# 0.2 series ## 0.2.3 * Update library dependencies to support GHC 7.8. ## 0.2.2 * Update library dependencies to support GHC 7.6. ## 0.2.1 * bug fix: Services were failing to enter a STOPPED state. It is now the user's responsibility to enter a stopped state in the service main function. The 'startServiceCtrlDispatcher' function will continue to automatically put the service into a START_PENDING state. ## 0.2 * Writing services of the WIN32_OWN_PROCESS type is now easier. Handler registration is performed automatically. By the time the service main function is entered, the service will already be in the 'START_PENDING' state. It is the user's responsibility to enter the 'RUNNING' state as soon as possible. * Once the service main function exits two things will occur. The service will enter the 'STOPPED' state, and the handler function will be freed. * The 'registerServiceCtrlHandlerEx' function is no longer exported. Handlers are registered automatically by the 'startServiceCtrlDispatcher' function. * The 'queryServiceStatus' function has been added. # 0.1 series ## 0.1 * First release