{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
module Villefort.Todo  where

import Villefort.Database
import Villefort.Time
import Villefort.Definitions
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Data.List.Split
import Data.ByteString.Lazy hiding (map,length,take,readFile)
import Paths_Villefort 
import Database.HDBC
import Control.Monad.Reader

data Row = Row { rid :: Int,
                 title :: String,
                 description :: String,
                 due :: String,
                 subject :: String,
                 time :: Int,
                 pred :: Double
               } deriving (Show)

toRow :: [String] -> Row
toRow x =  Row (read (x !! 0) :: Int) (x !! 1) (x !! 2) (x !! 3)( x !! 4)  (read ( x !! 5) :: Int) (read (x !! 6) :: Double)

qetTasks'  :: (MonadReader VConfig m, MonadIO m) => m [Row]
qetTasks' = do
  x <- makeQuery' "select id, Title, Description, Due, Subject,  sum(time),pred from todo where state=1 group by id order by id"
  return (map toRow x)

convRow' :: [[SqlValue]] -> [[String]]
convRow' dat = Prelude.map (\x -> Prelude.map (\y -> conv' y ) x) dat

--conv h:: SqlValue -> String
conv' :: SqlValue -> String
conv' x = case fromSql x of
  Just y -> fromSql y :: String
  Nothing -> "0"

--makeQuery :: Query -> IO [[String]]
makeQuery' :: (MonadReader VConfig m, MonadIO m) => String -> m [[String]]
makeQuery' query = do
  conn <- getDb
  taskRaw <- liftIO $ quickQuery' conn query []
  liftIO $ disconnect conn
  return (convRow' taskRaw)

merge :: [a] -> [a] -> [a]
merge [] ys = ys
merge (x:xs) ys = x:merge ys xs

genModal' :: Row -> IO String
genModal' row = if rid row == 1 then return (" ") else do
  let f = due row
  modal <- getModal
  days  <- daysUntil f
  let da = [daysToColor' days ,
            show $ rid row,
            (convTitle $ title row) ++ "Due in " ++  show days,
            show $ rid row,
            title row,
            description row,
            show $ time row,
            show $ Villefort.Todo.pred row,
            show $ rid row

  return $ mconcat $  merge modal da

--genModal row =

daysToColor' :: (Num a, Ord a) => a -> String
daysToColor' x = if x < 1 then "btn-due0"
            else if x == 1 then "btn-due1"
            else if x == 2 then "btn-due2"
            else if x == 3 then "btn-due3"
            else if x == 4 then "btn-due4"
            else if x == 5 then "btn-due5"
            else if x == 6 then "btn-due6"
            else "btn-due7"

convTitle :: String -> String
convTitle longTitle
  | length s1 > 30 = s1
  | length s2 > 30 = s2
  | length s3 > 30 = s3
  | length s4 > 30 = s4
  | otherwise = longTitle
  where splits = (Data.List.Split.splitOn "." longTitle)
        s1 = (splits !! 0)
        s2 = mconcat (take 2 splits)
        s3 = mconcat (take 3 splits)
        s4 = mconcat (take 4 splits)

getModal :: IO [[Char]]
--getModal =  path >>= \path -> readFile (path ++ "templates/modal.ts") >>= \rawModal -> return  (Data.List.Split.splitOn "}" rawModal)
getModal =  getDataFileName "templates/modal.ts" >>= \path -> readFile path>>= \rawModal -> return  (Data.List.Split.splitOn "}" rawModal)

-- | Returns html from todos
getTodos :: (MonadReader VConfig m, MonadIO m) => m String
getTodos = do
  tasks <-  qetTasks'
  --do liftIO $ putStrLn $ show tasks
  modals <-liftIO $  sequence $  genModal' <$>  tasks
  header <- liftIO $ getHeader
  let body = Prelude.concat modals
  return (header ++  body)

getHeader :: IO String
getHeader = do
  headerPath <-getDataFileName "templates/header"
  header <- liftIO $ readFile headerPath
  return header

-- | Delete a done task from database sets state = 0 but it's record is still maintained in the database for the stats page.

deleteTodo :: (MonadReader VConfig  m, MonadIO m) => ByteString -> m ()
deleteTodo raw = do
    let da   = Data.List.Split.splitOn "&" (show raw)
    let rawid = Data.List.Split.splitOn "=" $  (Prelude.init (da !! 1))
    let sqlId   = read (rawid!! 1) :: Int
    let rawtime = Data.List.Split.splitOn "=" $ (da !! 0)
    let integerTime = read (rawtime !! 1) :: Int
    if  integerTime /= 0 then
      do updateTask sqlId integerTime -- update task time
         delTask sqlId  -- then remove from database
    else  delTask sqlId -- otherwise just remove from database
    return ()