# Revision history for Z-IO ## -- 2020-04-25 * Add `getInterface` to `Z.IO.Network`. * `mkstemp` now return opend file, the type changed to `mkstemp :: CBytes -> CBytes -> Bool -> Resource (CBytes, File)`, which has an option for keep file or not. * `initTempFile` and `initTempDir` now do not need a prefix argument, the prefix is hardcoded as `Z-IO-`. ## -- 2020-04-25 This is an experimental version to test new 'BIO' module. * Rewrite `Z.IO.BIO` module, now `BIO` is push based. * Remove `>|>`, `>~>`, `>!>`, now `BIO` nodes can be composed via funtion composition `(.)`! * Remove `zipSource/zipBIO`, add `stepBIO/stepBIO_/runBIO_`. * Add `zipBIO` to `Z.IO.BIO.Concurrent`, which run two BIO nodes concurrently. * Add `ungroupingNode`, change `newGroupingNode` to use `Vector`. * Rename `EOF` exception to `UnexpectedEOF` to avoid the clash with `EOF` pattern. ## -- 2020-03-16 * Use `CPtr` from Z-Data instead of `ForeignPtr`. ## -- 2020-03-09 * Change resource `Pool` to keyed by default, add `SimplePool`. * Add `Semigroup` instance to `Logger`. * Add `clearInputBuffer/clearOutputBuffer` to `Z.IO.Buffered`. * Add `catchSync/ingoreSync` to `Z.IO.Exception`. * Add `putStdLn/printStdLn` back. ## -- 2020-02-20 * Add `initProcess'` to kill process while finish using the process resource by default. ## -- 2020-02-20 * Split `Z.IO.UV.FFI` to `Z.IO.UV.FFI` and `Z.IO.UV.FFI_Env`, to make the module buildable when memory is constrained. * Make functions works on TTY in `Z.IO.StdStream` correctly ignore redirected streams. * Move `pathSeparator` to `pathSeparators`, now `pathSeparator` return the default path separator. ## -- 2020-02-18 * Hide `Logger` constructor from `Z.IO.Logger`, remove implementation details such as `defaultTSCache`, `pushLogIORef`, `flushLogIORef`, add `loggerFormatter` to `LoggerConfig`. * Add `newStdLogger/newFileLogger` to make new logger easily. * Rework `Z.IO.FileSystem.Watch`'s API, change `watchDirs` to accept a recursive param and a callback. * Hide `Z.IO.UV.Win` module, which should not be directly used by user. * Fix a bug when stdio is redirected to pipes: https://github.com/ZHaskell/z-io/pull/16 ## -- 2020-02-09 * Fix a bug in `newMagicSplitter/newLineSplitter` code. * Remove `sourceFromInput` and related functions to reduce API surface, use `newBufferedInput` with `sourceFromBuffered` instead. * Refactor server loop to allow more code sharing between `Z.IO.Network.TCP` and `Z.IO.Network.IPC`. ## -- 2020-02-04 * FileSystem: replace `DEFAULT_MODE` with `DEFAULT_FILE_MODE` & `DEFAULT_DIR_MODE`. * Ignore exception while `mkdirp` on an exist directory. * Make `rmrf` more like `rm -rf`, which can be used on files. * Add `doesPathExist/doesFileExist/doesDirExist` to file system module. * Add `Z.IO.FileSystem` re-export `Z.IO.FileSystem.Watch` and `Z.IO.FileSystem.FilePath`. * Add `mkstemp`, `initTempFile/initTempDir` to file system module. ## -- 2020-01-28 * Add `unwrap/unwrap'` to `Z.IO.Exception`. * Add `readParseChunks` to `Z.IO.Buffered`, Change `readParser`'s type to match `readParseChunks`. * Add `sourceParseChunksBufferedInput`, `sourceParseChunksInput` to `Z.IO.BIO`. * Add `newJSONLogger/defaultJSONFmt` to `Z.IO.Logger`, provide simple JSON structured logging. ## -- 2020-12-29 * Add `getSystemTime'` to `Z.IO.Time`. * Add `shutdownUVStream` to `Z.IO.UV.UVStream`. * Change `sourceFrom/sinkToFile` to `initSourceFrom/initSinkToFile`. * Bump `Z-Data` version. ## -- 2020-12-16 * Add `sourceParsedBufferInput` and JSON sources to `Z.IO.BIO`. * Fix `readLine` and `newLineSplitter`. * Improve low resolution timer precision. * Fix a bug in `Z.IO.FileSystem.FilePath.relative`, see [#17](https://github.com/likle/cwalk/issues/17). ## -- 2020-11-23 * Clean up API in `Z.IO.Buffered`, remove `readToMagic'`, `readLine'`, `readExactly'`. * `readExactly` now throw exception when not reading enough bytes before EOF. * Add `Show/ShowT` instance to `UVStream`, `StdStream`, `UDP`, `UVManager`. * Add JSON instance to various types: `SocketAddr` and all configure types. * Rename `InetAddr` to `IPv4`, `Inet6Addr` to `IPv6`, change `SocketAddr` 's constructor name, and payload order. * Add `seek` to `Z.IO.FileSystem`. ## -- 2020-11-21 * Export `ZStream` type from `Z.IO.BIO.Zlib` ## -- 2020-11-20 * Remove type index from `BufferedInput`, `BufferedOutput`. * Add `Z.IO.BIO` module to facilitate streaming process, and `Z.IO.BIO.Concurrent` to facilitate producer-consumer model. * Remove streamming related functions from `Z.IO.Buffered`, use `Z.IO.BIO` instead. * Move `Z.IO.Compression.Zlib` to `Z.IO.BIO.Zlib`, change API to `BIO` style. * Add `Z.IO.FileSystem.Watch` module, provides cross-platform filesystem watching. ## -- 2020-10-24 * Add `iso8016DateFormat`, change logger's default time format to include time zone. * Rename `warn` to `warning`, change `Level` to `Int` type alias in `Z.IO.Logger`, add `critical`. * Export `TimeVal` from `Z.IO.Environment`. * Add `getCPUInfo`, `getLoadAvg`, `getXXXMem` to `Z.IO.Environment`. ## -- 2020-10-17 * Export `ResUsage` from `Z.IO.Environment`. * Export `Level` from `Z.IO.Logger`. * Add linefeed with default logger formattor. ## -- 2020-10-17 * Fix a bug affects udp exception raising(simliar to the one fixed in * Add `Z.IO.StdStream.Ansi` module, add a default colored logger. * Add `Z.IO.Time` module, for fast time parsing and formatting. * Add `Z.IO.FileSystem.FilePath` module for file path manipulations. * Add `getCWD`, `chDir`, `getHomeDir`, `getTempDir`, `getPassWD` to `Z.IO.Environment`. * Add `chown`, `fchown`, `lchown` to `Z.IO.FileSystem` and `Z.IO.FileSystem.Threaded`. * Rename `UVFD` to `FD` accross module. ## -- 2020-10-13 * Fix windows dist(add `fs-fd-hash-inl.h` to other-source-files). ## -- 2020-10-13 * Export `ProcessFlag` from `Z.IO.Process`. * Add quick read & write functions to fileSystem modules. * Fix a bug: when exception raise from server loop an uninitialized uv_check_t is closed. * Update libuv's version to 1.40.1. * Change `IOEInfo` type to use `Text` instead of `CBytes`. ## -- 2020-10-10 * Add `Z.IO.Process` module. * Move many flag type to type alias from newtype, adjust patterns haddock. * Sync IPC's server API to TCP's. ## -- 2020-10-02 * Add `Z.IO.Environment` module. * Add various instances to data types in `Z.IO.UV.FFI`. * Fix a UDP batch receiving bug. * Remove `UV` prefix in config data types(`Z.IO.FileSystem`, `Z.IO.UDP`). * Change `TCP`, `IPC` server config, move server worker to start params instead of config. * `Logger` type rework, colorful logger are possible. ## -- 2020-09-28 * Rename `newBufferedInput/Output` to `newBufferedInput'/Output'`, add default chunk `newBufferedInput/Output`. * Remove `ghc-pirm` depends. * Make library works with GHC 8.6 and 8.8 again. ## -- 2020-09-28 * Add file offset interface back, see `FilePtr` and `FilePtrT`. * Remove `checkFileTClosed` from `Z.IO.FileSystem.Threaded`. * Take c source file list from libuv Makefile, remove lib requirements on linux and osx. * Fix `uv_check_t` initiate order in accept loop, which cause a segfault. ## -- 2020-09-25 * Fix macOS build problem caused by missing zconf.h. * Add more tests(TCP, IPC). ## -- 2020-09-19 * Add stream utilities to `Z.IO.Buffered`. * Add `Z.Compression.Zlib`.