{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns, MagicHash #-}

Module      : Treiber
Description : Implementation of a Treiber stack.
License     : BSD3
Maintainer  : Julian Sutherland (julian.sutherland10@imperial.ac.uk)

An implementation of Treiber stacks, a lock free stack. Works with any monad that has atomically modificable references.
module Data.NonBlocking.LockFree.Treiber(TreiberStack(), TreiberStackIO, TreiberStackSTM, newTreiberStack, pushTreiberStack, popTreiberStack) where

import Control.Concurrent.STM (STM())
import Control.Concurrent.STM.TVar (TVar())
import Control.Monad(join, when)
import Control.Monad.Loops(whileM_)
import Control.Monad.Ref
import Data.IORef
import GHC.Exts (Int(I#))
import GHC.Prim (reallyUnsafePtrEquality#)

-- |TreiberStack inside the IO Monad.
type TreiberStackIO a = TreiberStack IORef a
-- |TreiberStack inside the STM Monad.
type TreiberStackSTM a = TreiberStack TVar a

-- |A Lock-free concurrent Treiber stack usable in any monad, m, that is paired with a reference type, r, by an instance of 'MonadAtomicRef'. Can use Specializations TreiberStackIO and TreiberStackSTM
data TreiberStack r a = TreiberStack (r (TreiberElem r a))
data TreiberElem r a = TreiberElem a (r (TreiberElem r a)) | End

instance (Eq a) => Eq (TreiberElem r a) where
  End == End = True
  (TreiberElem x rest1) == (TreiberElem y rest2) = (x == y) && (ptrEq rest1 rest2)

{-# SPECIALIZE newTreiberStack :: (Eq a) => IO (TreiberStackIO a) #-}
{-# SPECIALIZE newTreiberStack :: (Eq a) => STM (TreiberStackSTM a) #-}
-- |Creates a new empty instance of the 'TreiberStack'. Internally implemented with a reference of type r, which is why they must be atomically modifiable.
newTreiberStack :: (MonadAtomicRef r m, Eq a) => m (TreiberStack r a)
newTreiberStack = do
  ref <- newRef End
  return (TreiberStack ref)

{-# SPECIALIZE pushTreiberStack :: (Eq a) => TreiberStackIO a -> a -> IO () #-}
{-# SPECIALIZE pushTreiberStack :: (Eq a) => TreiberStackSTM a -> a -> STM () #-}
-- |Pushes an element on to a Treiber stack.
pushTreiberStack :: (MonadAtomicRef r m, Eq a) => TreiberStack r a -> a -> m ()
pushTreiberStack (TreiberStack x) v = do
  let partConstr = TreiberElem v
  b <- newRef False
  whileM_ (readRef b >>= return . not) $ do
    z <- readRef x
    res <- newRef z
    suc <- cas x z (partConstr res)
    writeRef b suc

{-# SPECIALIZE popTreiberStack :: (Eq a) => TreiberStackIO a -> IO (Maybe a) #-}
{-# SPECIALIZE popTreiberStack :: (Eq a) => TreiberStackSTM a -> STM (Maybe a) #-}
-- |Pops an element of a Treiber stack. Returns 'Nothing' if the stack is empty.
popTreiberStack :: (MonadAtomicRef r m, Eq a) => TreiberStack r a -> m (Maybe a)
popTreiberStack (TreiberStack x) = do
  b <- newRef False
  ret <- newRef Nothing
  whileM_ (readRef b >>= return . not) $ do
    y <- readRef x
    case y of
      End -> writeRef b True
      (TreiberElem elem rest) -> do
        z <- readRef rest
        suc <- cas x y z
        t <- readRef x
        writeRef b suc
        when suc $ writeRef ret (Just elem)
  readRef ret

cas :: (MonadAtomicRef r m, Eq a) => r a -> a -> a -> m Bool
cas ref comp rep = atomicModifyRef ref (\val -> let b = val == comp in (if b then rep else val, b))

{-# NOINLINE ptrEq #-}
ptrEq :: a -> a -> Bool
ptrEq !x !y = I# (reallyUnsafePtrEquality# x y) == 1