{- Copyright (C) 2009 Ivan Lazar Miljenovic This file is part of SourceGraph. SourceGraph is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA -} {- | Module : Analyse Description : Analyse Haskell software Copyright : (c) Ivan Lazar Miljenovic 2009 License : GPL-3 or later. Maintainer : Ivan.Miljenovic@gmail.com Analyse Haskell software -} module Analyse(analyse, sgLegend) where import Analyse.Module import Analyse.Imports import Analyse.Everything import Analyse.Colors import Parsing.Types import Data.Graph.Analysis hiding (Bold) import qualified Data.Graph.Analysis.Reporting as R (DocInline(Bold)) import Data.GraphViz.Types import Data.GraphViz.Attributes import System.Random(RandomGen) -- | Analyse an entire Haskell project. Takes in a random seed, -- the list of exported modules and the parsed Haskell code in -- 'HaskellModules' form. analyse :: (RandomGen g) => g -> [ModName] -> ParsedModules -> [DocElement] analyse g exps hms = [ analyseEverything g exps hms , analyseImports exps hms , analyseModules hms ] sgLegend :: [(DocGraph, DocInline)] sgLegend = [ esCall , mods , esLoc , esData , esClass , esExp , callCats ] esCall, mods, esLoc, esData, esClass, esExp, callCats :: (DocGraph, DocInline) esCall = (dg', R.Bold txt) where dg' = DG "legend_call" (Text "Function Call") dg dg = mkLegendGraph ns es nAs = [Shape BoxShape, FillColor defaultNodeColor] ns = [ (1, Label (StrLabel e1) : nAs) , (2, Label (StrLabel e2) : nAs) ] e1 = "f" e2 = "g" eAs = [Color [X11Color Black]] es = [(1,2,eAs)] txt = Grouping [ Text "Two normal functions with" , Emphasis $ Text e1 , Text "calling" , Emphasis $ Text e2 , Text "." ] mods = (dg', R.Bold txt) where dg' = DG "legend_mods" (Text "Module Import") dg dg = mkLegendGraph ns es nAs = [Shape Tab, FillColor defaultNodeColor] ns = [ (1, Label (StrLabel m1) : nAs) , (2, Label (StrLabel m2) : nAs) ] m1 = "Foo" m2 = "Bar" es = [(1,2,[])] txt = Grouping [ Text "Two modules with module" , Emphasis $ Text m1 , Text "importing" , Emphasis $ Text m2 , Text "." ] esLoc = (dg', R.Bold $ Text "Entities from different modules.") where dg' = DG "legend_loc" (Text "From module") dg dg = mkLegendGraph ns es nAs = [FillColor defaultNodeColor] ns = [ (1, Label (StrLabel "Current module") : Style [SItem Bold []] : nAs) , (2, Label (StrLabel "Other project module") : Style [SItem Solid []] : nAs) , (3, Label (StrLabel "Known external module") : Style [SItem Dashed []] : nAs) , (4, Label (StrLabel "Unknown external module") : Style [SItem Dotted []] : nAs) ] es = [] esData = (dg', R.Bold $ Text "Data type declaration.") where dg' = DG "legend_data" (Text "Data type declaration") dg dg = mkLegendGraph ns es nAs = [FillColor defaultNodeColor] ns = [ (1, Label (StrLabel "Constructor") : Shape Box3D : nAs) , (2, Label (StrLabel "Record function") : Shape Component : nAs) ] es = [(2,1,[ Color [X11Color Magenta], ArrowTail oDot, ArrowHead vee])] esClass = (dg', R.Bold $ Text "Class and instance declarations.") where dg' = DG "legend_class" (Text "Class declaration") dg dg = mkLegendGraph ns es nAs = [FillColor defaultNodeColor] ns = [ (1, Label (StrLabel "Default instance") : Shape Octagon : nAs) , (2, Label (StrLabel "Class function") : Shape DoubleOctagon : nAs) , (3, Label (StrLabel "Instance for data type") : Shape Octagon : nAs) ] eAs = [Dir NoDir] es = [ (2,1, Color [X11Color Navy] : eAs) , (2,3, Color [X11Color Turquoise] : eAs) ] esExp = (dg', R.Bold $ Text "Entity location/accessibility classification.") where dg' = DG "legend_loc2" (Text "Entity Location") dg dg = mkLegendGraph ns es ns = zip [1..] [ [ Label (StrLabel "Inaccessible entity") , FillColor inaccessibleColor] , [ Label (StrLabel "Exported root entity") , FillColor exportedRootColor] , [ Label (StrLabel "Exported non-root entity") , FillColor exportedInnerColor] , [ Label (StrLabel "Implicitly exported entity") , FillColor implicitExportColor] , [ Label (StrLabel "Leaf entity") , FillColor leafColor] , [ Label (StrLabel "Normal entity") , FillColor defaultNodeColor] ] es = [] callCats = (dg', R.Bold $ Text "Edge classification.") where dg' = DG "legend_edges" (Text "Edge Classification") dg dg = mkLegendGraph ns es ns = map (flip (,) [Label (StrLabel ""), Shape PointShape]) [1..5] eA = Dir NoDir es = [ (1,2, [eA, Label (StrLabel "Clique"), Color [cliqueColor]]) , (2,3, [eA, Label (StrLabel "Cycle"), Color [cycleColor]]) , (3,4, [eA, Label (StrLabel "Chain"), Color [chainColor]]) , (4,5, [eA, Label (StrLabel "Normal"), Color [defaultEdgeColor]]) ] mkLegendGraph :: [(Int,Attributes)] -> [(Int,Int,Attributes)] -> DotGraph Node mkLegendGraph ns es = DotGraph { strictGraph = False , directedGraph = True , graphID = Nothing , graphStatements = DotStmts { attrStmts = atts , subGraphs = [nSG] , nodeStmts = [] , edgeStmts = map mkE es } } where atts = [ GraphAttrs [OutputOrder EdgesFirst] , NodeAttrs [FontSize 10, Style [SItem Filled []]] ] sgAtts = [GraphAttrs [Rank MinRank]] nSG = DotSG { isCluster = False , subGraphID = Nothing , subGraphStmts = DotStmts { attrStmts = sgAtts , subGraphs = [] , nodeStmts = map mkN ns , edgeStmts = [] } } mkN (n,as) = DotNode n as mkE (f,t,as) = DotEdge f t True as