 - dz p2}
	abs p = RVector3D {dxy = abs $ dxy p, dz = abs $ dz p}
	signum p = RVector3D {dxy = signum $ dxy p, dz = signum $ dz p}
	fromInteger i = RVector3D {dxy = fromInteger i, dz = zero}

instance Num Speed3D where
	p1 + p2 = Speed3D {vxy = vxy p1 + vxy p2, vz = vz p1 + vz p2}
	p1 * p2 = Speed3D {vxy = vxy p1 * vxy p2, vz = vz p1 * vz p2}
	p1 - p2 = Speed3D {vxy = vxy p1 - vxy p2, vz = vz p1 - vz p2}
	abs p = Speed3D {vxy = abs $ vxy p, vz = abs $ vz p}
	signum p = Speed3D {vxy = signum $ vxy p, vz = signum $ vz p}
	fromInteger i = Speed3D {vxy = fromInteger i, vz = zero}

instance Num Position3D where
	p1 + p2 = Position3D {pxy = pxy p1 + pxy p2, pz = pz p1 + pz p2}
	p1 * p2 = Position3D {pxy = pxy p1 * pxy p2, pz = pz p1 * pz p2}
	p1 - p2 = Position3D {pxy = pxy p1 - pxy p2, pz = pz p1 - pz p2}
	abs p = Position3D {pxy = abs $ pxy p, pz = abs $ pz p}
	signum p = Position3D {pxy = signum $ pxy p, pz = signum $ pz p}
	fromInteger i = Position3D {pxy = fromInteger i, pz = zero}

instance Num RVector where
	p1 + p2 = RVector {dx = dx p1 + dx p2, dy = dy p1 + dy p2}
	p1 * p2 = RVector {dx = dx p1 * dx p2, dy = dy p1 * dy p2}
	p1 - p2 = RVector {dx = dx p1 - dx p2, dy = dy p1 - dy p2}
	abs p = RVector {dx = abs $ dx p, dy = abs $ dy p}
	signum p = RVector {dx = signum $ dx p, dy = signum $ dy p}
	fromInteger i = RVector {dx = fromInteger i, dy = zero}

instance Num Position where
	p1 + p2 = Position {px = px p1 + px p2, py = py p1 + py p2}
	p1 * p2 = Position {px = px p1 * px p2, py = py p1 * py p2}
	p1 - p2 = Position {px = px p1 - px p2, py = py p1 - py p2}
	abs p = Position {px = abs $ px p, py = abs $ py p}
	signum p = Position {px = signum $ px p, py = signum $ py p}
	fromInteger i = Position {px = fromInteger i, py = zero}

instance Num Speed where
	p1 + p2 = Speed {direction = direction p1 + direction p2, velocity = velocity p1 + velocity p2}
	p1 * p2 = Speed {direction = direction p1 * direction p2, velocity = velocity p1 * velocity p2}
	p1 - p2 = Speed {direction = direction p1 - direction p2, velocity = velocity p1 - velocity p2}
	abs p = Speed {direction = abs $ direction p, velocity = abs $ velocity p}
	signum p = Speed {direction = signum $ direction p, velocity = signum $ velocity p}
	fromInteger i = Speed {direction = fromInteger i, velocity = zero}

class ToRVector a where toRVector  a  RVector

class ToPosition a where toPosition  a  Position
class FromPosition a where fromPosition  Position  a
class ToPosition3D a where toPosition3D  a  Position3D
class FromPosition3D a where fromPosition3D  Position3D  a

{-| Conversion of radians to degrees and vice versa:
type Degrees = Int -- 0 <= degree < 360 (clockwise)

-- | @scaleVector k {dx,dy}@ returns {k*dx,k*dy}
-- | @scaleVector3D k {dxy,dz}@ returns @{scaleVector k dxy,k*dz}@
scaleVector  Float  RVector  RVector
scaleVector k (RVector dx dy) = RVector (k*dx) (k*dy)

scaleVector3D  Float  RVector3D  RVector3D
scaleVector3D k (RVector3D dxy dz) = RVector3D (scaleVector k dxy) (k*dz)

fromRadian  Radian  Degrees
fromRadian a = (round (a * (360.0 / (2.0*pi)))) `mod` 360

toRadian  Degrees  Radian
toRadian a = (fromIntegral a) * pi / 180.0

-- | @betweenPoints (a,b) c@ returns True iff c is on the line between a and b.
betweenPoints  (Position,Position)  Position  Bool
betweenPoints (a,b) c
	= pointInRectangle (a,b) c && dcx / dcy == dx / dy
	(minX:maxX:_) = sort [(px a),(px b)]
	(minY:maxY:_) = sort [(py a),(py b)]
	(dx, dy) = ((px a) - (px b), (py a) - (py b))
	(dcx,dcy) = ((px a) - (px c), (py a) - (py c))

-- | interpret Float as angle in radians
instance ToRVector Float where toRVector angle = RVector {dx=cos angle,dy=sin angle}

instance ToRVector Position where toRVector p = RVector {dx=(px p),dy=(py p)}

-- | @sizeVector {dx,dy} = sqrt (dx**2 + dy**2)@
-- | @sizeVector3D {dxy,dz} = sqrt ((dx dxy)**2 + (dy dxy)**2 + dz**2)@
sizeVector  RVector  Float
sizeVector (RVector dx dy) = sqrt (dx*82.0 + dy**2.0)

sizeVector3D  RVector3D  Float
sizeVector3D (RVector3D dxy dz) = sqrt ((dx dxy)**2.0 + (dy dxy)**2.0 + dz**2.0)

class Dist a b where dist  a  b  Float
instance Dist Float Float where
	dist a b = abs (a-b)
instance Dist Position Position where
	dist a b = sqrt ((abs ((px a)-(px b)))**2.0 + (abs ((py a)-(py b)))**2.0)
instance Dist Position3D Position3D where
	dist a b = sqrt ((abs (px (pxy a)-px(pxy b)))**2.0 + (abs (py (pxy a)-py (pxy b)))**2.0 + (abs ((pz a)-(pz b)))**2.0)
instance Dist Position Position3D where
	dist a b = dist (Position3D a zero) b
instance Dist Position3D Position where
	dist a b = dist a (Position3D b zero)

{-| @orthogonal a@ returns the left- and right- orthogonal angles to a -}
orthogonal  Angle  (Angle,Angle)
orthogonal a = (a+pi/4.0, a-pi/4.0)

--instance toPosition (Float,Float) where toPosition (x,y) = {px=x,py=y}
--instance toPosition Position3D where toPosition p3D = p3D.pxy
--instance fromPosition (Float,Float) where fromPosition p2D = (p2D.px,p2D.py)
--instance fromPosition Position3D where fromPosition p2D = zero {pxy=p2D}
--instance toPosition3D (Float,Float,Float) where toPosition3D (x,y,z) = {pxy=toPosition (x,y),pz=z}
instance ToPosition3D Position where toPosition3D p2D = zero {pxy=p2D}
--instance fromPosition3D (Float,Float,Float) where fromPosition3D p3D = (p3D.(px pxy),p3D.(py pxy),p3D.pz)
--instance fromPosition3D Position where fromPosition3D p3D = p3D.pxy

--instance show Speed where show {direction,velocity}= "{direction=" +++ show direction +++ ",velocity=" +++ show velocity +++ "}"
--instance show Speed3D where show {vxy,vz} = "{vxy=" +++ show vxy +++ ",vz=" +++ show vz +++ "}"
--instance show Position where show {px, py} = "{px=" +++ show px +++ ",py=" +++ show py +++ "}"
--instance show Position3D where show {pxy,pz} = "{pxy=" +++ show pxy +++ ",pz=" +++ show pz +++ "}"

--instance toSpeed Speed3D where toSpeed s = (vxy s)
--instance fromSpeed Speed3D where fromSpeed s = zero {vxy=s}
--instance toSpeed3D Speed where toSpeed3D s = zero {vxy=s}
--instance fromSpeed3D Speed where fromSpeed3D s = (vxy s)

--zero ∷ Num a ⇒ a
--zero = fromIntegral 0

oppositeAngle  Angle  Angle
oppositeAngle a
	| newAngle < (-pi) = newAngle + 2.0*pi
	| otherwise = newAngle
	newAngle = a - pi

angleWithObject  Position  Position  Angle
angleWithObject base target
	| a >= (0.5*pi) && b >= zero = ((-pi)+a) -- linksvoor, naar boven, negatieve hoek, -0.5*pi < hoek < zero
	| a <= (0.5*pi) && b >= zero = (-pi)+b -- linksachter, naar beneden, negatieve hoek, -0.5*pi < hoek < -pi
	| a <= (0.5*pi) && b <= zero = pi+b -- rechtsachter, naar beneden, positieve hoek, 0.5*pi < hoek < pi
	| a >= (0.5*pi) && b <= zero = (-b) -- rechtsvoor, naar boven, positieve hoek, 0 < hoek < 0.5*pi
	v = RVector (px base-px target) (py base-py target)
	d = dist base target
	a = acos (max1 ((dx v) / d))
	b = asin (max1 ((dy v) / d))

	max1  Float  Float
	max1 r
		| r < -1.0 = -1.0
		| r > 1.0 = 1.0
		| otherwise = r

-- | gets the angle between two objects
-- | positive angle is CW, negative is CCW
angleWithObjectForRun  (Position,Angle)  Position  Angle
angleWithObjectForRun (base,angle) target
	| newAngle > pi = newAngle - 2.0*pi
	| newAngle < (-pi) = newAngle + 2.0*pi
	| otherwise = newAngle
	newAngle = angleWithObject base target - angle