-- | A library to benchmark how long it takes to fully evaluate
--   a value. Can be useful to identify the slow part of an
--   algorithm, since Haskell's lazy evaluation can make it hard
--   to see where the bottleneck lies.
--   Full evalution of a value is achieved by the 'rnf' function,
--   which requires that the data type of the value being tested
--   is an instance of 'NFData'. Making a data type an instance
--   of 'NFData' is trivially done by applying 'rnf' to all of
--   its fields and 'seq'-ing those together.
--   Example:
-- >  data Tree3 a = Leaf a | Branch (Tree3 a) (Tree3 a) (Tree3 a)
-- >  
-- >  instance NFData a => NFData (Tree3 a) where
-- >      rnf (Leaf x) = rnf x
-- >      rnf (Branch l c r) = rnf l `seq` rnf c `seq` rnf r
-- >      
-- >  main = bench . take 13 $ iterate (\x -> Branch x x x) (Leaf 'a')
-- >
-- >  Output:
-- >  765.625 ms
--  If a data constructor has no fields you can suffice with (),
--  e.g.:
-- >  data Answer = Yes | No
-- >
-- >  instance NFData Answer where
-- >      rnf Yes = ()
-- >      rnf No  = ()
module Test.StrictBench (
    -- * StrictBench
    bench, benchDesc, time,
    -- * Re-exported for convenience
    NFData, rnf) where

import Control.Parallel.Strategies
import Test.BenchPress hiding (bench)
import Text.Printf

-- | Print how long it takes to strictly evaluate the given
--   value.
--   Example:
-- >  main = bench [1..10000000 :: Integer]
-- >
-- >  Output:
-- >  515.625 ms
bench :: NFData a => a -> IO ()
bench = (putStrLn . (++ " ms") . show =<<) . time

-- | Like 'bench', benchDesc prints the time needed to fully
--   evaluate the given value. Additionally, it prefixes the time
--   taken with the provided string, which can be useful to
--   distinguish between different benchmarks.
--   Example:
-- >  main = benchDesc "Long string" $ replicate 10000000 'a'
-- >
-- >  Output:
-- >  Long string: 375.0 ms
benchDesc :: NFData a => String -> a -> IO ()
benchDesc s = (putStrLn . printf "%s: %s ms" s . show =<<) . time

-- | The function used by bench and benchpress to determine how
--   long (in milliseconds) the value takes to calculate. You can
--   use this function for instance if you wish to sum the time
--   of several different values.
--   Example:
-- >  main = do t1 <- time $ filter (< 10) $ take 1000000 $ repeat (9 :: Int)
-- >            t2 <- time $ reverse $ take 1000000 $ cycle "StrictBench"
-- >            print $ t1 + t2
-- >  
-- >  Output:
-- >  562.5
time :: NFData a => a -> IO Double
time = fmap (median . fst) . benchmark 1 (return ())
       (const $ return ()) . const . putStr . (`seq` "") . rnf