module Updater.Internal (
 	-- Signals
	-- Updater
--	getCleanup,
	) where

import Control.Concurrent.STM
import qualified Updater.List as List

import Control.Applicative
import Control.Exception.Base

putLine :: String -> Updater ()
putLine = onCommit . putStrLn

--- START: Signals ---

-- |
-- `Signal` is the portable Signal they can be exchanged between
-- any parts of your program. Internally, they are just a variable and a list of 
-- change hooks.
data Signal a = Signal {
	signalValue :: TVar (Maybe a),
	signalListeners :: List.LinkedList (a -> Updater ())

newSignal :: STM (a -> Updater (), Signal a)
newSignal = do
	value <- newTVar (Nothing)
	listeners <- List.empty
	let runSignal a = do
		liftSTM $ writeTVar value $ Just a
		listeners' <- liftSTM $ List.toList listeners
		mapM_ ($ a) listeners'
	return (runSignal,Signal value  listeners)

getValue :: Signal a -> STM (Maybe a)
getValue signal = readTVar $ signalValue signal

-- |
-- the return value will remove the listener
-- use
-- 'fixm \remover -> someListener remover'
-- to add a listener that can remove itself
addListener :: Signal a -> (a -> Updater ()) -> STM (STM ())
addListener signal listener = do
	node <- List.append listener (signalListeners signal)
	return (List.delete node)
--- END: Signals ---

data State = State {
	stateOnCommit :: TVar (IO ()),
	stateCleanup :: Signal ()

-- |
-- This monad works very similar to a continuation monad on top of stm.
-- You can do any basic stm computation you want simply using `liftSTM`.
-- However, if you use `getEvent` everything after that call will be executed
-- everytime the `Signal` given to `getEvent` is changed.
-- You can also use the `Alternative` instance to make a union of events.
-- You can also use the `Applicative` instance to run two things \'parallel\'.
-- Parallel meaning that events on one side will not cause the other 
-- side to be reevaluated completely.
newtype Updater a = Updater { runUpdater' :: (a -> State -> STM ()) -> State -> STM () }

getCleanup :: Updater (Signal ())
getCleanup = fmap stateCleanup getState

-- |
-- doesn't really work yet
onCleanup :: Updater () -> Updater ()
onCleanup cleanup = do
	getCleanup >>= getEvent

newCleanupHelper :: Signal () -> STM (Updater (Signal ()))
newCleanupHelper endSignal = do
	(cleanupButton,cleanupSignal) <- newSignal
	return $ do
		cleanup' <- liftSTM $ getValue cleanupSignal
		(innerCleanupButton, innerCleanupSignal) <- liftSTM $ newSignal
		cleanupButton (innerCleanupButton ())

		removeListener <- liftSTM $ addListener (endSignal) (innerCleanupButton)
		_ <- liftSTM $ addListener innerCleanupSignal (const $ liftSTM removeListener)

		case cleanup' of
			Nothing -> return ()
			(Just cleanup) -> cleanup
		return innerCleanupSignal

-- |
-- IO actions given here will be executed once a signal update
-- has been completed. They keep the order in which they are inserted.
onCommit :: IO () -> Updater ()
onCommit action = Updater $ \restCalc state -> do
	modifyTVar (stateOnCommit state) (>>action)
	restCalc () state

getState :: Updater State
getState = Updater $ \restCalc state -> restCalc state state

-- |
-- Runs everything below it everytime its input signal is updated. 
getEvent :: Signal a -> Updater a
getEvent signal =  Updater $ \restCalc state->  do 
	cleanupHelper <- newCleanupHelper (stateCleanup state)
	let listener value = do
		innerCleanupSignal <- cleanupHelper
		state' <-getState
		liftSTM $ restCalc value (state' { stateCleanup =  innerCleanupSignal })
		return ()

	removeListener <- addListener signal listener
	_ <- addListener (stateCleanup state) (const $ liftSTM removeListener)
	return ()

-- |
-- Similar to `getEvent` except that it also fires an event immediately,
-- if the input signal is already initialized. It can be created using `getEvent` and
-- `Alternative`
getBehavior :: Signal a -> Updater a
getBehavior sig = initial <|> getEvent sig where
	initial = do
		val' <- liftSTM $ getValue sig
		case val' of
			 Nothing -> empty
			 (Just val) -> return val

-- |
-- This will evaluate the `Updater` Monad.
-- It will block until the first run reaches the end.
-- After that, it will return the result and free everything.
-- To prevent signals from reaching the end use `Updater.stop` or `getEvent` with some exit signal.
runUpdater :: Updater a -> IO a
runUpdater updater' = wrapper where
	wrapper = do
		(cleanupButton, cleanupSignal) <- atomically $ newSignal
			(run updater' cleanupButton cleanupSignal)
			(run (cleanupButton ())  cleanupButton cleanupSignal)
	run updater cleanupButton cleanupSignal= do
		(resultVar, onCommitAction) <- atomically $ do
			onCommit' <- newTVar $ return ()
			resultVar <- newEmptyTMVar
				( do
					res <- updater
					cleanupButton ()
					onCommit $ atomically $ putTMVar resultVar res)
				(const $ const $ return ()) 
				(State {
					stateCleanup = cleanupSignal,
					stateOnCommit = onCommit' })
			onCommitAction <- readTVar onCommit'
			return (resultVar, onCommitAction)
		result <- atomically $ takeTMVar resultVar
		return result

liftSTM :: STM a -> Updater a
liftSTM run = Updater (\restCalc state -> run >>= (\x -> restCalc x state))

instance Functor Updater where
	fmap f (Updater giveMeNext) = Updater (\next -> giveMeNext (next . f))

instance Applicative Updater where
	pure a = Updater $ \giveMeA -> giveMeA a
 	updater1 <*> updater2 = Updater $ updater where
 		updater restCalc state = do
 			(buttonF, signalF) <- newSignal
 			(buttonX, signalX) <- newSignal
 			cleanupHelper <- newCleanupHelper (stateCleanup state)
 			let fire = do
				cleanupSignal <- cleanupHelper
 				f' <- liftSTM $ getValue signalF
 				x' <- liftSTM $ getValue signalX
 				case (f',x') of
					 (Just f, Just a) ->  do
						 state' <- getState 
						 liftSTM $ restCalc (f a) (state' { stateCleanup = cleanupSignal })
 					 _ -> return ()
 			runUpdater' (updater1 >>= buttonF >> fire) (const $ const $ return ()) state
 			runUpdater' (updater2 >>= buttonX >> fire) (const $ const $ return ()) state
 			return ()

instance Alternative Updater where
	empty = Updater $ const $ const $ return ()
	updater1 <|> updater2 = Updater $ updater where
		updater end state = do
			(button,signal) <-newSignal
			cleanupHelper <- newCleanupHelper (stateCleanup state)
			let fire = do
				cleanupSignal <- cleanupHelper
				value' <- liftSTM $ getValue signal
				case value' of
					 (Just value) -> do
						state' <- getState
						liftSTM $ end value (state' { stateCleanup = cleanupSignal })
					 Nothing -> return ()
			runUpdater' (updater1 >>= button >> fire) (const $ const $ return ()) state
			runUpdater' (updater2 >>= button >> fire) (const $ const $ return ()) state
			return ()

instance Monad Updater where
	(Updater giveMeNext) >>= valueToNextUpd = Updater $ updater where
		updater end = 	giveMeNext $  \value -> runUpdater' (valueToNextUpd value) end
	return a = Updater $ \end -> end a