Continuous Integration and Automated Testing =============================================== CI Build Script ---------------- The Travis and AppVeyor builds are orchestrated using a script ``src/scripts/``. This allows one to easily reproduce the CI process on a local machine. Travis CI ----------- This is the primary CI, and tests the Linux, macOS, and iOS builds. Among other things it runs tests using valgrind, cross compilation to different architectures (currently ARM, PowerPC and MIPS), MinGW build, and a build that produces the coverage report. The Travis configurations is in ``src/scripts/ci/travis.yml``, which executes a setup script ``src/scripts/ci/`` to install needed packages. Then ``src/scripts/`` is invoked. AppVeyor ---------- Runs a build/test cycle using MSVC on Windows. Like Travis it uses ``src/scripts/``. The AppVeyor setup script is in ``src/scripts/ci/setup_appveyor.bat`` The AppVeyor build uses `sccache `_ as a compiler cache. Since that is not available in the AppVeyor images, the setup script downloads a release binary from the upstream repository. LGTM --------- An automated linter that is integrated with Github. It automatically checks each incoming PR. It also supports custom queries/alerts, which likely would be worth investigating but is not something currently in use. Coverity --------- An automated source code scanner. Use of Coverity scanner is rate-limited, sometimes it is very slow to produce a new report, and occasionally the service goes offline for days or weeks at a time. New reports are kicked off manually by rebasing branch ``coverity_scan`` against the most recent master and force pushing it. Sonar ------- Sonar scanner is another software quality scanner. Unfortunately a recent update of their scanner caused it to take over an hour to produce a report which caused Travis CI timeouts, so it has been disabled. It should be re-enabled to run on demand in the same way Coverity is. OSS-Fuzz ---------- OSS-Fuzz is a distributed fuzzer run by Google. Every night, each library fuzzer in ``src/fuzzer`` is built and run on many machines with any findings reported to the developers by email.