{-# OPTIONS -fglasgow-exts -XUndecidableInstances #-}

{- | A version of @Data.TCache@ using @TMVar@s instead of  @TVars@s. See @Control.Concurrent.TMVar@

module Data.TCache.TMVar (

 IResource(..)                        -- class interface to be implemented for the object by the user

,Resources(..)  -- data definition used to communicate object Inserts and Deletes to the cache
,resources      -- empty resources

,getTMVars        -- :: (IResource a)=> [a]           -- the list of resources to be retrieved
                 --    -> IO [Maybe (TMVar a)]        -- The Transactional variables
,getTMVarsIO      -- :: (IResource a)=> [a] -> IO [TMVar a]
,withSTMResources -- :: (IResource a)=> [a]          -- list of resources to retrieve
                  --    -> ([Maybe a]-> Res a x)      -- the function to apply that contains a Res structure
                  --    -> STM x                     -- return value within the STM monad

,withResources   -- :: (IResource a)=> [a]            --list of resources to be retrieve
                 --   -> ([Maybe a]-> [a])             ----function that get the retrieved resources
                 --   -> IO ()                        --and return a list of  objects to be inserted/modified 

,withResource    -- :: (IResource a)=> a              --same as withResources , but for one only object
                 --   -> ([Maybe a]-> a)               --
                 --   -> IO ()                        --

,getResources    -- :: (IResource a)=>[a]             --resources [a] are read from cache and returned
                 --   -> IO [Maybe a]   

,getResource     -- :: :: (IResource a)=>a            --to retrieve one object instead of a list
                 --   -> IO [Maybe a]   

,deleteResources -- :: (IResource a)=>[a]-> IO()      -- delete the list of resources from cache and from persistent storage
,deleteResource  -- :: (IResource a)=>a-> IO()        -- delete the  resource from cache and from persistent storage

--cache handling
,Cache            -- :: IORef (Ht a,Int, Integer)     --The cache definition 

,setCache        -- :: Cache a -> IO()   -- set the cache. this is useful for hot loaded modules that will use an existing cache
,newCache         -- :: (Ht a, Integer)   --newCache  creates a new cache 

,refcache        -- :: Cache a                        --the reference to the cache (see data definition below)

,syncCache       -- :: (IResource a) =>Cache a -> IO() --force the atomic write of all the cache objects into permanent storage
                                                       --useful for termination

--start the thread that clean and writes on the persistent storage trough syncCache
,clearSyncCacheProc  -- :: (IResource a) =>Cache a       --The cache reference                        
                     --   -> Int                         --number of seconds betwen checks
                     --   -> (Integer-> Integer-> Bool)   --The user-defined check-for-cleanup-from-cache for each object 
                                                         --(when True, the object is removed from cache)
                     --   -> Int                         --The max number of objects in the cache, if more, the cleanup start
                     --   -> >IO ThreadId                --Identifier of the thread created

-- the default check procedure
,defaultCheck    -- ::  Integer                        -- current time in seconds
                 --   -> Integer                        --last access time for a given object
                 --   -> Integer                        --last cache syncronization (with the persisten storage)
                 --   -> Bool                           --return true for all the elems not accesed since  
                                                       --half the time between now and the last sync
-- auxiliary
,readFileStrict  -- :: String -> IO String            -- Strict file read, needed for the default file persistence                                                                    


import GHC.Conc
import Control.Concurrent.STM.TMVar
import Control.Monad(when)
import Data.HashTable as H
import Data.IORef
import System.IO.Unsafe
import System.Time 
import Data.Maybe(catMaybes,mapMaybe)
import Debug.Trace
import Data.TCache.IResource
import Control.Exception(handle,assert)
import Data.List (nubBy,deleteFirstsBy )

debug a b= trace b a

type Block a=  (TMVar a,AccessTime,ModifTime)
type Ht a= HashTable String (Block a)
-- contains the hastable, number of items, last sync time
type Cache a= IORef (Ht a, Integer)
data CheckBlockFlags= AddToHash | NoAddToHash | MaxTime

-- |set the cache. this is useful for hot loaded modules that will update an existing cache
setCache :: (Ht a, Integer) -> IO()
setCache ch= writeIORef refcache  ch

-- the cache holder. stablished by default
refcache :: Cache a 
refcache =unsafePerformIO $do 
                  c <-  newCache 
                  newIORef c
-- | newCache  creates a new cache           
newCache  :: IO (Ht a, Integer)
newCache =do
        c <- H.new (==) hashString
        return (c,0)

-- | getTMVars return the TMVar that wraps the resources for which the keys are given .  
-- | it return Nothing if a TMVar with this object has not been allocated
-- These TMVars can be used in explicit user constructed atomic blocks
-- Additionally, the  TMVars remain in the cache and can be accessed and updated by the rest
-- of the TCache methods. 
-- the content of the TMVars are written every time the cache is syncronized with the storage until releaseTMVars is called

-- :: (IResource a)=> [a]           -- the list of resources to be retrieved
-- -> IO [Maybe (TMVar a)]        -- The Transactional variables 

getTMVars :: (IResource a)=> [a] -> STM [Maybe (TMVar a)]
getTMVars rs= do
    (cache,_) <-  unsafeIOToSTM $ readIORef refcache
    takeBlocks rs cache MaxTime

-- | releaseTMVars permits the TMVars captured by getTMVars to be released. so they can be discarded when not used
-- Use this when you no longer need to use them directly in atomic blocks.
releaseTMVars :: (IResource a)=> [a]-> STM ()
releaseTMVars rs=do
  (cache,_) <- unsafeIOToSTM $ readIORef refcache
  releaseBlocks rs cache
-- | getTMVarsIO does not search for a TMVar in the cache like getTMVars. Instead of this getTMVarsIO creates a list of 
-- TMVars with the content given in the list of resourcees and add these TMVars to the cache and return them.
-- the content of the TMVars are written every time the cache is syncronized with the storage until releaseTMVars is called
getTMVarsIO :: (IResource a)=> [a] -> IO [TMVar a]
getTMVarsIO rs= do
    tvs<-  mapM newTMVarIO rs
    (cache,_) <- readIORef refcache
    mapM_ (\(tv,r)-> H.update cache (keyResource r) (tv, infinite, infinite)) $ zip  tvs rs
    return tvs

-- | this is the main function for the *Resources primitivas, all the rest derive from it. the Res structure processed by the 
-- with*Resources primitives are more efficient for cached TMVars because the internal loop is never retried, since all the necessary
-- resources at the beginning so no costly retries are necessary. The advantage increases with the complexity of the process
-- function passed to withSTMResources is interpreted as such:
-- -toUpdate secton is used to update the retrieved resources in the same order. 
--          if the resource donĀ“t exist, it is created. Nothing means do nothing as usual. extra resources are not considered,
--          it uses the rules of zip.
-- -toAdd:  additional resources not read in the first parameter of withSTMResources are created/updated with toAdd
-- -toDelete: obvious
-- -toReturn: will be returned by the call

withSTMResources :: (IResource a)=> [a]              -- ^ the list of resources to be retrieved
                     -> ([Maybe a]-> Resources a x)   -- ^ The function that process the resources found and return a Resources structure
                     -> STM x                        -- ^ The return value in the STM monad.
withSTMResources rs f=  do
  (cache,_) <- unsafeIOToSTM $ readIORef refcache
  mtrs  <- takeBlocks rs cache NoAddToHash
  mrs <- mapM mreadTMVar mtrs
  case f mrs of
      Retry  -> retry
      Resources  as ds r  -> do
          unsafeIOToSTM $ do
              delListFromHash cache  $ map keyResource ds
              mapM delResource ds        
          releaseBlocks as cache 
          return r 

  mreadTMVar (Just tvar)= do r <- takeTMVar tvar
                             return $ Just r    
  mreadTMVar Nothing    =    return Nothing
-- | update of a single object in the cache
-- :: (IResource a)=> a           same as withResources , but for one only object
-- -> ([Maybe a]-> a)               
-- -> IO ()                        
withResource:: (IResource  a)=> a-> (Maybe a-> a)-> IO ()
withResource r f= withResources [r] (\[mr]-> [f mr])

-- |  to atomically add/modify many objects in the cache
-- :: (IResource a)=> [a]            list of resources to be retrieve
--   -> ([Maybe a]-> [a])              function that process the retrieved resources
--   -> IO ()                         and return a list of  objects to be inserted/modified 

withResources:: (IResource a)=> [a]-> ([Maybe a]-> [a])-> IO ()
withResources rs f=  atomically $ withSTMResources rs f1 >> return() where 
     f1 mrs= let as= f mrs in  Resources  as [] ()
-- | to read a resource from the cache
getResource r= do{mr<- getResources [r];return $! head mr}

---to read a list of resources from the cache if they exist
-- :: (IResource a)=>[a]             resources [a] are read from cache and returned
--   -> IO [Maybe a]                 the result

getResources:: (IResource a)=>[a]-> IO [Maybe a]
getResources rs= atomically $ withSTMResources rs f1 where
  f1 mrs= Resources  [] [] mrs

-- | delete the   resource from cache and from persistent storage

deleteResource r= deleteResources [r]

-- | delete the list of resources from cache and from persistent storage

deleteResources rs= atomically $ withSTMResources rs f1 where
   f1 mrs = Resources [] (catMaybes mrs) ()

takeBlocks :: (IResource a)=> [a] -> Ht a -> CheckBlockFlags -> STM [Maybe (TMVar a)]
takeBlocks rs cache addToHash=  mapM (checkBlock cache addToHash)  rs  
   checkBlock :: IResource a =>  Ht a -> CheckBlockFlags -> a-> STM(Maybe (TMVar a))
   checkBlock cache flags r =do
	c <-  unsafeIOToSTM $ H.lookup cache keyr
	case c of
		Nothing   -> do
                  mr <-  unsafeIOToSTM $ readResource r                       -- `debug` ("read "++keyr++ " hash= "++ (show $ H.hashString  keyr))
		  case mr of
                    Nothing -> return Nothing
	            Just r2 -> do 
                        tvr <-   newTMVar r2  
			case flags of
                           NoAddToHash -> return $ Just tvr
                           AddToHash   -> do 
                                    ti  <-  unsafeIOToSTM timeInteger
                                    unsafeIOToSTM $ H.update cache keyr (tvr, ti, 0) -- accesed, not modified
                                    return $ Just tvr
                           MaxTime -> do
                                    unsafeIOToSTM $ H.update cache keyr (tvr, infinite, infinite) -- accesed, not modified
                                    return $ Just tvr


		Just(tvr,_,_)  -> return $ Just tvr

	where 	keyr= keyResource r

releaseBlocks :: (IResource a)=> [a] -> Ht a  -> STM ()
releaseBlocks rs cache = mapM_ checkBlock  rs
    checkBlock  r =do
	c <- unsafeIOToSTM $ H.lookup cache keyr
	case c of
	    Nothing   -> do tvr <- newTMVar r  
	                    ti  <- unsafeIOToSTM timeInteger
			    unsafeIOToSTM $ H.update cache keyr (tvr, ti, ti ) -- accesed and modified XXX
	    Just(tvr,_,tm)  -> do  
	                       ti  <- unsafeIOToSTM timeInteger
	                       let t=  max ti tm
	                       try<- tryPutTMVar tvr r  --putTMVar tvr r
	                       case try of
	                         False -> do swapTMVar tvr r; return ()
	                         True  -> return ()
			       unsafeIOToSTM $ H.update cache keyr (tvr ,t,t)
	where 	keyr= keyResource r
timeInteger= do TOD t _ <- getClockTime
                return t

delListFromHash  hash l= do{mapM (delete hash) l; return()}

updateListToHash hash kv= do{mapM (update1 hash) kv; return()}where
	update1 h (k,v)= update h k v

-----------------------clear, sync cache-------------
-- | start the thread that clean and writes on the persistent storage. 
-- Otherwise, clearSyncCache must be invoked explicitly or no persistence will exist
-- :: (IResource a) =>Cache a       --The cache reference                        
--   -> Int                         --number of seconds betwen checks
--   -> (Integer-> Integer-> Bool)   --The user-defined check-for-cleanup-from-cache for each object 
                                    --(when this function return True, the object is removed from cache)
--   -> Int                         --The max number of objects in the cache, if more, the cleanup start
--   -> >IO ThreadId                --Identifier of the thread created

clearSyncCacheProc :: (IResource a)=> Cache a-> Int-> (Integer -> Integer-> Integer-> Bool)-> Int-> IO ThreadId
clearSyncCacheProc refcache time check sizeObjects= 
  	forkIO  clear   

 clear = do
    	threadDelay $ (fromIntegral$ time * 1000000)
    	clearSyncCache refcache time check sizeObjects  
-- | force the atomic write of all the cached objects into permanent storage
-- useful for termination
syncCache refcache = do
   (cache,t1) <- readIORef refcache 
   list <- toList cache
   t2<- timeInteger 
   atomically $ save list t1 
   writeIORef refcache (cache, t2) 

   --print $ "write to persistent storage finised: "++ show (length list)++ " objects" 

-- | Saves the unsaved elems of the cache
--  delete some elems of  the cache when the number of elems > sizeObjects
--  The deletion depends on the check criteria. defaultCheck is the one implemented
clearSyncCache ::(IResource a) => Cache a-> Int -> (Integer -> Integer-> Integer-> Bool)-> Int -> IO ()
clearSyncCache refcache time check sizeObjects=do
   (cache,lastSync) <- readIORef refcache 
   handle (\e-> do{print e;return ()})$ do
      elems <-   toList cache
      let size=length elems
      atomically $ save elems lastSync 
      t<- timeInteger 
      when (size > sizeObjects)  (filtercache t cache lastSync elems) 
      writeIORef refcache (cache, t) 

        -- delete elems from the cache according with the check criteria
	filtercache t cache lastSync elems= mapM_ filter elems 	    
		check1 (_,lastAccess,_)=check t lastAccess lastSync 

		filter ::(String,Block a)-> IO Int
		filter (k,e)=  if check1 e then do{H.delete cache k;return 1} else return 0

-- | To drop from the cache all the elems not accesed since  half the time between now and the last sync
-- the default check procedure
-- ::  Integer                        -- current time in seconds
--   -> Integer                        --last access time for a given object
--   -> Integer                        --last cache syncronization (with the persisten storage)
--   -> Bool                           --return true for all the elems not accesed since  
                                                       --half the time between now and the last sync
defaultCheck:: Integer -> Integer-> Integer-> Bool
defaultCheck  now lastAccess lastSync
	| lastAccess > halftime = False
	| otherwise  = True

        halftime= now- (now-lastSync) `div` 2

save:: (IResource a) => [(String, Block a)]-> Integer-> STM ()
save list lastSave= mapM_ save1 list                                           --`debug` ("saving "++ (show $ length list))
        save1 ::  IResource a =>(String, Block a) -> STM()
	save1(_, (tvr,_,modTime))= do 
		if modTime >= lastSave                                         --`debug` ("modTime="++show modTime++"lastSave="++show lastSave)
		  then do
			r<-  readTMVar tvr
			unsafeIOToSTM $! writeResource r                       --`debug` ("saved " ++ keyResource r)
		  else return()