{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction #-}

{-# OPTIONS -fno-warn-missing-signatures #-}

-- | Parsers for ACE syntax types.

module ACE.Parsers where

import ACE.Combinators
import ACE.Types.Syntax
import ACE.Types.Tokens

import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad hiding (ap)
import Data.Text (Text)
import Text.Parsec ()
import Text.Parsec.Prim (Stream,ParsecT,try,getState)

-- | Parser configuration.
data ACEParser s m = ACE
  { aceIntransitiveAdjective :: ParsecT s (ACEParser s m) m Text -- ^ Parser for intransitive adjectives.
  , aceTransitiveAdjective   :: ParsecT s (ACEParser s m) m Text -- ^ Parser for transitive adjectives.
  , aceNoun                  :: ParsecT s (ACEParser s m) m Text -- ^ Parser for nouns.
  , acePreposition           :: ParsecT s (ACEParser s m) m Text -- ^ Parser for prepositions.
  , aceVariable              :: ParsecT s (ACEParser s m) m Text -- ^ Parser for variables.
  , aceProperName            :: ParsecT s (ACEParser s m) m Text -- ^ Parser for proper names.
  , aceAdverb                :: ParsecT s (ACEParser s m) m Text -- ^ Parser for adverbs.
  , aceIntransitiveVerb      :: ParsecT s (ACEParser s m) m Text -- ^ Parser for intransitive verbs.
  , acePhrasalTransitiveV    :: ParsecT s (ACEParser s m) m Text -- ^ Parser for phrasal transitive verbs.
  , acePhrasalDistransitiveV :: ParsecT s (ACEParser s m) m Text -- ^ Parser for phrasal distransitive verbs.
  , aceTransitiveVerb        :: ParsecT s (ACEParser s m) m Text -- ^ Parser for transitive verbs.
  , aceDistransitiveVerb     :: ParsecT s (ACEParser s m) m Text -- ^ Parser for distransitive verbs.
  , acePhrasalParticle       :: ParsecT s (ACEParser s m) m Text -- ^ Parser for phrasal particles.
  , acePhrasalIntransitiveV  :: ParsecT s (ACEParser s m) m Text -- ^ Parser for phrasal intransitive verbs.

-- | A default ACE parser configuration. Just fills in all the parsers as blanks: @\<noun\>@, @\<prep\>@, etc.
defaultACEParser :: Stream s m Token => ACEParser s m
defaultACEParser =
  ACE { aceIntransitiveAdjective   = string "<intrans-adj>"
      , aceTransitiveAdjective     = string "<trans-adj>"
      , aceNoun                    = string "<noun>"
      , acePreposition             = string "<prep>"
      , aceVariable                = string "<var>"
      , aceProperName              = string "<proper-name>"
      , aceAdverb                  = string "<adverb>"
      , aceIntransitiveVerb        = string "<intrans-verb>"
      , aceDistransitiveVerb       = string "<distrans-verb>"
      , acePhrasalParticle         = string "<pparticle>"
      , acePhrasalIntransitiveV    = string "<pintrans-verb>"
      , acePhrasalDistransitiveV   = string "<pdistrans-verb>"
      , aceTransitiveVerb          = string "<trans-verb>"
      , acePhrasalTransitiveV      = string "<ptrans-verb>"

-- | Some specification. A 'sentenceCoord' followed by a 'period', and
-- optionally another 'specification'.
specification =
    <$> sentenceCoord <* period
    <*> optional (try specification)

-- | Coordinated sentence, by: or
sentenceCoord =
    <$> sentenceCoord_1
    <*> optional (try (string "or" *> sentenceCoord))

-- | Coordinated sentence, by: and
sentenceCoord_1 =
    <$> sentenceCoord_2
    <*> optional (try (comma *> string "and" *> sentenceCoord_1))

-- | Coordinated sentence, by: or
sentenceCoord_2 =
    <$> sentenceCoord_3
    <*> optional (try (string "or" *> sentenceCoord_2))

-- | Coordinated sentence, by: and
sentenceCoord_3 =
    <$> topicalizedSentence
    <*> optional (try (string "and" *> sentenceCoord_3))

-- | A topicalized sentence.
topicalizedSentence =
  (TopicalizedSentenceExistential <$> existentialTopic <*> optional (try sentenceCoord)) <|>
  (TopicalizedSentenceUniversal <$> universalTopic <*> sentenceCoord) <|>
  (TopicalizedSentenceComposite <$> compositeSentence)

-- | A universally quantified topic.
universalTopic =
  UniversalTopic <$> universalGlobalQuantor
                 <*> n' False

-- | A composite sentence: 'conditionalSentence', 'negatedSentence' or 'sentence'.
compositeSentence =
  compositeSentenceCond <|>
  compositeSentenceNeg <|>
  where compositeSentenceCond =
          CompositeSentenceCond <$> conditionalSentence
        compositeSentenceNeg =
          CompositeSentenceNeg <$> negatedSentence
        compositeSentence' =
          CompositeSentence <$> sentence

-- | A negated sentence: it is not the case that 'sentenceCoord'
negatedSentence =
    <$> (strings ["it","is","not","the","case","that"] *>

-- | A condition if 'sentenceCoord' then 'sentenceCoord'.
conditionalSentence =
    <$> (string "if" *> sentenceCoord)
    <*> (string "then" *> sentenceCoord)

-- | Sentence: 'npCoord' 'vpCoord': a cat meows
sentence =
    <$> npCoord
    <*> vpCoord

-- | Existential topic, a 'existentialGlobalQuantor' and a 'npCoord': there is a chair
existentialTopic =
    <$> existentialGlobalQuantor
    <*> npCoord

-- | A noun specifier: \"a\", \"some\", \"1\", \"<proper-name>'s\".
specifier =
  specifierDeterminer <|>
  specifierPossessive <|>
  where specifierDeterminer =
          SpecifyDeterminer <$> determiner
        specifierPossessive =
          SpecifyPossessive <$> possessiveNPCoord
        specifierNumber =
          SpecifyNumberP <$> numberP

-- | A preposition. Configured by 'acePreposition'.
preposition =
  Preposition <$> join (fmap acePreposition getState)

-- | A genitive tail: dave's and a dog's
genitiveTail =
  (GenitiveTailSaxonTail <$> saxonGenitiveTail) <|>
  (GenitiveTailCoordtail <$> genitiveCoordTail)

-- | A genitive coordination tail: dave's and a dog's
genitiveCoordTail =
  GenitiveCoordTail <$> (try (string "and" *> genitiveNPCoord))

-- | Genitive tail.
saxonGenitiveTail =
    <$> saxonGenitiveMarker
    <*> optional
          (try ((,) <$> genitiveN'
                    <*> saxonGenitiveTail))

-- | Apposition: either a 'variable' or a 'quotation'.
apposition =
  (AppositionVar <$> variable) <|>
  (AppositionQuote <$> quotation)

-- | A apposition coordination: X and Y.
apposCoord =
    <$> apposition
    <*> optional (try (string "and" *> apposCoord))

-- | A prepositional noun phrase coordination.
pp =
  PP <$> preposition
     <*> npCoord'

-- | A 'relativeClause' coordination: person that walks and cake a
-- person made.
relativeClauseCoord =
    <$> relativeClause
    <*> optional (try ((,) <$> coord
                           <*> relativeClauseCoord))

-- | A noun surrounded by optional 'adjectiveCoord', a noun word 'n',
-- an optional 'apposCoord', an optional 'ofPP', an optional
-- 'relativeClauseCoord'.
n' b =
  N' <$> optional (try adjectiveCoord)
     <*> n
     <*> optional (try apposCoord)
     <*> optional (try ofPP)
     <*> if b
            then pure Nothing
            else optional (try relativeClauseCoord)

-- | Unmarked noun phrase coordination: some thing and a thing.
unmarkedNPCoord b =
    <$> np b
    <*> optional (try (string "and" *> unmarkedNPCoord b))

-- | A noun phrase: a thing, some stuff, the thing.
np b =
  NP <$> specifier
     <*> n' b

-- | A coordinated noun phrase. See 'npCoordX'.
npCoord = npCoordX False

-- | A coordinated noun phrase. Inside a relative clause. See 'npCoordX'.
npCoord' = npCoordX True

-- | Relative clause: person that walks, cake a person made, cake that a person made, etc.
relativeClause =
  try (RelativeClauseThat <$> (string "that" *> vpCoord)) <|>
  try (RelativeClauseNP <$> npCoord' <*> vpCoord) <|>
  (RelativeClauseThatNPVP <$> (string "that" *> npCoord') <*> vpCoord) <|>
  try (RelativeClauseNPVP <$> npCoord' <*> npCoord' <*> vpCoord) <|>
  (RelativeClausePP <$> pp <*> npCoord' <*> vpCoord)

-- | An "of" prepositional phrase: of the bank
ofPP =
  string "of" *> npCoord

-- | A coordinated noun phrase: each of some customers, some customers
npCoordX b =
  distributed <|> unmarked
  where distributed =
          NPCoordDistributed <$> distributiveMarker <*> unmarkedNPCoord b
        unmarked =
          NPCoordUnmarked <$> unmarkedNPCoord b

-- | A variable. Customized by 'aceVariable'.
variable =
  Variable <$> join (fmap aceVariable getState)

-- | A proper name. Customized by 'aceProperName'.
properName =
  ProperName <$> join (fmap aceProperName getState)

-- | Some quotation: \"foo bar\"
quotation =
  Quotation <$> quoted

-- | A noun. Customized by 'aceNoun'.
n =
  N <$> join (fmap aceNoun getState)

-- | A verb phrase coordination is either a 'vp' followed by a 'coord'
-- and more 'vpCoord', or just a 'vp': walks, walks and runs, bad and
-- is not valid
vpCoord =
  do vp' <- vp
     (try (VPCoord'
             <$> pure vp'
             <*> coord
             <*> vpCoord) <|>
         <$> pure vp'))

-- | A verb phrase. Can be normal 'v'' or a 'copula' followed by
-- \"not\" then 'v'': walks, is not valid, etc.
vp =
  try (VP <$> v') <|>
  (VPNeg <$> (copula <* string "not") <*> v')

-- | A genitive noun: dog, red cat, person 1, movie \"We Need to Talk
-- About Kevin\".
genitiveN' =
    <$> optional (try adjectiveCoord)
    <*> n
    <*> optional (try apposCoord)

-- | A verb modifier: quickly and loudly, to a house, from now and forever
vModifier =
  vModifierVC <|> try vModifierPP <|> vModifierAVPP
  where vModifierVC =
          VModifierVC <$> adverbCoord
        vModifierPP =
          VModifierPP <$> pp
        vModifierAVPP =
          VModifierAVPP <$> adverbialPP

-- | Adverbial prepositional phrase: until here, by then, until now
-- and then
adverbialPP =
    <$> preposition
    <*> adverbCoord

-- | A verb. Consists of an optional 'adverbCoord', a complemented
-- verb ('complV'), and one or more verb modifiers.
-- TODO: I'm not actually sure whether it should be zero-to-1 or
-- zero-to-many. The paper isn't clear what VModifier* means.
v' =
  V' <$> optional (try adverbCoord)
     <*> complV
     <*> many (try vModifier)

-- | Genitive specifier: a, 1, some, his
genitiveSpecifier =
  (GenitiveSpecifierD <$> determiner) <|>
  (GenitiveSpecifierPPC <$> possessivePronounCoord) <|>
  (GenitiveSpecifierN <$> number)

-- | Either a 'genitiveNPCoord', or a 'possessivePronounCoord'.
possessiveNPCoord =
  try (PossessiveNPCoordGen <$> genitiveNPCoord) <|>
  (PossessiveNPCoordPronoun <$> possessivePronounCoord)

-- | A \' or \'s saxon genitive.
saxonGenitiveMarker =
  fmap (\s -> if s then ApostropheS else Apostrophe)

-- | Possessive pronoun coordination: his and her
possessivePronounCoord =
    <$> possessivePronoun
    <*> optional (try (string "and" *> possessivePronounCoord))

-- | A genitive noun phrase coordination: dave's, a dog's, a man and a dog's
genitiveNPCoord =
  specifier' <|> name
  where specifier' =
            <$> genitiveSpecifier
            <*> genitiveN'
            <*> genitiveTail
        name =
            <$> properName
            <*> genitiveTail

-- | A complemented verb. One of 'complVCopula', 'complVPDV',
-- 'complVDisV', 'complVPV', 'complVPV'', 'complVTV'.
complV =
  complVIV <|>
  complVPI <|>
  complVTV <|>
  complVPV <|>
  complVPV' <|>
  complVDisV <|>
  complVPDV <|>

-- | A complemented copula: is valid
complVCopula =
  ComplVCopula <$> copula <*> copulaCompl

-- | A distransitive phrasal verb: puts an error down to a customer
complVPDV =
  ComplVPDV <$> phrasalDistransitiveV <*> compl <*> phrasalParticle <*> compl

-- | A distransitive complemented verb: gives a card to a customer
complVDisV =
  ComplVDisV <$> distransitiveV <*> compl <*> compl

-- | A complemented phrasal transitive verb: gives away a code
complVPV =
  ComplVPV <$> phrasalTransitiveV <*> phrasalParticle <*> compl

-- | A complemented phrasal transitive verb, flipped: gives a code away
complVPV' =
  ComplVPV' <$> phrasalTransitiveV <*> compl <*> phrasalParticle

-- | Complemented transitive verb: inserts a card
complVTV =
  ComplVTV <$> transitiveV <*> compl

-- | A phrasal distransitive verb: puts an error down to a customer
phrasalDistransitiveV =
  PhrasalDistransitiveV <$> join (fmap acePhrasalDistransitiveV getState)

-- | A phrasal transitive verb: give away a thing
phrasalTransitiveV =
  PhrasalTransitiveV <$> join (fmap acePhrasalTransitiveV getState)

-- | Complemented non-copula verb, e.g. Mary sees him.
compl =
  try (ComplNP <$> npCoord) <|>
  (ComplPP <$> pp)

-- | An intransitive verb. Takes no complement. E.g. walks.
complVIV =
  ComplVIV <$> intransitiveV

-- | A phrasal intransitive verb with a complement, in this case a
-- particle: gets in, sits up.
complVPI =
  ComplVPI <$> phrasalIntransitiveV <*> phrasalParticle

-- | A phrasal intransitive verb: gives, sits (e.g. gives up, sits
-- down). This is customized by 'acePhrasalIntransitiveV'.
phrasalIntransitiveV =
  PhrasalIntransitiveV <$> join (fmap acePhrasalIntransitiveV getState)

-- | A phrasal verb particle, e.g. in, up, out (get in, get up, get
-- out). This is customized via 'acePhrasalParticle'.
phrasalParticle =
  PhrasalParticle <$> join (fmap acePhrasalParticle getState)

-- | Either a graded adjective coordination (\"better than a duck and
-- faster than a mouse\"), or a noun phrase coordination (\"a goose
-- and an ocelot\"), or a prepositional phrase (\"to a bucket or a
-- kettle\").
copulaCompl =
  copulaComplAPC <|>
  copulaComplNPC <|>

  where copulaComplAPC = CopulaComplAPC <$> apCoord
        copulaComplNPC = CopulaComplNPC <$> npCoord
        copulaComplPP  = CopulaComplPP  <$> pp

-- | A coordination of a graded adjective: \"better than a potato and
-- nicer than some bacon\"
apCoord = apCoordAnd <|> apCoord'
  where apCoordAnd = APCoordAnd <$> try (apGrad <* string "and") <*> apCoord
        apCoord' = APCoord <$> apGrad

-- | A graded adjective. Either comparative adjective phrase (\"better
-- than a potato\"), or a simple adjective phrase (see 'ap').
apGrad = apGradThan <|> apGrad'
  where apGradThan = APgradAPThan <$> try (ap <* string "than") <*> npCoord
        apGrad' = APgradAP <$> ap

-- | An adjective phrase. Transitive (fond of Mary, interested in an
-- account) or intransitive (correct, green, valid).
ap =
  (APTrans <$> transitiveAdjective <*> pp) <|>
  (APIntrans <$> intransitiveAdjective)

-- | Some intransitive verb: walks
intransitiveV =
  IntransitiveV <$> join (fmap aceIntransitiveVerb getState)

-- | Some transitive verb: inserts
transitiveV =
  TransitiveV <$> join (fmap aceTransitiveVerb getState)

-- | Some distransitive verb: inserts
distransitiveV =
  DistransitiveV <$> join (fmap aceDistransitiveVerb getState)

-- | Adverb coordination: quickly and hastily and manually
adverbCoord =
  AdverbCoord <$> adverb
              <*> optional (try (string "and" *> adverbCoord))

-- | Adverb: quickly
adverb =
  Adverb <$> join (fmap aceAdverb getState)

-- | Adjective coordination: correct and green
adjectiveCoord =
    <$> intransitiveAdjective
    <*> optional (try (string "and" *> adjectiveCoord))

-- | Intransitive adjective: correct, green, valid
-- The actual parser for this is provided as
-- 'aceIntransitiveAdjective' in the parser configuration. You can
-- configure this.
intransitiveAdjective =
  IntransitiveAdjective <$> join (fmap aceIntransitiveAdjective getState)

-- | Transitive adjective: correct, green, valid
transitiveAdjective =
  TransitiveAdjective <$> join (fmap aceTransitiveAdjective getState)

-- | A determiner: the, an, not every, etc.
determiner =
  (string "the" *> pure The) <|>
  (string "an" *> pure An) <|>
  (string "a" *> pure A) <|>
  (string "some" *> pure Some) <|>
  (strings ["not","every"] *> pure NotEvery) <|>
  (strings ["not","each"] *> pure NotEach) <|>
  (strings ["not","all"] *> pure NotAll) <|>
  (string "no" *> pure No) <|>
  (string "every" *> pure EveryEach) <|>
  (string "each" *> pure EveryEach) <|>
  (string "all" *> pure All) <|>
  (string "which" *> pure Which)

-- | A number phrase: more than 5
numberP =
    <$> optional (try generalizedQuantor)
    <*> number

-- | There is/are.
existentialGlobalQuantor =
  string "there" *>
  (ExistentialGlobalQuantor <$> copula)

-- | Is/are there?
existentialGlobalQuestionQuantor =
  (ExistentialGlobalQuestionQuantor <$> copula) <*
  string "there"

-- | Do/does.
aux =
  (string "do" *> pure Do) <|>
  (string "does" *> pure Does)

-- | And/or.
coord =
  (string "and" *> pure And) <|>
  (string "or" *> pure Or)

-- | Is/are.
copula =
  (string "is" *> pure Is) <|>
  (string "are" *> pure Are)

-- | A distributive global quantor: for each of
distributiveGlobalQuantor =
  strings ["for","each","of"] *> pure ForEachOf

-- | A distributive marker: each of
distributiveMarker =
  strings ["each","of"] *> pure EachOf

-- | A generalized quantor: at most, at least, etc.
generalizedQuantor =
  (strings ["at","most"] *> pure AtMost) <|>
  (strings ["at","least"] *> pure AtLeast) <|>
  (strings ["more","than"] *> pure MoreThan) <|>
  (strings ["less","than"] *> pure LessThan) <|>
  (strings ["not","more","than"] *> pure NotMoreThan) <|>
  (strings ["not","less","than"] *> pure NotLessThan)

-- | A possessive pronoun: his, her, his/her.
possessivePronoun =
  his <|> her <|> hisHer <|> its
  where his = string "his" *> pure His
        her = string "her" *> pure Her
        hisHer =
          (string "his" <|> string "her" <|> string "his/her") *>
          pure HisHer
        its = string "its" *> pure Its

-- | A universal global quantor: for every/for each, for all.
universalGlobalQuantor =
  string "for" *> (everyEach <|> forAll)
  where everyEach = ((string "every" *> pure ForEvery) <|>
                     (string "each" *> pure ForEach))
        forAll = string "all" *> pure ForAll