-- |
-- Module      :  FRP.UISF.UIMonad
-- Copyright   :  (c) Daniel Winograd-Cort 2014
-- License     :  see the LICENSE file in the distribution
-- Maintainer  :  dwc@cs.yale.edu
-- Stability   :  experimental
-- A simple Graphical User Interface with concepts borrowed from Phooey
-- by Conal Elliot.

{-# LANGUAGE DoRec #-}

module FRP.UISF.UIMonad where

import FRP.UISF.AuxFunctions (Time)

import Control.Monad.Fix
import Control.Concurrent.MonadIO

-- * UI Type Definition

-- | A UI widget runs under a given context and any focus information from 
--   earlier widgets and maps input signals to outputs, which consists of 6 parts:
--    - its layout,
--    - whether the widget needs to be redrawn,
--    - any focus information that needs to be conveyed to future widgets
--    - the action (to render graphics or/and sounds),
--    - any new ThreadIds to keep track of (for proper shutdown when finished),
--    - and the parametrized output type.

newtype UI a = UI 
  { unUI :: (CTX, Focus, Time, UIEvent) -> 
            IO (Layout, DirtyBit, Focus, Action, ControlData, a) }

-- For reexporting:
-- | Lifts an \'IO a\' to a \'UI a\'
ioToUI :: IO a -> UI a
ioToUI = liftIO

-- * Control Data

-- | The control data is simply a list of Thread Ids.
type ControlData = [ThreadId]

-- | No new thread ids.
nullCD :: ControlData
nullCD = []

-- | A thread handler for the UI monad.
addThreadID :: ThreadId -> UI ()
addThreadID t = UI (\(_,f,_,_) -> return (nullLayout, False, f, nullAction, [t], ()))

-- | A method for merging to control data objects.
mergeCD :: ControlData -> ControlData -> ControlData
mergeCD = (++)

-- * Rendering Context

-- | A rendering context specifies the following:

data CTX = CTX 
  { flow   :: Flow 
        -- ^ A layout direction to flow widgets. 
  , bounds :: Rect 
        -- ^ A rectangle bound of current drawing area to render a UI
        --   component. It specifies the max size of a widget, not the
        --   actual size. It's up to each individual widget to decide
        --   where in this bound to put itself.
  , isConjoined :: Bool 
        -- ^ A flag to tell whether we are in a conjoined state or not.  
        -- A conjoined context will duplicate itself for subcomponents 
        -- rather than splitting.  This can be useful for making compound 
        -- widgets when one widget takes up space and the other performs 
        -- some side effect having to do with that space.

-- | Flow determines widget ordering.
data Flow = TopDown | BottomUp | LeftRight | RightLeft deriving (Eq, Show)
-- | A dimension specifies size.
type Dimension = (Int, Int)
-- | A rectangle has a corner point and a dimension.
type Rect = (Point, Dimension)

-- * UI Layout

-- | The layout of a widget provides data to calculate its actual size
-- in a given context.
-- 1. hFill/vFill specify how much stretching space (in units) in
--    horizontal/vertical direction should be allocated for this widget.
-- 2. hFixed/vFixed specify how much non-stretching space (width/height in
--    pixels) should be allocated for this widget.
-- 3. minW/minH specify minimum values (width/height in pixels) for the widget's 
--    dimensions.

data Layout = Layout
  { hFill  :: Int
  , vFill  :: Int
  , hFixed :: Int
  , vFixed :: Int
  , minW   :: Int
  , minH   :: Int
  } deriving (Eq, Show)

-- Layout calculation makes use of lazy evaluation to do it in one pass.  
-- Although the UI function maps from Context to Layout, all of the fields of 
-- Layout must be independent of the Context so that they are avaiable before 
-- the UI function is even evaluated.
-- Layouts can end up being quite complicated, but that is usually due to 
-- layouts being merged (i.e. for multiple widgets used together).  Layouts 
-- for individual widgets typically come in a few standard flavors, so we 
-- have the following convenience function for their creation:

-- makeLayout --

-- | A dimension can either be:
data LayoutType = 
        Stretchy { minSize :: Int }
        -- ^ Stretchy with a minimum size in pixels
      | Fixed { fixedSize :: Int }
        -- ^ Fixed with a size measured in pixels

-- | This function takes layout information for first the horizontal 
--   dimension and then the vertical.
makeLayout :: LayoutType -> LayoutType -> Layout
makeLayout (Fixed h) (Fixed v) = Layout 0 0 h v h v
makeLayout (Stretchy minW) (Fixed v) = Layout 1 0 0 v minW v
makeLayout (Fixed h) (Stretchy minH) = Layout 0 1 h 0 h minH
makeLayout (Stretchy minW) (Stretchy minH) = Layout 1 1 0 0 minW minH

-- | The null layout is useful for \"widgets\" that do not appear or 
--   take up space on the screen.
nullLayout = Layout 0 0 0 0 0 0

-- * Context and Layout Functions

-- divideCTX --
-- | Divides the CTX according to the ratio of a widget's layout and the 
-- overall layout of the widget that receives this CTX.  Therefore, the 
-- first layout argument should basically be a sublayout of the second.

divideCTX :: CTX -> Layout -> Layout -> (CTX, CTX)
divideCTX ctx@(CTX a ((x, y), (w, h)) c) 
          ~(Layout m n u v minw minh) ~(Layout m' n' u' v' minw' minh') =
  if c then (ctx, ctx) else
  case a of
    TopDown   -> (CTX a ((x, y), (w'', h')) c, 
                  CTX a ((x, y + h'), (w, h - h')) c)
    BottomUp  -> (CTX a ((x, y + h - h'), (w'', h')) c, 
                  CTX a ((x, y), (w, h - h')) c)
    LeftRight -> (CTX a ((x, y), (w', h'')) c, 
                  CTX a ((x + w', y), (w - w', h)) c)
    RightLeft -> (CTX a ((x + w - w', y), (w', h'')) c, 
                  CTX a ((x, y), (w - w', h)) c)
    w' = max minw (m * div' (w - u') m' + u)
    h' = max minh (n * div' (h - v') n' + v)
    w'' = max minw (if m == 0 then u else w)
    h'' = max minh (if n == 0 then v else h)
    div' b 0 = 0
    div' b d = div b d

-- mergeLayout --
-- | Merge two layouts into one.

mergeLayout a (Layout n m u v minw minh) (Layout n' m' u' v' minw' minh') = 
  case a of
    TopDown   -> Layout (max' n n') (m + m') (max u u') (v + v') (max minw minw') (minh + minh')
    BottomUp  -> Layout (max' n n') (m + m') (max u u') (v + v') (max minw minw') (minh + minh')
    LeftRight -> Layout (n + n') (max' m m') (u + u') (max v v') (minw + minw') (max minh minh')
    RightLeft -> Layout (n + n') (max' m m') (u + u') (max v v') (minw + minw') (max minh minh')
    max' 0 0 = 0
    max' _ _ = 1

-- * Action and System State

-- | Actions include both Graphics and Sound output. Even though both 
-- are indeed just IO monads, we separate them because Sound output 
-- must be immediately delivered, while graphics can wait until the 
-- next screen refresh.
type Action = (Graphic, Sound)
-- | A type synonym for sounds.
type Sound = IO ()

-- | This is used when there is no sound produced.
nullSound = return () :: Sound
-- | This is used when no Action happens at all.
nullAction = (nullGraphic, nullSound) :: Action
-- | Convert a Sound to an Action with no Graphic.
justSoundAction :: Sound -> Action
justSoundAction s = (nullGraphic, s)
-- | Convert a Graphic to an Action with no Sound.
justGraphicAction :: Graphic -> Action
justGraphicAction g = (g, nullSound)

-- | Merge two actions into one.
mergeAction (g, s) (g', s') = (overGraphic g' g, s >> s')

-- | Use a context to bound the graphical effects of an action.
scissorAction :: CTX -> Action -> Action
scissorAction ctx (g, s) = (scissorGraphic (bounds ctx) g, s)

-- The Focus and DirtyBit types are for system state.

-- | The Focus type helps focusable widgets communicate with each 
-- other about which widget is in focus.  It consists of a WidgetID 
-- and a FocusInfo.
type Focus = (WidgetID, FocusInfo)

-- | The WidgetID for any given widget is dynamic based 
-- on how many focusable widgets are active at the moment.  It is designed 
-- basically as a counter that focusable widgets will automatically (via the 
-- focusable function) increment.
type WidgetID = Int

-- | The FocusInfo means one of the following:
data FocusInfo = 
        -- ^ Indicates that this widget is a subwidget of 
        --   a widget that is in focus.  Thus, this widget too is in focus, and 
        --   this widget should pass HasFocus forward.
      | NoFocus 
        -- ^ Indicates that there is no focus information to 
        --   communicate between widgets.
      | SetFocusTo WidgetID
        -- ^ Indicates that the widget whose id is given 
        --   should take focus.  That widget should then pass NoFocus onward.
  deriving (Show, Eq)

-- | The dirty bit is a bit to indicate if the widget needs to be redrawn.
type DirtyBit = Bool

-- Monadic Instances

instance Monad UI where
  return i = UI (\(_,foc,_,_) -> return (nullLayout, False, foc, nullAction, nullCD, i))

  (UI m) >>= f = UI (\(ctx, foc, t, inp) -> do 
    rec let (ctx1, ctx2)      = divideCTX ctx l1 layout
        (l1, db1, foc1, a1, cd1, v1) <- m (ctx1, foc, t, inp)
        (l2, db2, foc2, a2, cd2, v2) <- unUI (f v1) (ctx2, foc1, t, inp)
        let action            = (if l1 == nullLayout || l2 == nullLayout then id 
                                 else scissorAction ctx) $ mergeAction a1 a2
            layout            = mergeLayout (flow ctx) l1 l2 
            cd                = mergeCD cd1 cd2
            dirtybit          = ((||) $! db1) $! db2
    return (layout, dirtybit, foc2, action, cd, v2))

-- UIs are also instances of MonadFix so that we can define value
-- level recursion.

instance MonadFix UI where
  mfix f = UI aux
      aux (ctx, foc, t, inp) = u
        where u = do rec (l, db, foc', a, cd, r) <- unUI (f r) (ctx, foc, t, inp)
                     return (l, db, foc', a, cd, r)

instance MonadIO UI where
  liftIO a = UI (\(_,foc,_,_) -> a >>= (\v -> return (nullLayout, False, foc, nullAction, nullCD, v)))