{-# LINE 1 "Z/Botan/FFI.hsc" #-}
Module      : Z.Botan.Errno
Description : Errno provided by botan
Copyright   : (c) Dong Han, 2020 - 2021
License     : BSD
Maintainer  : winterland1989@gmail.com
Stability   : experimental
Portability : non-portable

INTERNAL MODULE, provides all botan FFI defs.


module Z.Botan.FFI where

import           Data.Word
import           Data.Bits
import           Foreign.Ptr
import           GHC.Generics
import           Z.IO.Exception
import           Z.Botan.Exception
import           Z.Data.CBytes
import           Z.Data.JSON            (JSON)
import qualified Z.Data.Vector          as V
import qualified Z.Data.Vector.Extra    as V
import qualified Z.Data.Text            as T
import           Z.Foreign
import           Z.Foreign.CPtr


foreign import ccall unsafe hs_botan_allocate_memory :: Int -> IO (Ptr Word8)
foreign import ccall unsafe "&hs_botan_deallocate_memory" hs_botan_deallocate_memory_p :: FunPtr (Ptr Word8 -> Ptr Word8 -> IO ())
foreign import ccall unsafe hs_botan_deallocate_memory :: Ptr Word8 -> Ptr Word8 -> IO ()

foreign import ccall unsafe "botan_constant_time_compare" botan_constant_time_compare_ba :: BA# Word8 -> BA# Word8 -> CSize -> CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe botan_constant_time_compare :: Ptr Word8 -> Ptr Word8 -> CSize -> CInt

allocBotanBufferUTF8Unsafe :: (HasCallStack, Integral r)
                           => Int -> (MBA# Word8 -> MBA# CSize -> IO r) -> IO T.Text
allocBotanBufferUTF8Unsafe len f = T.validate . V.unsafeInit <$> allocBotanBufferUnsafe len f

allocBotanBufferUnsafe :: (HasCallStack, Integral r)
                       => Int -> (MBA# Word8 -> MBA# CSize -> IO r) -> IO V.Bytes
allocBotanBufferUnsafe len f = do
    (bs, (r1, r2)) <- allocPrimVectorUnsafe len (\ buf ->
        withPrimUnsafe (fromIntegral len :: CSize) (\ size ->
            f buf size))
    then allocBotanBufferUnsafe (len `unsafeShiftL` 1) f
    else if r2 >= 0
        then return $! V.unsafeTake (fromIntegral r1) bs
        else throwBotanError (fromIntegral r2)


-- | Internal type to representation botan struct, botan_xxx_t is always pointer type.

type BotanStruct = CPtr ()
type BotanStructT = Ptr ()

withBotanStruct :: BotanStruct -> (BotanStructT -> IO a) -> IO a
withBotanStruct = withCPtr

newBotanStruct :: HasCallStack
               => (MBA# BotanStructT -> IO CInt)   -- ^ init function
               -> FunPtr (BotanStructT -> IO a)     -- ^ destroy function pointer
               -> IO BotanStruct
newBotanStruct init_ destroy = do
    (bts, _) <- newCPtrUnsafe (\ pp -> throwBotanIfMinus_ (init_ pp)) destroy
    return bts

newBotanStruct' :: HasCallStack
                => (Ptr BotanStructT -> IO CInt)    -- ^ init function
                -> FunPtr (BotanStructT -> IO a)    -- ^ destroy function pointer
                -> IO BotanStruct
newBotanStruct' init_ destroy = do
    (bts, _) <- newCPtr (\ pp -> throwBotanIfMinus_ (init_ pp)) destroy
    return bts

-- RNG

foreign import ccall unsafe botan_rng_init :: MBA# BotanStructT -> BA# Word8 -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe "&botan_rng_destroy" botan_rng_destroy :: FunPtr (BotanStructT -> IO ())
foreign import ccall unsafe botan_rng_get :: BotanStructT -> MBA# Word8 -> CSize -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe botan_rng_reseed :: BotanStructT -> CSize -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe botan_rng_reseed_from_rng :: BotanStructT -> BotanStructT -> CSize -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe hs_botan_rng_add_entropy :: BotanStructT -> BA# Word8 -> Int -> Int -> IO CInt

-- MPI

foreign import ccall unsafe botan_mp_init :: MBA# BotanStructT -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe "&botan_mp_destroy" botan_mp_destroy :: FunPtr (BotanStructT -> IO ())
foreign import ccall unsafe botan_mp_set_from_int :: BotanStructT -> CInt -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe botan_mp_set_from_mp :: BotanStructT -> BotanStructT -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe botan_mp_num_bytes :: BotanStructT -> MBA# CSize -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe botan_mp_num_bits :: BotanStructT -> MBA# CSize -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe hs_botan_mp_to_hex :: BotanStructT -> MBA# Word8 -> Int -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe hs_botan_mp_to_dec :: BotanStructT -> MBA# Word8 -> Int -> IO Int
foreign import ccall unsafe hs_botan_mp_set_from_hex :: BotanStructT -> BA# Word8 -> Int -> Int -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe hs_botan_mp_set_from_dec :: BotanStructT -> BA# Word8 -> Int -> Int -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe hs_botan_mp_to_bin :: BotanStructT -> MBA# Word8 -> Int -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe hs_botan_mp_from_bin :: BotanStructT -> BA# Word8 -> Int -> Int -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe botan_mp_flip_sign :: BotanStructT -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe botan_mp_add :: BotanStructT -> BotanStructT -> BotanStructT -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe botan_mp_sub :: BotanStructT -> BotanStructT -> BotanStructT -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe botan_mp_mul :: BotanStructT -> BotanStructT -> BotanStructT -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe botan_mp_div :: BotanStructT -> BotanStructT -> BotanStructT -> BotanStructT -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe botan_mp_mod_mul :: BotanStructT -> BotanStructT -> BotanStructT -> BotanStructT -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe botan_mp_equal :: BotanStructT -> BotanStructT -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe botan_mp_is_zero :: BotanStructT -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe botan_mp_is_odd :: BotanStructT -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe botan_mp_is_even :: BotanStructT -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe botan_mp_is_positive :: BotanStructT -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe botan_mp_is_negative :: BotanStructT -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe botan_mp_to_uint32 :: BotanStructT -> MBA# Word32 -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe botan_mp_cmp :: MBA# CInt -> BotanStructT -> BotanStructT -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe botan_mp_swap :: BotanStructT -> BotanStructT -> IO ()
foreign import ccall unsafe botan_mp_powmod :: BotanStructT -> BotanStructT -> BotanStructT -> BotanStructT -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe botan_mp_lshift :: BotanStructT -> BotanStructT -> CSize -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe botan_mp_rshift :: BotanStructT -> BotanStructT -> CSize -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe botan_mp_mod_inverse :: BotanStructT -> BotanStructT -> BotanStructT -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe botan_mp_rand_bits :: BotanStructT -> BotanStructT -> CSize -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe botan_mp_rand_range :: BotanStructT -> BotanStructT -> BotanStructT -> BotanStructT -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe botan_mp_gcd :: BotanStructT -> BotanStructT -> BotanStructT -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe botan_mp_is_prime :: BotanStructT -> BotanStructT -> CSize -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe botan_mp_get_bit :: BotanStructT -> CSize -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe botan_mp_set_bit :: BotanStructT -> CSize -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe botan_mp_clear_bit :: BotanStructT -> CSize -> IO CInt


foreign import ccall unsafe botan_block_cipher_init :: MBA# BotanStructT -> BA# Word8 -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe "&botan_block_cipher_destroy"
    botan_block_cipher_destroy :: FunPtr (BotanStructT -> IO ())
foreign import ccall unsafe botan_block_cipher_block_size :: BotanStructT -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe botan_block_cipher_get_keyspec :: BotanStructT
                                                           -> MBA# Int   -- ^ minimum_keylength
                                                           -> MBA# Int   -- ^ maximum_keylength
                                                           -> MBA# Int   -- ^ keylength_modulo
                                                           -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe botan_block_cipher_clear :: BotanStructT -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe botan_block_cipher_set_key :: BotanStructT -> Ptr Word8 -> CSize -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe hs_botan_block_cipher_encrypt_blocks
    :: BotanStructT
    -> BA# Word8   -- ^ in_buf
    -> Int          -- ^ in offset
    -> MBA# Word8  -- ^ out buffer
    -> Int          -- ^ number of block
    -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe hs_botan_block_cipher_decrypt_blocks
    :: BotanStructT
    -> BA# Word8   -- ^ in_buf
    -> Int          -- ^ in offset
    -> MBA# Word8  -- ^ out buffer
    -> Int          -- ^ number of block
    -> IO CInt


foreign import ccall unsafe botan_hash_init :: MBA# BotanStructT -> BA# Word8 -> Word32 -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe "&botan_hash_destroy"
    botan_hash_destroy ::FunPtr (BotanStructT -> IO ())
foreign import ccall unsafe botan_hash_copy_state :: MBA# BotanStructT -> BotanStructT -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe botan_hash_clear :: BotanStructT -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe botan_hash_output_length :: BotanStructT -> MBA# CSize -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe hs_botan_hash_update :: BotanStructT -> BA# Word8 -> Int -> Int -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe botan_hash_final :: BotanStructT -> MBA# Word8 -> IO CInt


data CipherDirection = CipherEncrypt | CipherDecrypt
    deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic)
    deriving anyclass (T.Print, JSON)

cipherDirectionToFlag ::  CipherDirection -> Word32
cipherDirectionToFlag CipherEncrypt = 0
{-# LINE 184 "Z/Botan/FFI.hsc" #-}
cipherDirectionToFlag CipherDecrypt = 1
{-# LINE 185 "Z/Botan/FFI.hsc" #-}

foreign import ccall unsafe botan_cipher_init :: MBA# BotanStructT -> BA# Word8 -> Word32 -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe "&botan_cipher_destroy"
    botan_cipher_destroy :: FunPtr (BotanStructT -> IO ())
foreign import ccall unsafe botan_cipher_clear :: BotanStructT -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe botan_cipher_get_keyspec :: BotanStructT
                                                     -> MBA# CSize   -- ^ minimum_keylength
                                                     -> MBA# CSize   -- ^ maximum_keylength
                                                     -> MBA# CSize   -- ^ keylength_modulo
                                                     -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe botan_cipher_set_key :: BotanStructT -> Ptr Word8 -> CSize -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe hs_botan_cipher_start
    :: BotanStructT -> BA# Word8 -> Int -> Int -> IO CInt

foreign import ccall unsafe hs_botan_cipher_finish
    :: BotanStructT
    -> MBA# Word8  -- ^ output
    -> Int          -- ^ output size
    -> BA# Word8   -- ^ input
    -> Int          -- ^ input offset
    -> Int          -- ^ input len
    -> IO Int       -- ^ output written

foreign import ccall unsafe hs_botan_cipher_set_associated_data
    :: BotanStructT -> BA# Word8 -> Int -> Int -> IO CInt

foreign import ccall unsafe botan_cipher_valid_nonce_length :: BotanStructT -> CSize -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe botan_cipher_get_default_nonce_length :: BotanStructT -> MBA# Int -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe botan_cipher_get_tag_length :: BotanStructT -> MBA# Int -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe hs_botan_cipher_output_size :: BotanStructT -> Int -> IO Int

foreign import ccall unsafe botan_stream_cipher_init :: MBA# BotanStructT -> BA# Word8 -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe "&botan_stream_cipher_destroy"
    botan_stream_cipher_destroy :: FunPtr (BotanStructT -> IO ())
foreign import ccall unsafe botan_stream_cipher_seek :: BotanStructT -> CSize -> IO CInt

foreign import ccall unsafe botan_stream_cipher_clear :: BotanStructT -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe botan_stream_cipher_get_keyspec :: BotanStructT
                                                     -> MBA# CSize   -- ^ minimum_keylength
                                                     -> MBA# CSize   -- ^ maximum_keylength
                                                     -> MBA# CSize   -- ^ keylength_modulo
                                                     -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe botan_stream_cipher_set_key :: BotanStructT -> Ptr Word8 -> CSize -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe hs_botan_stream_cipher_set_iv
    :: BotanStructT -> BA# Word8 -> Int -> Int -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe hs_botan_stream_cipher_cipher
    :: BotanStructT
    -> MBA# Word8  -- ^ output
    -> BA# Word8   -- ^ input
    -> Int          -- ^ input offset
    -> Int          -- ^ input len
    -> IO CInt      

foreign import ccall unsafe botan_stream_cipher_write_keystream
    :: BotanStructT
    -> MBA# Word8  -- ^ output
    -> CSize        -- ^ output size
    -> IO CInt      

foreign import ccall unsafe botan_stream_cipher_valid_iv_length :: BotanStructT -> CSize -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe botan_stream_cipher_get_default_iv_length :: BotanStructT -> MBA# Int -> IO CInt


foreign import ccall unsafe hs_botan_pwdhash :: BA# Word8
                                             -> Int -> Int -> Int
                                             -> Ptr Word8 -> Int                -- ^ output
                                             -> BA# Word8 -> Int               -- ^ passphrase
                                             -> BA# Word8 -> Int -> Int        -- ^ salt
                                             -> IO CInt

foreign import ccall unsafe hs_botan_pwdhash_timed :: BA# Word8
                                                   -> Int
                                                   -> Ptr Word8 -> Int          -- ^ output
                                                   -> BA# Word8 -> Int         -- ^ passphrase
                                                   -> BA# Word8 -> Int -> Int  -- ^ salt
                                                   -> IO CInt

foreign import ccall safe "hs_botan_pwdhash_timed"
    hs_botan_pwdhash_timed_safe :: Ptr Word8
                                -> Int
                                -> Ptr Word8 -> Int         -- ^ output
                                -> Ptr Word8 -> Int         -- ^ passphrase
                                -> Ptr Word8 -> Int -> Int  -- ^ salt
                                -> IO CInt

-- KDF

foreign import ccall unsafe hs_botan_kdf :: BA# Word8
                                         -> Ptr Word8 -> CSize
                                         -> Ptr Word8 -> CSize
                                         -> BA# Word8 -> Int -> Int
                                         -> BA# Word8 -> Int -> Int
                                         -> IO CInt

-- Password Hashing

foreign import ccall unsafe botan_bcrypt_generate :: MBA# Word8 -> MBA# CSize
                                                  -> BA# Word8
                                                  -> BotanStructT
                                                  -> Int
                                                  -> Word32
                                                  -> IO CInt

foreign import ccall unsafe hs_botan_bcrypt_is_valid :: BA# Word8 
                                                     -> BA# Word8 -> Int -> Int
                                                     -> IO CInt

-- MAC

foreign import ccall unsafe botan_mac_init :: MBA# BotanStructT -> BA# Word8 -> Word32 -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe "&botan_mac_destroy" botan_mac_destroy :: FunPtr (BotanStructT -> IO ())

foreign import ccall unsafe botan_mac_output_length ::BotanStructT -> MBA# CSize -> IO CInt

foreign import ccall unsafe botan_mac_final :: BotanStructT -> MBA# Word8 -> IO CInt

foreign import ccall unsafe botan_mac_set_key :: BotanStructT -> Ptr Word8 -> CSize -> IO CInt

foreign import ccall unsafe hs_botan_mac_update :: BotanStructT -> BA# Word8 -> Int -> Int-> IO CInt

foreign import ccall unsafe hs_botan_mac_clear :: BotanStructT -> IO CInt

foreign import ccall unsafe hs_botan_mac_name ::  BotanStructT -> MBA# Word8 -> MBA# Int -> IO CInt

foreign import ccall unsafe hs_botan_mac_get_keyspec :: BotanStructT -> MBA# Int -> MBA# Int -> MBA# Int -> IO CInt

-- Public Key Creation, Import and Export (at Z.Crypto.PubKey)

foreign import ccall safe botan_privkey_create :: Ptr BotanStructT    -- ^ botan_privkey_t* key
                                               -> Ptr Word8           -- ^ const char* algo_name
                                               -> Ptr Word8           -- ^ const char* algo_params
                                               -> BotanStructT        -- ^ botan_rng_t rng
                                               -> IO CInt

foreign import ccall unsafe hs_botan_privkey_load :: MBA# BotanStructT
                                                  -> BotanStructT
                                                  -> BA# Word8 -> Int -> Int
                                                  -> BA# Word8
                                                  -> IO CInt

foreign import ccall unsafe botan_privkey_export :: BotanStructT -- ^ botan_privkey_t key
                                                 -> MBA# Word8 -> MBA# CSize -- ^ uint8_t out[], size_t* out_len
                                                 -> Word32 -- ^ uint32_t flags
                                                 -> IO CInt

foreign import ccall unsafe botan_privkey_export_encrypted
    :: BotanStructT                     -- ^ botan_privkey_t key
    -> MBA# Word8 -> MBA# CSize       -- ^ uint8_t out[], size_t* out_len
    -> BotanStructT                     -- ^ botan_rng_t 
    -> BA# Word8                       -- ^ passphrase
    -> BA# Word8                       -- ^ encryption_algo, currently ignored by botan
    -> Word32                           -- ^ uint32_t flags
    -> IO CInt

foreign import ccall unsafe botan_privkey_export_pubkey :: MBA# BotanStructT
                                                        -> BotanStructT
                                                        -> IO CInt

foreign import ccall unsafe botan_privkey_get_field :: BotanStructT -- ^ botan_mp_t output
                                                    -> BotanStructT -- ^ botan_privkey_t key
                                                    -> BA# Word8 -- ^ const char* field_name
                                                    -> IO CInt

foreign import ccall unsafe "&botan_privkey_destroy" botan_privkey_destroy :: FunPtr (BotanStructT -> IO ())

foreign import ccall unsafe hs_botan_pubkey_load :: MBA# BotanStructT -- ^ botan_pubkey_t* key
                                                 -> BA# Word8 -> Int -> Int
                                                 -> IO CInt

foreign import ccall unsafe botan_pubkey_export :: BotanStructT
                                                -> MBA# Word8 -> MBA# CSize
                                                -> Word32
                                                -> IO CInt

foreign import ccall unsafe botan_privkey_algo_name :: BotanStructT
                                                   -> MBA# Word8 -> MBA# CSize
                                                   -> IO CInt

foreign import ccall unsafe botan_pubkey_algo_name :: BotanStructT
                                                   -> MBA# Word8 -> MBA# CSize
                                                   -> IO CInt

foreign import ccall unsafe botan_pubkey_estimated_strength :: BotanStructT
                                                            -> MBA# CSize
                                                            -> IO CInt

foreign import ccall unsafe botan_pubkey_fingerprint :: BotanStructT
                                                     -> BA# Word8
                                                     -> MBA# Word8 -> MBA# CSize
                                                     -> IO CInt

foreign import ccall unsafe "&botan_pubkey_destroy" botan_pubkey_destroy :: FunPtr (BotanStructT -> IO ())

foreign import ccall unsafe botan_pubkey_get_field :: BotanStructT
                                                   -> BotanStructT
                                                   -> BA# Word8
                                                   -> IO CInt

-- RSA specific functions

foreign import ccall unsafe botan_privkey_load_rsa :: MBA# BotanStructT
                                                   -> BotanStructT -> BotanStructT -> BotanStructT
                                                   -> IO CInt

foreign import ccall unsafe botan_pubkey_load_rsa :: MBA# BotanStructT
                                                  -> BotanStructT -> BotanStructT
                                                  -> IO CInt

-- DSA specific functions

foreign import ccall unsafe botan_privkey_load_dsa :: MBA# BotanStructT
                                                   -> BotanStructT -> BotanStructT -> BotanStructT
                                                   -> BotanStructT
                                                   -> IO CInt

foreign import ccall unsafe botan_pubkey_load_dsa :: MBA# BotanStructT
                                                  -> BotanStructT -> BotanStructT -> BotanStructT
                                                  -> BotanStructT
                                                  -> IO CInt

-- ElGamal specific functions

foreign import ccall unsafe botan_privkey_load_elgamal :: MBA# BotanStructT
                                                       -> BotanStructT -> BotanStructT -> BotanStructT
                                                       -> IO CInt

foreign import ccall unsafe botan_pubkey_load_elgamal :: MBA# BotanStructT
                                                      -> BotanStructT -> BotanStructT -> BotanStructT
                                                      -> IO CInt

-- Diffie-Hellman specific functions

foreign import ccall unsafe botan_privkey_load_dh :: MBA# BotanStructT
                                                  -> BotanStructT -> BotanStructT -> BotanStructT
                                                  -> IO CInt

foreign import ccall unsafe botan_pubkey_load_dh :: MBA# BotanStructT
                                                 -> BotanStructT -> BotanStructT -> BotanStructT
                                                 -> IO CInt

-- Public Key Encryption / Decryption

foreign import ccall unsafe botan_pk_op_encrypt_create :: MBA# BotanStructT
                                                       -> BotanStructT
                                                       -> BA# Word8
                                                       -> Word32
                                                       -> IO CInt

foreign import ccall unsafe "&botan_pk_op_encrypt_destroy" botan_pk_op_encrypt_destroy :: FunPtr (BotanStructT -> IO ())

foreign import ccall unsafe botan_pk_op_encrypt_output_length :: BotanStructT
                                                              -> CSize
                                                              -> MBA# CSize
                                                              -> IO CInt

foreign import ccall unsafe hs_botan_pk_op_encrypt :: BotanStructT
                                                   -> BotanStructT
                                                   -> MBA# Word8 -> MBA# CSize
                                                   -> BA# Word8 -> Int -> Int
                                                   -> IO CInt

foreign import ccall unsafe botan_pk_op_decrypt_create :: MBA# BotanStructT
                                                       -> BotanStructT
                                                       -> BA# Word8
                                                       -> Word32
                                                       -> IO CInt

foreign import ccall unsafe "&botan_pk_op_decrypt_destroy" botan_pk_op_decrypt_destroy :: FunPtr (BotanStructT -> IO ())

foreign import ccall unsafe botan_pk_op_decrypt_output_length :: BotanStructT
                                                              -> CSize
                                                              -> MBA# CSize
                                                              -> IO CInt

foreign import ccall unsafe hs_botan_pk_op_decrypt :: BotanStructT
                                                   -> MBA# Word8 -> MBA# CSize
                                                   -> BA# Word8 -> Int -> Int
                                                   -> IO CInt

-- Signature Generation

foreign import ccall unsafe botan_pk_op_sign_create :: MBA# BotanStructT
                                                    -> BotanStructT
                                                    -> BA# Word8
                                                    -> Word32
                                                    -> IO CInt

foreign import ccall unsafe botan_pk_op_sign_output_length :: BotanStructT
                                                           -> MBA# CSize
                                                           -> IO CInt

foreign import ccall unsafe hs_botan_pk_op_sign_update :: BotanStructT
                                                       -> BA# Word8 -> Int -> Int
                                                       -> IO CInt

foreign import ccall unsafe botan_pk_op_sign_finish :: BotanStructT
                                                    -> BotanStructT
                                                    -> MBA# Word8
                                                    -> MBA# CSize
                                                    -> IO CInt

foreign import ccall unsafe "&botan_pk_op_sign_destroy" botan_pk_op_sign_destroy :: FunPtr (BotanStructT -> IO ())

-- Signature Verification

foreign import ccall unsafe botan_pk_op_verify_create :: MBA# BotanStructT
                                                      -> BotanStructT
                                                      -> BA# Word8
                                                      -> Word32
                                                      -> IO CInt

foreign import ccall unsafe "&botan_pk_op_verify_destroy" botan_pk_op_verify_destroy :: FunPtr (BotanStructT -> IO ())

foreign import ccall unsafe hs_botan_pk_op_verify_update :: BotanStructT
                                                         -> BA# Word8 -> Int -> Int
                                                         -> IO CInt

foreign import ccall unsafe hs_botan_pk_op_verify_finish :: BotanStructT
                                                         -> BA# Word8 -> Int -> Int
                                                         -> IO CInt

-- Key Agreement

foreign import ccall unsafe botan_pk_op_key_agreement_create :: MBA# BotanStructT
                                                             -> BotanStructT
                                                             -> BA# Word8
                                                             -> Word32
                                                             -> IO CInt

foreign import ccall unsafe "&botan_pk_op_key_agreement_destroy" botan_pk_op_key_agreement_destroy :: FunPtr (BotanStructT -> IO ())

foreign import ccall unsafe botan_pk_op_key_agreement_export_public :: BotanStructT
                                                                    -> MBA# Word8 -> MBA# CSize
                                                                    -> IO CInt

foreign import ccall unsafe botan_pk_op_key_agreement_size :: BotanStructT
                                                           -> MBA# CSize
                                                           -> IO CInt

foreign import ccall unsafe hs_botan_pk_op_key_agreement :: BotanStructT
                                                         -> Ptr Word8 -> CSize
                                                         -> BA# Word8 -> Int -> Int
                                                         -> BA# Word8 -> Int -> Int
                                                         -> IO CInt

foreign import ccall unsafe hs_botan_mceies_encrypt :: BotanStructT -> BotanStructT
                                                    -> BA## Word8
                                                    -> BA## Word8 -> Int -> Int
                                                    -> BA## Word8 -> Int -> Int
                                                    -> MBA## Word8 -> MBA## CSize
                                                    -> IO CInt

foreign import ccall unsafe hs_botan_mceies_decrypt :: BotanStructT
                                                    -> BA## Word8
                                                    -> BA## Word8 -> Int -> Int
                                                    -> BA## Word8 -> Int -> Int
                                                    -> MBA## Word8 -> MBA## CSize
                                                    -> IO CInt

-- X.509 Certificates

-- | Certificate key usage constraints.
type KeyUsageConstraint = CUInt

pattern NO_CONSTRAINTS     :: KeyUsageConstraint
pattern DIGITAL_SIGNATURE  :: KeyUsageConstraint
pattern NON_REPUDIATION    :: KeyUsageConstraint
pattern KEY_ENCIPHERMENT   :: KeyUsageConstraint
pattern DATA_ENCIPHERMENT  :: KeyUsageConstraint
pattern KEY_AGREEMENT      :: KeyUsageConstraint
pattern KEY_CERT_SIGN      :: KeyUsageConstraint
pattern CRL_SIGN           :: KeyUsageConstraint
pattern ENCIPHER_ONLY      :: KeyUsageConstraint
pattern DECIPHER_ONLY      :: KeyUsageConstraint
pattern NO_CONSTRAINTS      = 0
{-# LINE 580 "Z/Botan/FFI.hsc" #-}
pattern DIGITAL_SIGNATURE   = 32768
{-# LINE 581 "Z/Botan/FFI.hsc" #-}
pattern NON_REPUDIATION     = 16384
{-# LINE 582 "Z/Botan/FFI.hsc" #-}
pattern KEY_ENCIPHERMENT    = 8192
{-# LINE 583 "Z/Botan/FFI.hsc" #-}
pattern DATA_ENCIPHERMENT   = 4096
{-# LINE 584 "Z/Botan/FFI.hsc" #-}
pattern KEY_AGREEMENT       = 2048
{-# LINE 585 "Z/Botan/FFI.hsc" #-}
pattern KEY_CERT_SIGN       = 1024
{-# LINE 586 "Z/Botan/FFI.hsc" #-}
pattern CRL_SIGN            = 512
{-# LINE 587 "Z/Botan/FFI.hsc" #-}
pattern ENCIPHER_ONLY       = 256
{-# LINE 588 "Z/Botan/FFI.hsc" #-}
pattern DECIPHER_ONLY       = 128
{-# LINE 589 "Z/Botan/FFI.hsc" #-}

foreign import ccall unsafe "&botan_x509_cert_destroy" botan_x509_cert_destroy :: FunPtr (BotanStructT -> IO ())

foreign import ccall unsafe hs_botan_x509_cert_load :: MBA# BotanStructT -- ^ botan_x509_cert_t* cert_obj
                                                    -> BA# Word8 -> Int -> Int
                                                    -> IO CInt

foreign import ccall unsafe botan_x509_cert_load_file :: MBA# BotanStructT
                                                      -> BA# Word8
                                                      -> IO CInt

foreign import ccall unsafe botan_x509_cert_dup :: MBA# BotanStructT
                                                -> BotanStructT
                                                -> IO CInt

foreign import ccall unsafe botan_x509_cert_get_time_starts :: BotanStructT
                                                            -> MBA# Word8
                                                            -> MBA# Int
                                                            -> IO CInt

foreign import ccall unsafe botan_x509_cert_get_time_expires :: BotanStructT
                                                             -> MBA# Word8
                                                             -> MBA# Int
                                                             -> IO CInt

foreign import ccall unsafe botan_x509_cert_not_before :: BotanStructT
                                                       -> MBA# Word64
                                                       -> IO CInt

foreign import ccall unsafe botan_x509_cert_not_after :: BotanStructT
                                                      -> MBA# Word64
                                                      -> IO CInt

foreign import ccall unsafe botan_x509_cert_get_fingerprint :: BotanStructT
                                                            -> BA# Word8
                                                            -> MBA# Word8 -> MBA# Int
                                                            -> IO CInt

foreign import ccall unsafe botan_x509_cert_get_serial_number :: BotanStructT
                                                              -> MBA# Word8
                                                              -> MBA# Int
                                                              -> IO CInt

foreign import ccall unsafe botan_x509_cert_get_authority_key_id :: BotanStructT
                                                                 -> MBA# Word8 -> MBA# Int
                                                                 -> IO CInt

foreign import ccall unsafe botan_x509_cert_get_subject_key_id :: BotanStructT -> MBA# Word8 -> MBA# Int -> IO CInt

foreign import ccall unsafe botan_x509_cert_get_public_key_bits :: BotanStructT -> MBA# Word8 -> MBA# Int -> IO CInt

foreign import ccall unsafe botan_x509_cert_get_public_key :: BotanStructT -> MBA# BotanStructT -> IO CInt

foreign import ccall unsafe botan_x509_cert_get_issuer_dn :: BotanStructT -> BA# Word8 -> Int -> MBA# Word8 -> MBA# Int -> IO CInt

foreign import ccall unsafe botan_x509_cert_get_subject_dn :: BotanStructT
                                                           -> BA# Word8
                                                           -> Int
                                                           -> MBA# Word8 -> MBA# Int
                                                           -> IO CInt

foreign import ccall unsafe botan_x509_cert_to_string :: BotanStructT
                                                      -> MBA# Word8 -> MBA# Int
                                                      -> IO CInt

foreign import ccall unsafe botan_x509_cert_allowed_usage :: BotanStructT -> CUInt -> IO CInt

foreign import ccall unsafe hs_botan_x509_cert_verify :: BotanStructT
                                                      -> BA# BotanStructT -> Int 
                                                      -> BA# BotanStructT -> Int 
                                                      -> Int -> BA# Word8 -> Word64
                                                      -> IO CInt

foreign import ccall unsafe hs_botan_x509_cert_verify_with_crl :: BotanStructT
                                                               -> BA# BotanStructT -> Int 
                                                               -> BA# BotanStructT -> Int
                                                               -> BA# BotanStructT -> Int
                                                               -> Int -> BA# Word8 -> Word64
                                                               -> IO CInt

foreign import ccall unsafe hs_botan_x509_cert_verify_with_certstore_crl
    :: BotanStructT
    -> BA# BotanStructT -> Int 
    -> BotanStructT 
    -> BA# BotanStructT -> Int
    -> Int -> BA# Word8 -> Word64
    -> IO CInt

foreign import ccall unsafe botan_x509_cert_validation_status :: CInt -> IO CString

-- X.509 Certificate Revocation Lists

foreign import ccall unsafe hs_botan_x509_crl_load :: MBA# BotanStructT
                                                   -> BA# Word8 -> Int -> Int
                                                   -> IO CInt

foreign import ccall unsafe botan_x509_crl_load_file :: MBA# BotanStructT -> BA# Word8 -> IO CInt

foreign import ccall unsafe "&botan_x509_crl_destroy" botan_x509_crl_destroy :: FunPtr (BotanStructT -> IO ())

foreign import ccall unsafe botan_x509_is_revoked :: BotanStructT -> BotanStructT -> IO CInt

-- X.509 Certificate Store

foreign import ccall unsafe botan_x509_certstore_load_file :: MBA# BotanStructT -> BA# Word8 -> IO CInt

foreign import ccall unsafe botan_x509_certstore_load_system :: MBA# BotanStructT -> IO CInt

foreign import ccall unsafe "&botan_x509_certstore_destroy" botan_x509_certstore_destroy :: FunPtr (BotanStructT -> IO ())

-- Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) Key Wrap Algorithm

foreign import ccall unsafe botan_key_wrap3394 :: Ptr Word8 -> CSize
                                                  -> Ptr Word8 -> CSize
                                                  -> MBA# Word8 -> MBA# CSize
                                                  -> IO CInt

foreign import ccall unsafe hs_botan_key_unwrap3394 :: BA# Word8 -> Int -> Int
                                                    -> Ptr Word8 -> CSize
                                                    -> Ptr Word8 -> CSize
                                                    -> IO CInt

-- OTP

foreign import ccall unsafe hs_botan_hotp_init :: MBA# BotanStructT
                                               -> BA# Word8 -> Int -> Int
                                               -> BA# Word8
                                               -> Int
                                               -> IO CInt

foreign import ccall unsafe "&botan_hotp_destroy" botan_hotp_destroy :: FunPtr (BotanStructT -> IO ())

foreign import ccall unsafe botan_hotp_generate :: BotanStructT
                                                -> MBA# Word32
                                                -> Word64
                                                -> IO CInt

foreign import ccall unsafe botan_hotp_check :: BotanStructT
                                             -> MBA# Word64
                                             -> Word32
                                             -> Word64
                                             -> CSize
                                             -> IO CInt

foreign import ccall unsafe hs_botan_totp_init :: MBA# BotanStructT
                                               -> BA# Word8 -> Int -> Int
                                               -> BA# Word8
                                               -> Int -> Int
                                               -> IO CInt

foreign import ccall unsafe "&botan_totp_destroy" botan_totp_destroy :: FunPtr (BotanStructT -> IO ())

foreign import ccall unsafe botan_totp_generate :: BotanStructT
                                                -> MBA# Word32
                                                -> Word64
                                                -> IO CInt

foreign import ccall unsafe botan_totp_check :: BotanStructT
                                             -> Word32
                                             -> Word64
                                             -> CSize
                                             -> IO CInt

-- Format Preserving Encryption

foreign import ccall unsafe hs_botan_fpe_fe1_init :: MBA# BotanStructT -> BotanStructT
                                                  -> BA# Word8 -> Int -> Int
                                                  -> Int -> Word32
                                                  -> IO CInt

foreign import ccall unsafe hs_botan_fpe_encrypt :: BotanStructT -> BotanStructT
                                                 -> BA# Word8 -> Int -> Int
                                                 -> IO CInt

foreign import ccall unsafe hs_botan_fpe_decrypt :: BotanStructT -> BotanStructT
                                                 -> BA# Word8 -> Int -> Int
                                                 -> IO CInt

foreign import ccall unsafe "&botan_fpe_destroy" botan_fpe_destroy :: FunPtr (BotanStructT -> IO ())