2018-10-21 Ivan Perez * Yampa.cabal: Version bump (0.12). * README.md: Documents testing. * src/: Introduces FutureSF, needed for testing. * extensions/test/: Introduces testing library. * Thanks to @chriz-keera. 2018-08-11 Ivan Perez * Yampa.cabal: Version bump (0.11.1). * README.md: Documents papers. * src/: Fixes leak. * Thanks to @tresormuta, @chriz-keera. 2018-04-05 Ivan Perez * Yampa.cabal: Version bump (0.11). * src/: Adds documentation; makes type synonym a newtype. * tests/: Removes deprecated import. * .travis.yml: Tests on travis with GHC 7.6 to 8.4. * Thanks to @ptvirgo, @thalerjonathan, @turion. 2017-12-17 Ivan Perez * Yampa.cabal: Version bump (0.10.7), adds flag to expose core, adds flag descriptions, fixes missing modules. * README.md: Adds images to descriptions. * doc/: New HCAR including iOS release. * src/: Exposes new function, removes unused extensions, simplifies code, adds documentation, fixes multiple bugs. * stack.yaml: Fixes nix setup. * tests/: Adapts to new API. * examples/: Adapts to new API. * Thanks to @chriz-keera, @suzumiyasmith, @meimisaki, @RyanGlScott, @madjestic, @mgttlinger, @eapcochran, @jonmouchou. 2017-08-28 Ivan Perez * Yampa.cabal: Version bump (, fixes issue with dependencies. * stack.yaml: Includes minimal stack configuration. 2017-08-17 Ivan Perez * Yampa.cabal: Version bump ( * examples/: new examples, using wiimote. * src/: Minor improvements to documentation. 2017-05-05 Ivan Perez * Yampa.cabal: Version bump (0.10.6). * tests/: do not warn if they contain tabs. * src/: Includes combinators to deal with collections, to iterate over time (for custom/discrete integration), implements ArrowChoice. 2017-04-26 Ivan Perez * .travis.yml: Instruct TravisCI upload package to hackage. * Yampa.cabal: Version bump ( 2016-05-23 Ivan Perez * src/: Adds new -:> combinator. * Yampa.cabal: Version bump (0.10.5). 2015-11-14 Ivan Perez * tests/: Include haddock. Regression tests now exit with proper exit code. * src/: Includes more documentation. * Yampa.cabal: Include haddock and regression test suites. Version bump (0.10.4). 2015-10-02 Ivan Perez * src/: Event instances of Applicative and Alternative. * Yampa.cabal: Version bump (0.10.3). 2015-06-19 Ivan Perez * src:/ instances of DeepSeq (see #5). * Yampa.cabal: Deepseq added to dependencies. Version bump (0.10.2). 2015-05-06 Ivan Perez * Yampa.cabal: disables tests by default. Version bump ( 2015-05-05 Ivan Perez * Yampa.cabal: exposes internal modules for documentation purposes. Version bump (0.10.1) 2015-05-05 Ivan Perez * src/: Reorders code. Marks modules as deprecated. Removes useless functions. * Yampa.cabal: version bump (0.10.0) 2015-05-05 Ivan Perez * src/FRP/Yampa.hs: documentation. Removes tabs. * README.md: links to games, related projects, documentation. * Yampa.cabal: version bump (0.9.7) 2015-03-30 Ivan Perez * src/FRP/Yampa/Task.hs: Adds Functor and Applicative instances, for compatibility with base >= 4.8 (issue #7, pull request by Ryan Scott). * Yampa.cabal: version bump ( 2015-03-04 Ivan Perez * src/: Coding style improvements. 2014-08-29 Ivan Perez * Yampa.cabal: version bump (0.9.6). * src/: Adds a substantial amount of documentation. * src/FRP/Yampa.hs: Adds a new pause combinator. 2014-06-04 Ivan Perez * Adds project to hudson-backed continuous integration server. 2014-04-26 Ivan Perez * Yampa.cabal: version bump (0.9.5). * Adds CHANGELOG to cabal file. 2014-04-07 Ivan Perez * Yampa.cabal: new maintainer, version bump (0.9.4). * src/: documentation is exposed so that Haddock can process it. * No interface changes. Copyright (c) 2003, Henrik Nilsson, Antony Courtney and Yale University. All rights reserved.