[[Category:Composition]] [[Category:Applicative]] [[Category:Libraries]] [[Category:Packages]] == Abstract == '''TypeCompose''' provides some classes & instances for forms of type composition, as well as some modules that haven't found another home. Besides this wiki page, here are more ways to find out about TypeCompose: * Visit the [http://hackage.haskell.org/cgi-bin/hackage-scripts/package/TypeCompose Hackage page] for library documentation and to download & install. * Or install with cabal install TypeCompose. * Get the code repository: darcs get http://code.haskell.org/TypeCompose. * See the [[TypeCompose/Versions| version history]]. == Type composition == The Control.Compose module includes * Various type compositions (unary/unary, binary/unary, etc). Most are from [http://www.soi.city.ac.uk/~ross/papers/Applicative.html Applicative Programming with Effects]. In particular, g `O` f composes functors in to functors and applicative functors (AFs) into AFs. (In contrast, monads do not in general compose.) Composition makes AF-based programming simple and elegant, partly because we don't need an AF counterpart to monad transformers. * Cofunctors (contravariant functors). Great for "consumer" types, just as functors suit "producer" (container) types. There are several composition options. * Type argument flip. Handy for cofunctors: use Flip (->) o, for (-> o). * Constructor in pairs: (f a, g a). * Constructor in arrows/functions: f a ~> g a. == Other features == === Composable bijections === Given all the type constructors and compositions of them, I found myself writing some pretty awkward code to wrap & unwrap through multiple layers. Composable bijections help a lot. The Data.Bijection module is inspired by [http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/alimarine05there.html There and Back Again: Arrows for Invertible Programming], though done here in a less general setting. === Pair- & function-like types === The Data.Zip and Data.Lambda patterns emerged while working on [[DeepArrow]] and [[Eros]]. Data.Zip generalizes zip and unzip from [] to other functors. It also provides variants of type f a -> f (a,b) and f a -> f (a,b). Data.Lambda is similar with classes for lambda-like constructions. For example uses of Pair and Lambda, see [[TV]] and [[Eros]]. === References === Monads with references. Direct rip-off from [http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/473734.html Global Variables in Haskell]. === Titling === For giving titles to things. I know it sounds kind of random. More useful than I first thought. Used in [[Phooey]], [[TV]], and [[Eros]]. === Partial values === A monoid of partial values. See the [http://conal.net/blog/posts/a-type-for-partial-values/ teaser] and [http://conal.net/blog/posts/implementing-a-type-for-partial-values/ solution] blog posts. === Context-dependent monoids === Bit of an oddball also. Data.CxMonoid defines a sort of meta-monoid, that can be supplied dynamically with choices of mempty and mappend. Used in [[Phooey]] (starting with version 1.3) so that layout could be a monoid but still vary in style.