{-# LANGUAGE UnicodeSyntax #-}
module SoccerFun.MatchGame where

import Prelude.Unicode
import SoccerFun.Types
import SoccerFun.Player
import SoccerFun.MatchControl
import SoccerFun.Field
import SoccerFun.Team
import SoccerFun.RefereeAction
import SoccerFun.Prelude
import SoccerFun.Referee.Ivanov
import Control.Monad
import System.Random

showTime  Minutes  String -- ^ display time in (mm:ss min) format
showTime minutes = show (fromIntegral seconds/60) ++ ":" ++ (if (seconds `mod` 60 < 10) then "0" else "") ++ show (seconds `mod` 60) ++ " min"
	seconds = round (((fromIntegral (round (minutes * 100.0)  Int))/100.0) * 60.0)  Int

logRefereeAction :: RefereeAction -> Maybe String
logRefereeAction (ReprimandPlayer tfp r) = Just $ "ReprimandPlayer " ++ show (playerNo tfp) ++ " " ++ show r
logRefereeAction (Hands tfp) = Just $ "Hands " ++ show (playerNo tfp)
logRefereeAction (TackleDetected tfp) = Just $ "TackleDetected " ++ show (playerNo tfp)
logRefereeAction (SchwalbeDetected tfp) = Just $ "SchwalbeDetected " ++ show (playerNo tfp)
logRefereeAction (TheaterDetected tfp) = Just $ "TheaterDetected " ++ show (playerNo tfp)
logRefereeAction (DangerousPlay tfp) = Just $ "DangerousPlay " ++ show (playerNo tfp)
logRefereeAction GameOver = Just $ "GameOver"
logRefereeAction PauseGame = Just $ "PauseGame"
logRefereeAction (AddTime t) = Just $ "AddTime " ++ (showTime t)
logRefereeAction EndHalf = Just $ "EndHalf"
logRefereeAction (Goal t) = Just $ "Goal " ++ show t
logRefereeAction (Offside tfp) = Just $ "Offside " ++ show (playerNo tfp)
logRefereeAction (DirectFreeKick t p) = Just $ "DirectFreeKick " ++ show t ++ " " ++ show p
logRefereeAction (GoalKick t) = Just $ "GoalKick " ++ show t
logRefereeAction (Corner t e) = Just $ "Corner " ++ show t ++ " " ++ show e
logRefereeAction (ThrowIn t p) = Just $ "ThrowIn " ++ show t ++ " " ++ show p
logRefereeAction (Penalty t) = Just $ "Penalty " ++ show t
logRefereeAction (CenterKick t) = Just $ "CenterKick " ++ show t
logRefereeAction (Advantage t) = Just $ "Advantage " ++ show t
logRefereeAction (OwnBallIllegally tfp) = Just $ "OwnBallIllegally" ++ show (playerNo tfp)
logRefereeAction (DisplacePlayers ds) = Just $ "DisplacePlayers"
logRefereeAction ContinueGame = Nothing
logRefereeAction (TellMessage txt) = Just $ "TellMessage " ++ show txt

setupMatch  (Home  Field  Team)  (Home  Field  Team)  IO Match
setupMatch t1 t2 = let
		field = Field 70 105
		team1 = t1 West field
		team2 = t2 East field
	in liftM (setMatchStart team1 team2 field (ivanovReferee field team1 team2) 1) newStdGen

{- This module defines the match and tournament data structures.
--import MatchLog, GuiInterface

--data BallGame
--	= BallGame { match ∷ Match -- the ball match to be played
--		, actionPics ∷ ActionPics -- the action-images
--		, history ∷ History -- recent history of game
--		, frames ∷ Int -- nr of frames so far (reset to zero every second)
--		, options ∷ Options -- options of ball game
--		, logging ∷ WhatToLog -- logging options
--		}
--data Options
--	= Options { closeReferee ∷ Bool -- automatically close referee dialog after one second (True - default) or by user (False)
--		, showSplash ∷ Bool -- show splash screen at opening (False - default) or do (True)
--		, displaySpeed ∷ DisplaySpeed -- slow, normal or fast-play (Normal - default)
--		, showReferee ∷ Bool -- show referee-intermezzo (True - default) or not (False)
--		, playingTime ∷ PlayingTime -- default playingtime (defaultPlayingTime)
--		}
--instance show Options
--instance fromString Options
--instance == Options
--data History
--	= History { time ∷ Seconds -- time in seconds of length history
--		, past ∷ [Match] -- the recent history
--		}
--{- incFrames game increases the frames count of game.
--incFrames ∷ BallGame → BallGame
--incFrames game@{frames} = game {frames=frames+1}
--{- defaultPlayingTime returns recommended playing time
--defaultPlayingTime ∷ PlayingTime
--defaultPlayingTime ∷ PlayingTime
--defaultPlayingTime = 0.66--1.0
--{- defaultOptions returns default options.
--defaultOptions ∷ Options
--	= { closeReferee = True
--	  , showSplash = False
--	  , displaySpeed = Normal
--	  , showReferee = True
--	  , playingTime = defaultPlayingTime
--	  }
--{- timeLeft is True if the game has not finished
--timeLeft ∷ BallGame → Bool
--timeLeft game = game.match.Match.playingTime > zero
--{- getOptions env reads the options file (if present) and returns its content.
--		If no options file was found, it is created and filled with default values.
--	setOptions options stores the options in the options file.
--getOptions ∷ *env → (Options,*env) | FileSystem env
--getOptions env
--	= case readFile optionsFile env of
--		(Just options,env) = (fromString options,env)
--		(nothing, env) = (defaultOptions, env)
--setOptions ∷ Options *env → *env | FileSystem env
--data Competition = Competition { results ∷ [[Maybe Score]] -- teams x teams matrix of match results (note: team x team → Nothing)
--type Ranking = AssocList ClubName Rank
--data Rank = Rank { matchpoints ∷ Int -- number of matchpoints (>= 0)
--								, goalsScored ∷ Int -- number of scored goals (>= 0)
--								, goalsAgainst ∷ Int -- number of goals against (>= 0)
--								}
--instance zero Rank
--instance == Rank
--instance < Rank
--instance + Rank
--								, west ∷ [ClubName] -- names of participating teams (west side)
--								, east ∷ [ClubName] -- names of participating teams (east side)
--								, usedRandomSeed∷ RandomSeed -- the seed that is used for computing the matches
--								}
--{- competition teams field referee time rs
--		computes an entire competition between all teams in teams.
--		Each match uses the same referee and same initial random seed value rs.
--competition ∷ [Home Field → Team] Field Referee PlayingTime RandomSeed → Competition
--{- computeMatch match
--		computes an entire match between the currently selected team1 and team2.
--computeMatch ∷ Match → Score
--{- ranking competition
--		computes the ranking of all teams that have participated in competition.
--ranking ∷ Competition → Ranking
--ranking ∷ [ClubName] [Maybe Score] → Ranking
--{- checkCompetitionFile westTeamNames rs env
--		checks whether there is a competition backup file present for the current set
--		of teams (assuming they start on the West home side) and initial random seed value rs
--		for computing matches.
--		If not, then such a file is created, and the same random seed value and empty list of scores is returned.
--		If so, then the currently stored random seed value and list of scores is returned.
--checkCompetitionFile ∷ [ClubName] RandomSeed *env → ((RandomSeed,[Maybe Score]),*env) | FileSystem env
--{- appendMatchToCompetitionFile west east env
--		appends an empty entry of a match between west versus east in the competition backup file.
--		It also returns the file pointer to allow a correct update in updateMatchToCompetitionFile.
--appendMatchToCompetitionFile∷ ClubName ClubName *env → (Int,*env) | FileSystem env
--{- updateMatchToCompetitionFile west east score filepointer env
--		updates the line that starts at filepointer in the competition backup file with the result
--		of the match between west versus east.
--updateMatchToCompetitionFile∷ ClubName ClubName (Maybe Score) Int *env → *env | FileSystem env
--import StdEnvExt, fileIO
--import guiInterface, matchControl
--pmort Parsers (parse, ∷ Parser, ∷ Result(..), ∷ SugPosition, ∷ Rose(..), ∷ RoseNode(..), ∷ SymbolTypes(..), ∷ SymbolType(..), yield, token, symbol, <&>, &>, <!>, <!+>, <!*>, number, digit)
--instance zero Rank where
--	zero = { matchpoints = zero, goalsScored = zero, goalsAgainst = zero }
--instance == Rank where
--	(==) r1 r2 = (r1.matchpoints,r1.goalsScored,r1.goalsAgainst) == (r2.matchpoints,r2.goalsScored,r2.goalsAgainst)
--instance < Rank where
--	(<) r1 r2 = r1.matchpoints < r2.matchpoints ||
--							  r1.matchpoints == r2.matchpoints && r1.goalsScored < r2.goalsScored ||
--							  r1.matchpoints == r2.matchpoints && r1.goalsScored == r2.goalsScored && r1.goalsAgainst > r2.goalsAgainst
--instance + Rank where
--	(+) r1 r2 = { matchpoints = r1.matchpoints + r2.matchpoints
--							  , goalsScored = r1.goalsScored + r2.goalsScored
--							  , goalsAgainst = r1.goalsAgainst + r2.goalsAgainst
--							  }
--competition ∷ [Home Field → Team] Field Referee PlayingTime RandomSeed → Competition
--competition teams field referee playingtime rs
--	= { results = [ [ if (nrWest == nrEast)
--									  Nothing
--									  (Just (computeMatch (setMatchStart (teamWest West field) (teamEast East field) field referee playingtime rs)))
--								| (nrEast,teamEast) <- zip2 [1..] teams
--								]
--							  | (nrWest,teamWest) <- zip2 [1..] teams
--							  ]
--	  , west = map (\f → nameOf (f West field)) teams
--	  , east = map (\f → nameOf (f East field)) teams
--	  , usedRandomSeed = rs
--	  }

computeMatch  Match  Score
computeMatch match
	| playingTime match > zero
							= computeMatch (snd (stepMatch match))
	| otherwise = score match

ranking ∷ [ClubName] [Maybe Score] → Ranking
ranking names scores = foldl upd [(t,zero) | t <- names] (zip2 [(tw,te) | tw <- names, te <- names] scores)
	upd ranking (_,Nothing)
		= ranking
	upd ranking ((west,east),Just (goalsWest,goalsEast))
		= updkeyvalue west ((+) rankWest) (updkeyvalue east ((+) rankEast) ranking)
		(mpsWest, mpsEast) = if (goalsWest > goalsEast) (3,0) (if (goalsWest < goalsEast) (0,3) (1,1))
		(rankWest,rankEast) = ({matchpoints=mpsWest,goalsScored=goalsWest,goalsAgainst=goalsEast}

instance show Options where
	show {closeReferee,showSplash,displaySpeed,showReferee,playingTime}
							= "{closeReferee=" ++ show closeReferee ++ show
							  ",showSplash=" ++ show showSplash ++ show
							  ",displaySpeed=" ++ show displaySpeed ++ show
							  ",showReferee=" ++ show showReferee ++ show
							  ",playingTime=" ++ show playingTime ++ show
instance fromString Options where
	fromString str
	= case parse optionsP (fromString str) optionsFile "char" of
		Succ [opt:_] = opt
		_ = defaultOptions
		optionsP ∷ Parser Char Options Options
		optionsP = token ['{closeReferee='] &>
							  boolP <&> \closeReferee →
							  token [',showSplash='] &>
							  boolP <&> \showSplash →
							  token [',displaySpeed='] &>
							  displaySpeedP <&> \displaySpeed →
							  token [',showReferee='] &>
							  boolP <&> \showReferee →
							  token [',playingTime='] &>
							  realP <&> \playingTime →
							  symbol '}' &>
							  yield { closeReferee = closeReferee
									, showSplash = showSplash
									, displaySpeed = displaySpeed
									, showReferee = showReferee
									, playingTime = playingTime
		boolP = (token ['True'] &> yield True) <!> (token ['False'] &> yield False)
		realP = <!*> (symbol '-') <&> \minuss →
							  <!*> digit <&> \digits1 →
							  <!*> (symbol '.') <&> \dots →
							  <!*> digit <&> \digits2 →
							  yield (toReal (show (minuss ++ digits1 ++ dots ++ digits2)))
		displaySpeedP = (token ['Slow'] &> yield Slow) <!>
							  (token ['Target'] &> yield Target) <!>
							  (token ['Normal'] &> yield Normal) <!>
							  (token ['Faster'] &> yield Faster) <!>
							  (token ['Fastest'] &> yield Fastest)

instance == Options where
	(==) o1 o2 = o1.closeReferee == o2.closeReferee &&
							  o1.showSplash == o2.showSplash &&
							  o1.displaySpeed == o2.displaySpeed &&
							  o1.showReferee == o2.showReferee &&
							  o1.Options.playingTime == o2.Options.playingTime

setOptions ∷ Options *env → *env | FileSystem env
setOptions options env = writeFile False optionsFile (show options) env

optionsFile = "SoccerFunOptions.txt"

checkCompetitionFile ∷ [ClubName] RandomSeed *env → ((RandomSeed,[Maybe Score]),*env) | FileSystem env
checkCompetitionFile west rs env
# (ok,cf,env) = fopen competitionFile FReadText env
| not ok = ((rs,[]), createCompetitionFile west rs env) -- competition file does not exist: create it
# (ok,frs,fwest,cf) = header cf
| not ok || fwest <> teamsLine west
							= ((rs,[]), createCompetitionFile west rs (snd (fclose cf env))) -- competition file ill-formatted or different set of teams: create it
# (scores,cf) = readScores cf -- competition file exists, and for this competition
# (ok,env) = fclose cf env
| not ok = abort ("Could not close competition file after reading scores.\n" +++
								show (length scores)
| otherwise = ((frs,scores),env)
	readScores ∷ *File → ([Maybe Score],*File)
	readScores cf
	# (end,cf) = fend cf
	| end = ([],cf)
	# (line,cf) = freadline cf
	# score = if (line.[0] == 'x') Nothing
							 (let (i1,l1) = span ((<>) ' ') [c | c<-:line]
								  (i2,l2) = span ((<>) ' ') (tl l1)
							   in Just (toInt (show i1),toInt (show i2))
	# (scores,cf) = readScores cf
	= ([score:scores],cf)

appendMatchToCompetitionFile∷ ClubName ClubName *env → (Int,*env) | FileSystem env
appendMatchToCompetitionFile west east env
# (ok,cf,env) = fopen competitionFile FAppendText env
| not ok = abort "Could not open competition file for appending data.\n"
# (pos,cf) = fposition cf
# (ok,env) = fclose (cf <<< "x " <<< west <<< " vs " <<< east <<< '\n') env
| not ok = abort "Could not close competition file after appending data.\n"
| otherwise = (pos,env)

updateMatchToCompetitionFile∷ ClubName ClubName (Maybe Score) Int *env → *env | FileSystem env
updateMatchToCompetitionFile west east score pos env
# (ok,cf,env) = fopen competitionFile FAppendText env
| not ok = abort "Could not open competition file for appending data.\n"
# (ok,cf) = fseek cf pos FSeekSet
| not ok = abort "Could not seek in competition file for updating data.\n"
# (ok,env) = fclose (cf <<< result <<< ' ' <<< west <<< " vs " <<< east <<< '\n') env
| not ok = abort "Could not close competition file after appending data.\n"
| otherwise = env
	result = case score of
								Nothing = "x"
								Just (gw,ge) = gw +++> (" " ++ show ge)

createCompetitionFile ∷ [ClubName] RandomSeed *env → *env | FileSystem env
createCompetitionFile west rs env
# (ok,cf,env) = fopen competitionFile FWriteText env
| not ok = abort "Could not create competition file.\n"
# (ok,env) = fclose (cf <<< seedLine rs <<< '\n' <<< teamsLine west <<< '\n') env
| not ok = abort "Could not close competition file.\n"
| otherwise = env

header ∷ *File → (Bool,RandomSeed,String,*File)
header file
# (rsLine, file) = freadline file
# (teamsLine,file) = freadline file
= (size rsLine > 1 && size teamsLine > 1, fromString (rsLine%(0,size rsLine-2)), teamsLine%(0,size teamsLine-2),file)

seedLine ∷ RandomSeed → String
seedLine rs = show rs

teamsLine ∷ [ClubName] → String
teamsLine west = foldl (\t ts → t +++ "," +++ ts) "" west

competitionFile = "competition.txt"

