/* * Low Level Types * (C) 1999-2007 Jack Lloyd * (C) 2015 Simon Warta (Kullo GmbH) * (C) 2016 René Korthaus, Rohde & Schwarz Cybersecurity * * Botan is released under the Simplified BSD License (see license.txt) */ #ifndef BOTAN_TYPES_H_ #define BOTAN_TYPES_H_ #include // IWYU pragma: export #include // IWYU pragma: export #include // IWYU pragma: export #include // IWYU pragma: export #include // IWYU pragma: export namespace Botan { /** * @mainpage Botan Crypto Library API Reference * *
Abstract Base Classes
* BlockCipher, HashFunction, KDF, MessageAuthenticationCode, RandomNumberGenerator, * StreamCipher, SymmetricAlgorithm, AEAD_Mode, Cipher_Mode *
Public Key Interface Classes
* PK_Key_Agreement, PK_Signer, PK_Verifier, PK_Encryptor, PK_Decryptor *
Authenticated Encryption Modes
* @ref CCM_Mode "CCM", @ref ChaCha20Poly1305_Mode "ChaCha20Poly1305", @ref EAX_Mode "EAX", * @ref GCM_Mode "GCM", @ref OCB_Mode "OCB", @ref SIV_Mode "SIV" *
Block Ciphers
* @ref aria.h "ARIA", @ref aes.h "AES", @ref Blowfish, @ref camellia.h "Camellia", @ref Cascade_Cipher "Cascade", * @ref CAST_128 "CAST-128", @ref CAST_128 "CAST-256", DES, @ref DESX "DES-X", @ref TripleDES "3DES", * @ref GOST_28147_89 "GOST 28147-89", IDEA, KASUMI, Lion, MISTY1, Noekeon, SEED, Serpent, SHACAL2, SM4, * @ref Threefish_512 "Threefish", Twofish, XTEA *
Stream Ciphers
* ChaCha, @ref CTR_BE "CTR", OFB, RC4, Salsa20 *
Hash Functions
* BLAKE2b, @ref GOST_34_11 "GOST 34.11", @ref Keccak_1600 "Keccak", MD4, MD5, @ref RIPEMD_160 "RIPEMD-160", * @ref SHA_160 "SHA-1", @ref SHA_224 "SHA-224", @ref SHA_256 "SHA-256", @ref SHA_384 "SHA-384", * @ref SHA_512 "SHA-512", @ref Skein_512 "Skein-512", SM3, Streebog, Tiger, Whirlpool *
Non-Cryptographic Checksums
* Adler32, CRC24, CRC32 *
Message Authentication Codes
* @ref CBC_MAC "CBC-MAC", CMAC, HMAC, Poly1305, SipHash, ANSI_X919_MAC *
Random Number Generators
* AutoSeeded_RNG, HMAC_DRBG, Processor_RNG, System_RNG *
Key Derivation
* HKDF, @ref KDF1 "KDF1 (IEEE 1363)", @ref KDF1_18033 "KDF1 (ISO 18033-2)", @ref KDF2 "KDF2 (IEEE 1363)", * @ref sp800_108.h "SP800-108", @ref SP800_56C "SP800-56C", @ref PKCS5_PBKDF1 "PBKDF1 (PKCS#5), * @ref PKCS5_PBKDF2 "PBKDF2 (PKCS#5)" *
Password Hashing
* @ref argon2.h "Argon2", @ref scrypt.h "scrypt", @ref bcrypt.h "bcrypt", @ref passhash9.h "passhash9" *
Public Key Cryptosystems
* @ref dlies.h "DLIES", @ref ecies.h "ECIES", @ref elgamal.h "ElGamal" * @ref rsa.h "RSA", @ref newhope.h "NewHope", @ref mceliece.h "McEliece" and @ref mceies.h "MCEIES", * @ref sm2.h "SM2" *
Public Key Signature Schemes
* @ref dsa.h "DSA", @ref ecdsa.h "ECDSA", @ref ecgdsa.h "ECGDSA", @ref eckcdsa.h "ECKCDSA", * @ref gost_3410.h "GOST 34.10-2001", @ref sm2.h "SM2", @ref xmss.h "XMSS" *
Key Agreement
* @ref dh.h "DH", @ref ecdh.h "ECDH" *
* @ref bzip2.h "bzip2", @ref lzma.h "lzma", @ref zlib.h "zlib" *
* TLS::Client, TLS::Server, TLS::Policy, TLS::Protocol_Version, TLS::Callbacks, TLS::Ciphersuite, * TLS::Session, TLS::Session_Manager, Credentials_Manager *
* X509_Certificate, X509_CRL, X509_CA, Certificate_Extension, PKCS10_Request, X509_Cert_Options, * Certificate_Store, Certificate_Store_In_SQL, Certificate_Store_In_SQLite *
*/ using std::uint8_t; using std::uint16_t; using std::uint32_t; using std::uint64_t; using std::int32_t; using std::int64_t; using std::size_t; /* * These typedefs are no longer used within the library headers * or code. They are kept only for compatability with software * written against older versions. */ using byte = std::uint8_t; using u16bit = std::uint16_t; using u32bit = std::uint32_t; using u64bit = std::uint64_t; using s32bit = std::int32_t; #if (BOTAN_MP_WORD_BITS == 32) typedef uint32_t word; #elif (BOTAN_MP_WORD_BITS == 64) typedef uint64_t word; #else #error BOTAN_MP_WORD_BITS must be 32 or 64 #endif /* * Should this assert fail on your system please contact the developers * for assistance in porting. */ static_assert(sizeof(std::size_t) == 8 || sizeof(std::size_t) == 4, "This platform has an unexpected size for size_t"); } #endif