{-# OPTIONS -XDeriveDataTypeable #-} -- this program imput numbers and calculate their factorials. The workflow control a record all the inputs and outputs -- so that when the program restart, all the previous results are shown. -- if the program abort by a runtime error or a power failure, the program will still work -- enter 0 for exit and finalize the workflow (all the intermediate data will be erased) -- enter any alphanumeric character for aborting and then re-start. module Main where import Control.Workflow import Data.Typeable import Data.Binary import Data.RefSerialize import Data.Maybe fact 0 =1 fact n= n * fact (n-1) -- now the workflow versiĆ³n data Fact= Fact Integer Integer deriving (Typeable, Read, Show) -- binary interface is not used instance Binary Fact where put (Fact n v)= put n >> put v get= do n <- get v <- get return $ Fact n v instance Serialize Fact where showp= showpBinary readp= readpBinary factorials = do all <- getAll let lfacts = mapMaybe safeFromIDyn all :: [Fact] unsafeIOtoWF $ putStrLn "Factorials calculated so far:" unsafeIOtoWF $ mapM (\fct -> print fct) lfacts factLoop (Fact 0 1) where factLoop fct= do nf <- plift $ do -- plift == step putStrLn "give me a number if you enter a letter or 0, the program will abort. Then, please restart to see how the program continues" str<- getLine let n= read str :: Integer -- if you enter alphanumeric characters the program will abort. please restart let fct= fact n print fct return $ Fact n fct case nf of Fact 0 _ -> do unsafeIOtoWF $ print "bye" return (Fact 0 0) _ -> factLoop nf main = exec1 "factorials" factorials