-- | -- Module : Graphics.WaveFront.Utilities -- Description : Parsing utilities -- Copyright : (c) Jonatan H Sundqvist, 2015 -- License : MIT -- Maintainer : Jonatan H Sundqvist -- Stability : experimental|stable -- Portability : POSIX (not sure) -- -- Created July 15 2015 -- TODO | - -- - -- SPEC | - -- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- API -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- module Graphics.WaveFront.Utilities where -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- We'll need these -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- import Data.List (isPrefixOf, unfoldr) import Data.Char (isSpace) import Text.Read (readEither) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Functions -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Parsing utilities ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | This strikes me as overly convoluted. Should probably be refactored or removed entirely. parseTokenWith :: String -> (String -> Either e token) -> Int -> (Int, Either e token, String) parseTokenWith line parse = withoutComment line parse -- | Passes the input line (stripped of any trailing comments) to the specified parser withoutComment :: String -> (String -> a) -> Int -> (Int, a, String) withoutComment (l:ine) parse lnum = let (l:tokens, comment) = span (/= '#') ine in (lnum, parse tokens, comment) -- | Predicate for determining if a single line of text is a comment. -- Comments are preceded by a '#' and any number of whitespace characters. -- -- TODO: Drop comments at the end of a line (?) -- TODO: Add stripComment (or extractComment) which consumes a line up until the first '#'. -- This would allow for tokens and comments to appear on the same line. isComment :: String -> Bool isComment = isPrefixOf "#" . dropWhile isSpace -- | Strips a trailing comment from an MTL or OBJ line. dropComment :: String -> String dropComment = takeWhile (/= '#') -- | takeComment :: String -> String takeComment = dropWhile (/= '#') -- | enumerate :: [(Int -> (Int, token, comment))] -> [(Int, token, comment)] enumerate = zipWith (flip ($)) [1..] -- | Splits a string into rows and filters out unimportant elements (empty lines and comments) -- NOTE: This function is probably obsolete due to comments being included by the parsers -- TODO: Higher order function for composing predicates rows :: String -> [String] rows = filter (not . satisfiesAny [null, isComment]) . lines where satisfiesAny predicates x = any ($ x) predicates -- | -- TODO: Use readMaybe (?) -- TODO: Variadic 'unpacking' (or is that sinful?) -- TODO: More informative error message (?) -- TODO: Rename (?) -- TODO: Generic function for mapping and sequencing readEither (cf. "vt" case in parseOBJRow) (?) vector :: Read r => ([r] -> b) -> [String] -> e -> Either e b vector f coords e = either (Left . const e) (Right) (sequence (map readEither coords) >>= Right . f) -- vector _ _ = Left $ "Wrong number of coordinates for vector" -- | second :: (a, b, c) -> b second (_, b, _) = b -- | third :: (a, b, c) -> c third (_, _, c) = c -- From Southpaw --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | splitWith :: Eq a => ([a] -> ([a], [a])) -> [a] -> [[a]] splitWith f = unfoldr cut where cut [] = Nothing cut xs = Just $ f xs -- | Same as Python's str.split (I think) (eg. split '|' "a||c" == ["a", "", "c"]) -- TODO: Rename -- TODO: Easier to implement with groupBy (?) cuts :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> [[a]] cuts c = splitWith $ \ xs -> let (token, rest) = span (/=c) xs in (token, drop 1 rest) -- | Combine every adjacent pair in the list with the given function pairwise :: (a -> a -> b) -> [a] -> [b] pairwise f xs = zipWith f xs (drop 1 xs)