{- | Test By Convention: Drivers.
 - Copyright   :  (C)opyright 2009-2012 {mwotton, peteg42} at gmail dot com
 - License     :  BSD3
module Test.TBC.Drivers
    ( Driver(..)
    , ghci
    ) where

-- Dependencies.

import Prelude hiding ( catch )
import Control.Exception ( catch, SomeException )

import Control.Concurrent -- ( forkIO )
import Control.Monad ( liftM )

import Data.List ( isInfixOf )

import Distribution.Simple.Utils ( info, debug )
import Distribution.Verbosity ( Verbosity )

import System.Exit
import System.IO -- ( hClose, hFlush, hGetContents, hPutStr )
import System.Process ( runInteractiveProcess, waitForProcess, terminateProcess )


-- | Interaction with a Haskell system.
data Driver
    = MkDriver
      { hci_send_cmd :: String -> IO [String] -- ^ Execute the given Haskell code and return the response as a list of lines.
      , hci_load_file :: String -> IO [String] -- ^ Load a file into the Haskell system.
      , hci_kill :: IO () -- ^ Terminate with prejudice.
      , hci_close :: IO ExitCode -- ^ Clean exit.


-- | A driver for @GHCi@ using a slave process.
ghci :: Verbosity
     -> String -- ^ ghci command name
     -> [String] -- ^ flags
     -> IO Driver
ghci verbosity cmd flags =
  do let extra_flags = [] -- ["-package", "deepseq"]
     debug verbosity $
       unlines [ "system $ " ++ cmd ++ " " ++ concat [ ' ' : a | a <- flags ++ extra_flags ]
               , "----------------------------------------" ]
     (hin, hout, herr, hpid)
         <- runInteractiveProcess cmd flags Nothing Nothing -- FIXME

     -- Configure GHCi a bit FIXME
     -- FIXME this doesn't help if GHCi craps out before we get a prompt
     -- e.g. if the package flags are wrong. This can happen if the package
     -- hash changes but not the version number.
     -- Perhaps we need a dup2 wrapper...
     hPutStrLn hin ":set prompt \"\""
     hPutStrLn hin "GHC.Handle.hDuplicateTo System.IO.stdout System.IO.stderr"
     -- adding "-package deepseq" to the commandline doesn't seem to work (GHC 7.0.3, OS X)
     -- but this does.
     hPutStrLn hin ":s -package deepseq"

     -- We don't use GHCi's stderr, get rid of it.
     -- FIXME we maybe have to drain it first.
     -- GHC 7.4.1 dies if we do this.
     -- hClose herr

     let load_file f =
           do cout <- ghci_sync verbosity hin hout (":l *" ++ f ++ "\n")
              return $ if not (null cout) && "Ok, modules loaded" `isInfixOf` last cout
                         then []
                         else cout

     return $ MkDriver
                { hci_send_cmd = ghci_sync verbosity hin hout
                , hci_load_file = load_file
                , hci_kill = terminateProcess hpid
                , hci_close = do hPutStr hin ":quit\n"
                                 hFlush hin `catch` (const (return ()) :: (SomeException -> IO ())) -- FIXME if GHCi is dead already that's fine by us.
                                 waitForProcess hpid

-- | Crudely synchronise with the slave process.
ghci_sync :: Verbosity
          -> Handle -> Handle -> String -> IO [String]
ghci_sync verbosity hin hout inp =
  do info verbosity $
       ++ inp
       ++ "----------------------------------------\n"

     -- FIXME do we really need the separate thread?
     -- Get output + sync
     outMVar <- newEmptyMVar
     _ <- forkIO $ hc_sync hout >>= putMVar outMVar

     -- Tests + sync
     hPutStr hin inp
     hPutStr hin hc_sync_print
     -- This can fail if GHCi has died.
     hFlush hin `catch` ghciDiedEH outMVar

     -- Synchronize
     hc_output <- lint_output `liftM` takeMVar outMVar

     info verbosity $
       unlines ( ">> Output <<" : hc_output )

     return hc_output
    lint_output :: [[a]] -> [[a]]
    lint_output = reverse . dropWhile null . reverse . dropWhile null

    done :: String
    done = ">>>>done<<<<"

    hc_sync_print :: String
    hc_sync_print = "System.IO.putStrLn \"" ++ done ++ "\"\n"

    -- FIXME EOF, exceptions, etc.
    hc_sync :: Handle -> IO [String]
    hc_sync h = sync
          sync =
              do eof <- hIsEOF h
                 if eof
                   then return []
                   else do l <- hGetLine h
                           info verbosity $ "hc>> " ++ l -- FIXME should be "debug"
                           if done `isInfixOf` l
                             then return []
                             else (l:) `liftM` sync

    ghciDiedEH outMVar e =
      do hc_output <- takeMVar outMVar
         putStr $ unlines ( ">> GHCi died. Output <<" : hc_output )
         ioError e