module SortUniq where import Test.Hspec import Test.QuickCheck import Data.List.Unique import Data.List (sort, group) import Data.Set (fromList, toList) sortUniqTests :: SpecWith () sortUniqTests = describe "Data.List.Unique.sortUniq" $ do it "sortUniq: should return [] with empty list" $ do sortUniq ( [] :: [Int] ) `shouldBe` [] it "sortUniq: simple test" $ do sortUniq "foo bar" `shouldBe` " abfor" it "sortUniq: multiple execution should return the same result" $ property $ \ xs -> sortUniq (sortUniq ( xs :: String) ) == sortUniq xs it "sortUniq: the result has to be sorted" $ property $ \ xs -> sortUniq ( xs :: [Int] ) == sort (sortUniq xs) it "sortUniq: elements should occur only once" $ property $ \ ( NonEmpty ls@(x:_) ) -> isUnique (x :: Float) (sortUniq ls) == Just True it "sortUniq: elements should occur only once #2" $ property $ \ xs -> all (==1) . map length . group $ sortUniq ( xs :: [Integer] ) it "sortUniq: check if it's correct by slow analog function" $ property $ \ xs -> ( map head . group . sort $ (xs :: String) ) == sortUniq xs it "sortUniq: check if it's correct by the Faster analog function :)" $ property $ \ xs -> sortUniq ( xs :: String ) == toList (fromList xs)