cabal-version: >=1.8 Name: TableAlgebra synopsis: Ferry Table Algebra Category: Database Version: 0.7.1 Description: The Ferry 2.0 Table Algebra library . The table algebra [2] is an intermediate language used by Ferry 2.0 [3] and DSH [4]. It forms the input for the pathfinder [1] optimiser that can translate it into SQL. The library exposes a monadic interface to construct algebraic plans, it automatically performs common sub-tree elimination so that the resulting plan is as small as possible and the optimiser can do it's work better. XML rendering is present and needed for interfacing with DSH-Pathfinder, and for debugging plans with the standalone Pathfinder. . . 1. . 2. . 3. . 4. License: BSD3 License-file: LICENSE Author: Jeroen Weijers Tom Schreiber Maintainer: Jeroen Weijers Build-Type: Simple library buildable: True build-depends: base >= 4.2 && < 5, HaXml >= 1.22, mtl >=, containers >=, template-haskell >=, pretty >= exposed-modules: Database.Ferry.Algebra Database.Ferry.Algebra.Render.XML hs-source-dirs: src GHC-Options: -Wall -fno-warn-orphans -fno-warn-type-defaults -fno-warn-unused-do-bind other-modules: Database.Ferry.Algebra.Data.Algebra Database.Ferry.Algebra.Data.Create Database.Ferry.Algebra.Data.GraphBuilder Database.Ferry.Algebra.Render.XMLUtils Database.Ferry.Algebra.Monadic.Create Database.Ferry.Impossible