name: TCache version: cabal-version: >= 1.6 build-type: Simple license: BSD3 license-file: LICENSE maintainer: synopsis: A Transactional cache with user-defined persistence description: TCache is a transactional cache with configurable persitence. It allows conventional STM transactions for objects that syncronize with their user-defined storages. State in memory and into permanent storage is transactionally coherent. . The package implements serializable STM references, access by key and by record field value, triggers, full text and field indexation, default serialization and a query language based on record fields . added setDefaultPersist and modified the signature of setPersist in Data.TCache.DefaultPersistence. Fixed issues with ghc 7.6.3 . 0.10 version add memoization and a persistent and transactional collection/queue. . subversion add cachedByKeySTM . fixed an error in clearSyncChacheProc and SynWrite Asyncronous that checked the cache continuously . See "Data.TCache" for details . In this release: . This release: Fix class Queriable in the IndexQuery module category: Data, Database author: Alberto Gómez Corona tested-with: GHC ==7.0.3 data-dir: "" extra-source-files: demos/DBRef.hs demos/DynamicSample.hs demos/IndexQuery.hs demos/basicSample.hs demos/caching.hs demos/triggerRelational.lhs source-repository head type: git location: library build-depends: base >=4 && <5, bytestring -any, containers >=, directory >=1.0, old-time >=1.0, stm -any, text -any, mtl -any, RefSerialize -any exposed-modules: Data.TCache Data.TCache.DefaultPersistence, Data.TCache.Defs Data.TCache.IResource Data.TCache.IndexQuery Data.TCache.IndexText Data.TCache.Memoization Data.TCache.Triggers Data.Persistent.Collection Data.Persistent.IDynamic exposed: True buildable: True extensions: OverlappingInstances UndecidableInstances ScopedTypeVariables DeriveDataTypeable hs-source-dirs: . other-modules: