/**CFile**************************************************************** FileName [abcCheck.c] SystemName [ABC: Logic synthesis and verification system.] PackageName [Network and node package.] Synopsis [Consistency checking procedures.] Author [Alan Mishchenko] Affiliation [UC Berkeley] Date [Ver. 1.0. Started - June 20, 2005.] Revision [$Id: abcCheck.c,v 1.00 2005/06/20 00:00:00 alanmi Exp $] ***********************************************************************/ #include "abc.h" #include "base/main/main.h" #include "misc/extra/extraBdd.h" ABC_NAMESPACE_IMPL_START //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// DECLARATIONS /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static int Abc_NtkCheckNames( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ); static int Abc_NtkCheckPis( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ); static int Abc_NtkCheckPos( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ); //static int Abc_NtkCheckObj( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, Abc_Obj_t * pObj ); static int Abc_NtkCheckNet( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, Abc_Obj_t * pNet ); static int Abc_NtkCheckNode( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, Abc_Obj_t * pNode ); static int Abc_NtkCheckLatch( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, Abc_Obj_t * pLatch ); static int Abc_NtkComparePis( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk1, Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk2, int fComb ); static int Abc_NtkComparePos( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk1, Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk2, int fComb ); static int Abc_NtkCompareLatches( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk1, Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk2, int fComb ); static inline char * Abc_ObjNameNet( Abc_Obj_t * pObj ) { return (Abc_ObjIsNode(pObj) && Abc_NtkIsNetlist(pObj->pNtk)) ? Abc_ObjName(Abc_ObjFanout0(pObj)) : Abc_ObjName(pObj); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// FUNCTION DEFINITIONS /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /**Function************************************************************* Synopsis [Checks the integrity of the network.] Description [] SideEffects [] SeeAlso [] ***********************************************************************/ int Abc_NtkCheck( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ) { return !Abc_FrameIsFlagEnabled( "check" ) || Abc_NtkDoCheck( pNtk ); } /**Function************************************************************* Synopsis [Checks the integrity of the network after reading.] Description [] SideEffects [] SeeAlso [] ***********************************************************************/ int Abc_NtkCheckRead( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ) { return !Abc_FrameIsFlagEnabled( "checkread" ) || Abc_NtkDoCheck( pNtk ); } /**Function************************************************************* Synopsis [Checks the integrity of the network.] Description [] SideEffects [] SeeAlso [] ***********************************************************************/ int Abc_NtkDoCheck( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ) { Abc_Obj_t * pObj, * pNet, * pNode; int i; // check network types if ( !Abc_NtkIsNetlist(pNtk) && !Abc_NtkIsLogic(pNtk) && !Abc_NtkIsStrash(pNtk) ) { fprintf( stdout, "NetworkCheck: Unknown network type.\n" ); return 0; } if ( !Abc_NtkHasSop(pNtk) && !Abc_NtkHasBdd(pNtk) && !Abc_NtkHasAig(pNtk) && !Abc_NtkHasMapping(pNtk) && !Abc_NtkHasBlifMv(pNtk) && !Abc_NtkHasBlackbox(pNtk) ) { fprintf( stdout, "NetworkCheck: Unknown functionality type.\n" ); return 0; } if ( Abc_NtkHasMapping(pNtk) ) { if ( pNtk->pManFunc != Abc_FrameReadLibGen() ) { fprintf( stdout, "NetworkCheck: The library of the mapped network is not the global library.\n" ); return 0; } } if ( Abc_NtkHasOnlyLatchBoxes(pNtk) ) { // check CI/CO numbers if ( Abc_NtkPiNum(pNtk) + Abc_NtkLatchNum(pNtk) != Abc_NtkCiNum(pNtk) ) { fprintf( stdout, "NetworkCheck: Number of CIs does not match number of PIs and latches.\n" ); fprintf( stdout, "One possible reason is that latches are added twice:\n" ); fprintf( stdout, "in procedure Abc_NtkCreateObj() and in the user's code.\n" ); return 0; } if ( Abc_NtkPoNum(pNtk) + Abc_NtkLatchNum(pNtk) != Abc_NtkCoNum(pNtk) ) { fprintf( stdout, "NetworkCheck: Number of COs does not match number of POs, asserts, and latches.\n" ); fprintf( stdout, "One possible reason is that latches are added twice:\n" ); fprintf( stdout, "in procedure Abc_NtkCreateObj() and in the user's code.\n" ); return 0; } } // check the names if ( !Abc_NtkCheckNames( pNtk ) ) return 0; // check PIs and POs Abc_NtkCleanCopy( pNtk ); if ( !Abc_NtkCheckPis( pNtk ) ) return 0; if ( !Abc_NtkCheckPos( pNtk ) ) return 0; if ( Abc_NtkHasBlackbox(pNtk) ) return 1; // check the connectivity of objects Abc_NtkForEachObj( pNtk, pObj, i ) if ( !Abc_NtkCheckObj( pNtk, pObj ) ) return 0; // if it is a netlist change nets and latches if ( Abc_NtkIsNetlist(pNtk) ) { if ( Abc_NtkNetNum(pNtk) == 0 ) fprintf( stdout, "NetworkCheck: Warning! Netlist has no nets.\n" ); // check the nets Abc_NtkForEachNet( pNtk, pNet, i ) if ( !Abc_NtkCheckNet( pNtk, pNet ) ) return 0; } else { if ( Abc_NtkNetNum(pNtk) != 0 ) { fprintf( stdout, "NetworkCheck: A network that is not a netlist has nets.\n" ); return 0; } } // check the nodes if ( Abc_NtkIsStrash(pNtk) ) Abc_AigCheck( (Abc_Aig_t *)pNtk->pManFunc ); else { Abc_NtkForEachNode( pNtk, pNode, i ) if ( !Abc_NtkCheckNode( pNtk, pNode ) ) return 0; } // check the latches Abc_NtkForEachLatch( pNtk, pNode, i ) if ( !Abc_NtkCheckLatch( pNtk, pNode ) ) return 0; // finally, check for combinational loops // clk = Abc_Clock(); if ( !Abc_NtkIsAcyclic( pNtk ) ) { fprintf( stdout, "NetworkCheck: Network contains a combinational loop.\n" ); return 0; } // ABC_PRT( "Acyclic ", Abc_Clock() - clk ); // check the EXDC network if present if ( pNtk->pExdc ) Abc_NtkCheck( pNtk->pExdc ); /* // check the hierarchy if ( Abc_NtkIsNetlist(pNtk) && pNtk->tName2Model ) { stmm_generator * gen; Abc_Ntk_t * pNtkTemp; char * pName; // check other networks stmm_foreach_item( pNtk->tName2Model, gen, &pName, (char **)&pNtkTemp ) { pNtkTemp->fHiePath = pNtkTemp->fHieVisited = 0; if ( !Abc_NtkCheck( pNtkTemp ) ) return 0; } // check acyclic dependency of the models if ( !Abc_NtkIsAcyclicHierarchy( pNtk ) ) { fprintf( stdout, "NetworkCheck: Network hierarchical dependences contains a cycle.\n" ); return 0; } } */ return 1; } /**Function************************************************************* Synopsis [Checks the names.] Description [] SideEffects [] SeeAlso [] ***********************************************************************/ int Abc_NtkCheckNames( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ) { Abc_Obj_t * pObj = NULL; // Ensure pObj isn't used uninitialized. Vec_Int_t * vNameIds; char * pName; int i, NameId; if ( Abc_NtkIsNetlist(pNtk) ) return 1; // check that each CI/CO has a name Abc_NtkForEachCi( pNtk, pObj, i ) { pObj = Abc_ObjFanout0Ntk(pObj); if ( Nm_ManFindNameById(pObj->pNtk->pManName, pObj->Id) == NULL ) { fprintf( stdout, "NetworkCheck: CI with ID %d is in the network but not in the name table.\n", pObj->Id ); return 0; } } Abc_NtkForEachCo( pNtk, pObj, i ) { pObj = Abc_ObjFanin0Ntk(pObj); if ( Nm_ManFindNameById(pObj->pNtk->pManName, pObj->Id) == NULL ) { fprintf( stdout, "NetworkCheck: CO with ID %d is in the network but not in the name table.\n", pObj->Id ); return 0; } } assert(pObj); // pObj should point to something here. // return the array of all IDs, which have names vNameIds = Nm_ManReturnNameIds( pNtk->pManName ); // make sure that these IDs correspond to live objects Vec_IntForEachEntry( vNameIds, NameId, i ) { if ( Vec_PtrEntry( pNtk->vObjs, NameId ) == NULL ) { Vec_IntFree( vNameIds ); pName = Nm_ManFindNameById(pObj->pNtk->pManName, NameId); fprintf( stdout, "NetworkCheck: Object with ID %d is deleted but its name \"%s\" remains in the name table.\n", NameId, pName ); return 0; } } Vec_IntFree( vNameIds ); // make sure the CI names are unique if ( !Abc_NtkCheckUniqueCiNames(pNtk) ) return 0; // make sure the CO names are unique if ( !Abc_NtkCheckUniqueCoNames(pNtk) ) return 0; // make sure that if a CO has the same name as a CI, they point directly if ( !Abc_NtkCheckUniqueCioNames(pNtk) ) return 0; return 1; } /**Function************************************************************* Synopsis [Checks the PIs of the network.] Description [] SideEffects [] SeeAlso [] ***********************************************************************/ int Abc_NtkCheckPis( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ) { Abc_Obj_t * pObj; int i; // check that PIs are indeed PIs Abc_NtkForEachPi( pNtk, pObj, i ) { if ( !Abc_ObjIsPi(pObj) ) { fprintf( stdout, "NetworkCheck: Object \"%s\" (id=%d) is in the PI list but is not a PI.\n", Abc_ObjName(pObj), pObj->Id ); return 0; } if ( pObj->pData ) { fprintf( stdout, "NetworkCheck: A PI \"%s\" has a logic function.\n", Abc_ObjName(pObj) ); return 0; } if ( Abc_ObjFaninNum(pObj) > 0 ) { fprintf( stdout, "NetworkCheck: A PI \"%s\" has fanins.\n", Abc_ObjName(pObj) ); return 0; } pObj->pCopy = (Abc_Obj_t *)1; } Abc_NtkForEachObj( pNtk, pObj, i ) { if ( pObj->pCopy == NULL && Abc_ObjIsPi(pObj) ) { fprintf( stdout, "NetworkCheck: Object \"%s\" (id=%d) is a PI but is not in the PI list.\n", Abc_ObjName(pObj), pObj->Id ); return 0; } pObj->pCopy = NULL; } return 1; } /**Function************************************************************* Synopsis [Checks the POs of the network.] Description [] SideEffects [] SeeAlso [] ***********************************************************************/ int Abc_NtkCheckPos( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ) { Abc_Obj_t * pObj; int i; // check that POs are indeed POs Abc_NtkForEachPo( pNtk, pObj, i ) { if ( !Abc_ObjIsPo(pObj) ) { fprintf( stdout, "NetworkCheck: Net \"%s\" (id=%d) is in the PO list but is not a PO.\n", Abc_ObjName(pObj), pObj->Id ); return 0; } if ( pObj->pData ) { fprintf( stdout, "NetworkCheck: A PO \"%s\" has a logic function.\n", Abc_ObjName(pObj) ); return 0; } if ( Abc_ObjFaninNum(pObj) != 1 ) { fprintf( stdout, "NetworkCheck: A PO \"%s\" does not have one fanin (but %d).\n", Abc_ObjName(pObj), Abc_ObjFaninNum(pObj) ); return 0; } if ( Abc_ObjFanoutNum(pObj) > 0 ) { fprintf( stdout, "NetworkCheck: A PO \"%s\" has %d fanout(s).\n", Abc_ObjName(pObj), Abc_ObjFanoutNum(pObj) ); return 0; } pObj->pCopy = (Abc_Obj_t *)1; } Abc_NtkForEachObj( pNtk, pObj, i ) { if ( pObj->pCopy == NULL && Abc_ObjIsPo(pObj) ) { fprintf( stdout, "NetworkCheck: Net \"%s\" (id=%d) is in a PO but is not in the PO list.\n", Abc_ObjName(pObj), pObj->Id ); return 0; } pObj->pCopy = NULL; } return 1; } /**Function************************************************************* Synopsis [Checks the connectivity of the object.] Description [] SideEffects [] SeeAlso [] ***********************************************************************/ int Abc_NtkCheckObj( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, Abc_Obj_t * pObj ) { Abc_Obj_t * pFanin, * pFanout; int Value = 1; int i, k; // check the network if ( pObj->pNtk != pNtk ) { fprintf( stdout, "NetworkCheck: Object \"%s\" does not belong to the network.\n", Abc_ObjName(pObj) ); return 0; } // check the object ID if ( pObj->Id < 0 || (int)pObj->Id >= Abc_NtkObjNumMax(pNtk) ) { fprintf( stdout, "NetworkCheck: Object \"%s\" has incorrect ID.\n", Abc_ObjName(pObj) ); return 0; } if ( !Abc_FrameIsFlagEnabled("checkfio") ) return Value; // go through the fanins of the object and make sure fanins have this object as a fanout Abc_ObjForEachFanin( pObj, pFanin, i ) { if ( Vec_IntFind( &pFanin->vFanouts, pObj->Id ) == -1 ) { fprintf( stdout, "NodeCheck: Object \"%s\" has fanin ", Abc_ObjName(pObj) ); fprintf( stdout, "\"%s\" but the fanin does not have it as a fanout.\n", Abc_ObjName(pFanin) ); Value = 0; } } // go through the fanouts of the object and make sure fanouts have this object as a fanin Abc_ObjForEachFanout( pObj, pFanout, i ) { if ( Vec_IntFind( &pFanout->vFanins, pObj->Id ) == -1 ) { fprintf( stdout, "NodeCheck: Object \"%s\" has fanout ", Abc_ObjName(pObj) ); fprintf( stdout, "\"%s\" but the fanout does not have it as a fanin.\n", Abc_ObjName(pFanout) ); Value = 0; } } // make sure fanins are not duplicated for ( i = 0; i < pObj->vFanins.nSize; i++ ) for ( k = i + 1; k < pObj->vFanins.nSize; k++ ) if ( pObj->vFanins.pArray[k] == pObj->vFanins.pArray[i] ) { printf( "Warning: Node %s has", Abc_ObjName(pObj) ); printf( " duplicated fanin %s.\n", Abc_ObjName(Abc_ObjFanin(pObj,k)) ); } // save time: do not check large fanout lists if ( pObj->vFanouts.nSize > 100 ) return Value; // make sure fanouts are not duplicated for ( i = 0; i < pObj->vFanouts.nSize; i++ ) for ( k = i + 1; k < pObj->vFanouts.nSize; k++ ) if ( pObj->vFanouts.pArray[k] == pObj->vFanouts.pArray[i] ) { printf( "Warning: Node %s has", Abc_ObjName(pObj) ); printf( " duplicated fanout %s.\n", Abc_ObjName(Abc_ObjFanout(pObj,k)) ); } return Value; } /**Function************************************************************* Synopsis [Checks the integrity of a net.] Description [] SideEffects [] SeeAlso [] ***********************************************************************/ int Abc_NtkCheckNet( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, Abc_Obj_t * pNet ) { if ( Abc_ObjFaninNum(pNet) == 0 ) { fprintf( stdout, "NetworkCheck: Net \"%s\" is not driven.\n", Abc_ObjName(pNet) ); return 0; } if ( Abc_ObjFaninNum(pNet) > 1 ) { fprintf( stdout, "NetworkCheck: Net \"%s\" has more than one driver.\n", Abc_ObjName(pNet) ); return 0; } return 1; } /**Function************************************************************* Synopsis [Checks the integrity of a node.] Description [] SideEffects [] SeeAlso [] ***********************************************************************/ int Abc_NtkCheckNode( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, Abc_Obj_t * pNode ) { // detect internal nodes that do not have nets if ( Abc_NtkIsNetlist(pNtk) && Abc_ObjFanoutNum(pNode) == 0 ) { fprintf( stdout, "Node (id = %d) has no net to drive.\n", pNode->Id ); return 0; } // the node should have a function assigned unless it is an AIG if ( pNode->pData == NULL ) { if ( Abc_ObjIsBarBuf(pNode) ) return 1; fprintf( stdout, "NodeCheck: An internal node \"%s\" does not have a logic function.\n", Abc_ObjNameNet(pNode) ); return 0; } // the netlist and SOP logic network should have SOPs if ( Abc_NtkHasSop(pNtk) ) { if ( !Abc_SopCheck( (char *)pNode->pData, Abc_ObjFaninNum(pNode) ) ) { fprintf( stdout, "NodeCheck: SOP check for node \"%s\" has failed.\n", Abc_ObjNameNet(pNode) ); return 0; } } else if ( Abc_NtkHasBdd(pNtk) ) { int nSuppSize = Cudd_SupportSize((DdManager *)pNtk->pManFunc, (DdNode *)pNode->pData); if ( nSuppSize > Abc_ObjFaninNum(pNode) ) { fprintf( stdout, "NodeCheck: BDD of the node \"%s\" has incorrect support size.\n", Abc_ObjNameNet(pNode) ); return 0; } } else if ( !Abc_NtkHasMapping(pNtk) && !Abc_NtkHasBlifMv(pNtk) && !Abc_NtkHasAig(pNtk) ) { assert( 0 ); } return 1; } /**Function************************************************************* Synopsis [Checks the integrity of a latch.] Description [] SideEffects [] SeeAlso [] ***********************************************************************/ int Abc_NtkCheckLatch( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, Abc_Obj_t * pLatch ) { int Value = 1; // check whether the object is a latch if ( !Abc_ObjIsLatch(pLatch) ) { fprintf( stdout, "NodeCheck: Latch \"%s\" is in a latch list but is not a latch.\n", Abc_ObjName(pLatch) ); Value = 0; } // make sure the latch has a reasonable return value if ( (int)(ABC_PTRINT_T)pLatch->pData < ABC_INIT_ZERO || (int)(ABC_PTRINT_T)pLatch->pData > ABC_INIT_DC ) { fprintf( stdout, "NodeCheck: Latch \"%s\" has incorrect reset value (%d).\n", Abc_ObjName(pLatch), (int)(ABC_PTRINT_T)pLatch->pData ); Value = 0; } // make sure the latch has only one fanin if ( Abc_ObjFaninNum(pLatch) != 1 ) { fprintf( stdout, "NodeCheck: Latch \"%s\" has wrong number (%d) of fanins.\n", Abc_ObjName(pLatch), Abc_ObjFaninNum(pLatch) ); Value = 0; } // make sure the latch has only one fanout if ( Abc_ObjFanoutNum(pLatch) != 1 ) { fprintf( stdout, "NodeCheck: Latch \"%s\" has wrong number (%d) of fanouts.\n", Abc_ObjName(pLatch), Abc_ObjFanoutNum(pLatch) ); Value = 0; } // make sure the latch input has only one fanin if ( Abc_ObjFaninNum(Abc_ObjFanin0(pLatch)) != 1 ) { fprintf( stdout, "NodeCheck: Input of latch \"%s\" has wrong number (%d) of fanins.\n", Abc_ObjName(Abc_ObjFanin0(pLatch)), Abc_ObjFaninNum(Abc_ObjFanin0(pLatch)) ); Value = 0; } // make sure the latch input has only one fanout if ( Abc_ObjFanoutNum(Abc_ObjFanin0(pLatch)) != 1 ) { fprintf( stdout, "NodeCheck: Input of latch \"%s\" has wrong number (%d) of fanouts.\n", Abc_ObjName(Abc_ObjFanin0(pLatch)), Abc_ObjFanoutNum(Abc_ObjFanin0(pLatch)) ); Value = 0; } // make sure the latch output has only one fanin if ( Abc_ObjFaninNum(Abc_ObjFanout0(pLatch)) != 1 ) { fprintf( stdout, "NodeCheck: Output of latch \"%s\" has wrong number (%d) of fanins.\n", Abc_ObjName(Abc_ObjFanout0(pLatch)), Abc_ObjFaninNum(Abc_ObjFanout0(pLatch)) ); Value = 0; } return Value; } /**Function************************************************************* Synopsis [Compares the PIs of the two networks.] Description [] SideEffects [] SeeAlso [] ***********************************************************************/ int Abc_NtkComparePis( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk1, Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk2, int fComb ) { Abc_Obj_t * pObj1; int i; if ( Abc_NtkPiNum(pNtk1) != Abc_NtkPiNum(pNtk2) ) { printf( "Networks have different number of primary inputs.\n" ); return 0; } // for each PI of pNet1 find corresponding PI of pNet2 and reorder them Abc_NtkForEachPi( pNtk1, pObj1, i ) { if ( strcmp( Abc_ObjName(pObj1), Abc_ObjName(Abc_NtkPi(pNtk2,i)) ) != 0 ) { printf( "Primary input #%d is different in network 1 ( \"%s\") and in network 2 (\"%s\").\n", i, Abc_ObjName(pObj1), Abc_ObjName(Abc_NtkPi(pNtk2,i)) ); return 0; } } return 1; } /**Function************************************************************* Synopsis [Compares the POs of the two networks.] Description [] SideEffects [] SeeAlso [] ***********************************************************************/ int Abc_NtkComparePos( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk1, Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk2, int fComb ) { Abc_Obj_t * pObj1; int i; if ( Abc_NtkPoNum(pNtk1) != Abc_NtkPoNum(pNtk2) ) { printf( "Networks have different number of primary outputs.\n" ); return 0; } // for each PO of pNet1 find corresponding PO of pNet2 and reorder them Abc_NtkForEachPo( pNtk1, pObj1, i ) { if ( strcmp( Abc_ObjName(pObj1), Abc_ObjName(Abc_NtkPo(pNtk2,i)) ) != 0 ) { printf( "Primary output #%d is different in network 1 ( \"%s\") and in network 2 (\"%s\").\n", i, Abc_ObjName(pObj1), Abc_ObjName(Abc_NtkPo(pNtk2,i)) ); return 0; } } return 1; } /**Function************************************************************* Synopsis [Compares the latches of the two networks.] Description [] SideEffects [] SeeAlso [] ***********************************************************************/ int Abc_NtkCompareBoxes( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk1, Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk2, int fComb ) { Abc_Obj_t * pObj1; int i; assert( Abc_NtkHasOnlyLatchBoxes(pNtk1) ); assert( Abc_NtkHasOnlyLatchBoxes(pNtk2) ); if ( !fComb ) return 1; if ( Abc_NtkBoxNum(pNtk1) != Abc_NtkBoxNum(pNtk2) ) { printf( "Networks have different number of latches.\n" ); return 0; } // for each PI of pNet1 find corresponding PI of pNet2 and reorder them Abc_NtkForEachBox( pNtk1, pObj1, i ) { if ( strcmp( Abc_ObjName(Abc_ObjFanout0(pObj1)), Abc_ObjName(Abc_ObjFanout0(Abc_NtkBox(pNtk2,i))) ) != 0 ) { printf( "Box #%d is different in network 1 ( \"%s\") and in network 2 (\"%s\").\n", i, Abc_ObjName(Abc_ObjFanout0(pObj1)), Abc_ObjName(Abc_ObjFanout0(Abc_NtkBox(pNtk2,i))) ); return 0; } } return 1; } /**Function************************************************************* Synopsis [Compares the signals of the networks.] Description [] SideEffects [Ordering POs by name is a very bad idea! It destroys the natural order of the logic in the circuit.] SeeAlso [] ***********************************************************************/ int Abc_NtkCompareSignals( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk1, Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk2, int fOnlyPis, int fComb ) { Abc_NtkOrderObjsByName( pNtk1, fComb ); Abc_NtkOrderObjsByName( pNtk2, fComb ); if ( !Abc_NtkComparePis( pNtk1, pNtk2, fComb ) ) return 0; if ( !fOnlyPis ) { if ( !Abc_NtkCompareBoxes( pNtk1, pNtk2, fComb ) ) return 0; if ( !Abc_NtkComparePos( pNtk1, pNtk2, fComb ) ) return 0; } return 1; } /**Function************************************************************* Synopsis [Returns 0 if the network hierachy contains a cycle.] Description [] SideEffects [] SeeAlso [] ***********************************************************************/ int Abc_NtkIsAcyclicHierarchy_rec( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ) { Abc_Ntk_t * pNtkNext; Abc_Obj_t * pObj; int i; // return if visited if ( pNtk->fHieVisited ) return 1; pNtk->fHieVisited = 1; // return if black box if ( Abc_NtkHasBlackbox(pNtk) ) return 1; assert( Abc_NtkIsNetlist(pNtk) ); // go through all the children networks Abc_NtkForEachBox( pNtk, pObj, i ) { if ( Abc_ObjIsLatch(pObj) ) continue; pNtkNext = (Abc_Ntk_t *)pObj->pData; assert( pNtkNext != NULL ); if ( pNtkNext->fHiePath ) return 0; pNtk->fHiePath = 1; if ( !Abc_NtkIsAcyclicHierarchy_rec( pNtkNext ) ) return 0; pNtk->fHiePath = 0; } return 1; } /**Function************************************************************* Synopsis [Returns 0 if the network hierachy contains a cycle.] Description [] SideEffects [] SeeAlso [] ***********************************************************************/ int Abc_NtkIsAcyclicHierarchy( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ) { Abc_Ntk_t * pTemp; int i, RetValue; assert( Abc_NtkIsNetlist(pNtk) && pNtk->pDesign ); // clear the modules Vec_PtrForEachEntry( Abc_Ntk_t *, pNtk->pDesign->vModules, pTemp, i ) pTemp->fHieVisited = pTemp->fHiePath = 0; // traverse pNtk->fHiePath = 1; RetValue = Abc_NtkIsAcyclicHierarchy_rec( pNtk ); pNtk->fHiePath = 0; // clear the modules Vec_PtrForEachEntry( Abc_Ntk_t *, pNtk->pDesign->vModules, pTemp, i ) pTemp->fHieVisited = pTemp->fHiePath = 0; return RetValue; } /**Function************************************************************* Synopsis [Returns 0 if CI names are repeated.] Description [] SideEffects [] SeeAlso [] ***********************************************************************/ int Abc_NtkNamesCompare( char ** pName1, char ** pName2 ) { return strcmp( *pName1, *pName2 ); } /**Function************************************************************* Synopsis [Returns 0 if CI names are repeated.] Description [] SideEffects [] SeeAlso [] ***********************************************************************/ int Abc_NtkCheckUniqueCiNames( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ) { Vec_Ptr_t * vNames; Abc_Obj_t * pObj; int i, fRetValue = 1; assert( !Abc_NtkIsNetlist(pNtk) ); vNames = Vec_PtrAlloc( Abc_NtkCiNum(pNtk) ); Abc_NtkForEachCi( pNtk, pObj, i ) Vec_PtrPush( vNames, Abc_ObjName(pObj) ); Vec_PtrSort( vNames, (int (*)())Abc_NtkNamesCompare ); for ( i = 1; i < Abc_NtkCiNum(pNtk); i++ ) if ( !strcmp( (const char *)Vec_PtrEntry(vNames,i-1), (const char *)Vec_PtrEntry(vNames,i) ) ) { printf( "Abc_NtkCheck: Repeated CI names: %s and %s.\n", (char*)Vec_PtrEntry(vNames,i-1), (char*)Vec_PtrEntry(vNames,i) ); fRetValue = 0; } Vec_PtrFree( vNames ); return fRetValue; } /**Function************************************************************* Synopsis [Returns 0 if CO names are repeated.] Description [] SideEffects [] SeeAlso [] ***********************************************************************/ int Abc_NtkCheckUniqueCoNames( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ) { Vec_Ptr_t * vNames; Abc_Obj_t * pObj; int i, fRetValue = 1; assert( !Abc_NtkIsNetlist(pNtk) ); vNames = Vec_PtrAlloc( Abc_NtkCoNum(pNtk) ); Abc_NtkForEachCo( pNtk, pObj, i ) Vec_PtrPush( vNames, Abc_ObjName(pObj) ); Vec_PtrSort( vNames, (int (*)())Abc_NtkNamesCompare ); for ( i = 1; i < Abc_NtkCoNum(pNtk); i++ ) { // printf( "%s\n", Vec_PtrEntry(vNames,i) ); if ( !strcmp( (const char *)Vec_PtrEntry(vNames,i-1), (const char *)Vec_PtrEntry(vNames,i) ) ) { printf( "Abc_NtkCheck: Repeated CO names: %s and %s.\n", (char*)Vec_PtrEntry(vNames,i-1), (char*)Vec_PtrEntry(vNames,i) ); fRetValue = 0; } } Vec_PtrFree( vNames ); return fRetValue; } /**Function************************************************************* Synopsis [Returns 0 if there is a pair of CI/CO with the same name and logic in between.] Description [] SideEffects [] SeeAlso [] ***********************************************************************/ int Abc_NtkCheckUniqueCioNames( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ) { Abc_Obj_t * pObj, * pObjCi, * pFanin; int i, nCiId, fRetValue = 1; assert( !Abc_NtkIsNetlist(pNtk) ); Abc_NtkForEachCo( pNtk, pObj, i ) { nCiId = Nm_ManFindIdByNameTwoTypes( pNtk->pManName, Abc_ObjName(pObj), ABC_OBJ_PI, ABC_OBJ_BO ); if ( nCiId == -1 ) continue; pObjCi = Abc_NtkObj( pNtk, nCiId ); assert( !strcmp( Abc_ObjName(pObj), Abc_ObjName(pObjCi) ) ); pFanin = Abc_ObjFanin0(pObj); if ( pFanin != pObjCi ) { printf( "Abc_NtkCheck: A CI/CO pair share the name (%s) but do not link directly. The name of the CO fanin is %s.\n", Abc_ObjName(pObj), Abc_ObjName(Abc_ObjFanin0(pObj)) ); fRetValue = 0; } } return fRetValue; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// END OF FILE /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ABC_NAMESPACE_IMPL_END