{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
module Text.Webrexp.Eval
    -- * Functions
    ) where

import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Array.MArray
import qualified Data.Set as Set

import Text.Webrexp.IOMock
import Text.Webrexp.GraphWalker
import Text.Webrexp.Exprtypes
import Text.Webrexp.WebContext
import Text.Webrexp.Eval.Action

import qualified Text.Webrexp.ProjectByteString as B

-- | Given a node search for valid children, check for their
-- validity against the requirement.
searchRefIn :: ( GraphWalker node rezPath
               , IOMockable (WebContextT array node rezPath m)
               , Functor m
               , Monad m )
            => Bool                         -- ^ Do we recurse?
            -> WebRef                       -- ^ Ref to find
            -> NodeContext node rezPath     -- ^ The root nood for the search
            -> WebContextT array node rezPath m
                        [NodeContext node rezPath]   -- ^ The found nodes.
searchRefIn False Wildcard n = do
    children <- childrenOf $ this n
    return [ NodeContext {
        parents = (this n, idx) ^: parents n,
        this = sub,
        rootRef = rootRef n
     } | (sub, idx) <- zip children [0..]]

searchRefIn True Wildcard n = do
    subs <- descendants $ this n
    return [ NodeContext {
        parents = subP ^+ parents n,
        this = sub,
        rootRef = rootRef n
    }  | (sub, subP) <- subs ]

searchRefIn True (Elem s) n = do
    subs <- findNamed s $ this n
    return [ NodeContext {
        parents = subP ^+ parents n,
        this = sub,
        rootRef = rootRef n
    }  | (sub, subP) <- subs ]

searchRefIn False (Elem s) n = do
    subs <- searchRefIn False Wildcard n
    return [v | v <- subs, nameOf (this v) == Just s]

searchRefIn recurse (OfClass r s) n = do
    subs <- searchRefIn recurse r n
    return [v | v <- subs, attribOf "class" (this v) == Just s]
searchRefIn recurse (Attrib  r s) n = do
    subs <- searchRefIn recurse r n
    return [v | v <- subs, isJust $ attribOf s (this v)]
searchRefIn recurse (OfName  r s) n = do
    subs <- searchRefIn recurse r n
    return [v | v <- subs, attribOf "id" (this v) == Just s]

-- | Evaluate the leaf nodes of a webrexp, this way the code
-- can be shared between the Breadth first evaluator and the
-- Depth first one.
evalWebRexpFor :: ( GraphWalker node rezPath
                  , IOMockable (WebContextT array node rezPath m)
                  , Functor m
                  , MArray array (Set.Set String) m)
               => WebRexp -> EvalState node rezPath
               -> WebContextT array node rezPath m (Bool, [EvalState node rezPath])
evalWebRexpFor (Str str) _ = do
    debugLog "> '\"...\"'"
    return (True, [Text str])

evalWebRexpFor (Action action) e = do
    debugLog "> '[...]'"
    (rez, neoNode) <- evalAction action $ Just e
    dumpActionVal rez
    if isActionResultValid rez
       then case neoNode of
        Nothing -> return (True, [e])
        Just new -> return (True, [new])
       else return (False, [])

evalWebRexpFor (Unique bucket) e = do
    beenVisited <- visited e
    debugLog $ "> '!' (" ++ show bucket ++ ") : visited: " ++ show beenVisited
    return (beenVisited, [e])
     where visited (Node n) = do
               debugLog $ "> '!' (" ++ show bucket ++ ") : visited: " ++ show (rootRef n)
               checkUnique . show $ rootRef n
           visited (Text s) = checkUnique s
           visited (Blob b) = checkUnique . show $ sourcePath b
           checkUnique s = do
               seen <- hasResourceBeenVisited bucket s
               unless seen
                    (setResourceVisited bucket s)
               return $ not seen

evalWebRexpFor (ConstrainedRef s action) e = do
    ref@(valid, lst) <- evalWebRexpFor (Ref s) e
    if not valid
      then return ref
      else do
          lst'  <- mapM (evalWebRexpFor $ Action action) lst
          return (any fst lst', concatMap snd lst')

evalWebRexpFor (DirectChild ref) (Node n) = do
    debugLog $ "> direct 'ref' : " ++ show ref
    subs <- searchRefIn False ref n
    let n' = map Node subs
    debugLog $ ">>> found ->" ++ show (length n')
    return (not $ null n', n')

evalWebRexpFor (DirectChild _) _ = return (False, [])

evalWebRexpFor (Ref ref) (Node n) = do
    debugLog $ "> 'ref' : " ++ show ref
    subs <- searchRefIn True ref n
    let n' = map Node subs
    debugLog $ ">>> found ->" ++ show (length n')
    return (not $ null n', n')

evalWebRexpFor (Ref _) _ = return (False, [])

evalWebRexpFor DiggLink e = do
    debugLog "> '>>'"
    e' <- diggLinks e
    return (not $ null e', e')

evalWebRexpFor DumpLink e = do
    debugLog "> ->"
    dumpLinks e
    return (True, [])

evalWebRexpFor NextSibling e = do
  debugLog "> '+'"
  subs <- siblingAccessor 1 e 
  case subs of
    Nothing -> return (False, [])
    Just e' -> return (True, [e'])

evalWebRexpFor PreviousSibling e = do
  debugLog "> '~'"
  subs <- siblingAccessor (-1) e
  case subs of
    Nothing -> return (False, [])
    Just e' -> return (True, [e'])

evalWebRexpFor Parent (Node e) = do
  debugLog "> '<'"
  case parents e of
      ImmutableHistory [] -> return (False, [])
      MutableHistory   [] -> return (False, [])
      ImmutableHistory ((n,_):ps) ->
          return (True, [Node $ e { parents = ImmutableHistory ps, this = n }])
      MutableHistory (n:ps) ->
          return (True, [Node $ e { parents = MutableHistory ps, this = n }])

evalWebRexpFor Parent _ = return (False, [])

-- Exaustive definition to get better warning from compiler in case
-- of modification
evalWebRexpFor (Branch _) _ =
     error "evalWebRexpFor - non terminal in terminal function."
evalWebRexpFor (Unions _) _ =
     error "evalWebRexpFor - non terminal in terminal function."
evalWebRexpFor (List _) _ =
     error "evalWebRexpFor - non terminal in terminal function."
evalWebRexpFor (Star _) _ =
     error "evalWebRexpFor - non terminal in terminal function."
evalWebRexpFor (Repeat _ _) _ =
     error "evalWebRexpFor - non terminal in terminal function."
evalWebRexpFor (Alternative _ _) _ =
     error "evalWebRexpFor - non terminal in terminal function."
evalWebRexpFor (Range _ _) _ =
     error "evalWebRexpFor - non terminal in terminal function."

downLinks :: ( GraphWalker node rezPath
             , IOMockable (WebContextT array node rezPath m)
             , Functor m, Monad m
          => rezPath
          -> WebContextT array node rezPath m [EvalState node rezPath]
downLinks path = do
    loggers <- prepareLogger
    down <- accessGraph loggers path
    case down of
         AccessError -> return []
         DataBlob u b -> return [Blob $ BinBlob u b]
         Result u n -> return [Node 
                    NodeContext { parents = hist
                                , rootRef = u
                                , this = n }]
                     where hist = if isHistoryMutable n
                                    then MutableHistory []
                                    else ImmutableHistory []

----            Helper functions
diggLinks :: (GraphWalker node rezPath
             ,IOMockable (WebContextT array node rezPath m)
             ,Functor m, Monad m)
          => EvalState node rezPath
          -> WebContextT array node rezPath m [EvalState node rezPath]
diggLinks (Node n) =
    concat <$> sequence
            [ downLinks $ rootRef n <//> indir
                                | indir <- indirectLinks $ this n ]

diggLinks (Text str) = case importPath str of
        Nothing -> return []
        Just p -> downLinks p
diggLinks _ = return []

dumpLinks :: forall array node rezPath m.
             ( GraphWalker node rezPath
             , IOMockable (WebContextT array node rezPath m)
             , Functor m, Monad m )
          => EvalState node rezPath -> WebContextT array node rezPath m ()
dumpLinks (Node n) = mapM_ downLink links
    where indirs = indirectLinks $ this n
          links = [ rootRef n <//> indir | indir <- indirs ]
          downLink lnk = do
              loggers@(normalLog, _, _) <- prepareLogger
              down <- (rawAccess :: Loggers (WebContextT array node rezPath m)
                                 -> rezPath -> WebContextT array node rezPath m 
                                        (AccessResult node rezPath)) loggers lnk
              case down of
                DataBlob _ b -> do
                    let localized = localizePath lnk
                    dumpPath <- if not $ null localized
                        then return localized
                        else getUniqueName

                    normalLog $ "\nDumping at path \"" ++ dumpPath  ++ "\""
                    _ <- performIO $ B.writeFile dumpPath b
                    return ()

                _ -> return ()

dumpLinks (Text str) = case importPath str of
    Nothing -> return ()
    Just lnk -> do
        loggers@(normalLog, _, _) <- prepareLogger
        down <- (rawAccess :: Loggers (WebContextT array node rezPath m)
                            -> rezPath -> WebContextT array node rezPath m 
                                (AccessResult node rezPath)) loggers lnk
        case down of
            DataBlob _ b -> do
                let localized = localizePath lnk
                dumpPath <- if not $ null localized
                    then return localized
                    else getUniqueName
                normalLog $ "Dumping at path \"" ++ dumpPath  ++ "\""
                _ <- performIO $ B.writeFile dumpPath b
                return ()

            _ -> return ()

dumpLinks _ = return ()

-- | Let access sibling nodes with a predefined index.
siblingAccessor :: ( GraphWalker node rezPath
                   , IOMockable (WebContextT array node rezPath m) 
                   , Monad m )
                => Int -> EvalState node rezPath
                -> WebContextT array node rezPath m
                             (Maybe (EvalState node rezPath))
siblingAccessor 0   node@(Node _) = return $ Just node
siblingAccessor idx (Node node)=
    case parents node of
      ImmutableHistory [] -> return Nothing
      MutableHistory [] -> return Nothing
      ImmutableHistory ((n,i):ps) -> do
          children <- childrenOf n
          let childrenCount = length children
              neoIndex = i + idx
          if neoIndex < 0 || neoIndex >= childrenCount
                then return Nothing
                else return . Just . Node $ NodeContext
                        { parents = ImmutableHistory $ (n, neoIndex):ps
                        , this = children !! neoIndex
                        , rootRef = rootRef node
      MutableHistory (n:_) -> do
          children <- childrenOf n
          let childrenCount = length children
          case elemIndex (this node) children of
            Nothing -> error "Sibling access - root file removed"
            Just i ->
                let neoIndex = i + idx
                in if neoIndex < 0 || neoIndex >= childrenCount
                    then return Nothing
                    else return . Just . Node $ node
                        { this = children !! neoIndex }
siblingAccessor _ _ = return Nothing