{-| Module : Z.Data.MessagePack Description : Fast MessagePack serialization/deserialization Copyright : (c) Dong Han, 2019 License : BSD Maintainer : winterland1989@gmail.com Stability : experimental Portability : non-portable This module provides implementation. -} module Z.IO.RPC.MessagePack ( -- * Example -- -- $server-example -- -- $client-example -- * Server ServerLoop , ServerService , ServerHandler (..) , SessionCtx , readSessionCtx , writeSessionCtx , clearSessionCtx , modifySessionCtx , serveRPC , serveRPC' , simpleRouter -- * Client , Client (..) , rpcClient , rpcClient' , call , notify -- ** Pipeline , PipelineId , PipelineResult , callPipeline , notifyPipeline , execPipeline , fetchPipeline , callStream -- * Misc , Request (..) , RPCException (..) ) where import Control.Concurrent import Control.Monad import Data.Bits import Data.IORef import Data.Int import Z.Data.MessagePack (MessagePack) import qualified Z.Data.MessagePack as MP import qualified Z.Data.MessagePack.Builder as MB import qualified Z.Data.MessagePack.Value as MV import qualified Z.Data.Parser as P import Z.Data.PrimRef.PrimIORef import qualified Z.Data.Text as T import qualified Z.Data.Vector as V import qualified Z.Data.Vector.FlatIntMap as FIM import qualified Z.Data.Vector.FlatMap as FM import Z.IO import Z.IO.Network ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Client data Client = Client { _clientSeqRef :: Counter , _clientPipelineReqNum :: Counter , _clientBufferedInput :: BufferedInput , _clientBufferedOutput :: BufferedOutput } -- | Open a RPC client from input/output device. rpcClient :: (Input dev, Output dev) => dev -> IO Client rpcClient uvs = rpcClient' uvs uvs V.defaultChunkSize V.defaultChunkSize -- | Open a RPC client with more control. rpcClient' :: (Input i, Output o) => i -> o -> Int -- ^ recv buffer size -> Int -- ^ send buffer size -> IO Client rpcClient' i o recvBufSiz sendBufSiz = do seqRef <- newCounter 0 reqNum <- newCounter 0 bi <- newBufferedInput' recvBufSiz i bo <- newBufferedOutput' sendBufSiz o return (Client seqRef reqNum bi bo) -- | Send a single RPC call and get result. call:: (MessagePack req, MessagePack res, HasCallStack) => Client -> T.Text -> req -> IO res call cli name req = do msgid <- callPipeline cli name req fetchPipeline msgid =<< execPipeline cli -- | Send a single notification RPC call without getting result. notify :: (MessagePack req, HasCallStack)=> Client -> T.Text -> req -> IO () notify c@(Client _ _ _ bo) name req = notifyPipeline c name req >> flushBuffer bo type PipelineId = Int type PipelineResult = FIM.FlatIntMap MV.Value -- | Make a call inside a pipeline, which will be sent in batch when `execPipeline`. -- -- @ -- ... -- fooId <- callPipeline client "foo" $ ... -- barId <- callPipeline client "bar" $ ... -- notifyPipeline client "qux" $ ... -- -- r <- execPipeline client -- -- fooResult <- fetchPipeline fooId r -- barResult <- fetchPipeline barId r -- @ -- callPipeline :: HasCallStack => MessagePack req => Client -> T.Text -> req -> IO PipelineId callPipeline (Client seqRef reqNum _ bo) name req = do x <- readPrimIORef reqNum when (x == (-1)) $ throwIO (RPCStreamUnconsumed callStack) writePrimIORef reqNum (x+1) msgid <- readPrimIORef seqRef writePrimIORef seqRef (msgid+1) let !msgid' = msgid .&. 0xFFFFFFFF -- shrink to unsiged 32bits writeBuilder bo $ do MB.arrayHeader 4 MB.int 0 -- type request MB.int (fromIntegral msgid') -- msgid MB.str name -- method name MP.encodeMessagePack req -- param return msgid' -- | Make a notify inside a pipeline, which will be sent in batch when `execPipeline`. -- -- Notify calls doesn't affect execution's result. notifyPipeline :: HasCallStack => MessagePack req => Client -> T.Text -> req -> IO () notifyPipeline (Client _ reqNum _ bo) name req = do x <- readPrimIORef reqNum when (x == (-1)) $ throwIO (RPCStreamUnconsumed callStack) writeBuilder bo $ do MB.arrayHeader 3 MB.int 2 -- type notification MB.str name -- method name MP.encodeMessagePack req -- param -- | Exception thrown when remote endpoint return errors. data RPCException = RPCStreamUnconsumed CallStack | RPCException MV.Value CallStack deriving Show instance Exception RPCException -- | Sent request in batch and get result in a map identified by 'PipelineId'. execPipeline :: HasCallStack => Client -> IO PipelineResult execPipeline (Client _ reqNum bi bo) = do flushBuffer bo x <- readPrimIORef reqNum when (x == (-1)) $ throwIO (RPCStreamUnconsumed callStack) writePrimIORef reqNum 0 FIM.packN x <$> replicateM x (do (msgid, err, v) <- readParser (do tag <- P.anyWord8 when (tag /= 0x94) (P.fail' $ "wrong response tag: " <> T.toText tag) !typ <- MV.value !seq_ <- MV.value !err <- MV.value !v <- MV.value case typ of MV.Int 1 -> case seq_ of MV.Int msgid | msgid >= 0 && msgid <= 0xFFFFFFFF -> return (msgid, err, v) _ -> P.fail' $ "wrong msgid: " <> T.toText seq_ _ -> P.fail' $ "wrong response type: " <> T.toText typ ) bi when (err /= MV.Nil) $ throwIO (RPCException err callStack) return (V.IPair (fromIntegral msgid) v)) -- | Use the `PipelineId` returned when `callPipeline` to fetch call's result. fetchPipeline :: HasCallStack => MessagePack res => PipelineId -> PipelineResult -> IO res fetchPipeline msgid r = do unwrap "EPARSE" . MP.convertValue =<< unwrap' "ENOMSG" ("missing message in response: " <> T.toText msgid) (FIM.lookup msgid r) -- | Call a stream method, no other `call` or `notify` should be sent until -- returned stream is consumed completely. -- -- This is implemented by extend MessagePack-RPC protocol by adding following new message types: -- -- @ -- -- start stream request -- [typ 0x04, name, param] -- -- -- stop stream request -- [typ 0x05] -- -- -- each stream response -- [typ 0x06, err, value] -- -- -- stream response end -- [typ 0x07] -- @ -- -- The return tuple is a pair of a stop action and a `Source`, to terminate stream early, call the -- stop action. Please continue consuming until EOF reached, -- otherwise the state of the `Client` will be incorrect. callStream :: (MessagePack req, MessagePack res, HasCallStack) => Client -> T.Text -> req -> IO (IO (), Source res) callStream (Client _seqRef reqNum bi bo) name req = do x <- readPrimIORef reqNum when (x == (-1)) $ throwIO (RPCStreamUnconsumed callStack) writePrimIORef reqNum (-1) writeBuilder bo $ do MB.arrayHeader 3 MB.int 4 -- type request MB.str name -- method name MP.encodeMessagePack req -- param flushBuffer bo return (sendEOF, sourceFromIO $ do res <- pull (sourceParserFromBuffered (do tag <- P.anyWord8 -- stream stop case tag of 0x91 -> do !typ <- MV.value when (typ /= MV.Int 7) $ P.fail' $ "wrong response type: " <> T.toText typ return Nothing 0x93 -> do !typ <- MV.value !err <- MV.value !v <- MV.value when (typ /= MV.Int 6) $ P.fail' $ "wrong response type: " <> T.toText typ return (Just (err, v)) _ -> P.fail' $ "wrong response tag: " <> T.toText tag ) bi) -- we take tcp disconnect as eof too case join res of Just (err, v) -> do when (err /= MV.Nil) $ throwIO (RPCException err callStack) unwrap "EPARSE" (MP.convertValue v) _ -> do writePrimIORef reqNum 0 return Nothing ) where sendEOF = do writeBuilder bo $ do MB.arrayHeader 1 MB.int 5 flushBuffer bo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Server type ServerLoop = (UVStream -> IO ()) -> IO () type ServerService a = T.Text -> Maybe (ServerHandler a) newtype SessionCtx a = SessionCtx (IORef (Maybe a)) readSessionCtx :: SessionCtx a -> IO (Maybe a) readSessionCtx (SessionCtx x') = readIORef x' writeSessionCtx :: SessionCtx a -> a -> IO () writeSessionCtx (SessionCtx x') x = writeIORef x' (Just x) clearSessionCtx :: SessionCtx a -> IO () clearSessionCtx (SessionCtx x') = writeIORef x' Nothing -- | Try to modify 'SessionCtx' if it has. -- -- Note that you can set the modifier function to return Nothing to clear -- SessionCtx. modifySessionCtx :: SessionCtx a -> (a -> Maybe a) -> IO () modifySessionCtx (SessionCtx x') f = modifyIORef' x' (f =<<) data ServerHandler a where CallHandler :: (MessagePack req, MessagePack res) => (SessionCtx a -> req -> IO res) -> ServerHandler a NotifyHandler :: MessagePack req => (SessionCtx a -> req -> IO ()) -> ServerHandler a StreamHandler :: (MessagePack req, MessagePack res) => (SessionCtx a -> req -> IO (Source res)) -> ServerHandler a -- | Simple router using `FlatMap`, lookup name in /O(log(N))/. -- -- @ -- import Z.IO.PRC.MessagePack -- import Z.IO.Network -- import Z.IO -- -- serveRPC (startTCPServer defaultTCPServerConfig) . simpleRouter $ -- [ ("foo", CallHandler $ \\ ctx req -> do -- ... ) -- , ("bar", CallHandler $ \\ ctx req -> do -- ... ) -- ] -- -- @ simpleRouter :: [(T.Text, ServerHandler a)] -> ServerService a simpleRouter handles name = FM.lookup name handleMap where handleMap = FM.packR handles -- | Serve a RPC service. serveRPC :: ServerLoop -> ServerService a -> IO () serveRPC serve = serveRPC' serve V.defaultChunkSize V.defaultChunkSize data Request a = Notify (T.Text, a) | Call (Int64, T.Text, a) | StreamStart (T.Text, a) deriving Show -- | Serve a RPC service with more control. serveRPC' :: ServerLoop -> Int -- ^ recv buffer size -> Int -- ^ send buffer size -> ServerService a -> IO () serveRPC' serve recvBufSiz sendBufSiz handle = serve $ \ uvs -> do ctx <- SessionCtx <$> newIORef Nothing bi <- newBufferedInput' recvBufSiz uvs bo <- newBufferedOutput' sendBufSiz uvs loop ctx bi bo where loop ctx bi bo = do req <- pull $ sourceParserFromBuffered sourceParser bi case req of Just (Notify (name, v)) -> do case handle name of Just (NotifyHandler f) -> do f ctx =<< unwrap "EPARSE" (MP.convertValue v) _ -> throwOtherError "ENOTFOUND" "notification method not found" loop ctx bi bo Just (Call (msgid, name, v)) -> do case handle name of Just (CallHandler f) -> do res <- try (f ctx =<< unwrap "EPARSE" (MP.convertValue v)) writeBuilder bo $ do MB.arrayHeader 4 MB.int 1 -- type response MB.int (fromIntegral msgid) -- msgid case res of Left e -> do MB.str (T.pack $ show (e :: SomeException)) MB.nil Right res -> do MB.nil MP.encodeMessagePack res flushBuffer bo _ -> do writeBuilder bo $ do MB.arrayHeader 4 MB.int 1 -- type response MB.int (fromIntegral msgid) -- msgid MB.str $ "request method: " <> name <> " not found" MB.nil flushBuffer bo loop ctx bi bo Just (StreamStart (name, v)) -> do eofRef <- newIORef False -- fork new thread to get stream end notification forkIO $ do pull (sourceParserFromBuffered (do tag <- P.anyWord8 -- stream stop when (tag /= 0x91) $ P.fail' $ "wrong request tag: " <> T.toText tag !typ <- MV.value when (typ /= MV.Int 5) $ P.fail' $ "wrong request type: " <> T.toText typ ) bi) atomicWriteIORef eofRef True case handle name of Just (StreamHandler f) -> do src <- f ctx =<< unwrap "EPARSE" (MP.convertValue v) loopSend eofRef src bo _ -> do writeBuilder bo $ do MB.arrayHeader 3 MB.int 6 -- type response MB.str $ "request method: " <> name <> " not found" MB.nil flushBuffer bo loop ctx bi bo _ -> return () loopSend eofRef src bo = do eof <- readIORef eofRef if eof then do writeBuilder bo $ do MB.arrayHeader 1 MB.int 7 -- type response flushBuffer bo else do r <- pull src case r of Just r' -> do writeBuilder bo $ do MB.arrayHeader 3 MB.int 6 -- type response MB.nil MP.encodeMessagePack r' flushBuffer bo _ -> atomicWriteIORef eofRef True loopSend eofRef src bo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sourceParser :: P.Parser (Request MV.Value) sourceParser = do tag <- P.anyWord8 case tag of -- notify or stream start 0x93 -> do !typ <- MV.value !name <- MV.value !v <- MV.value case typ of MV.Int 2 -> case name of MV.Str name' -> return (Notify (name', v)) _ -> P.fail' $ "wrong RPC name: " <> T.toText name MV.Int 4 -> case name of MV.Str name' -> return (StreamStart (name', v)) _ -> P.fail' $ "wrong RPC name: " <> T.toText name _ -> P.fail' $ "wrong request type: " <> T.toText typ -- call 0x94 -> do !typ <- MV.value !seq_ <- MV.value !name <- MV.value !v <- MV.value case typ of MV.Int 0 -> case seq_ of MV.Int msgid | msgid >= 0 && msgid <= 0xFFFFFFFF -> case name of MV.Str name' -> return (Call (msgid, name', v)) _ -> P.fail' $ "wrong RPC name: " <> T.toText name _ -> P.fail' $ "wrong msgid: " <> T.toText seq_ _ -> P.fail' $ "wrong request type: " <> T.toText typ _ -> P.fail' $ "wrong request tag: " <> T.toText tag {-# INLINE sourceParser #-} -- $server-example -- -- > import Data.Maybe -- > import Z.IO.RPC.MessagePack -- > import Z.IO.Network -- > import Data.IORef -- > import Z.IO -- > import qualified Z.Data.Text as T -- > import qualified Z.Data.Vector as V -- > -- > newtype ServerCtx = ServerCtx { counter :: Int } -- > -- > main = serveRPC (startTCPServer defaultTCPServerConfig) $ simpleRouter -- > [ ("hi", CallHandler $ \ctx (req :: T.Text) -> do -- > writeSessionCtx ctx (ServerCtx 0) -- > return ("hello, " <> req) -- > ) -- > , ("foo", CallHandler $ \ctx (req :: Int) -> do -- > modifySessionCtx ctx (Just . ServerCtx . (+ 1) . counter) -- > return (req + 1) -- > ) -- > , ("bar", CallHandler $ \ctx (req :: T.Text) -> do -- > counter . fromJust <$> readSessionCtx ctx -- > ) -- > , ("qux", StreamHandler $ \ctx (_ :: ()) -> do -- > withMVar stdinBuf (pure . sourceFromBuffered) -- > ) -- > ] -- $client-example -- -- > import Data.Maybe -- > import Z.IO.RPC.MessagePack -- > import Z.IO.Network -- > import Data.IORef -- > import Z.IO -- > import qualified Z.Data.Text as T -- > import qualified Z.Data.Vector as V -- > -- > main = withResource (initTCPClient defaultTCPClientConfig) $ \ uvs -> do -- > c <- rpcClient uvs -- > -- single call -- > r <- call @T.Text @T.Text c "hi" "Alice" -- > print r -- > -- > _ <- call @Int @Int c "foo" 1 -- > _ <- call @Int @Int c "foo" 1 -- > x <- call @T.Text @Int c "bar" "" -- > print x -- > -- > -- streaming result -- > (_, src) <- callStream c "qux" () -- > runBIO $ src >|> sinkToIO (\ b -> withMVar stdoutBuf (\ bo -> do -- > writeBuffer bo b -- > flushBuffer bo))