-- |
-- Module      :  SysmonLog
-- Copyright   :  (c) Vitaliy Rukavishnikov 2011
-- License     :  BSD-style (see the file LICENSE)
-- Maintainer  :  virukav@gmail.com
-- Stability   :  experimental
-- Portability :  non-portable
-- Parse Sybase 15 Sysmon report 

module Database.Sybase.Sysmon.SysmonLog 
       ( parseSysmon 
       ) where
import Database.Sybase.Sysmon.LogTypes
import Database.Sybase.Sysmon.LogParserPrim
import Database.Sybase.Sysmon.Log (parse, Interval(..))
import Database.Sybase.Sysmon.SysmonTypes
import Database.Sybase.Sysmon.SysmonHints
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.List (isInfixOf)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import Data.Time
import System.Locale (defaultTimeLocale)

instance LogEntry Sysmon where
  mkNode s = LogNode (sysmonTime s, s)
  mkParse str = evalState getSysmon (lines str)
  mkHints = sysmonHints

parseSysmon :: FilePath -> IO (LogTree Sysmon)
parseSysmon = parse

getTimeInterval :: LogState LogInterval
getTimeInterval = do
   start <- matchLine "Sampling Started at:"
   end <- matchLine "Sampling Ended at:"
   let parse = readTime defaultTimeLocale timeFormat . concat . drop 3
   return $ Interval (parse start) (parse end)
   where timeFormat = "%b %d, %Y %H:%M:%S"

getKernel :: LogState Kernel
getKernel = do
   goto ["Kernel Utilization", "Engine Busy Utilization", "-"]
   engBusy <- whileJust getEngineBusy

   avg <- matchLine "Average"
   let avgCpu = field 1 avg
   let avgIO = field 3 avg

   goto ["CPU Yields by Engine", "-"]
   cpuYlds <- whileJust getCpuYield
   let totYlds = sum $ map yields cpuYlds

   chk <- matchLine "Checks Returning I/O"
   let checkDiskIO = field 6 chk

   avd <- matchLine "Avg Disk I/Os Returned"
   let avgDiskIO = field 6 avd

   return $ Kernel engBusy cpuYlds avgCpu avgIO totYlds checkDiskIO avgDiskIO

getEngineBusy :: LogState (Maybe EngineBusy)
getEngineBusy = do
   b <- look "Engine " "CPU Yields by Engine"
   if b then do 
        eng <- matchLine "Engine "
        let name = string 0 2 eng
        let cpu = field 2 eng
        let io = field 4 eng
        return $ Just $ EngineBusy name cpu io
     else return Nothing

getCpuYield :: LogState (Maybe CpuYield)
getCpuYield = do
   b <- look "Engine " "Network Checks"
   if b then do 
        eng <- matchLine "Engine "
        let engName = string 0 2 eng 
        let yields = field 4 eng
        return $ Just $ CpuYield engName yields
     else return Nothing

getTask :: LogState Task
getTask = do
  goto ["Task Management"]
  con <- matchField "Connections" 4

  taskSwitch <- whileJust getTaskSwitch
  switchDue <- getTaskSwitchDue

  let totSwitch = sum $ map numSwitch taskSwitch
  return $ Task con taskSwitch switchDue totSwitch

getTaskSwitch :: LogState (Maybe TaskSwitch)
getTaskSwitch = do
   b <- look "Engine " "Total Task Switches"
   if b then do 
        eng <- matchLine "Engine "
        let name = string 0 2 eng
        let count = field 4 eng
        return $ Just $ TaskSwitch name count
     else return Nothing

getTaskSwitchDue :: LogState TaskSwitchDue
getTaskSwitchDue = do
  yields <- matchField "Voluntary Yields" 4
  misses <- matchField "Cache Search Misses" 5
  batch  <- matchField "Exceeding I/O batch size" 6
  disk   <- matchField "System Disk Writes" 5
  lcont  <- matchField "Logical Lock Contention" 5
  acont  <- matchField "Address Lock Contention" 5
  latch  <- matchField "Latch Contention" 4
  sem    <- matchField "Log Semaphore Contention" 5
  plc    <- matchField "PLC Lock Contention" 5
  sleeps <- matchField "Group Commit Sleeps" 5
  last   <- matchField "Last Log Page Writes" 6
  confts <- matchField "Modify Conflicts" 4
  device <- matchField "I/O Device Contention" 5
  rcvd   <- matchField "Network Packet Received" 5
  sent   <- matchField "Network Packet Sent" 5
  srvs   <- matchField "Network services" 4
  other  <- matchField "Other Causes" 4

  let totSwitchDue = yields + misses + batch + disk + lcont + acont +
                     latch + sem + plc + sleeps + last + confts + device +
                     rcvd + sent + srvs + other

  return $ TaskSwitchDue yields misses batch disk lcont acont latch sem plc
                         sleeps last confts device rcvd sent srvs other totSwitchDue

getTransaction :: LogState Transaction
getTransaction = do
  goto ["Transaction Profile"]

  commits <- optField "Committed Xacts" "Transaction Detail" 4 0
  inserts <- matchField "Total Rows Inserted" 5
  updates <- matchField "Total Rows Updated" 5
  deletes <- matchField "Total Rows Deleted" 5
  flushes <- getUlcFlush 
  ulsReqs <- getRequest "ULC Semaphore Requests"
  logReqs <- getRequest "Log Semaphore Requests"

  logWrites <- optField "Avg # Writes per Log Page" "Index Management" 8 0
  return $ Transaction commits inserts updates deletes flushes ulsReqs logReqs logWrites

getUlcFlush :: LogState UlcFlush
getUlcFlush = do
  ulc <- matchField "by Full ULC" 5
  tran <- matchField "by End Transaction" 5
  db <- matchField "by Change of Database" 6
  log <- matchField "by Single Log Record" 6
  unpin <- matchField "by Unpin" 4
  other <- matchField "by Other" 4

  let totFlush = ulc + tran + db + log + unpin + other
  return $ UlcFlush ulc tran db log unpin other totFlush
getRequest :: String -> LogState Request
getRequest label = do
  goto [label]
  granted <- optField "Granted" "Total" 3 0
  waited <- optField "Waited" "Total" 3 0
  return $ Request granted waited (granted + waited)
getIndex :: LogState Index
getIndex = do
  goto ["Index Management"]
  splits <- matchField "Page Splits" 4
  shrinks <- matchField "Page Shrinks" 4
  return $ Index splits shrinks

getLock :: LogState Lock
getLock = do
  goto ["Lock Management"]
  lockReqs <- matchField "Total Lock Requests" 5
  lockCont <- matchField "Avg Lock Contention" 5
  dlocks <- matchField "Deadlock Percentage" 4
  exTable <- getRequest "Exclusive Table"
  shTable <- getRequest "Shared Table"
  exIntent <- getRequest "Exclusive Intent"
  shIntent <- getRequest "Shared Intent"
  exPage <- getRequest "Exclusive Page"
  upPage <- getRequest "Update Page"
  shPage <- getRequest "Shared Page"
  exRow <- getRequest "Exclusive Row"
  upRow <- getRequest "Update Row"
  shRow <- getRequest "Shared Row"
  exAddress <- getRequest "Exclusive Address"
  shAddress <- getRequest "Shared Address"
  lpLock <- getRequest "Last Page Locks on Heaps"

  prom <- matchField "Total Lock Promotions" 5
  tout <- matchField "Total Timeouts" 4

  return $ Lock lockReqs lockCont dlocks exTable shTable exIntent shIntent exPage
                upPage shPage exRow upRow shRow exAddress shAddress lpLock prom tout

getCache :: LogState Cache
getCache = do  
  hits <- optField "Total Cache Hits" "Total Cache Searches" 5 0
  misses <- optField "Total Cache Misses" "Total Cache Searches" 5 0 
  dirtyBuffers <- optField "Buffers Grabbed Dirty" "Cache Strategy Summary" 6 0
  caches <- whileJust getNamedCache

  return $ Cache hits misses dirtyBuffers (hits+misses) caches --totCache caches

getNamedCache :: LogState (Maybe NamedCache)
getNamedCache = do
  cache <- optString "Cache: " "Procedure Cache Management" 1 2 ""
  if null cache then return Nothing
   else do    
    spin <- matchField "Spinlock Contention" 5
    util <- matchField "Utilization" 4 
    hits <- optField "Cache Hits" "Total Cache Searches" 4 0
    wash <- optField "Found in Wash" "Total Cache Searches" 5 0
    miss <- optField "Cache Misses" "Total Cache Searches" 4 0
    perf <- optField "Large I/Os Performed" "Total Large I/O Requests" 5 0
    reqs <- matchField "Total Large I/O Requests" 6    
    return $ Just $ NamedCache cache spin util hits wash miss (hits + miss) perf reqs

getDisk :: LogState Disk
getDisk = do
    goto ["Disk I/O Management"]
    engIO <- whileJust getEngineIO

    diskIO <- matchField "Disk I/O Structures" 5
    server <- matchField "Server Config Limit" 5
    engine <- matchField "Engine Config Limit" 5
    os <- matchField "Operating System Limit" 5
    reqIO <- matchField "Total Requested Disk I/Os" 6

    goto ["-"]
    comIO <- matchField "Total Completed I/Os" 5
    dev <- whileJust getDevice

    return $ Disk engIO diskIO server engine os reqIO comIO dev

getEngineIO :: LogState (Maybe EngineIO)
getEngineIO = do
    b <- look "Engine " "I/Os Delayed by"
    if b then do 
        engIO <- matchLine "Engine "
        let name = string 0 2 engIO
        let outIO = field 4 engIO
        return $ Just $ EngineIO name outIO
     else return Nothing

getDevice :: LogState (Maybe Device)
getDevice = do
     name <- optString "Device: " "Network I/O Management" 0 1 ""
     if null name then return Nothing
      else do    
        totIO <- matchField "Total I/Os" 4
        return $ Just $ Device name totIO

getSysmon :: LogState Sysmon
getSysmon = do
   time <- getTimeInterval
   kernel <- getKernel
   task <- getTask
   transaction <- getTransaction
   index <- getIndex
   lock <- getLock
   cache <- getCache
   disk <- getDisk

   return $ Sysmon time kernel task transaction 
                   index lock cache disk