-- | License      :  GPL
--   Maintainer   :  helium@cs.uu.nl
--   Stability    :  provisional
--   Portability  :  portable

module Top.Implementation.TypeGraph.DefaultHeuristics where

import Top.Implementation.TypeGraph.ApplyHeuristics (predicatePath, expandPath)
import Top.Implementation.TypeGraph.Basics
import Top.Implementation.TypeGraph.Heuristic
import Top.Implementation.TypeGraph.Path
import Data.List
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Top.Solver


defaultHeuristics :: Show info => Path (EdgeId, info) -> [Heuristic info]
defaultHeuristics path = 
   [ highParticipation 1.00 path, firstComeFirstBlamed ]

-- |Compute the smallest 'minimal' sets. This computation is very(!) costly
--   (might take a long time for complex inconsistencies)
inMininalSet :: Path (EdgeId, info) -> Heuristic info
inMininalSet path =
   Heuristic (
      let sets       = minimalSets eqInfo2 path
          candidates = nubBy eqInfo2 (concat sets)
          f e        = return (any (eqInfo2 e) candidates)
      in edgeFilter "In a smallest minimal set" f)

-- |Although not as precise as the minimal set analysis, this calculates the participation of
-- each edge in all error paths. 
-- Default ratio = 1.0  (100 percent)
--   (the ratio determines which scores compared to the best are accepted)
highParticipation :: Show info => Double -> Path (EdgeId, info) -> Heuristic info
highParticipation ratio path =
   Heuristic (Filter ("Participation ratio [ratio="++show ratio++"]") selectTheBest)
   selectTheBest es = 
      let (nrOfPaths, fm)   = participationMap (mapPath (\(EdgeId _ _ cnr,_) -> cnr) path)
          participationList = M.filterWithKey p fm
          p cnr _    = cnr `elem` activeCNrs
          activeCNrs = [ cnr | (EdgeId _ _ cnr, _) <- es ]
          maxInList  = maximum (M.elems participationList)
          limit     -- test if one edge can solve it completely
             | maxInList == nrOfPaths = maxInList 
             | otherwise              = round (fromIntegral maxInList * ratio) `max` 1
          goodCNrs   = M.keys (M.filter (>= limit) participationList)
          bestEdges  = filter (\(EdgeId _ _ cnr,_) -> cnr `elem` goodCNrs) es
          -- prints a nice report
          mymsg  = unlines ("" : title : replicate 50 '-' : map f es)
          title  = "cnr  edge          ratio   info"
          f (edgeID@(EdgeId _ _ cnr),info) = 
             take 5  (show cnr++(if cnr `elem` goodCNrs then "*" else "")++repeat ' ') ++
             take 14 (show edgeID++repeat ' ') ++
             take 8  (show (M.findWithDefault 0 cnr fm * 100 `div` nrOfPaths)++"%"++repeat ' ') ++
             "{"++show info++"}"
      in do logMsg mymsg
            return bestEdges
-- |Select the "latest" constraint
firstComeFirstBlamed :: Heuristic info
firstComeFirstBlamed = 
   Heuristic ( 
      let f (EdgeId _ _ cnr, _) = return cnr
      in maximalEdgeFilter "First come, first blamed" f)

-- |Select only specific constraint numbers
selectConstraintNumbers :: [EdgeNr] -> Heuristic info
selectConstraintNumbers is =
   Heuristic (
      let f (EdgeId _ _ cnr, _) = return (cnr `elem` is)
      in edgeFilter ("select constraint numbers " ++ show is) f)

-- |Select only the constraints for which there is evidence in the predicates
-- of the current state that the constraint at hand is incorrect. 
inPredicatePath :: Heuristic info
inPredicatePath = 
   Heuristic (Filter "in a predicate path" f) where

    f xs = 
       do pp  <- predicatePath
          path <- expandPath (simplifyPath pp) 
          let cnrs = nub [ c | (EdgeId _ _ c, _) <- steps path ]
              p (EdgeId _ _ cnr, _) = cnr `elem` cnrs
              ys = filter p xs
          return (if null ys then xs else ys)