{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, FlexibleInstances #-}

-- ToDo: Deriving Show, or provide dedicated show instance?

module FRP.Yampa.Point2 (
    -- module AFRPVectorSpace,
    -- module AFRPAffineSpace,
    -- module AFRPVector2,
    Point2(..),	-- Non-abstract, instance of AffineSpace
    point2X,	-- :: RealFloat a => Point2 a -> a
    point2Y	-- :: RealFloat a => Point2 a -> a
) where

import FRP.Yampa.VectorSpace ()
import FRP.Yampa.AffineSpace
import FRP.Yampa.Vector2
import FRP.Yampa.Forceable

-- 2D point, constructors and selectors.

data RealFloat a => Point2 a = Point2 !a !a deriving (Eq, Show)

point2X :: RealFloat a => Point2 a -> a
point2X (Point2 x _) = x

point2Y :: RealFloat a => Point2 a -> a
point2Y (Point2 _ y) = y

-- Affine space instance

instance RealFloat a => AffineSpace (Point2 a) (Vector2 a) a where
    origin = Point2 0 0

    (Point2 x y) .+^ v = Point2 (x + vector2X v) (y + vector2Y v)

    (Point2 x y) .-^ v = Point2 (x - vector2X v) (y - vector2Y v)

    (Point2 x1 y1) .-. (Point2 x2 y2) = vector2 (x1 - x2) (y1 - y2)

-- Forceable instance

instance RealFloat a => Forceable (Point2 a) where
     force = id