{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, FunctionalDependencies #-}

-- | A tic-tac-toe board is one of nine positions, each position occupied by either player 1, player 2 or neither and with invariants specific to the rules of tic-tac-toe.
-- For example, the number of positions occupied by player 1 is equal to, or one more, than the positions occupied by player 2.
module Data.TicTacToe.Board
-- * Board data types
, Board
, FinishedBoard
-- * Start new game
, empty
-- * Game completed
, getResult
-- * Make a move on a board
, Move(..)
, (-?->)
, MoveResult
, foldMoveResult
, keepPlayingOr
, keepPlaying
-- * Taking a move back from a board
, TakeBack(..)
, TakenBack
, foldTakenBack
, takenBackBoard
-- * Operations common to boards in-play and completed
, BoardLike(..)
-- * Debugging
, printEachPosition
) where

import Prelude hiding (any, all, concat, foldr)
import Data.TicTacToe.Position
import Data.TicTacToe.Player
import Data.TicTacToe.GameResult
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.Set as S
import Data.Foldable
import Data.List(intercalate)
import Data.Maybe

data EmptyBoard =

class Move from to | from -> to where
  (-->) ::
    -> from
    -> to

infixr 5 -->

instance Move EmptyBoard Board where
  p --> _ =
    [(p, player1)] `Board` M.singleton p player1

instance Move Board MoveResult where
  p --> b@(Board q m) =
    let w       = whoseTurn b
        (j, m') = M.insertLookupWithKey (\_ x _ -> x) p w m
        wins =
            (NW, W , SW)
          , (N , C , S )
          , (NE, E , SE)
          , (NW, N , NE)
          , (W , C , E )
          , (SW, S , SE)
          , (NW, C , SE)
          , (SW, C , NE)
        allEq (d:e:t) = d == e && allEq (e:t)
        allEq _       = True
        isWin         = any (\(a, b, c) -> any allEq $ mapM (`M.lookup` m') [a, b, c]) wins
        isDraw        = all (`M.member` m') [minBound ..]
        b'            = Board ((p, w):q) m'
    in maybe (if isWin
                GameFinished (b' `FinishedBoard` win w)
                if isDraw
                  GameFinished (b' `FinishedBoard` draw)
                  KeepPlaying b') (const PositionAlreadyOccupied) j

(-?->) ::
  -> MoveResult
  -> MoveResult
p -?-> r =
  keepPlayingOr r (\b -> p --> b) r

infixr 5 -?->

-- | The result of making a move on a tic-tac-toe board.
data MoveResult =
  PositionAlreadyOccupied -- ^ The move was to a position that is already occupied by a player.
  | KeepPlaying Board -- ^ The move was valid and the board is in a new state.
  | GameFinished FinishedBoard -- ^ The move was valid and the game is complete.
  deriving Eq

-- | Deconstruct a move result.
foldMoveResult ::
  a -- ^ The move was to a position that is already occupied by a player.
  -> (Board -> a) -- ^ The move was valid and the board is in a new state.
  -> (FinishedBoard -> a) -- ^ The move was valid and the game is complete.
  -> MoveResult
  -> a
foldMoveResult occ _ _ PositionAlreadyOccupied =
foldMoveResult _ kp _ (KeepPlaying b) =
  kp b
foldMoveResult _ _ gf (GameFinished b) =
  gf b

-- | Return the value after function application to the board to keep playing.
keepPlayingOr ::
  a -- ^ The value to return if there is no board to keep playing with.
  -> (Board -> a) -- ^ A function to apply to the board to keep playing with.
  -> MoveResult
  -> a
keepPlayingOr def kp =
  foldMoveResult def kp (const def)

-- | Return the possible board from a move result. A board is returned if the result is to continue play.
keepPlaying ::
  -> Maybe Board
keepPlaying (KeepPlaying b) =
  Just b
keepPlaying _               =

instance Show MoveResult where
  show PositionAlreadyOccupied = "*Position already occupied*"
  show (KeepPlaying b)         = concat ["{", show b, "}"]
  show (GameFinished b)        = concat ["{{", show b, "}}"]

class TakeBack to from | to -> from where
  takeBack ::
    -> from

instance TakeBack FinishedBoard Board where
  takeBack (FinishedBoard (Board ((p, _):t) m) _) =
    Board t (p `M.delete` m)
  takeBack (FinishedBoard (Board [] _) _) =
    error "Broken invariant: board-in-play with empty move list. This is a program bug."

data TakenBack =
  | TakeBackIsBoard Board
  deriving Eq

foldTakenBack ::
  -> (Board -> a)
  -> TakenBack
  -> a

foldTakenBack e _ TakeBackIsEmpty =
foldTakenBack _ k (TakeBackIsBoard b) =
  k b

takenBackBoard ::
  -> Maybe Board
takenBackBoard =
  foldTakenBack Nothing Just

instance TakeBack Board TakenBack where
  takeBack (Board (_:[]) _) =
  takeBack (Board ((p, _):t) m) =
    TakeBackIsBoard (Board t (p `M.delete` m))
  takeBack (Board [] _) =
    error "Broken invariant: board-in-play with empty move list. This is a program bug."

-- | A tic-tac-toe board.
data Board =
  Board [(Position, Player)] !(M.Map Position Player)
  deriving Eq

instance Show Board where
  show b@(Board _ m) =
    intercalate " " [showPositionMap m, "[", show (whoseTurn b), "to move ]"]

-- | A finished board is a completed tic-tac-toe game and does not accept any more moves.
data FinishedBoard =
  FinishedBoard Board GameResult
  deriving Eq

-- | Return the result of a completed tic-tac-toe game.
getResult ::
  -> GameResult
getResult (FinishedBoard _ r) =

instance Show FinishedBoard where
  show (FinishedBoard (Board _ m) r) =
    let summary = gameResult (\p -> show p ++ " wins") "draw" r
    in intercalate " " [showPositionMap m, "[[", summary, "]]"]

-- | Start an empty tic-tac-toe board.
empty ::
empty =

-- | Prints out a board using ASCII notation and substituting the returned string for each position.
printEachPosition ::
  (Position -> String) -- ^ The function returning the string to substitute each position.
  -> IO ()
printEachPosition k =
  let z = ".===.===.===."
      lines = [
              , concat ["| ", k NW, " | ", k N , " | ", k NE, " |"]
              , z
              , concat ["| ", k W , " | ", k C , " | ", k E , " |"]
              , z
              , concat ["| ", k SW, " | ", k S , " | ", k SE, " |"]
              , z
  in forM_ lines putStrLn

-- | Functions that work on boards that are in play or have completed.
-- This class specifically does not specify moving on a board, since this is illegal on a completed board.
class BoardLike b where
  -- | Returns whose turn it is on a tic-tac-toe board.
  whoseTurn ::
    -> Player
  whoseTurn =
    alternate . whoseNotTurn

  -- | Returns whose turn it is not on a tic-tac-toe board.
  whoseNotTurn ::
    -> Player
  whoseNotTurn =
    alternate . whoseTurn

  -- | Returns whether or not the board is empty.
  isEmpty ::
    -> Bool

  -- | Returns positions that are occupied.
  occupiedPositions ::
    -> S.Set Position

  -- | Returns the number of moves that have been played.
  moves ::
    -> Int

  -- | Returns whether or not the first given board can transition to the second given board.
  isSubboardOf ::
    -> b
    -> Bool

  -- | Returns whether or not the first given board can transition to the second given board and they are inequal.
  isProperSubboardOf ::
    -> b
    -> Bool

  -- | Returns the player at the given position.
  playerAt ::
    -> Position
    -> Maybe Player

  -- | Returns the player at the given position or the given default.
  playerAtOr ::
    -> Position
    -> Player
    -> Player
  playerAtOr b p q =
    q `fromMaybe` playerAt b p

  -- | Returns whether or not the given position is occupied on the board. @true@ if occupied.
  isOccupied ::
    -> Position
    -> Bool
  isOccupied b p =
    isJust $ playerAt b p

  -- | Returns whether or not the given position is occupied on the board. @false@ if occupied.
  isNotOccupied ::
    -> Position
    -> Bool
  isNotOccupied b p =
    not (isOccupied b p)

  -- | Prints the board to standard output using an ASCII grid representation.
  printBoard ::
    -> IO ()

instance BoardLike EmptyBoard where
  whoseTurn _ =

  isEmpty _ =

  occupiedPositions _ =

  moves _ =

  isSubboardOf _ _ =

  isProperSubboardOf _ _ =

  playerAt _ _ =

  printBoard _ =
    printEachPosition (pos M.empty " ")

instance BoardLike Board where
  whoseTurn (Board [] _) =

  whoseTurn (Board ((_, q):_) _) =
    alternate q

  isEmpty _ =

  occupiedPositions (Board _ m) =
    M.keysSet m

  moves (Board _ m) =
    M.size m

  isSubboardOf (Board _ m) (Board _ m') =
    m `M.isSubmapOf` m'

  isProperSubboardOf (Board _ m) (Board _ m') =
    m `M.isProperSubmapOf` m'

  playerAt (Board _ m) p =
    p `M.lookup` m

  printBoard (Board _ m) =
    printEachPosition (pos m " ")

instance BoardLike FinishedBoard where
  isEmpty (FinishedBoard b _) =
    isEmpty b

  occupiedPositions (FinishedBoard b _) =
    occupiedPositions b

  moves (FinishedBoard b _) =
    moves b

  isSubboardOf (FinishedBoard b _) (FinishedBoard b' _) =
    b `isSubboardOf` b'

  isProperSubboardOf (FinishedBoard b _) (FinishedBoard b' _) =
    b `isProperSubboardOf` b'

  playerAt (FinishedBoard b _) p =
    b `playerAt` p

  printBoard (FinishedBoard b _) =
    printBoard b

-- not exported

pos ::
  Ord k =>
  M.Map k Player
  -> String
  -> k
  -> String
pos m empty p =
  maybe empty (return . toSymbol) (p `M.lookup` m)

showPositionMap ::
  M.Map Position Player
  -> String
showPositionMap m =
  let pos' = pos m "?"
  in concat [ ".=",  pos' NW, "=.=", pos' N , "=.=", pos' NE
            , "=.=", pos' W , "=.=", pos' C , "=.=", pos' E
            , "=.=", pos' SW, "=.=", pos' S , "=.=", pos' SE, "=."