module Database.Ferry.Algebra.Render.XMLUtils where
import Text.XML.HaXml.Types

import Database.Ferry.Algebra.Data.Algebra

import qualified Data.Map as M

import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Monad.Writer
import Control.Monad.Reader

-- Convenient alias for column names
type ColName = String

-- The Graph is represented as a tuple of an int, that represents the first node, and
-- a list of algebraic nodes with their node numbers.
type Graph = (AlgNode, [(Algebra, AlgNode)])

-- Alias for GraphNode ids
type GraphNode = Int
-- Alias for xmlNode ids
type XMLNode = Int

-- Mapping from graphnodes to xmlnode ids. This dictionary is used to prevent duplicate xml nodes
type Dictionary = M.Map GraphNode XMLNode

-- XML monad, all elements are printed in bottom up!!! order into the writer monad so
-- that the xml can easily be printed an will be accepted by pfopt.
-- The reader monad contains the map with all the nodes from the algebraic plan, the keys
-- are the node ids from the graph. The state monad keeps track of the supply of fresh ids
-- for xml nodes and the dictionary for looking up whether a certain graphnode already has
-- an xml representation.
type XML = WriterT [Element ()] (ReaderT (M.Map AlgNode Algebra, M.Map AlgNode [String], Bool) (State (Int, Dictionary)))

getTags :: GraphNode -> XML (Maybe [String])
getTags i = do
             (_, ts, _) <- ask
             return $ M.lookup i ts

-- Debug enabled?
debugEnabled :: XML Bool
debugEnabled = do
                (_,_,d) <- ask
                return d

-- Has a graphnode already been translated into an xml node. If yes which node?
isDefined :: GraphNode -> XML (Maybe XMLNode)
isDefined g = do
                (_, d) <- get
                return $ M.lookup g d 

-- Get a fresh xml node id.
freshId :: XML Int
freshId = do
            (n, d) <- get
            put (n + 1, d)
            return n

-- Add a mapping from a graphnode to an xml node id to the dictionary            
addNodeTrans :: GraphNode -> XMLNode -> XML ()
addNodeTrans gId xId = do
                        (n, d) <- get
                        put (n, M.insert gId xId d)

-- Get a node from the algebraic plan with a certain graphNode id number
getNode :: Int -> XML Algebra
getNode i = do
             (nodes, _, _) <- ask
             return $ nodes M.! i

-- Run the monad and return a list of xml elements from the monad.
runXML :: Bool -> M.Map AlgNode Algebra -> M.Map AlgNode [String] -> XML a -> [Element ()]
runXML debug m t = snd . fst . flip runState (0, M.empty) . flip runReaderT (m, t, debug) . runWriterT

-- * Helper functions for constructing xml nodes

infixr 0 `childsOf`
infixr 0 `dataChildOf`
infixr 0 `attrsOf`

-- | Childs of takes a list of xml elements, and nests them in the xml element given as a second argument
childsOf :: [Element ()] -> Element () -> Element () 
childsOf cs (Elem n attrs cs') = Elem n attrs $ cs' ++ [CElem c () | c <- cs]

-- | Data child of takes some data that can be printed and adds that as child to the xml element given as second argument
dataChildOf :: Show a => a -> Element () -> Element ()
dataChildOf v (Elem n attrs cs) = Elem n attrs $ (CString False (show v) ()) : cs

stringChildOf :: String -> Element () -> Element ()
stringChildOf v (Elem n attrs cs) = Elem n attrs $ (CString False v ()) : cs

-- | Construct a column with name n, and new status v
column :: String -> Bool -> Element ()
column n v = let new = case v of
                        True -> "true"
                        False -> "false"
              in [attr "name" n, attr "new" new] `attrsOf` xmlElem "column"

-- | XML element representing a type              
typeN :: ATy -> Element ()
typeN t = [attr "name" $ show t] `attrsOf` xmlElem "type"

-- | Construct an xml tag with name n
xmlElem :: String -> Element ()
xmlElem n = Elem (N n) [] []

-- | Construct an algebraic node with id xId and of kind t
node :: XMLNode -> String -> Element ()
node xId t = [attr "id" $ show xId, attr "kind" t] `attrsOf` xmlElem "node"

-- | Construct a content node
contentNode :: Element ()
contentNode = xmlElem "content"

-- | Construct an attribute for an xml node, attrname = n and its value is v
attr :: String -> String -> Attribute
attr n v = (N n, AttValue [Left v])

-- | Attach list of attributes to an xml element
attrsOf :: [Attribute] -> Element () -> Element ()
attrsOf at (Elem n attrs cs) = Elem n (at ++ attrs) cs