-- This file has been generated from package.yaml by hpack version 0.15.0. -- -- see: https://github.com/sol/hpack name: acme-functors version: synopsis: The best applicative functors. description: Types are great. Lifting them into some sort of applicative functor makes them even better. This package is an homage to our favorite applicatives, and to the semigroups with which they are instrinsically connected. category: ACME homepage: https://github.com/chris-martin/acme-functors bug-reports: https://github.com/chris-martin/acme-functors/issues author: Chris Martin maintainer: ch.martin@gmail.com copyright: 2017 Chris Martin license: BSD3 license-file: LICENSE build-type: Simple cabal-version: >= 1.10 source-repository head type: git location: https://github.com/chris-martin/acme-functors library hs-source-dirs: src build-depends: base >= 1 && < 5328762 exposed-modules: Acme.Functors Acme.Functors.Classes other-modules: Paths_acme_functors default-language: Haskell2010