-- | -- Module : CAS.Dumb.LaTeX.Symbols -- Copyright : (c) Justus Sagemüller 2017 -- License : GPL v3 -- -- Maintainer : (@) jsagemue $ uni-koeln.de -- Stability : experimental -- Portability : portable -- -- Orphan instances, allowing to construct CAS syntax trees -- with LaTeX symbols. {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE UnicodeSyntax #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-} {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} module CAS.Dumb.LaTeX.Symbols ( fixateLaTeXAlgebraEncaps , LaTeXMathEncapsulation(..) ) where import CAS.Dumb.Tree import CAS.Dumb.Symbols hiding (Negation, Reciprocal) import Text.LaTeX import Text.LaTeX.Base.Class import Text.LaTeX.Base.Syntax import Text.LaTeX.Packages.AMSMath import Text.LaTeX.Packages.AMSFonts import qualified Data.Text as Txt import Data.String (IsString(..)) import Data.Char (isAlpha, isUpper, isLower) import Data.Tuple (swap) import Data.Ratio (denominator, numerator) import Numeric.Literals.Decimal import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as Map import Data.Hashable import Control.Monad import Control.Arrow (second) import qualified Language.Haskell.TH as Hs data LaTeXMathEncapsulation = Negation | Reciprocal | Subscript | Superscript | StdMathsFunc StdMathsFunc deriving (Eq, Show) data StdMathsFunc = Abs | ConventionalFunction Text deriving (Eq, Show) type instance SpecialEncapsulation LaTeX = LaTeXMathEncapsulation instance RenderableEncapsulations LaTeX where fixateAlgebraEncaps = fixateShowAlgebraEncaps showMagic :: Text -> LaTeX showMagic s = raw $ "{"<>s<>"}" matchShowMagic :: LaTeX -> Maybe Text matchShowMagic e = case render e of s' | "{"`Txt.isPrefixOf`s' , "}"`Txt.isSuffixOf`s' -> Just $ Txt.drop 1 $ Txt.dropEnd 1 s' _ -> Nothing fixateShowAlgebraEncaps :: ∀ σ γ . (SymbolClass σ, SCConstraint σ LaTeX) => CAS' γ (Infix LaTeX) (Encapsulation LaTeX) (SymbolD σ LaTeX) -> CAS' γ (Infix LaTeX) (Encapsulation LaTeX) (SymbolD σ LaTeX) fixateShowAlgebraEncaps (OperatorChain x ((o,Function (SpecialEncapsulation ι) z):ys)) | (Infix (Hs.Fixity 6 Hs.InfixL) addSym', Negation) <- (o,ι) , addSym' == addSym = case fixateShowAlgebraEncaps $ OperatorChain x ys of x' -> Operator (Infix (Hs.Fixity 6 Hs.InfixL) "-") x' z' | (Infix (Hs.Fixity 7 Hs.InfixL) mulSym', Reciprocal) <- (o,ι) , mulSym' == mulSym = case fixateShowAlgebraEncaps $ OperatorChain x ys of x' -> Operator (Infix (Hs.Fixity 7 Hs.InfixL) $ showMagic "/") x' z' where [addSym, mulSym] = fromCharSymbol ([]::[σ]) <$> "+*" :: [LaTeX] z' = fixateShowAlgebraEncaps z fixateShowAlgebraEncaps (OperatorChain x []) = fixateShowAlgebraEncaps x fixateShowAlgebraEncaps (OperatorChain x ((o@(Infix (Hs.Fixity _ Hs.InfixL) _), z):ys)) = Operator o (fixateShowAlgebraEncaps $ OperatorChain x ys) (fixateShowAlgebraEncaps z) fixateShowAlgebraEncaps (Operator o x (Function (SpecialEncapsulation ι) y)) | (Infix (Hs.Fixity 6 Hs.InfixL) addSym', Negation) <- (o,ι) , addSym' == addSym = Operator (Infix (Hs.Fixity 6 Hs.InfixL) "-") x' y' | (Infix (Hs.Fixity 7 Hs.InfixL) mulSym', Reciprocal) <- (o,ι) , mulSym' == mulSym = Operator (Infix (Hs.Fixity 7 Hs.InfixL) $ showMagic "/") x' y' | (Infix fxty catSym', Superscript) <- (o,ι) , catSym' == mempty = Operator (Infix fxty $ showMagic "◝") x' y' | (Infix fxty catSym', Subscript) <- (o,ι) , catSym' == mempty = Operator (Infix fxty $ showMagic "◞") x' y' where [addSym, mulSym] = fromCharSymbol ([]::[σ]) <$> "+*" :: [LaTeX] [x',y'] = fixateShowAlgebraEncaps<$>[x,y] fixateShowAlgebraEncaps (Function (SpecialEncapsulation Negation) e) = Operator (Infix (Hs.Fixity 6 Hs.InfixL) "-") (Symbol $ StringSymbol " ") $ fixateShowAlgebraEncaps e fixateShowAlgebraEncaps (Function (SpecialEncapsulation Reciprocal) e) = Operator (Infix (Hs.Fixity 7 Hs.InfixL) $ showMagic "/") (Symbol $ NatSymbol 1) (fixateShowAlgebraEncaps e) fixateShowAlgebraEncaps (Function (SpecialEncapsulation Superscript) e) = Operator (Infix (Hs.Fixity 7 Hs.InfixL) $ showMagic "◝") (Symbol $ StringSymbol "\"\"") (fixateShowAlgebraEncaps e) fixateShowAlgebraEncaps (Function (SpecialEncapsulation Subscript) e) = Operator (Infix (Hs.Fixity 7 Hs.InfixL) $ showMagic "◞") (Symbol $ StringSymbol "\"\"") (fixateShowAlgebraEncaps e) fixateShowAlgebraEncaps (StdMathFn Abs e) = haskellFunction "abs" $ fixateShowAlgebraEncaps e fixateShowAlgebraEncaps (ConventionalMathFn f e) = haskellFunction f $ fixateShowAlgebraEncaps e fixateShowAlgebraEncaps (Function f e) = Function f $ fixateShowAlgebraEncaps e fixateShowAlgebraEncaps (Operator o x y) = Operator o (fixateShowAlgebraEncaps x) (fixateShowAlgebraEncaps y) fixateShowAlgebraEncaps (OperatorChain x₀ oys) = OperatorChain (fixateShowAlgebraEncaps x₀) (second fixateShowAlgebraEncaps <$> oys) fixateShowAlgebraEncaps e = e fixateLaTeXAlgebraEncaps :: ∀ σ γ . (SymbolClass σ, SCConstraint σ LaTeX) => CAS' γ (Infix LaTeX) (Encapsulation LaTeX) (SymbolD σ LaTeX) -> CAS' γ (Infix LaTeX) (Encapsulation LaTeX) (SymbolD σ LaTeX) fixateLaTeXAlgebraEncaps (OperatorChain x ((o,Function (SpecialEncapsulation ι) z):ys)) | (Infix (Hs.Fixity 6 Hs.InfixL) addSym', Negation) <- (o,ι) , addSym' == addSym = case fixateLaTeXAlgebraEncaps $ OperatorChain x ys of x' -> Operator (Infix (Hs.Fixity 6 Hs.InfixL) "-") x' z' | (Infix (Hs.Fixity 7 Hs.InfixL) mulSym', Reciprocal) <- (o,ι) , mulSym' == mulSym = case fixateLaTeXAlgebraEncaps $ OperatorChain x ys of x' -> Operator (Infix (Hs.Fixity 8 Hs.InfixL) mempty) (encapsulation (raw "\\frac{") (raw "}") x') (encapsulation (raw "{") (raw "}") z') where [addSym, mulSym] = fromCharSymbol ([]::[σ]) <$> "+*" :: [LaTeX] z' = fixateLaTeXAlgebraEncaps z fixateLaTeXAlgebraEncaps (OperatorChain x []) = fixateLaTeXAlgebraEncaps x fixateLaTeXAlgebraEncaps (OperatorChain x ((o@(Infix (Hs.Fixity _ Hs.InfixL) _), z):ys)) = Operator o (fixateLaTeXAlgebraEncaps $ OperatorChain x ys) (fixateLaTeXAlgebraEncaps z) fixateLaTeXAlgebraEncaps (Operator o x (Function (SpecialEncapsulation ι) y)) | (Infix (Hs.Fixity 6 Hs.InfixL) addSym', Negation) <- (o,ι) , addSym' == addSym = Operator (Infix (Hs.Fixity 6 Hs.InfixL) "-") x' y' | (Infix (Hs.Fixity 7 Hs.InfixL) mulSym', Reciprocal) <- (o,ι) , mulSym' == mulSym = Operator (Infix (Hs.Fixity 8 Hs.InfixL) mempty) (encapsulation (raw "\\frac{") (raw "}") x') (encapsulation (raw "{") (raw "}") y') | (Infix fxty catSym', Superscript) <- (o,ι) , catSym' == mempty = Operator (Infix fxty (raw "^")) x' (encapsulation (raw "{") (raw "}") y') | (Infix fxty catSym', Subscript) <- (o,ι) , catSym' == mempty = Operator (Infix fxty (raw "_")) x' (encapsulation (raw "{") (raw "}") y') where [addSym, mulSym] = fromCharSymbol ([]::[σ]) <$> "+*" :: [LaTeX] [x',y'] = fixateLaTeXAlgebraEncaps<$>[x,y] fixateLaTeXAlgebraEncaps (Function (SpecialEncapsulation Negation) e) = Operator (Infix (Hs.Fixity 6 Hs.InfixL) "-") (Symbol $ StringSymbol " ") $ fixateLaTeXAlgebraEncaps e fixateLaTeXAlgebraEncaps (Function (SpecialEncapsulation Reciprocal) e) = Operator (Infix (Hs.Fixity 8 Hs.InfixL) mempty) (encapsulation (raw "\\frac{") (raw "}") . Symbol $ NatSymbol 1) (encapsulation (raw "{") (raw "}") $ fixateLaTeXAlgebraEncaps e) fixateLaTeXAlgebraEncaps (Function (SpecialEncapsulation Superscript) e) = encapsulation (raw "{}^{") (raw "}") $ fixateLaTeXAlgebraEncaps e fixateLaTeXAlgebraEncaps (Function (SpecialEncapsulation Subscript) e) = encapsulation (raw "{}_{") (raw "}") $ fixateLaTeXAlgebraEncaps e fixateLaTeXAlgebraEncaps (StdMathFn Abs e) = encapsulation (raw "\\left|") (raw "\\right|") $ fixateLaTeXAlgebraEncaps e fixateLaTeXAlgebraEncaps (ConventionalMathFn f e) = latexFunction ("\\"<>f) $ fixateLaTeXAlgebraEncaps e fixateLaTeXAlgebraEncaps (Function f e) = Function f $ fixateLaTeXAlgebraEncaps e fixateLaTeXAlgebraEncaps (Operator o x y) = Operator o (fixateLaTeXAlgebraEncaps x) (fixateLaTeXAlgebraEncaps y) fixateLaTeXAlgebraEncaps (OperatorChain x₀ oys) = OperatorChain (fixateLaTeXAlgebraEncaps x₀) (second fixateLaTeXAlgebraEncaps <$> oys) fixateLaTeXAlgebraEncaps e = e instance ASCIISymbols LaTeX where fromASCIISymbol c | isAlpha c = fromString [c] toASCIISymbols (TeXRaw s) = Txt.unpack s instance UnicodeSymbols LaTeX where fromUnicodeSymbol c | Just lc <- Map.lookup c mappingFromUnicode = lc | otherwise = error $ "Unicode symbol '"++[c]++"' not supported in LaTeX expressions." toUnicodeSymbols lc | Just c <- Map.lookup lc mappingToUnicode = [c] | lc==mempty = "" | Just s' <- matchShowMagic lc = Txt.unpack s' | otherwise = "《"++Txt.unpack(render lc)++"》" mappingFromUnicode :: Map.HashMap Char LaTeX mappingToUnicode :: Map.HashMap LaTeX Char InvertibleMap mappingFromUnicode mappingToUnicode = mapToLaTeXWith id "𝑎𝑏𝑐𝑑𝑒𝑓𝑔ℎ𝑖𝑗𝑘𝑙𝑚𝑛𝑜𝑝𝑞𝑟𝑠𝑡𝑢𝑣𝑤𝑥𝑦𝑧" "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" <|> mapToLaTeXWith mathbf ['𝐚'..'𝐳'] ['a'..'z'] <|> mapToLaTeXWith id ['𝐴'..'𝑍'] ['A'..'Z'] <|> mapToLaTeXWith mathbf ['𝐀'..'𝐙'] ['A'..'Z'] <|> mapToLaTeXWith mathbb "ℂℍℚℝℤℕ" "CHQRZN" <|> mapToLaTeXWith mathcal ['𝓐'..'𝓩'] ['A'..'Z'] <|> mapToLaTeXWith mathfrak "𝔄𝔅ℭ𝔇𝔈𝔉𝔊ℌℑ𝔍𝔎𝔏𝔐𝔑𝔒𝔓𝔔ℜ𝔖𝔗𝔘𝔙𝔚𝔛𝔜" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXY" <|> fromAssocList (zip ['α', 'β', 'γ', 'δ', 'ε', 'ζ', 'η','θ', 'ϑ', 'ι', 'κ', 'λ' ] [alpha,beta,gamma,delta,varepsilon,zeta,eta,theta,vartheta,iota,kappa,lambda]) <|> fromAssocList (zip ['μ','ν','ξ','π','ρ','ϱ', 'σ', 'ς', 'τ','υ', 'ϕ','φ', 'χ','ψ', 'ω' ] [mu, nu, xi, pi, rho,varrho,sigma,varsigma,tau,upsilon,phi,varphi,chi,psi,omega]) <|> fromAssocList (zip ['Γ', 'Δ', 'Θ', 'Λ', 'Ξ','Π','Σ', 'Υ', 'Φ', 'Ψ', 'Ω' ] [gammau,deltau,thetau,lambdau,xiu,piu,sigmau,upsilonu,phiu,psiu,omegau]) <|> fromAssocList (zip ['+', '-', '*', '±', '∓' ] ["+", "-", raw"{\\cdot}", raw"{\\pm}", raw"{\\mp}"]) remapWith :: (a->b) -> [a] -> [a] -> [(a, b)] remapWith f = zipWith (\lc rc -> (lc, f rc)) mapToLaTeXWith :: (LaTeX->LaTeX) -> [Char] -> [Char] -> InvertibleMap Char LaTeX mapToLaTeXWith f l r = fromAssocList $ remapWith (f . fromString . pure) l r data InvertibleMap a b = InvertibleMap { fwdMapping :: Map.HashMap a b , revMapping :: Map.HashMap b a } fromAssocList :: (Hashable a, Hashable b, Eq a, Eq b) => [(a,b)] -> InvertibleMap a b fromAssocList assocs = InvertibleMap (Map.fromList assocs) (Map.fromList $ map swap assocs) infixl 3 <|> (<|>) :: (Hashable a, Hashable b, Eq a, Eq b) => InvertibleMap a b -> InvertibleMap a b -> InvertibleMap a b InvertibleMap af ar<|>InvertibleMap bf br = InvertibleMap (Map.union af bf) (Map.union ar br) encapsulation :: l -> l -> (CAS' γ (Infix l) (Encapsulation l) (SymbolD σ l)) -> (CAS' γ (Infix l) (Encapsulation l) (SymbolD σ l)) encapsulation l r = Function $ Encapsulation False True l r latexFunction :: LaTeXC l => Text -> (CAS' γ (Infix l) (Encapsulation l) (SymbolD σ l)) -> (CAS' γ (Infix l) (Encapsulation l) (SymbolD σ l)) latexFunction f = Function $ Encapsulation True False (raw $ f<>"{") (raw "}") haskellFunction :: l ~ LaTeX => Text -> (CAS' γ (Infix l) (Encapsulation l) (SymbolD σ l)) -> (CAS' γ (Infix l) (Encapsulation l) (SymbolD σ l)) haskellFunction f = Function $ Encapsulation True False (showMagic $ f<>" ") mempty pattern StdMathFn :: StdMathsFunc -> (CAS' γ (Infix LaTeX) (Encapsulation LaTeX) (SymbolD σ LaTeX)) -> (CAS' γ (Infix LaTeX) (Encapsulation LaTeX) (SymbolD σ LaTeX)) pattern StdMathFn f e = Function (SpecialEncapsulation (StdMathsFunc f)) e pattern ConventionalMathFn :: Text -> (CAS' γ (Infix LaTeX) (Encapsulation LaTeX) (SymbolD σ LaTeX)) -> (CAS' γ (Infix LaTeX) (Encapsulation LaTeX) (SymbolD σ LaTeX)) pattern ConventionalMathFn f e = StdMathFn (ConventionalFunction f) e instance ∀ σ γ . (SymbolClass σ, SCConstraint σ LaTeX) => Num (CAS' γ (Infix LaTeX) (Encapsulation LaTeX) (SymbolD σ LaTeX)) where fromInteger n | n<0 = negate . fromInteger $ -n | otherwise = Symbol $ NatSymbol n (+) = chainableInfixL (==plusOp) plusOp where fcs = fromCharSymbol ([]::[σ]) plusOp = Infix (Hs.Fixity 6 Hs.InfixL) $ fcs '+' (*) = chainableInfixL (==mulOp) mulOp where fcs = fromCharSymbol ([]::[σ]) mulOp = Infix (Hs.Fixity 7 Hs.InfixL) $ fcs '*' abs = StdMathFn Abs signum = latexFunction "\\signum" negate = Function $ SpecialEncapsulation Negation instance ∀ σ γ . (SymbolClass σ, SCConstraint σ LaTeX) => Fractional (CAS' γ (Infix LaTeX) (Encapsulation LaTeX) (SymbolD σ LaTeX)) where fromRational n = case fromRational n of n:%d -> fromIntegral n / fromIntegral d Scientific pc acs e -> let m = Symbol (StringSymbol . fromString $ show pc++ if null acs then "" else "."++(show=< Floating (CAS' γ (Infix LaTeX) (Encapsulation LaTeX) (SymbolD σ LaTeX)) where pi = Symbol $ StringSymbol pi_ sqrt = encapsulation (raw "\\sqrt{") (raw "}") a ** b = Operator (Infix (Hs.Fixity 8 Hs.InfixR) mempty) a (Function (SpecialEncapsulation Superscript) b) logBase b a = Operator (Infix (Hs.Fixity 10 Hs.InfixL) mempty) (encapsulation (raw "\\log_{") (raw "}") b) a exp = ConventionalMathFn "exp" log = ConventionalMathFn "log" sin = ConventionalMathFn "sin" cos = ConventionalMathFn "cos" tan = ConventionalMathFn "tan" asin = latexFunction "\\arcsin" acos = latexFunction "\\arccos" atan = latexFunction "\\arctan" sinh = ConventionalMathFn "sinh" cosh = ConventionalMathFn "cosh" tanh = ConventionalMathFn "tanh" asinh = latexFunction "\\operatorname{arsinh}" acosh = latexFunction "\\operatorname{arcosh}" atanh = latexFunction "\\operatorname{artanh}" instance Eq (Encapsulation LaTeX) where Encapsulation _ _ l r == Encapsulation _ _ l' r' = l==l' && r==r' SpecialEncapsulation e == SpecialEncapsulation e' = e==e' _ == _ = False