-- | This module mainly contains HTTP wrappers required to operate VK monad
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module Web.VKHS.Client where

import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Time
import Data.Either
import Data.Monoid((<>))
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Arrow ((&&&),(***))
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Monad.Cont
import Data.Default.Class
import qualified Data.CaseInsensitive as CI
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.List.Split
import Data.Text(Text)
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay)
import System.IO as IO
import System.IO.Unsafe as IO
import System.Clock as Clock

import Data.ByteString.Char8 (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS

import Network.HTTP.Client ()
import qualified Network.HTTP.Client.MultipartFormData as Multipart
import Network.HTTP.Client.Internal (setUri)
import Network.HTTP.Client.TLS (tlsManagerSettings)
import qualified Network.HTTP.Types as Client
import qualified Network.HTTP.Client as Client
import qualified Network.HTTP.Client.Internal as Client
import qualified Network.URI as Client
import qualified Network.Shpider.Forms as Shpider

import Pipes.Prelude as PP (foldM)
import qualified Pipes as Pipes (Producer(..), for, runEffect, (>->))
import qualified Pipes.HTTP as Pipes hiding (Request, Response)

import qualified Text.Parsec as Parsec

import Debug.Trace

import Web.VKHS.Types

data Error = ErrorParseURL { euri :: String, emsg :: String }
           | ErrorSetURL { eurl :: URL, emsg :: String }
  deriving(Show, Eq)

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| |\/| |/ _ \| '_ \ / _` |/ _` |
| |  | | (_) | | | | (_| | (_| |
|_|  |_|\___/|_| |_|\__,_|\__,_|

data ClientState = ClientState {
    cl_man :: Client.Manager
  , cl_last_execute :: TimeSpec
  , cl_minimum_interval_ns :: Integer
  , cl_verbose :: Bool

defaultState :: GenericOptions -> IO ClientState
defaultState GenericOptions{..} = do
  cl_man <- Client.newManager
              (Client.managerSetProxy (Client.proxyEnvironment Nothing)
                (case o_use_https of
                  True -> tlsManagerSettings
                  False -> Client.defaultManagerSettings))
  cl_last_execute <- pure (TimeSpec 0 0)
  cl_minimum_interval_ns <- pure (round (10^9  / o_max_request_rate_per_sec))
  cl_verbose <- pure o_verbose
  return ClientState{..}

class ToClientState s where
  toClientState :: s -> ClientState
  modifyClientState :: (ClientState -> ClientState) -> (s -> s)

class (MonadIO m, MonadState s m, ToClientState s) => MonadClient m s | m -> s

-- newtype ClientT m a = ClientT { unClient :: StateT ClientState m a }
--   deriving(Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadState ClientState, MonadIO)

-- runClient :: (MonadIO m) => ClientT m a -> m a
-- runClient l = do
--   cl_man <- liftIO $ newManager defaultManagerSettings
--   evalStateT (unClient l) ClientState{..}

-- liftClient :: (Monad m) => m a -> ClientT m a
-- liftClient = ClientT . lift

 _   _ ____  _
| | | |  _ \| |
| | | | |_) | |
| |_| |  _ <| |___
 \___/|_| \_\_____|

newtype URL_Protocol = URL_Protocol { urlproto :: String }
newtype URL_Query = URL_Query { urlq :: String }
newtype URL_Host = URL_Host { urlh :: String }
newtype URL_Port = URL_Port { urlp :: String }
newtype URL_Path = URL_Path { urlpath :: String }

-- | URL wrapper
newtype URL = URL { uri :: Client.URI }
  deriving(Show, Eq)

--    * FIXME Pack Text to ByteStrings, not to String
buildQuery :: [(String,String)] -> URL_Query
buildQuery qis = URL_Query ("?" ++ intercalate "&" (map (\(a,b) -> (esc a) ++ "=" ++ (esc b)) qis)) where
  esc x = Client.escapeURIString Client.isAllowedInURI x

urlCreate :: URL_Protocol -> URL_Host -> Maybe URL_Port -> URL_Path -> URL_Query -> Either Error URL
urlCreate URL_Protocol{..} URL_Host{..} port  URL_Path{..} URL_Query{..} =
  pure $ URL $ Client.URI (urlproto ++ ":") (Just (Client.URIAuth "" urlh (maybe "" ((":"++).urlp) port))) urlpath urlq []

urlFromString :: String -> Either Error URL
urlFromString s =
  case Client.parseURI s of
    Nothing -> Left (ErrorParseURL s "Client.parseURI failed")
    Just u -> Right (URL u)

-- |    * FIXME Convert to ByteString /  Text
splitFragments :: String -> String -> String -> [(String,String)]
splitFragments sep eqs =
    filter (\(a, b) -> not (null a))
  . map (f . splitOn eqs)
  . concat
  . map (splitOn sep)
  . lines
  where f []     = ("", "")
        f [x]    = (trim x, "")
        f (x:xs) = (trim x, trim $ intercalate eqs xs)

        trim = rev (dropWhile (`elem` (" \t\n\r" :: String)))
          where rev f = reverse . f . reverse . f

-- |    * FIXME Convert to ByteString / Text
urlFragments :: URL -> [(String,String)]
urlFragments URL{..} = splitFragments "&" "=" $  unsharp $ Client.uriFragment uri where
  unsharp ('#':x) = x
  unsharp y = y

  ____            _    _
 / ___|___   ___ | | _(_) ___
| |   / _ \ / _ \| |/ / |/ _ \
| |__| (_) | (_) |   <| |  __/
 \____\___/ \___/|_|\_\_|\___|

data Cookies = Cookies { jar :: Client.CookieJar }

cookiesCreate :: () -> Cookies
cookiesCreate () = Cookies (Client.createCookieJar [])

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| | | |_   _|_   _|  _ \
| |_| | | |   | | | |_) |
|  _  | | |   | | |  __/
|_| |_| |_|   |_| |_|

data Request = Request {
    req :: Client.Request
  , req_jar :: Client.CookieJar

-- | Create HTTP(S) GET request
requestCreateGet :: (MonadClient m s) => URL -> Cookies -> m (Either Error Request)
requestCreateGet URL{..} Cookies{..} = do
  case setUri Client.defaultRequest uri of
    Left exc -> do
      return $ Left $ ErrorSetURL (URL uri) (show exc)

    Right r -> do
      now <- liftIO getCurrentTime
      (r',_) <- pure $ Client.insertCookiesIntoRequest r jar now
      return $ Right $ Request {
          req = r'{
              Client.redirectCount = 0
          req_jar = jar

-- | Create HTTP(S) POST request
requestCreatePost :: (MonadClient m s) => FilledForm -> Cookies -> m (Either Error Request)
requestCreatePost (FilledForm tit Shpider.Form{..}) c = do
  case Client.parseURI (Client.escapeURIString Client.isAllowedInURI action) of
    Nothing -> return (Left (ErrorParseURL action "parseURI failed"))
    Just action_uri -> do
      r <- requestCreateGet (URL action_uri) c
      case r of
        Left err -> do
          return $ Left err
        Right Request{..} -> do
          return $ Right $ Request (Client.urlEncodedBody (map (BS.pack *** BS.pack) $ Map.toList inputs) req) req_jar

-- | Upload the bytestring data @bs@ to the server @text_url@
--     * FIXME Use 'URL' rather than Text. Think about
--       https://github.com/blamario/network-uri
requestUploadPhoto :: (MonadClient m s) => Text -> String -> m (Either Error Request)
requestUploadPhoto text_url bs = do
  case Client.parseURI (Text.unpack text_url) of
    Nothing -> return (Left (ErrorParseURL (Text.unpack text_url) "parseURI failed"))
    Just uri -> do
      r <- requestCreateGet (URL uri) (cookiesCreate ())
      case r of
        Left err -> do
          return $ Left err
        Right Request{..} -> do
          req' <- Multipart.formDataBody [Multipart.partFile "photo" bs] req
          return $ Right $ Request req' req_jar

data Response = Response {
    resp :: Client.Response (Pipes.Producer ByteString IO ())
  , resp_body :: ByteString

responseBodyS :: Response -> String
responseBodyS Response{..} = BS.unpack $ resp_body

responseBody :: Response -> ByteString
responseBody Response{..} = resp_body

dumpResponseBody :: (MonadClient m s) => FilePath -> Response -> m ()
dumpResponseBody f Response{..} = liftIO $ BS.writeFile f resp_body

responseCookies :: Response -> Cookies
responseCookies Response{..} = Cookies (Client.responseCookieJar resp)

responseHeaders :: Response -> [(String,String)]
responseHeaders Response{..} =
  map (\(o,h) -> (BS.unpack (CI.original o), BS.unpack h)) $ Client.responseHeaders resp

responseCode :: Response -> Int
responseCode Response{..} = Client.statusCode $ Client.responseStatus resp

responseCodeMessage :: Response -> String
responseCodeMessage Response{..} = BS.unpack $ Client.statusMessage $ Client.responseStatus resp

responseRedirect :: Response -> Maybe URL
responseRedirect r =
  case lookup "Location" (responseHeaders r) of
    Just loc -> URL <$> Client.parseURI loc
    Nothing -> Nothing

responseOK :: Response -> Bool
responseOK r = c == 200 where
  c = responseCode r

-- | Execute the 'Request' created by 'requestCreatePost' or 'requestCreateGet'
requestExecute :: (MonadClient m s) => Request -> m (Response, Cookies)
requestExecute Request{..} = do
  jar <- pure req_jar
  ClientState{..} <- toClientState <$> get
  clk <- liftIO $ do
    clk <- Clock.getTime Clock.Realtime
    let interval_ns = toNanoSecs (clk `diffTimeSpec` cl_last_execute)
    when (interval_ns < cl_minimum_interval_ns) $ do
      when cl_verbose $ do
        hPutStrLn stderr $  "Delaying execution to match the request threshold limit of "
                         <> show cl_minimum_interval_ns <> " ns"
      threadDelay (fromInteger $ (cl_minimum_interval_ns - interval_ns) `div` 1000); -- convert ns to us
    return clk

  modify (modifyClientState (\s -> s{cl_last_execute = clk}))

  liftIO $ do
    Pipes.withHTTP req cl_man $ \resp -> do
      resp_body <- PP.foldM (\a b -> return $ BS.append a b) (return BS.empty) return (Client.responseBody resp)
      now <- getCurrentTime
      let (jar', resp') = Client.updateCookieJar resp req now jar
      return (Response resp resp_body, Cookies jar')

-- | Download helper
downloadFileWith :: (MonadClient m s) => URL -> (ByteString -> IO ()) -> m ()
downloadFileWith url h = do
  (ClientState{..}) <- toClientState <$> get
  (Right Request{..}) <- requestCreateGet url (cookiesCreate ())
  liftIO $ Pipes.withHTTP req cl_man $ \resp -> do
      PP.foldM (\() a -> h a) (return ()) (const (return ())) (Client.responseBody resp)